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Raised on Porn | Documentary Film

  • 0:10 - 0:17
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    one of the powers of innocence is the
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    ability to have a world that is safe to
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    be able to play
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    and experiment in
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    without the threat of danger
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    what happens with pornography or when
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    sexuality intrudes through any form
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    of violation
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    as you all of a sudden realize there's a
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    parallel world
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    next to yours
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    and that if you walk through this door
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    nothing will ever be the same
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    i remember being a kid and looking at a
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    rosebud and thinking how pretty it was
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    and i remember thinking oh well i want
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    it to open up like a rose you know so
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    i'll just pull back all the petals
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    and it'll open up it'll be beautiful
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    like a rose
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    now i realize you can't force that
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    that happens when that flower is ready
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    to open and when it's being fed and
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    nurtured and it opens and it's very
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    similar to a child's or adolescent
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    sexuality you know if you try to open
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    those pedals too early
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    i mean they will grow and they will open
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    but they're going to be damaged
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    they're not going to be the same person
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    that they would have been
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    growing up my dad planted a church in a
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    small rural town where everyone knows
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    we would always hang out in the streets
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    you know playing football with the
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    neighbors and stuff like that
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    we're in this playground and
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    a friend of mine was like hey richie i
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    want to show you a picture
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    he shows me this picture of this topless
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    these sensations go through my body i'm
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    not even aware of the language or even
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    what to you know recognize or call them
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    i never forgot that it was like
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    imprinted in my heart
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    the next week or so
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    i'm riding my bike
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    and out of nowhere this paper blows on
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    my yard
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    i went over there and picked it up and
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    it was a full page like someone ripped
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    it out of a playboy magazine
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    and i was like this is it this is like
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    my chance of actually
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    getting pornography for myself
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    so i actually folded it put in my pocket
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    and hid it in my room
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    every time it was time for bed i would
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    literally just take it out
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    lock the door
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    and just start looking at it
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    and i remember doing that for hours even
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    as a child
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    from there
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    porn created this whole mental script
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    on how to relate to the opposite sex
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    and so i remember i wanted to pursue
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    and i had no idea how to approach them i
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    had no idea how to start the
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    all i knew was he you know we go to the
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    room and have sex
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    so it's like how do you start a
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    so i'm like well
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    i'll just um
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    just be the shy type but it's all
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    and so that's how i learned it was be a
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    when i first had a relationship
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    i remember just thinking
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    i hope she's gonna be okay with me
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    putting my hands on her breasts
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    and i hope that i can put my hands down
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    her pants
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    in my mind i'm hoping this happens i'm
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    not going to push it i just want to be
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    one of the shy guys and just kind of
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    just sneak it in that way so that way i
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    can i can gain her trust and then i can
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    go ahead and just
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    do what i want what i saw in the
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    there's pretty good documentation that
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    the earlier someone is exposed to really
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    explicit pornography and sexual imagery
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    the more likely it is that they're going
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    to have compulsive and addictive
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    problems around their sexuality as an
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    because that nine-year-old does not have
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    the emotional and biological development
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    to be able to really understand what the
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    meaning is of what he knows it's
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    incredibly arousing and amazing and
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    distracting and fun and it feels good to
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    look at but their brains are really not
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    ready to handle it
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    our sexuality is wired into us
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    the most sexual organ is between our
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    ears not between our legs
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    so when you are developing your brain
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    what happens is that pornography
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    begins building that script this is the
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    way we're supposed to think about it
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    and so when a young person views
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    pornographic material they're
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    neurologically now starting to put
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    bricks in this wall of kind of building
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    the structure of what sex means
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    adolescent brain is not an adult brain
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    with less experience it is in a unique
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    place it is anatomically physiologically
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    and biologically different and what
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    occurs during adolescence is several
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    brain changes that have a purpose and
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    the purpose is to become very excited
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    about sensation seeking about rewards
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    about sex
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    and it's to become wired up actually
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    changing the structure of the brain to
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    wire up to the environment
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    and it has been shown to occur with
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    nerve connections
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    the way nerves connect and intertwine is
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    really the basis for all learning and
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    all memory
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    so what occurs is around age 11 the
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    adolescent brain prunes down these
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    connections until you're set with the
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    connections that will perhaps last a
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    pornography is a teacher and modeler of
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    sexual templates
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    particularly when they're
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    modeled early
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    because it's a powerful neuroplasticity
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    neuroplasticity means that our brain
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    changes and we change when we want and
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    when we learn and we have seen it in
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    pornography now people who are watching
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    pornography compulsively their brains
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    look different from those that are not
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    a leading researcher said recently to me
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    we are in the midst of the single
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    largest unregulated social experiment in
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    human history and what he was talking
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    was the inundation
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    of the brains of young children
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    with content that they're not prepared
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    to deal with
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    and what it is doing is normalizing
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    behavior that is going to affect
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    particularly young boys is going to
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    affect their view of women their fewer
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    relationships their view of the world
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    a few years ago when i was 16.
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    dated this guy and we were both virgins
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    maybe a month into our relationship we
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    ended up having sex
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    the next morning he was like hey i want
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    to show you something
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    we watched porn and i had never seen i
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    didn't even know it was
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    a thing
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    until then but then that was when i
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    realized he watches this all the time
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    and he told me he's like i watch it all
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    the time it's not a big deal
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    over the course of our relationship the
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    different sexual things that he wanted
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    to do became more and more
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    vile and abusive and
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    scary for me
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    i just remember he would talk about
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    wanting to do like certain things that
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    he would see
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    in porn and he said
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    one of his favorite things about porn is
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    um at the end of some of the more
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    hardcore ones
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    the guy
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    punch a girl in the nose
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    finish on her face
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    and it looks like a cherry sundae
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    and i was like do not do that to me you
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    can't do that to me and he was like i'm
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    not gonna tell you like when i'm gonna
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    do it it'll just be a surprise like you
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    won't even have to think about it before
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    i just
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    i was just scared
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    i just
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    i was really scared i didn't want that
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    to happen to me and that was when i
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    broke up with him
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    it really just felt like i was an
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    object for his pleasure and like i owed
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    him anything he wanted
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    the whole point is that
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    he was a good guy who started watching
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    porn and somehow it escalated to
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    him thinking it's okay to punch his
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    girlfriend in the nose and finish on her
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    face like
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    where did that become okay like at some
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    point in it he stopped seeing women as
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    people because porn like
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    messed up his mind
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    and just like distorted his whole
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    there's this very dangerous thing that's
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    going on in our culture right now where
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    we're not having a strong enough a more
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    vibrant conversation with young boys
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    about their sexual lives
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    in the absence of adults having
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    meaningful ongoing open and honest
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    conversations with young people about
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    sexual behavior their bodies intimacy
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    respecting themselves
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    the lack of that conversation enables a
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    very one-sided and dangerously one-sided
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    presentation of sexual behavior which is
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    the one that they have access to which
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    in very very often case is
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    we know now that boys are accessing
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    pornography at age 11
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    and that there's an increasing
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    consumption of pornography from girls
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    and so if you think about it this way
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    pornography is the biggest sex educator
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    it is the most significant influential
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    sex educator that young people have
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    so we have to look at what they're
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    learning from this
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    when the average 12 year old boy puts
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    porn into google
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    he's directed immediately to the pawn
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    tube site such as you porn and pornhub
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    and the most accessible is actually
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    called gonzo porn that's the shorthand
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    term for the violent porn that has no
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    if you want more soft core less violent
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    porn you're going to have to spend a
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    good 10 to 15 minutes looking for it and
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    don't tell me that the average 12 13
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    year old boy is going to start looking
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    for that for 10-15 minutes he's going to
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    go to that which is the most accessible
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    the most popular pornography it's always
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    around how men get satisfied
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    it's very very rarely about women's
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    women are there as instruments
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    they're simply there as as tools
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    for male pleasure
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    the images they're seeing are about
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    sexuality fused to domination
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    an aggressive sexuality
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    a sexuality that objectifies women
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    treats them as nothing more than objects
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    or male pleasure
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    it's not about equality or egalitarian
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    it's all about doing something to her
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    not sharing something with her
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    said you'll do it right
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    most porn ends up with women being not
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    only presented as the victims of
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    violence but often presented as the
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    victims of violence who love it
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    i want you to do anything you want
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    so girls are learning to be compliant
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    and they're learning that what's most
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    important is to be desirable to the boys
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    not that their own sexual agency or
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    their own sexual pleasure is important
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    at all
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    whatever you want to do to her
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    however debasing
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    however vile
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    she says yes
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    so in a way what you're doing is you're
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    socializing men into thinking that women
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    will consent to anything
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    it teaches a very one-sided dangerous
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    emotionless almost humanless sexual
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    experience that so many young men are
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    now seeing as being normal this is how
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    it happens
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    14 year old high school freshman daisy
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    coleman says matthew barnett sexually
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    assaulted her while she was unconscious
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    cornett would later claim the encounter
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    was consensual
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    22 year old madison smith says the
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    encounter started off with consensual
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    sex but things turned violent when he
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    started to strangle her and force her to
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    perform a sex act
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    two high school football stars sexually
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    assaulted a visibly intoxicated 16 year
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    old girl during the crime many did not
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    step up to help but nearly all got out
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    their cell phones and started snapping
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    pictures and tweeting
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    within five days children's mercy saw
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    444 kids for sexual assault almost half
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    of our perpetrators were minors
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    gagging strangling
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    when a child's acting out without
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    extreme violence you have to contribute
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    some of that to pornography because it
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    directly correlates with the genres that
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    kids are being exposed to
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    i've seen numbers of these cases that i
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    actually worked
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    kids who were sexualized early actually
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    act out on that because they don't have
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    the inhibitions or the knowledge of what
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    the actual sexual acts are what they
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    now maybe they'll have the self-control
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    to get off that
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    the more time they spend reinforcing
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    that arousal pattern especially if
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    they're looking at violent porn my god
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    that's that's the worst possible thing
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    they can look at because what what it
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    will do will trip the wires in their
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    brain it will make them feel really good
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    about this stuff
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    and it will overwhelm reason in their
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    and they could go down this road and
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    find that they don't have the willpower
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    to stop themselves from doing it
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    and it could surprise them how quickly
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    that can happen
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    in previous eras to get sexually
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    explicit material you had to go to a
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    pornographic movie theater you had to go
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    to a bookstore now you can access
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    pornography sitting at home at no cost
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    over the internet
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    the internet has made porn not only
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    accessible it's really made it
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    inescapable because now of course
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    everybody has access to porn on their
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    including children
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    once the online world came about it was
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    the game changer
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    i mean i went from being a private
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    practice clinician with one assistant to
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    running a clinic with eight therapists
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    and 150 clients a week i mean the
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    internet just swamped us
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    so many people started having so many
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    problems so quickly in relationship to
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    online porn and it was really just the
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    very beginning
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    because i'm now seeing 25 year old men
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    who've been looking at hardcore porn
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    since they were 15.
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    and they've never had a date and they've
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    never had sex with a person
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    and online porn really feeds that in a
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    way that pre-digital porn didn't
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    there are actually studies that show
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    that the internet has the ability to
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    cause addiction-related brain changes
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    the same brain changes that occur in a
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    drug addiction so that tells us that the
  • 18:31 - 18:36
    internet is different
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    what's different is the ability to
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    control arousal so you're sitting there
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    with your mouse and you're clicking on a
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    i don't want to look at that i want to
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    look at that i want to look at it i want
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    to see what george is doing i'm bored
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    with that i want to see what this
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    person's doing oh what about this
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    message i want to read this and you can
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    go on and go on and what you're doing is
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    you're controlling your arousal you're
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    controlling your dopamine
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    is the motivation chemical to drive us
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    towards natural rewards such as eating
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    and achievement and falling in love and
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    sexual desire
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    when you're in the presence of something
  • 19:10 - 19:15
    as arousing as images or a drama of
  • 19:14 - 19:18
  • 19:15 - 19:21
    your brain is going to produce two to
  • 19:18 - 19:23
    four times the normal amount of dopamine
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    where we get the word dope
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    which is what our brains secrete as what
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    we call our pleasure drug and it gives
  • 19:28 - 19:34
    us a sense of motivation and joy for
  • 19:32 - 19:35
    living our lives
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    well food is about a hundred and fifty
  • 19:35 - 19:41
    percent spike of dopamine
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    and sex is 200 which is equivalent to
  • 19:41 - 19:45
  • 19:43 - 19:46
    sexual orgasm is equivalent to a morphed
  • 19:45 - 19:49
  • 19:46 - 19:51
    that's a pretty powerful reward
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    there's also though the frontal area
  • 19:51 - 19:56
    over our forehead and these are
  • 19:54 - 19:59
    important in judgment and in weighing
  • 19:56 - 20:02
    the pleasure that we want
  • 19:59 - 20:04
    and so you have these competing areas
  • 20:02 - 20:07
    you have this dopaminergic drive that
  • 20:04 - 20:10
    says do it with this frontal break of
  • 20:07 - 20:10
    the brain it says think about it weigh
  • 20:10 - 20:13
  • 20:10 - 20:15
    and in a way they're competing
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    in young people those rental areas
  • 20:15 - 20:19
    aren't fully developed
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    and so that break isn't there
  • 20:19 - 20:24
    our frontal judgment volitional areas
  • 20:22 - 20:26
    aren't developed until we're in our mid
  • 20:24 - 20:28
    to late 20s
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    and so you have an eight-year-old with
  • 20:28 - 20:33
    this undeveloped brain who doesn't
  • 20:31 - 20:36
    really have the ability
  • 20:33 - 20:38
    to weigh or to judge what they're seeing
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    whether it's harmful not harmful what
  • 20:38 - 20:41
    will the result be if they participate
  • 20:40 - 20:43
    in this activity they don't even know
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    what it is
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    and so when we flood the child's brain
  • 20:46 - 20:52
    with these powerful sexual images
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    provide this physical emotional overload
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    the child is powerless
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    there it's absolutely impossible for
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    them to resist
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    this kind of stimulus
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    now we combine that
  • 21:01 - 21:06
    with a young male
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    who has high hormones and is driven by
  • 21:06 - 21:11
    interest and then you combine it with
  • 21:08 - 21:13
    the novelty of the internet so all these
  • 21:11 - 21:15
    qualities are put together
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    and they're matched with our highest
  • 21:15 - 21:21
    natural reward and your genes number one
  • 21:18 - 21:24
    job and that's reproduction
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    and that's what makes today's high-speed
  • 21:24 - 21:29
    internet porn
  • 21:25 - 21:29
    so enticing
  • 21:46 - 21:52
    growing up i was very anti-social
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    never really had any friends
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    i'd never had a girlfriend until just a
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    couple years ago
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    so i felt like i was missing out on
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    something i was very frustrated i was
  • 22:01 - 22:05
    feel like i wasn't um like everybody
  • 22:03 - 22:05
  • 22:07 - 22:10
  • 22:07 - 22:13
    when i was about 11 12 years old
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    i found some porn magazines
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    given our household we never really
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    talked to much about sexuality at all so
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    to see something like that was just a
  • 22:19 - 22:23
    adrenaline rush it felt like what i
  • 22:22 - 22:25
    thought would feel like if i had a
  • 22:23 - 22:28
    girlfriend or had a relation real
  • 22:25 - 22:30
  • 22:28 - 22:33
    and of course my progression goes along
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    with technology as the internet came
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    and we got our first computer i
  • 22:36 - 22:41
    would sneak in there when nobody was
  • 22:37 - 22:43
    looking and keep on looking at porn
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    after a while the stuff that worked
  • 22:43 - 22:46
    before didn't work as well
  • 22:44 - 22:48
    you'll be able to tolerance
  • 22:46 - 22:50
    so it would get more edgier as your
  • 22:48 - 22:52
    stuff stuff that i wouldn't imagine ever
  • 22:50 - 22:55
    looking at
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    then i found a file sharing program
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    which i was using to um download music
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    and stuff like that
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    and there uh by some accident i found
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    illegal pornography
  • 23:03 - 23:06
  • 23:05 - 23:08
    and um
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    it was so easy to get it it was almost
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    as it was as easy as getting the regular
  • 23:10 - 23:15
  • 23:12 - 23:16
    i guess my curiosity got to me so i
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    couldn't believe that it could be this
  • 23:16 - 23:20
    easy so
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    i downloaded it
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    and i saw it
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    and i got thrush
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    it worked
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    it worked like nothing else did anymore
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    as much as i tried to get away from it
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    from time to time i would always find
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    myself going back to it because i was
  • 23:35 - 23:40
    looking for that fix
  • 23:38 - 23:41
    looking back it was a very dark
  • 23:40 - 23:44
  • 23:41 - 23:46
    i didn't even come to terms until i got
  • 23:44 - 23:46
  • 23:49 - 23:55
    i was a firefighter and i was going back
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    home from work about a year ago
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    and all of a sudden i had blue lights
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    going by me
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    pulling me out my truck
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    handcuffed me and put me in back of a
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  • 24:10 - 24:13
    pathologically speaking were you a
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  • 24:13 - 24:17
  • 24:15 - 24:19
    how would you explain reaching that
  • 24:17 - 24:21
    point of wanting to see a child in a
  • 24:19 - 24:21
    sexual act
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    it was
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    the dangerous dangerousness of it it was
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    dangerous it was wrong and
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    that part was appealing too
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    just how wrong it was but
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    it was what worked it was like the
  • 24:35 - 24:39
    the heroin of
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  • 24:39 - 24:53
  • 24:56 - 25:00
    for each individual it's unclear what
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    the outcome of viewing pornography will
  • 25:00 - 25:03
  • 25:02 - 25:05
    it's not uncommon the more you look at
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    porn the more you're going to stumble
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    into things
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    and so you may stumble into a genre of
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    pornography that's inherently violent
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    like rape porn
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    where you may stumble into an area of
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    pornography like child porn or something
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    like that
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    most people don't start out saying i
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    want to go into this particular type of
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    porn this is what i'm into it's that
  • 25:22 - 25:26
    process by which you are now caught up
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    in this wave of sexual arousal and
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    excitement and so what happens then is
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    you now as you're exposed to more things
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    you run the risk of now being bound to
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    more and more of these dangerous really
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    uh dishonoring forms of pornography or
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    illegal forms of pornography too
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    sex addiction is often about escalation
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    so someone could start looking at more
  • 25:46 - 25:50
    violent images
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    or more abusive images
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    or things that they really never even
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    thought would turn them on
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    even though it might feel shameful or
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    uncomfortable it's still intense and it
  • 25:56 - 26:00
    makes the heart beat faster and faster
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    and faster and that's very much what the
  • 26:00 - 26:04
    non-substance addictions are about
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    they're about adrenaline they're about
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    endorphins they're about dopamine
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    they're about feeling high and excited
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    and totally into what you're doing for
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    the sake of emotional escape
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    the thing i'm most concerned with is
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    that escalator effect
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    the fact that today's images
  • 26:19 - 26:23
    are not going to satisfy you tomorrow
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    and tomorrow's images are not going to
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    satisfy you the next day and there is a
  • 26:26 - 26:30
    continuing quest
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    for something new for something
  • 26:30 - 26:33
  • 26:31 - 26:36
    and at some point because of the basic
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    inclination of the person
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    there's at least going to be a
  • 26:37 - 26:42
    temptation to experience it in real life
  • 26:52 - 26:55
  • 26:55 - 27:00
    my junior senior year of high school i
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    was getting more popular with not just
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    girls but just with the whole school
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    being homecoming king
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    i started getting a little bit away from
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    the porn a little bit it was just like
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    an afterthought unless something
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    triggered it
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    and so i graduated from high school
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    and i fell in love with this girl who's
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    not my wife
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    we moved from this town into actually
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    where our family's at and everything
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    both sides of our family
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    it was during that time where i i was
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    passing by a street here in town and
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    there was like this adult store
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    and i remember i'm like i don't want to
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    go there
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    i don't want to go there because if i go
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    there that's it i'm going to go ride
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    back to the bottom
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    sure enough i found myself opening the
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  • 27:52 - 27:55
    and i'm walking right in
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    this was before smartphones this was
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    like an 0.405
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    and so i would just go to the adult
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    store as often as i could
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    from there the relationship i had with
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    pornography was definitely progressive
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    so you know first it was just a girl
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    and then it became two girls
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    and it was an orgy
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    then it was oh all this behavior with
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    certain body parts these fetishes
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    and i'm like i really like this
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    it came to a point where it's like
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    uh i need to experience what i'm seeing
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    because this is just like
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    amazing what i'm seeing oh but it's just
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    paper oh but it's just the page oh but
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    it's on my phone
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    my wife won't do any of this stuff no
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    way she's gonna say where are you
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    getting these ideas from so i'm like
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    a stranger
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    paying for it duh
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    i pay for it and they do what i tell
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    them because i'm paying for it
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    that was it
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    one night my wife was going to some
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    function at church
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    my kids were with my parents
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    and i had my own laptop
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    so i go on craigslist and i'm like
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    what's this personal stuff
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    i can contact someone here
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    oh i am free right now to do whatever i
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    want and no one knows anything
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    and i said
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    i'm gonna call
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    so i'm like hi
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    yeah we give massages and i'm like oh
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    that's cool all right
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    nude massages i'm like oh that's that's
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    great that's fine
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    so when can i come
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    and she's like you can come right now if
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    you want and i said right now that's
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    what i needed to hear right now
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    i go there and
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    i'm naked and she's naked
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    i can literally feel my heart pumping
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    out of my chest and my mouth dry and my
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    fingers shaking and i'm like what's
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    going on what going on what's going on
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    what am i doing what am i doing i'm
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    thinking this
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    but because of all those unspoken
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    they all just started taking over me and
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    saying this is your chance
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    this is your chance to be like a porn
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    star or you can say and ask the person
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    to do whatever you want and because
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    you're paying for it they will do it
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    when your wife was like i don't want to
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    do that
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    should this lady here she will and i
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    said in my mind
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    that is so right it's so true
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  • 30:55 - 30:59
    and so
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    that was the lowest i have ever been
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    and it was a porn dream that i had as a
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  • 31:04 - 31:14
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    after we were finished
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    she looked at my ring
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    and she was like
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    how are you and your wife
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    and i said something so twisted
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    i said you know i love my wife and she
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    was like you do
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    and i said i i do
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    i need to go
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    i gave her my money
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    and i left
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    and i went in my car
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    and i wept
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    i said i can't believe i did this oh my
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    gosh like this trust
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    am i going to tell anyone this
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    it was scary
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    take us back to that moment that you
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    found out what did he say to you
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    we were lying in bed and he asked me to
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    not get mad at him he was going to tell
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    me something he's like you promise you
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    don't get mad and i was like i promise
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    he's like you promise you won't get mad
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    and i was like yeah just tell me
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    and so he tells me
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    and it just like felt like i got punched
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    in the heart
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    and he just started crying and i just
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    held him
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    i just held him because
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    i've messed up really bad you know
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    and people would hold me
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    and um
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    so that was hard
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    because i was
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    you know
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    expressing love to him and then i felt
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    like i didn't want you to be by him
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  • 33:23 - 33:27
  • 33:25 - 33:28
    and she's like richie i can't even see
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    you right now
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    you need to sleep in the boys room
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    so i'd be in the boys room and my boys
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    would be like
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    why are you here daddy
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    i remember crying i hurt mama
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    i hurt mommy and
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    i i'm here right now i need i was so
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    broken i just remember saying i hurt
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  • 33:48 - 33:53
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    hearing myself saying that to my my own
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    son my two little boys
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    something in my heart was like
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    i remember when i was their age
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    i don't want this to repeat in my kids
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    this can't happen anymore
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Raised on Porn | Documentary Film

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Video Language:
Traducteurs Chrétiens edited English subtitles for Raised on Porn | Documentary Film

English subtitles
