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36C3 - Science for future?

  • 0:00 - 0:19
    36C3 preroll music
  • 0:19 - 0:25
    Herald: Now we come to Bernhard
    Stoevesandt. "Science for future?". Your
  • 0:25 - 0:27
    stage - your talk. Here we go.
  • 0:27 - 0:31
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    Bernhad Stoevesandt: Thank you very much.
    OK. OK. This is not just my talk. This
  • 0:36 - 0:40
    talk has a history. I have a coauthor,
    Martin Dörenkämper, who is a colleague of
  • 0:40 - 0:46
    mine who could not come here, but - so, I
    will give this talk by myself, but we
  • 0:46 - 0:52
    worked together over the year on this talk
    because this talk has a history. And it's
  • 0:52 - 0:57
    a bit of the history of Scientists for
    Future, which is an association of
  • 0:57 - 1:04
    scientists that evolved this year,
    basically with the movement of those
  • 1:04 - 1:09
    students and pupils of Fridays for Future.
    And there were questions, you know, that
  • 1:09 - 1:16
    they took to the street and said, hey, we
    want a future. We want that things change.
  • 1:16 - 1:22
    And they demanded for politics to change.
    And this did not directly happen, but it
  • 1:22 - 1:27
    was questioned, so some - well -
    professional politicians said, well, they
  • 1:27 - 1:31
    should leave it to the professionals. And
    that's the point where actually a lot of
  • 1:31 - 1:37
    scientists and a lot of scientists I know,
    all where really mad at this because
  • 1:37 - 1:43
    they've been doing science and research
    for so many years. I mean, I don't know if
  • 1:43 - 1:50
    you saw the presentations before, how much
    effort is being put into this, into this
  • 1:50 - 1:58
    research to make better and better, better
    models. And what I will show you, this
  • 1:58 - 2:03
    presentation is about the results of the
    outcome of this and what this means and
  • 2:03 - 2:08
    still nothing changes. So they write
    papers, they write reports and, well,
  • 2:08 - 2:14
    nothing happens. And so the only thing we
    could say was basically, hey, they are
  • 2:14 - 2:20
    right. Things need to change. And that's
    why we got together and formed this
  • 2:20 - 2:27
    association. So there's a charta on this,
    which says basically what we do is we go
  • 2:27 - 2:32
    out and we try to inform people on the
    research, on the state of the art of the
  • 2:32 - 2:38
    research and how things are currently. And
    that's why I'm here. So that's exactly
  • 2:38 - 2:43
    what I'm doing here. So we go out to
    wherever and you can come to us and ask
  • 2:43 - 2:52
    for presentations, for discussions to get
    informed on this topic, on what this
  • 2:52 - 2:59
    climate change issue actually means. And
    this is the disclaimer now, I can tell you
  • 2:59 - 3:10
    this is not a good mood talk, okay? So,
    yeah. Because the topic is very serious.
  • 3:10 - 3:14
    So it's a bit different than I usually do
    it, in the end it will look a little bit
  • 3:14 - 3:19
    better than in the beginning, but
    nevertheless. So where are we currently?
  • 3:19 - 3:26
    So this is the current graph. This is all
    not research by myself. This is mainly
  • 3:26 - 3:33
    from IPCC reports, and this is from the
    report from last year on the 1.5 degree
  • 3:33 - 3:40
    report, which was made - basically done,
    or, put together because in the Paris
  • 3:40 - 3:48
    agreement in 2015, it was said, well, we,
    the world, or, the governments of the
  • 3:48 - 3:57
    world, want to keep the climate change -
    the temperature change - to well below 2
  • 3:57 - 4:01
    degrees, if possible, to 1.5 degrees, and
    the question was, hey, is this actually
  • 4:01 - 4:07
    possible? Can we make that? What do we
    need to do to do this? And so there has
  • 4:07 - 4:12
    been a lot of questions about this and a
    lot of research. A huge number of
  • 4:12 - 4:18
    publications came out on this topic: "Hey,
    what does it mean to have a 1.5 degrees
  • 4:18 - 4:23
    warmer earth?" "What does it mean to have
    a 2 degrees warmer earth?" and "Is this
  • 4:23 - 4:30
    actually possible to limit climate change
    to these temperatures?" And this is the
  • 4:30 - 4:35
    current state. I really love this graph
    because it contains a lot of different
  • 4:35 - 4:40
    things. So what we are talking about. So
    we have a pre-industrial period that we
  • 4:40 - 4:47
    use as a reference. So that's the period
    from 1850 to 1900 here. This is the
  • 4:47 - 4:52
    reference period where we say, OK, this
    was pre-industrial temperature and
  • 4:52 - 4:58
    everything afterwards, the changes from
    that are all referring to this. So 1.5
  • 4:58 - 5:05
    degrees or so would be the difference from
    this period. And then, what climate does,
  • 5:05 - 5:10
    it's not always constant. So every year,
    sometimes it's a bit warmer and sometimes
  • 5:10 - 5:15
    a bit colder. So what you need to do is
    you need to average. This is quite
  • 5:15 - 5:22
    important, because, for example, there is
    this year of - where is it? here - 1998,
  • 5:22 - 5:28
    there was a very warm year. And
    afterwards, for a long period, there
  • 5:28 - 5:32
    weren't so many warm years. And then there
    were some people saying: "Oh, yeah, look,
  • 5:32 - 5:37
    the temperature does not change anymore,
    so everything's fine now". And this, of
  • 5:37 - 5:43
    course, isn't true, because you have to
    look at average periods. So the red line,
  • 5:43 - 5:48
    this is the so-called floating average. So
    you always average with the years and this
  • 5:48 - 5:54
    gives us about the current temperature
    change. So this would be like a typical
  • 5:54 - 6:00
    climate period with like 20 years. You
    usually look at 20 years. But the problem
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    we have currently is, that the change was
    so drastic, that looking for 20 years,
  • 6:04 - 6:10
    then you would always have to go far back
    to periods when well, there was a big
  • 6:10 - 6:18
    difference to today. So, the last changes
    in this report were taken from this 2006
  • 6:18 - 6:25
    to 2015 period. And the extrapolation from
    this was basically, that in 2017 we
  • 6:25 - 6:32
    probably reached a 1 degree increase in
    temperature on a global scale. That's not
  • 6:32 - 6:37
    always the same, and in different areas it
    might be warmer and in different it's
  • 6:37 - 6:46
    colder, but that's the global increase.
    So. So this is where we are currently. So
  • 6:46 - 6:55
    we have an increase from 280 parts per
    million in CO2 to about 410 ppm. This is
  • 6:55 - 7:00
    changing. Its not constant, it's a bit
    going up and down but it's about 410
  • 7:00 - 7:05
    in 2019. We have a strong increase in
    temperature globally, but the biggest
  • 7:05 - 7:12
    increase is actually in the winter. It's
    in the Arctic. And there's a current
  • 7:12 - 7:20
    antrophogenic CO2 surplus of about 40
    gigatons per year. So 40 gigatons - what's
  • 7:20 - 7:24
    that? That was actually current, this is
    already gone because we are now a bit
  • 7:24 - 7:35
    higher than that. But this was the average
    period from 2011 to 2017. OK. Now I go
  • 7:35 - 7:42
    directly into this IPCC report from last
    year. That's 2018. In chapter 2, there's
  • 7:42 - 7:48
    this table. I love this table. This table
    contains a lot of climate science because
  • 7:48 - 7:56
    it goes into how much actually can we
    further emit to reach which temperature
  • 7:56 - 8:02
    change. So this would be here the 1.5
    degrees Celsius, this would be the 2
  • 8:02 - 8:07
    degrees Celsius. And then you have
    probabilities: how likely you can avoid
  • 8:07 - 8:14
    this, or is it going to come? So if you
    want to avoid it with a two sigma, that is
  • 8:14 - 8:27
    like a 67% probability to go over 1.5
    degrees, we have 420 gigatons to emit
  • 8:27 - 8:33
    further additionally into the atmosphere.
    420. As you remember, it's 40 gigatons per
  • 8:33 - 8:45
    year. And this was I think from last year.
    So this refers to basically 2017. So it's
  • 8:45 - 8:52
    already two years gone since then. And it
    has not decreased, but increased actually.
  • 8:52 - 8:56
    And then there is a lot of difference, you
    know, if you go for a 50 percent chance,
  • 8:56 - 9:00
    you can you can say, ok, it's a bit more
    we can emit. And if he goes, well, we just
  • 9:00 - 9:06
    want to have a one third chance, then we
    actually would have double the amount we
  • 9:06 - 9:13
    could emit. For 2 degrees Celsius. This is
    far more, so it's more than 1000 gigatons
  • 9:13 - 9:20
    of CO2 equivalents to emit. Now, there
    are, of course, a lot of uncertainties,
  • 9:20 - 9:25
    all kinds of uncertainties that go with
    that. And one is, for example, the so-
  • 9:25 - 9:36
    called Earth System Feedback. The earth
    itself responds to this emission and also
  • 9:36 - 9:44
    emits CO2 and also methane. And this has
    an also a long term impact. And then there
  • 9:44 - 9:51
    are further uncertainties. And these are I
    mean, this has been also part in the
  • 9:51 - 9:56
    previous talks that, of course, climate
    models do have uncertainties.
  • 9:56 - 10:03
    Nevertheless, if we take this into account
    and say, ok, we want to avoid 1.5 degrees
  • 10:03 - 10:10
    Celsius increase in temperature with a 2/3
    probability. That they call "likely" in
  • 10:10 - 10:16
    this report. So it's likely that we are
    not exceeding 1.5 degrees. We have 420
  • 10:16 - 10:23
    gigatons surplus CO2 to emit into the
    atmosphere in total. 100 gigatons will be
  • 10:23 - 10:31
    more or less gobbled up by the earth
    response. This was in the report. Current
  • 10:31 - 10:36
    research shows that this is likely a bit
    too conservative. So it's probably more,
  • 10:36 - 10:45
    but, well. OK. So our emission is about 40
    gigatons, so the planned CO2 emissions by
  • 10:45 - 10:54
    coal power plants that are running, was at
    that period 200 gigatons CO2. So they are
  • 10:54 - 11:01
    built. They are running. 200 gigatons by
    that. And then we have 100 to 150 further
  • 11:01 - 11:08
    gigatons for our planned coal power plants
    and those under construction. As we count
  • 11:08 - 11:17
    this together, we have already exceeded
    the 420 gigatons CO2. And this is, of
  • 11:17 - 11:20
    course, one reason why these coal power
    plants have to be shut down. But they're,
  • 11:20 - 11:27
    of course, not the only source. They are
    only one source of CO2 emissions we have
  • 11:27 - 11:35
    in the atmosphere. And to make this clear,
    what this means, this is what I go into
  • 11:35 - 11:44
    now. What does this mean? This difference
    from 1.5 degree to 2 degree, and that's
  • 11:44 - 11:52
    been a lot of research on that. OK? Now,
    the first one is, for example, on the
  • 11:52 - 11:56
    Arctic. I mean, there's been a lot of
    talks about ice bears and so on. But of
  • 11:56 - 12:03
    course, this is not the only thing to care
    about. It is quite crucial that there is
  • 12:03 - 12:09
    ice there also because the ice, we heard
    this before in the previous talks, that
  • 12:09 - 12:15
    the ice reflects the sun and the less
    reflection is there, the more warmth is
  • 12:15 - 12:22
    being taken up by the earth again. So we
    have like a feedback system there. Also,
  • 12:22 - 12:27
    of course, because of all the... It's not
    just the ice bear. There's like a whole
  • 12:27 - 12:33
    biosphere there. And this biosphere has to
    somehow survive. Now, the likeliness of an
  • 12:33 - 12:41
    ice free Arctic is this graph here of
    comparing 1.5 degrees - this is this one,
  • 12:41 - 12:45
    or these two studies, these are two
    studies here, one with the dotted line and
  • 12:45 - 12:51
    another one with the full line - and 2
    degrees. And this is how likely it is in a
  • 12:51 - 12:58
    certain period of time that this happens.
    And so you can see, if we consider again
  • 12:58 - 13:06
    that it's likely, it's about 45 years it
    takes for a 1.5 degrees Celsius increase
  • 13:06 - 13:12
    that we have an ice free Arctic. So this
    is actually possible with this increase,
  • 13:12 - 13:19
    but it's like once every 45 years. If we
    go for a 2 degree increase, this one is
  • 13:19 - 13:26
    every 10, or, even with the other study,
    it's more like once every five years that
  • 13:26 - 13:29
    this is happening and this is quite
    frequent. And this, of course, causes
  • 13:29 - 13:36
    quite some impact on everything that lives
    there. Now, this is ice and Arctic.
  • 13:36 - 13:39
    There's not so many people living in the
    Arctic. So there's a lot of further
  • 13:39 - 13:45
    studies that have been done. And this, for
    example, for Africa I will only ...
  • 13:45 - 13:52
    because of limited time. I can do this
    talk for many hours, actually. I will only
  • 13:52 - 13:58
    go onto this example here. Extreme heat
    with record temperatures over close to 50
  • 13:58 - 14:07
    degrees and actually even increasing that.
    That has been there in 2009, 2010 in the
  • 14:07 - 14:11
    months from December to February in
    Africa. These are temperatures where
  • 14:11 - 14:21
    people cannot be outside anymore at these
    temperatures. It's just too hot. And then
  • 14:21 - 14:25
    it's showing these curves and these are
    probability density functions. So these
  • 14:25 - 14:32
    curves show how often, like, each of these
    balconies, I don't know, boxes here are
  • 14:32 - 14:37
    showing: How often does this happen? And
    so here we have "current", the current
  • 14:37 - 14:43
    status, that is the temperature from 2006
    to 2015. That's what they call current. So
  • 14:43 - 14:49
    there is already this increase in
    temperature under these conditions. This
  • 14:49 - 14:58
    happens every well, maybe twice every 100
    years. If we go for 1.5 degrees increase,
  • 14:58 - 15:03
    that's the blue line we can see: This is
    going to happen every more or less third
  • 15:03 - 15:10
    year. If we go for 2 degrees, this is
    going to happen even more often. So this
  • 15:10 - 15:16
    is for people living there, it's getting
    hard to live there. It's just the
  • 15:16 - 15:25
    temperature, only that. If we go for, for
    example, for Australia as an example, that
  • 15:25 - 15:31
    we have the same, it's always these
    curves, here are extreme warm
  • 15:31 - 15:37
    temperatures. Well, that's very easy. But
    in Australia, what's also important there,
  • 15:37 - 15:45
    it's the temperature of the water, because
    of the corals that live there. And hot
  • 15:45 - 15:51
    water leads to coral bleaching. So
    basically, the corals die. And this all,
  • 15:51 - 15:57
    of course, as we've seen, the temperature
    is not every year the same. But there was
  • 15:57 - 16:02
    this hot summer and an extreme coral
    bleaching here. Temperature situation here
  • 16:02 - 16:10
    in the summer, in 2012, 2013. And how
    often does this happen? And we can already
  • 16:10 - 16:15
    see here: This would be the natural. So
    this would be the pre-industrial curve
  • 16:15 - 16:21
    here, where this very warm temperatures
    hardly ever happen. While we can see here
  • 16:21 - 16:26
    already: This would be every third year
    currently, it would be every second year
  • 16:26 - 16:32
    in a 1.5 degrees scenario and probably two
    of three years in a 2 degrees scenario.
  • 16:32 - 16:37
    And this means, well, what this means I
    would go into later. This is an example
  • 16:37 - 16:42
    for Europe. well, how often things happen.
    I don't know if you do, but I always
  • 16:42 - 16:49
    remember that one, because I well, I was a
    lot outside during that period. There was
  • 16:49 - 16:55
    a very warm summer we had in 2003. And a
    lot of people died of that because of the
  • 16:55 - 17:02
    heat. I remember being in Cologne at the
    time and laying outside at 40 degrees and
  • 17:02 - 17:08
    I was ill and so I had 40 degrees. So
    outside 40 degrees was very warm. And so
  • 17:08 - 17:15
    naturally, this can happen. It could
    happen like once every hundred years.
  • 17:15 - 17:20
    Currently we have like a situation, well,
    this would be like every 4th year. And
  • 17:20 - 17:28
    this increases then to more than 59% of
    all the years at 2 degrees Celsius. So
  • 17:28 - 17:35
    we're gonna get hot summers. This is the
    prediction of this study here. Well, what
  • 17:35 - 17:43
    does this mean? Well, now I go back to the
    IPCC reports and the IPCC reports are very
  • 17:43 - 17:50
    diplomatic always. And so they have
    "reasons for concern". And we are all very
  • 17:50 - 17:56
    concerned. This sounds very nice, but of
    course, there's some background to this.
  • 17:56 - 18:02
    So they have. And in the summary of this
    IPCC report from 2018 are there five
  • 18:02 - 18:08
    reasons for concern. That's one: unique
    and threatened systems like corals, or
  • 18:08 - 18:13
    extreme weather events. And you can see
    that does make quite a difference from
  • 18:13 - 18:20
    now. And going to warmer temperatures, up
    here we have the 2 degrees. So you can see
  • 18:20 - 18:25
    between 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees: That
    does make quite a difference. Distribution
  • 18:25 - 18:34
    of impacts. Basically, this means that
    those, who suffer most, have contributed
  • 18:34 - 18:41
    less. And that's, of course, bad because
    those who contributed most, well, don't
  • 18:41 - 18:48
    suffer as much. And then they won't
    change. And that's a problem. That's why
  • 18:48 - 18:55
    they're concerned on this one. Global
    aggregate impacts is basically money
  • 18:55 - 19:04
    impact. So how much does this cost in the
    end to to cope with the outcome of this?
  • 19:04 - 19:13
    And well, it costs billions of dollars in
    the end to have a difference between 1.5
  • 19:13 - 19:19
    and 2 degrees. Every year, just to cope
    with the impacts. And then we have large
  • 19:19 - 19:24
    scale singular events that could be
    something like de-icing of Greenland or
  • 19:24 - 19:29
    something like that. Well, when that's
    gone, it's just a singular event because
  • 19:29 - 19:37
    it's gone. This is very abstract. So they
    get a bit closer to that. So warm water
  • 19:37 - 19:42
    corals is basically they are having
    already a problem. Well, I will show this
  • 19:42 - 19:48
    later. Well, they expect about 90 percent
    will die off at 1.5 degrees. Well, they
  • 19:48 - 19:54
    will die out at 2 degrees. Most likely.
    Certain. And this is of course, this is
  • 19:54 - 20:01
    a... Well, it's important for nourishment
    and for people who live from the sea, from
  • 20:01 - 20:08
    whatever they fished out of the sea,
    because corals that's like the childhood
  • 20:08 - 20:17
    bed of a lot of fish. So we do get quite
    an impact in the end on fishery. This is
  • 20:17 - 20:22
    why this is so red. Mangroves also get an
    impact on that, there is about the same
  • 20:22 - 20:29
    story. So a lot of small fish grow up
    there. Well, the Arctic region is getting
  • 20:29 - 20:35
    increasing problems with the ice. Well,
    these are all kind. I will go into this
  • 20:35 - 20:42
    later. Coastal flooding will increase from
    1.5 to 2 degrees. This is, well, flooding
  • 20:42 - 20:50
    and rivers and so on. Well, and we'll get
    some more heat related morbidity. Now,
  • 20:50 - 20:59
    there's been a new report this year on
    land use. And this has been even more into
  • 20:59 - 21:07
    this. Now, different scale. Please watch
    that. So the scale here, it's going up to
  • 21:07 - 21:15
    five degrees. And if you look for that,
    yeah, so it's a bit different. So the
  • 21:15 - 21:22
    lower ones, 1.5 and 2 degrees are in
    there. But problems they see is a dryland
  • 21:22 - 21:28
    scarcity and water scarcity in drylands.
    So that's desertification, a lot
  • 21:28 - 21:35
    of that. Soil erosion, which is related to
    that, vegetation loss is also related to
  • 21:35 - 21:44
    that. Yeah, I will come to this later. The
    wildfire damage, we can see that already
  • 21:44 - 21:51
    today. I mean, in the news every time. Now
    it's Australia and Chile. But before it
  • 21:51 - 21:57
    was was more California and so on. So this
    will go on. This is no coincidence that
  • 21:57 - 22:04
    this is happening. We have permafrost
    degradation. We have a tropical crop yield
  • 22:04 - 22:10
    decline. Crop yield is of course... That
    hurts because well, this leads, of course,
  • 22:10 - 22:15
    in the end to food instabilities. And we
    can see, it does make quite a difference
  • 22:15 - 22:20
    already between 1.5 and 2 degrees. But of
    course, it can get worse. And they... Also
  • 22:20 - 22:25
    they are more specific on that, what they
    mean with this. For example, in wildfire
  • 22:25 - 22:33
    damage, they expect an increase in fire
    weather season currently, over 50%
  • 22:33 - 22:41
    increase in the Mediterranean area if it
    gets above 2 degrees and well, if we go to
  • 22:41 - 22:47
    4 or 5 degrees, well, they expect, well,
    hundreds of million at least, or over 100
  • 22:47 - 22:54
    million people additionally exposed. In
    terms of food supply instabilities: Well,
  • 22:54 - 23:00
    what we already see is, well, we have like
    spikes in the food price. This is not so
  • 23:00 - 23:04
    important for us usually. But of course,
    for people in the world that don't have
  • 23:04 - 23:12
    much money and we still have almost it's
    not quite 1 billion people in the world,
  • 23:12 - 23:19
    that live off less than 2$ a day. For such
    people, this is, of course, quite
  • 23:19 - 23:28
    important. If we go closer to 2 degrees,
    they do expect periodic food shocks across
  • 23:28 - 23:33
    regions. So basically that. There will be
    situations where there will be no food
  • 23:33 - 23:41
    available anymore. If we go up to four or
    five degrees, this would lead to sustained
  • 23:41 - 23:53
    food supply distribution problems on a
    global scale. So this depends on of what
  • 23:53 - 23:58
    kind of scenario we are calculating. I
    will go into this later. One additional
  • 23:58 - 24:07
    thing is also to think off on that, we are
    not only talking about the temperature.
  • 24:07 - 24:13
    Also, the water of the oceans take up the
    CO2, they take up a lot of the CO2, that we
  • 24:13 - 24:23
    blow into the air. And this leads to an
    acidification. And so the pH value of the
  • 24:23 - 24:31
    oceans, they decrease and this has an
    impact on a lot of animals that build up
  • 24:31 - 24:39
    calcium carbonate, so shells basically. So
    all kinds of bi-valves, all kinds of like
  • 24:39 - 24:46
    cancers and all that, they depend on
    building up this calcium carbonate. And if
  • 24:46 - 24:49
    they're not able to do this anymore, of
    course, they don't grow anymore. And they
  • 24:49 - 24:57
    are pretty much in the beginning of this
    food supply, a food chain and the oceans.
  • 24:57 - 25:05
    Now, I was reading this 2018 report and
    somewhere there on page 223, I found them
  • 25:05 - 25:11
    this year, where they basically say, ok, we
    do have this impact and there is this
  • 25:11 - 25:18
    aragonite saturation, which is well,
    basically that's the point, where this
  • 25:18 - 25:26
    build up for specific animals is not
    possible anymore, at this saturation
  • 25:26 - 25:31
    point, because the chemical reaction does
    not work anymore. And this depends on the
  • 25:31 - 25:35
    temperature, this depends on the pressure.
    And the higher the pressure is, the
  • 25:35 - 25:40
    earlier this point is reached. Also, the
    colder the temperature is. And so this is
  • 25:40 - 25:45
    what you can see on the right hand side.
    They investigated this mainly from the
  • 25:45 - 25:54
    polar regions on. And so that they... at
    this point, where this point will reach the
  • 25:54 - 26:01
    surface of the ocean from 2030 onwards, so
    that they're all these animals on the
  • 26:01 - 26:06
    surface of the ocean are not building in
    the polar regions, will have problems to
  • 26:06 - 26:12
    build up, actually, their shells in. This
    has two different impacts, of course, one
  • 26:12 - 26:18
    impact, they don't grow anymore. This has
    a big issue on the food chain in the
  • 26:18 - 26:24
    oceans. The second impact is actually that
    these... This was a one off the carbon
  • 26:24 - 26:31
    sinks. They took CO2 and with calcium,
    they build up these shells and they die
  • 26:31 - 26:37
    off at some point and they sink to the
    ground. And well the CO2 is gone. Well, if
  • 26:37 - 26:41
    this is not happening anymore, of course,
    this type of carbon sink does not work
  • 26:41 - 26:49
    anymore. Okay. Now, I've talked about...
    These are further, I will go skip through
  • 26:49 - 26:56
    this quickly. These are all kinds of
    things that happen. So on this 1.5 degree
  • 26:56 - 27:02
    report, they compared for a lot of
    regions, what will happen. So for 1.5
  • 27:02 - 27:11
    degree warming or less, of 1.5 to 2 degrees
    and 2 to 3 degrees. And there's all kinds
  • 27:11 - 27:15
    of things. This is the big table in this
    report in chapter three. Read these
  • 27:15 - 27:18
    reports. Please read these reports.
    They're good! And they're actually
  • 27:18 - 27:22
    scientifically good. I mean, this in terms
    of if you do it. If you do science, it's
  • 27:22 - 27:28
    really really good. Because they have so
    many so much literature and so many cross
  • 27:28 - 27:35
    references and how they do it to be very
    sure to say, OK, this is what we can say
  • 27:35 - 27:43
    with this certainty. This is very, very
    good science. I think at least. OK. So I
  • 27:43 - 27:49
    will not go into all of this. But it has
    to all kinds of regions severe impacts
  • 27:49 - 27:56
    like south east, for South East Asia, for
    example, they have, you know, this risk of
  • 27:56 - 28:02
    increased flooding and they have increased
    precipitation events and, yes. And, well,
  • 28:02 - 28:05
    I think the most significant of this is
    the significant risk of crop yield
  • 28:05 - 28:14
    reductions, which is avoided, if we stay
    below 1.5 degrees. If we are not staying
  • 28:14 - 28:22
    below 1.5 degrees, they estimate 1/3
    decline in per capita per crop production
  • 28:22 - 28:33
    per year, one third less food. That's not
    good! And if we go even higher, well, this
  • 28:33 - 28:40
    is getting worse. For small islands, well,
    there's actually the small islands are
  • 28:40 - 28:44
    well-known, of course, you know, there the
    sea level is rising, so they have a
  • 28:44 - 28:49
    problem. And actually the main problem
    they have is not that just the water is
  • 28:49 - 28:57
    going over the island, but that the salty
    water is rising and is intruding the fresh
  • 28:57 - 29:04
    water reserves they have. So they get a
    problem with fresh water. And well, this
  • 29:04 - 29:11
    is already a problem for them for 1.5
    degrees, for two degrees, it's like a very
  • 29:11 - 29:16
    severe problem. And that's why they are
    pushing pushing so much for the 1.5
  • 29:16 - 29:22
    degrees change maximum. In the
    Mediterranean, this is very close to where
  • 29:22 - 29:28
    we are currently. So they expect a
    reduction of run-off water, so this is
  • 29:28 - 29:36
    rivers, of about 9 percent, it's very
    likely. Well there's range given, most of
  • 29:36 - 29:42
    the time they have this. So there is
    already a risk of water deficits at 1.5
  • 29:42 - 29:50
    degrees increase in temperature. If we
    increase further, we reach about... at up
  • 29:50 - 30:00
    to 2 degrees, we have about 17% less water
    in the rivers. This is, of course, not
  • 30:00 - 30:06
    good. I mean, I mean, especially I mean,
    okay, in Germany, for example, there's a
  • 30:06 - 30:15
    lot of food coming from Spain. And well,
    they do already have a problem with their
  • 30:15 - 30:25
    crops, with water for their crops. And
    this is getting worse. West Africa and
  • 30:25 - 30:31
    Sahel. Well, there is a prediction. Well,
    there's a prediction of, well, less
  • 30:31 - 30:43
    suitable land for maize production by 1.5
    degrees already by 40% less land. 40%.
  • 30:43 - 30:51
    That's a lot. It's not the region where
    people already have a huge surplus in food
  • 30:51 - 30:59
    everyday. So there is an increase in risk
    for undernutrition already. For 1.5
  • 30:59 - 31:06
    degrees in. If we increase, well, this just
    getting absurd in a way, it says higher
  • 31:06 - 31:13
    risk undernutrition, of course, because
    it's going to get worse. Apart from this,
  • 31:13 - 31:21
    that it's too hot to go outside anyways.
    Well, for southern Africa, it's similar.
  • 31:21 - 31:26
    It's not as drastic. So there is already
    the high risk for undernutrition in
  • 31:26 - 31:31
    communities dependent on dryland
    especially. So savanna areas which are
  • 31:31 - 31:38
    rather dry. And this is getting worse
    again. Well, in the tropics, also, there
  • 31:38 - 31:43
    is a risk to tropical crop yields. We
    already heard that on the other side. On
  • 31:43 - 31:48
    the other side, it's also there, these
    extreme heat waves they're going to face.
  • 31:48 - 31:57
    So this is like this was a table and there
    was a lot of, well, details of what they
  • 31:57 - 32:03
    expect from 1.5 to 2 degrees. Now what
    scientists, scientists are a bit strange
  • 32:03 - 32:08
    sometimes because they are also then doing
    their science and they look at different
  • 32:08 - 32:14
    things. And one thing they are actually
    now worried about, and this is, actually
  • 32:14 - 32:20
    it is worrisome, very worrisome, is that
    actually, well, climate change has been
  • 32:20 - 32:28
    always there, because that's been like a
    cycle and this the so-called interglacial
  • 32:28 - 32:33
    cycle the earth has been going through.
    This has to do with the position to the
  • 32:33 - 32:38
    sun and a lot of feedback systems that
    kick in. If you cool the earth, you have
  • 32:38 - 32:43
    more ice build up, then you have more sun
    being reflected again. You have less
  • 32:43 - 32:48
    energy that stays on the surface of the
    earth and then it gets colder and colder
  • 32:48 - 32:52
    and colder up to a certain point where
    this changes again and goes back. And this
  • 32:52 - 32:59
    has been going on for hundreds of years.
    And the point is, now we've left the
  • 32:59 - 33:06
    cycle. And this is the part that's shown
    up here, that basically we are now on a
  • 33:06 - 33:10
    completely different trajectory. And
    that's the trajectory that is we're
  • 33:10 - 33:14
    heating this up and the Earth is
    responding. And it's also heating itself
  • 33:14 - 33:21
    up. And so we are on the path and it's not
    quite clear. So they built this. They show
  • 33:21 - 33:28
    this, this graph here, there is actually
    the possibility that the earth will go on
  • 33:28 - 33:36
    this path to heat itself up without us
    even. And this is called tipping points.
  • 33:36 - 33:41
    So there are several things that happen
    there. That is, for example, the melting
  • 33:41 - 33:48
    or thawing of the permafrost. There is
    methane hydrates in the ocean storage that
  • 33:48 - 33:56
    might be triggered to evolve. There will
    be a reduction of CO2 intake in the
  • 33:56 - 34:02
    oceans. Currently, a lot of CO2 is taken
    into the oceans, but this will get less
  • 34:02 - 34:10
    and less. the more saturation comes in
    there. We have a die-off of rainforests.
  • 34:10 - 34:15
    So. Well, last summer we've seen they have
    a lot of rainforest burning in the
  • 34:15 - 34:21
    Amazons. But this will also happen by the
    increase of temperature without human
  • 34:21 - 34:28
    impact. And in this paper here by Steffen
    and some others, they said they estimate
  • 34:28 - 34:40
    about a rainforest reduction of up to 40%
    by an increase of of up to 1.5 degrees
  • 34:40 - 34:48
    anyways. So we gonna lose rainforest, a
    lot of rainforest already like that. We
  • 34:48 - 34:53
    have a die-off in the boreal forest. This
    was this summer in Siberia. Well, they
  • 34:53 - 35:00
    just don't die off. They get burned. And
    there are other reasons why they die. And
  • 35:00 - 35:06
    so there's a lot of CO2 going to be
    emitted from forests that are where carbon
  • 35:06 - 35:12
    starts currently into the atmosphere. We
    have a reduction of ice and snow. So
  • 35:12 - 35:19
    there's less reflection of the sun into
    the atmosphere again. And we have a
  • 35:19 - 35:23
    reduction of ice warming, so we have an
    increase in sea level. And this whole
  • 35:23 - 35:33
    thing, this is like a communicating
    system. And one thing triggered, will
  • 35:33 - 35:43
    trigger something else. This is sometimes
    goes by circulations, also by ocean
  • 35:43 - 35:49
    circulation and so on. So one thing can
    trigger the next thing and this might
  • 35:49 - 35:56
    trigger the next thing and this will go
    on. And if this happens, at a certain
  • 35:56 - 36:04
    time, at a certain intensity, then we will
    not have as a human beings with the
  • 36:04 - 36:10
    current technology and technology we have,
    we will not be able to stop that. And
  • 36:10 - 36:15
    that's what they are worried about, so
    these climate scientists, that we should
  • 36:15 - 36:25
    not get these tipping points to go too
    strong. They are already...This is
  • 36:25 - 36:30
    already... These are processes that can be
    already seen, but... Well, currently they
  • 36:30 - 36:37
    are on a level where it's, well, it's bad.
    There was actually 4 weeks ago this paper
  • 36:37 - 36:43
    published in Nature Climate Change, where
    they said, well, we might be wrong with
  • 36:43 - 36:49
    our estimation here with this 100
    gigatons, because these tipping points are
  • 36:49 - 36:54
    worse than we thought. So we are actually
    further there more on the upper limits of
  • 36:54 - 37:06
    the bounds where we thought it would be.
    Yes. So these are very worrisome
  • 37:06 - 37:16
    situations. Now, this should trigger us to
    do something about it, and that's actually
  • 37:16 - 37:24
    the point. So things need to be done. But
    up to now, well, things have not been
  • 37:24 - 37:31
    done. But this is like they see it, the
    climate, greenhouse gas emissions curves
  • 37:31 - 37:39
    from 1970 to 2010. And we can see that not
    only that the curve has been increasing
  • 37:39 - 37:48
    more or less the whole period, but also
    the increase has increased from 2000 on.
  • 37:48 - 38:00
    And the main increase here is by CO2. The
    other gas is here methane. There is a...
  • 38:00 - 38:08
    nitrogen gases up here. And well there are
    CO2 from well, agriculture, forestry and
  • 38:08 - 38:13
    land use, this is here. They are more or
    less constant. Sometimes there are spikes
  • 38:13 - 38:19
    like this. Most likely this is like
    rainforest burning. The only year in the
  • 38:19 - 38:23
    recent years where there has been a
    decrease also in the CO2 emissions was in
  • 38:23 - 38:32
    the economic crisis in 2008. Well, there
    actually was a decrease by 4 percent.
  • 38:32 - 38:41
    Yeah. Now, nevertheless, the scientists
    went on and said: OK, let's calculate, how
  • 38:41 - 38:46
    can we manage to get to 1.5 degrees and
    there are different scenarios. Some say,
  • 38:46 - 38:53
    OK, let's go to get to 1.5 degrees. Some
    say, OK, maybe we need to get to a higher
  • 38:53 - 38:58
    temperature and later on change that again
    to get to 1.5 degrees. So there are all
  • 38:58 - 39:09
    kinds of scenarios that you can calculate.
    Now, if we say, we use this CDR, this is
  • 39:09 - 39:15
    carbon dioxide removal. We don't have
    that. And we say, we use the exponential
  • 39:15 - 39:23
    curve each year. We do reduce this the
    same percentage of our emissions and we
  • 39:23 - 39:31
    want to get to 1.5 degrees. And this was
    the curve from 2018. So we should have
  • 39:31 - 39:38
    started this year to reduce our CO2
    emission by 18% each year globally, 18%,
  • 39:38 - 39:48
    if we want to reach 1.5 degrees. If we
    want to be, we reach 2 degrees, it's still
  • 39:48 - 39:57
    5 percent each year. 5 percent. If we do
    this for Germany, by this, and I think
  • 39:57 - 40:00
    this is the most important figure. It's
    not as important like politicians always
  • 40:00 - 40:06
    say, are yeah, by this year, we want to
    reduce our emissions by 50 percent or
  • 40:06 - 40:10
    something like that. But this does not
    tell you what happens but 2030, what
  • 40:10 - 40:18
    happens until 2030? Right? So it's very
    important to keep in mind that it's likely
  • 40:18 - 40:24
    we have a budget and this is actually from
    a paper, it's global carbon budgets. They
  • 40:24 - 40:32
    say they publish each year, how much
    budget do we have left to to emit? And so
  • 40:32 - 40:37
    if we take this budget and say, OK, this
    is our budget. How are we gonna spend to
  • 40:37 - 40:43
    spend going to spend our carbon budget?
    And this is something that we should ask
  • 40:43 - 40:47
    all the politicians. What do you think is
    your budget? Why do you think this is your
  • 40:47 - 40:55
    budget? And there's been actually an
    article by by climate scientists Stefan
  • 40:55 - 40:59
    Ramsdorf in the Spiegel. Where he said,
    OK, let's estimate we have more than seven
  • 40:59 - 41:04
    point about seven point three gigatons CO2
    overall budget to Germany. And we could
  • 41:04 - 41:10
    say if we want to reach one point five
    degrees, this would mean we continue our
  • 41:10 - 41:15
    share of emissions, which would be in
    Germany, which is like double the average
  • 41:15 - 41:20
    of the rest of the world. And we'd say,
    OK, we have the right to blow out in the
  • 41:20 - 41:26
    air twice as much as the average person in
    the world. Then we still would have 1.5
  • 41:26 - 41:32
    gigatons CO2 in Germany to
    emit. And how are we gonna do that? That's
  • 41:32 - 41:37
    the question. Are we do we have this in
    mind? Of course we can calculate this down
  • 41:37 - 41:45
    to each person in Germany. So we end up
    with about 40 tons per person. So each of
  • 41:45 - 41:51
    us can also think of this. I have 40 now,
    90 tons here. Sorry, 90 tons. That is to
  • 41:51 - 42:01
    emit. How am I gonna spend this until the
    end of my life? Now, if we go back to this
  • 42:01 - 42:09
    report, then we have different scenarios.
    And as you can see, there are different
  • 42:09 - 42:15
    ways of doing that. And these are
    different economic scenarios. So and you
  • 42:15 - 42:19
    can see already, that most of these
    scenarios do have negative emissions at
  • 42:19 - 42:26
    some points. Actually, all of them have.
    Some of them include carbon capture and
  • 42:26 - 42:32
    storage here shown as BECCS. And
    depending on what kind of economic
  • 42:32 - 42:41
    scenario you go for, this is more or less.
    And here it's like up to about 20 gigatons
  • 42:41 - 42:48
    per year to be stored in the ground. The
    green part here, agriculture, forestry and
  • 42:48 - 42:54
    land use and other land use. This also, of
    course, you can reduce CO2 by planting
  • 42:54 - 43:00
    trees. This is actually a very efficient
    way of doing that. But of course, the land
  • 43:00 - 43:08
    land area is limited. And this is also
    true for other things. And of course, the
  • 43:08 - 43:13
    land area we can use is decreasing due to
    climate change. It could always should
  • 43:13 - 43:23
    always keep this in mind. Now. The base of
    all these scenarios, they put this again
  • 43:23 - 43:28
    into a table and and puts and I put some
    pictures to that. So they say: If we want
  • 43:28 - 43:32
    to reach to 1.5 degrees, what
    we have to do, we need a rapid and
  • 43:32 - 43:40
    profound near-term decarbonisation of our
    energy supply. So basically, we have to be
  • 43:40 - 43:46
    very, very quick and change our energy
    supply. This has to be. That's the first
  • 43:46 - 43:52
    part. The second part, we need greater
    mitigation efforts and the demand side. So
  • 43:52 - 44:03
    we have to use less and get smaller with
    things. Third part is well we do have to
  • 44:03 - 44:14
    do this within the next 10 years, so we
    cannot wait. This is very, very urgent.
  • 44:14 - 44:19
    Well, this is actually a table that looks
    like this is a bit, sorry for that. So the
  • 44:19 - 44:23
    main thing is that the additional
    reductions come from CO2 emissions because
  • 44:23 - 44:29
    the other greenhouse gas house gases are
    already included in the two degrees
  • 44:29 - 44:37
    scenarios. We need to invest differently,
    so investment patterns have to change
  • 44:37 - 44:44
    strongly. What we also, they are the best
    options actually for one point five degree
  • 44:44 - 44:53
    scenarios are the ones that go with the
    sustainable development, because if people
  • 44:53 - 44:59
    don't have food to eat, they don't have
    the chance to take care of the climate
  • 44:59 - 45:07
    anymore, because first they are trying to
    survive. So we do have to also care about
  • 45:07 - 45:16
    how people can live on this planet. This
    helps protecting the climate. Well, then
  • 45:16 - 45:22
    they say, OK, we probably have to think of
    climate, the carbon dioxide removal
  • 45:22 - 45:26
    somehow at the mit summit of the century.
    What's the myth of the centuries? So this
  • 45:26 - 45:31
    has to be implemented now. And what we
    also have to do is, we have to switch from
  • 45:31 - 45:38
    fossil fuels to electricity and the end
    user sector. Now CDR, carbon dioxide
  • 45:38 - 45:44
    dioxide removal, I will say about that.
    This is, of course, agriculture, forestry
  • 45:44 - 45:51
    and land use. That's very easy planting
    trees. Then there is BECK. So you use by
  • 45:51 - 45:59
    basically biomass to produce some some gas
    and then you capture the CO2 from burning
  • 45:59 - 46:03
    the gas and press this into ground and
    carbon capture and storage. Or what you can
  • 46:03 - 46:12
    also do is use direct air capture as where
    you use it. These are like these machines.
  • 46:12 - 46:19
    So they take CO2 from the air and then you
    have to store it. And you can see it's such
  • 46:19 - 46:27
    a machine here. This was like a model at
    the time. So these are these have been
  • 46:27 - 46:34
    already existing models. This. So
    basically this can be take 1000 tons of
  • 46:34 - 46:41
    CO2 per year. So if we want to go for
    gigatons, then we would have to build
  • 46:41 - 46:49
    millions of these in the end. Problem
    with that, it's a bit and discuss
  • 46:49 - 46:59
    also in this report. So. So basically. So
    we have an energy usage of that by
  • 46:59 - 47:06
    12.9 gigajoules per tonns CO2. So
    basically, if we want to use put down 15
  • 47:06 - 47:13
    tons of 15 gigatonnes of CO2 per year by
    this, which was in one of the scenarios, we
  • 47:13 - 47:19
    would need about 1/4 of the global
    energy supply only for atmospheric waste
  • 47:19 - 47:26
    management. It's called like this. And the
    funny thing, this was like a professor. We
  • 47:26 - 47:30
    had them in our university here in
    Oldenburg and he he gave this
  • 47:30 - 47:34
    presentation. He said, yeah, this sounds
    so crazy, but the climate change will hurt
  • 47:34 - 47:45
    you so much. This will be done. Yeah. And
    BECCs, that's a different way of doing
  • 47:45 - 47:51
    that with a bio gas. So the thing is, if
    we want to have that at large scale, it
  • 47:51 - 48:00
    requires huge amounts of land use to
    produce this amount of biogas. And the
  • 48:00 - 48:06
    other drawback is, of course, that you do
    have to take care of your storage systems
  • 48:06 - 48:12
    to avoid the gas to come out because.
    Well, CO2 is hard. Is has a higher density
  • 48:12 - 48:19
    than than oxygen. And it goes so, it stays
    on the ground, if there is no wind. And if
  • 48:19 - 48:26
    people live there, you don't have anything
    to breathe anymore. Now, there are, of
  • 48:26 - 48:31
    course, different sectors. This for the
    EU, for example, where where the
  • 48:31 - 48:37
    greenhouse gases come from. So the main
    parts are, of course, agriculture. There
  • 48:37 - 48:45
    is transport and the energy industry and
    this. But there's also other industries.
  • 48:45 - 48:49
    And it's important to keep in mind that
    this is not equal of all different
  • 48:49 - 48:56
    countries. But it is also distributed to a
    dependent strongly on on the income of the
  • 48:56 - 49:01
    people in the countries. So the high so-
    called high income countries here, they
  • 49:01 - 49:07
    have the highest share in the CO2
    emissions by the MID. So so-called
  • 49:07 - 49:15
    emerging countries, they're almost at the
    same level now. While low income
  • 49:15 - 49:20
    countries. They mainly have a CO2
    emissions here from agricultural land land
  • 49:20 - 49:26
    use. So the question is, can we make it to
    one point five degrees? That's a good
  • 49:26 - 49:33
    question. So there have been a lot of
    studies like. Like for Germany and the EU.
  • 49:33 - 49:41
    Either on like energy infrastructure,
    for example, or the whole system. There
  • 49:41 - 49:50
    was one study from this year. They looked
    for 95 percent CO2 reduction by 2050.
  • 49:50 - 49:56
    There was one study currently just read
    you released for the complete EU and
  • 49:56 - 50:06
    greenhouse gas neutral EU by 2050. And so
    obviously, technically there is this
  • 50:06 - 50:12
    assumption that this is possible. One main
    thing of that is, that we have to go far
  • 50:12 - 50:17
    more efficient. And one thing and that is
    use electricity, because electricity is
  • 50:17 - 50:23
    very efficient in many things. So
    currently the prime currently prime energy
  • 50:23 - 50:27
    consumption in Germany is about two
    thousand 3200 terawatt hours
  • 50:27 - 50:32
    in total. And the assumption
    for 2050 where they have this
  • 50:32 - 50:44
    100 percent or 95 percent reduction would
    be 1300 terawatt hours or by the other
  • 50:44 - 50:50
    study was even less than that. That
    depends a bit on the mixture they use. The
  • 50:50 - 50:55
    reason for that is, for example, that the
    efficiency, for example, of battery driven
  • 50:55 - 51:01
    cars is much higher than the one, those of
    combustion driven or other methods. So it
  • 51:01 - 51:09
    really depends on which technology you put
    into use on how good you get. On the EU
  • 51:09 - 51:17
    level, that looks a bit like this. So
    there demand and supply today. And this
  • 51:17 - 51:23
    would be, so the reduction is not quite as
    large, but that would be as they still
  • 51:23 - 51:30
    assume that we can reach this type of
    reduction if we want to. Nevertheless,
  • 51:30 - 51:40
    they are not assuming 100 percent CO2
    free. But they calculate with negative
  • 51:40 - 51:48
    emissions by agriculture and forestry. So
    this is actually in these calculations and
  • 51:48 - 51:53
    I really like the one by Robinius and so
    on. That's the lower one because they
  • 51:53 - 51:59
    actually calculated completely with
    storage systems, with electricity grids
  • 51:59 - 52:03
    and all that and how much needs to be
    invested into this. This is a very
  • 52:03 - 52:08
    detailed study. Very, very good one. So
    this actually technically possible and
  • 52:08 - 52:13
    they even calculated this. What happens in
    the so-called "Dunkelflaute". That's the
  • 52:13 - 52:19
    German word for there is no wind and no
    sun in the winter for a period of time.
  • 52:19 - 52:24
    And what happens? And this can actually.
    And that's what all they assume is that we
  • 52:24 - 52:30
    do have a lot of storage for gas and we
    can use these curr, current strategic
  • 52:30 - 52:36
    storage, as for gas in the future to store
    power to to gas, gas or gas that's won by
  • 52:36 - 52:44
    electricity there as a backup. So
    basically, technically, this is possible.
  • 52:44 - 52:53
    So to conclude, so the climate system is
    already at a critical stage. The prospect
  • 52:53 - 52:59
    for a one point five degree warmer
    earth are already very bitter. And
  • 52:59 - 53:04
    while the IPCC reports and all the
    reports, they are they are they. All of
  • 53:04 - 53:09
    them go for it. If you would not exceed 2
    degrees because we have this thing of the
  • 53:09 - 53:17
    tipping points. And several reasons
    we already have this two degrees. Yeah,
  • 53:17 - 53:23
    this carbon dioxide removal is presented.
    Basically, this is hard to avoid. But
  • 53:23 - 53:31
    there are these critical things concerning
    carbon capture and storage. And whatever
  • 53:31 - 53:37
    we need to do is we have to act fast, and
    that's the main thing. This has to be done
  • 53:37 - 53:50
    very quickly. And I must say I'm very
    sorry. But our government's. Well, yes...
  • 53:50 - 53:59
  • 53:59 - 54:04
    So it is not a technical
    issue. It is a political one. Yes.
  • 54:04 - 54:05
    Thank you.
  • 54:05 - 54:08
  • 54:08 - 54:14
    Herald: Bernhard, I thank you very much.
    We have eight minutes for questions. So we
  • 54:14 - 54:17
    have a couple of microhones here and the
    whole. Please line up over there. We have
  • 54:17 - 54:22
    those eight minutes. I'm sure there will
    be questions. The signal angel is
  • 54:22 - 54:29
    signaling over there, that we have a
    question from the Internet.
  • 54:29 - 54:34
    Question: Do you see nuclear power plants
    as a temporary solution to slow the
  • 54:34 - 54:40
    emission of CO2 and we had quite some
    discussion in the Internet. There was
  • 54:40 - 54:46
    number one answered. You need more than 10
    years to build new nuclear power plants.
  • 54:46 - 54:51
    And the response was, well, you could we
    get the shutdown once back on the power
  • 54:51 - 54:54
    line. So is that the realistic scenario,
    in your view?
  • 54:54 - 54:59
    Bernhard: Well, there is actually this
    this is a current discussion going on. And
  • 54:59 - 55:05
    the issue with that is, it's not that easy
    to us to get old power plants back into
  • 55:05 - 55:11
    running. Because, well, they have a certain
    type of lifetime. And if you want to put
  • 55:11 - 55:15
    them back on into the into the system,
    then you somehow would have to exceed the
  • 55:15 - 55:22
    lifetime. And that are some, of course,
    some security issues. And if you want to
  • 55:22 - 55:27
    avoid them, then you have to put a lot of
    money and effort into getting them to run.
  • 55:27 - 55:33
    And you need also a lot of time to do
    that. And so this the question is, would
  • 55:33 - 55:41
    this be worth it? And I would say probably
    they are faster methods to do it. You
  • 55:41 - 55:46
    could do it. There are, of course, the
    risk and I mean after Fukushima and
  • 55:46 - 55:54
    Chernobyl. Basically, we we've all seen
    what the risks are. So and I would say
  • 55:54 - 56:00
    it's probably not the best and fastest way
    to do it. There are other ways they could
  • 56:00 - 56:03
    be worth doing it.
    Herald: OK. Then we're going to hop over
  • 56:03 - 56:07
    to microphone number one.
    Mic 1: First, I want to thank you for
  • 56:07 - 56:12
    your talk. It was very informative. And
    yeah, my question is as follows. There was
  • 56:12 - 56:17
    a talk at the university where I study in
    Darmstadt one and a half years ago from a
  • 56:17 - 56:24
    person who compared the IPCC predictions
    with what really happened with the real
  • 56:24 - 56:29
    temperature increase and the damage which
    causes the climate change. And what she
  • 56:29 - 56:35
    found out that the IPCC always, nearly
    always underestimated the effect of the
  • 56:35 - 56:41
    temperature increase and what it causes.
    Have you ever heard of this criticism and
  • 56:41 - 56:49
    do you think this is still the case?
    Bernhard: I hope not. The issue is, of
  • 56:49 - 56:59
    course, that the IPCC reports, as always,
    very, very carefully taking decisions and
  • 56:59 - 57:05
    is very carefully looking at this. And
    there are more conservative and the rather
  • 57:05 - 57:11
    are lower than the than the actual
    temperatures in the end, probably because
  • 57:11 - 57:16
    there is, of course, also a lot of
    pressure, political pressure on them. And
  • 57:16 - 57:22
    so if they would predict something and
    they would over predict, then people would
  • 57:22 - 57:28
    immediately say, come and say, hey, you
    are doing panicking and so on. And so
  • 57:28 - 57:36
    that's why it is most likely that they try
    to be as accurate as possible. But they
  • 57:36 - 57:43
    rather choose the lower the. The lower
  • 57:43 - 57:46
    Question: Yeah. That was the
    serious thing as well.
  • 57:46 - 57:51
    Bernhard: That's let's say it's a very
    it's a I mean in the end it's this summary
  • 57:51 - 57:57
    for policymakers. I showed some slides
    from that. That is actually voted on by
  • 57:57 - 58:04
    the buyer of governmental agents. So they
    bring this intergovernmental round of the
  • 58:04 - 58:11
    U.N. They are a U.N. entity. And so and
    the governments actually say you have to
  • 58:11 - 58:17
    approve this. And so that's why it's very,
    very diplomatic. And the terms of. So they
  • 58:17 - 58:23
    are doing reasons for concern, you know.
    So it's I mean, people are concerned about
  • 58:23 - 58:26
    all kinds of things. Thanks.
    Herald: All right, then we hope over to
  • 58:26 - 58:30
    microphone two, please.
    Mic 2: OK. First, thank you for your
  • 58:30 - 58:36
    talk. All good mood is gone now. And if
    it's mainly a political problem, do you
  • 58:36 - 58:42
    have any idea how we can force politicians
    to make the right decisions now? Because
  • 58:42 - 58:46
    what we are doing at the moment, like
    protesting and voting, doesn't seem to
  • 58:46 - 58:53
    Berhard: Well, I some applause I think
  • 58:53 - 58:58
    actually I'm very happy because I think
    protesting works, but it does not work in
  • 58:58 - 59:04
    the same way that people who usually take
    it to the streets think it works. It puts
  • 59:04 - 59:09
    a lot of pressure onto them. But it's one
    pressure on. They also have pressure from
  • 59:09 - 59:14
    other sites, you know, and then they look
    at, you know, what are the my voters. And
  • 59:14 - 59:19
    if their voters, are not the ones that are
    on the streets. Well, they might be not as
  • 59:19 - 59:26
    important. And so I think the main thing
    is that needs to be done is to go out to
  • 59:26 - 59:32
    the people. And thus going to the street
    is one way of doing that. And tell that,
  • 59:32 - 59:37
    you know, and talk to the people and talk
    especially to those who are not there on
  • 59:37 - 59:42
    the streets yet. Well, the potential
    voters of those who think, well, I don't
  • 59:42 - 59:47
    have to care so much about because these
    are not my voters. And we just have to go
  • 59:47 - 59:52
    out and talk. And I think this will put up
    the pressure together with taking it to
  • 59:52 - 59:58
    the streets and protesting and doing
    whatever talking to politicians. I mean,
  • 59:58 - 60:03
    we have a you know, Angela Merkel is our
    our chancellor in Germany, and she is a
  • 60:03 - 60:08
    physicist. I mean, she knows I mean, this
    is she understands all this. You know,
  • 60:08 - 60:14
    it's not that she doesn't know. It's just
    the pressure from the wrong side yet.
  • 60:14 - 60:18
    Herald: All right. And we have time for
    one last question. Microphone three,
  • 60:18 - 60:21
    Mic 3: Yes. Thank you very much for my
  • 60:21 - 60:25
    side, for the informative talk. From the
    description of the talk, I was expecting
  • 60:25 - 60:31
    more on the, it said something about the
    resilience, about climate skepticism. Yes.
  • 60:31 - 60:35
    To be more resilient about their
    arguments. And I was in discussion with
  • 60:35 - 60:41
    many other people, also climate skepticism
    and they sometimes said, they didn't
  • 60:41 - 60:45
    criticize the entropy eugenic. Well, they
    didn't criticize the climate change at
  • 60:45 - 60:50
    all. But the anthropogenic part of it. And
    what they said that there is like an
  • 60:50 - 60:54
    increase of solar activity the last
    decades, which increases to the
  • 60:54 - 61:01
    temperature. And that also like the
    diagram is like only from 1860. But if you
  • 61:01 - 61:06
    consider like the last millennials, there
    have been higher values of CO2 in the
  • 61:06 - 61:11
    atmosphere, but the temperature did not
    correlate. So how do you argue with this,
  • 61:11 - 61:16
    this kind of argument?
    Berhard: Yes, that's a good one. Yeah. I
  • 61:16 - 61:25
    didn't go into these these because they
    are the sometimes the easy ones. But the
  • 61:25 - 61:38
    thing is that there are... I did this talk
    this way because it helps. If you go into.
  • 61:38 - 61:42
    Climate, skeptics say this and they say a
    lot of different things. If I could do a
  • 61:42 - 61:50
    whole talk on what climate skeptics say.
    If you do that, then in the end, people
  • 61:50 - 61:59
    keep in mind, oh, yeah, this there is some
    skepticism on this. And this is, I did a
  • 61:59 - 62:06
    lot of these things because by this now
    people can go out and say, OK, this is
  • 62:06 - 62:11
    currently the state of the art of the
    research. I did not go into the climate
  • 62:11 - 62:15
    skeptic detailed answers. Of course there
    are. I mean, I can make, for example,
  • 62:15 - 62:20
    thunder radiation is already in the
    climate models, the changes in thunder
  • 62:20 - 62:25
    radiations. The variations of the
    centuries before actually being
  • 62:25 - 62:31
    precalculators in the climate models
    currently, because only if you're able to
  • 62:31 - 62:37
    run if you if you're able to mimic that in
    climate models today, for today, all of
  • 62:37 - 62:43
    the past. If you're able to do that, then
    you're able to do to run it for the
  • 62:43 - 62:48
    future. And this is how climate models
    work. And so all this, all these
  • 62:48 - 62:54
    variations are taking in. So I'm sorry.
    Herald: Oh, time is up.
  • 62:54 - 62:57
    Bernhard: But we can talk about this also
    later on. I didn't get too much to the
  • 62:57 - 63:01
    climate skeptics now. So much.
    Herald: All right. We don't have time for
  • 63:01 - 63:07
    any more questions, Bernard. Applause
    That's your Applaus, thank you very much.
  • 63:07 - 63:13
    postroll music
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