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(school bell ringing)
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JACKIE CHU: Alright, class, tomorrow
is Career Day, so what you're gonna do is
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you're going to have your parents
come with you to school tomorrow,
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and they will tell the class what they do for a living.
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And if they don't come to school
with you, then you fail.
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JOSEPH: Uh, what if we don't have parents?
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JACKIE CHU: Then I suggest you pay
someone to be your parent tomorrow.
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- JOSEPH: Okay.
- JUNIOR: My dad doesn't even have a job.
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- He just sits at home and watches TV all day.
- CODY: I don't even know what my parents do.
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And one more thing, class,
whosever your parent has the coolest job
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will win an iPhone 13 that my son made in shop.
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- JUNIOR: An iPhone 13? I want that!
- CODY: Me too!
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JOSEPH: Oh, dude, that's not fair!
I don't have parents!
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Uh, Cody, can I borrow one of yours?
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CODY: Back off, Joseph. Get your own parents.
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JOSEPH: Dude, you have two. You can share.
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JUNIOR: Guys, my dad's getting a really
cool job and it's gonna be at your parents' jobs.
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- JOSEPH: Nuh-uh!
- CODY: No he's not, Junior.
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Your dad just sits at home
and watches TV all day.
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Well, I'll show you guys a really cool job.
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JEFFY: My daddy has the coolest job.
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He's the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny.
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BULLY: My friends aren't there for me,
that's why I bully people.
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- JEFFY: Hey, Daddy!
- MARVIN: Hey, Jeffy. How was school?
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JEFFY: It was good. Um, tomorrow's Career Day
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so I need you to come to my school and tell
everyone in my class that you're the tooth fairy
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- and the Easter Bunny.
- MARVIN: Wait, tomorrow's Career Day?
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- JEFFY: Yep.
- MARVIN: And I have to go in front of your
class and tell them what I do for a job?
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- JEFFY: Uh-huh.
- ROSE: Marvin, what is your job?
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MARVIN: Uh... I-I do stuff, I work, I...
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I clean around the house, like...
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- I don't have a job.
- ROSE: You don't have a job?
How do we pay our bills?
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MARVIN: We get unemployment checks, baby.
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ROSE: Marvin, what are you gonna do tomorrow
when you tell the whole class you don't
have a job?
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- Jeffy will be embarrassed.
- MARVIN: Well, I can tell him that I'm
the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny.
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- JEFFY: Bingo.
- ROSE: Marvin, all the other parents are
the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny, too.
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- MARVIN: But don't tell Jeffy that!
- (doorbell rings)
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MARVIN: Hold on, let me see who that is.
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- Hello?
- GOODMAN: Hey, Marvin! It's
that time of the month again.
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Where's your house payment?
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MARVIN: I don't have the money
for my house payment this month.
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GOODMAN (yelling): You don't have your
money for your house payment?!