We should be willing to adjust
for the sake of peace,
but unwilling to compromise
in the name of peace.
We should be ready to adjust
over issues of preference,
but not to compromise
over issues of principle.
Grace and peace to you all,
children of God, in Jesus’ name.
You are welcome to another edition of ‘Faith Is Natural’ here on God's Heart TV.
And today I want to talk about
a very practical issue.
I want to give some words of advice on how to manage relationships as a Christian.
Take note of that - as a Christian.
Because I have observed that it is common today when it comes to this issue of relationships
for people to engage in battles
they should avoid
and avoid battles they should engage in.
I mean, it’s sadly very common for people to overlook the issues they should confront
whilst confronting issues
that they should overlook.
We run to unnecessary battles whilst
we run from necessary battles.
And this causes both delay and distraction in the journey toward our destiny.
I would even put it like this:
Immature handling of conflicts and confrontations in relationships
makes it easy for the devil
to derail us spiritually.
Why do you think it is so common for the devil today to target families, homes, marriages?
Because a troubled home often
translates to a troubled heart.
This is what I want to talk about today, people of God.
As you're watching this message,
just take a moment; look at your life.
Examine the people you relate with
on a regular basis, a daily basis -
your husband, wife, siblings, family members, friends, colleagues.
Now, there is no relationship in this world where there will not be a degree of confrontation.
That's normal. Because God designed us to be different, we are bound to have differences.
But the question is - what leads
to that confrontation?
What causes that conflict?
What provokes that provocation?
And I want you to think about this.
Are you fighting over issues of preference or issues of principle?
Do you clash when your comfort is disturbed or when your conscience is disturbed?
Is the root of your confrontation about material things or spiritual things?
And in the handling of that conflict,
do you manifest the fruit of the Spirit
or the fruits of the flesh?
The message I'm going to share
with you today is titled:
‘Fight For What Is Right’.
Take note - I did not say fight for your right.
Fight for what is right in the
light of God's Living Word.
Now, as I said, it's common today for people to engage in unnecessary battles.
We waste our time, energy, strength, attention, resources,
fighting over issues that fade
in the light of eternity.
Many marriages today - this is the problem.
We dramatise little issues - issues that are not worthy of our attention, time, strength.
We dramatise these issues, and in the process of dealing with the drama,
we minimise the big issues - issues that
we are meant to be dealing with.
This is a problem in many homes today.
And people of God, fighting unnecessary battles does not solve the problem.
It creates more problems.
It does not settle the issue;
it triggers more issues.
Because in the process, you are wasting precious time and building up bitterness.
Take note of this truth:
The more your mind is influenced
by the trappings of this world,
the more your time is invested
in the battles of this world -
fighting a wrong battle.
When we are too idle,
we are especially vulnerable
to the temptation of fighting a wrong battle.
This is why we must be so careful
of what we feed our hearts with.
Because what you feed
determines how you fight.
Or let me put it like this:
What you feed on determines
what you fight on.
Think about that, people of God.
Now, I want to say something at this point.
Many people reach out to
us here at God’s Heart TV
and one of the common
prayer requests is that,
‘I want prayer to find a godly person to marry. I'm looking to get married.’
And I have a word of advice for those who are waiting on the Lord for marriage.
There is nothing pretty about being petty.
There is nothing attractive in immaturity.
Building your character with the blocks of godly discipline is the best preparation for marriage.
Because take note of this -
the discipline required to keep you for marriage is also required to keep you in marriage.
Now, going back to the main subject,
when provocation leads to confrontation - check your heart.
Check your heart.
What is it really about?
Is it about what you want or
about what God wants?
Is it about what you like or
is it about what is right?
Because as a Christian, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
In your family, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
In your workplace, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
In your marriage, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
Romans 12:18 says, ‘As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.’
Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:9,
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”
Look, I want you to think
about this, people of God.
Our unnecessary battles are
often prolonged by pride
expressed through our stubbornness
to make adjustments.
This is a principle that will help you.
Married couples who are watching this message or those preparing for marriage,
think about this -
adjustment without compromise.
We should be willing to adjust
for the sake of peace,
but unwilling to compromise
in the name of peace.
We should be ready to adjust
over issues of preference,
but not to compromise
over issues of principle.
Principles of the Living Word of God
are not negotiable,
just as the truth in the Living
Word of God is not changeable.
This is a message for everyone today - adjustment without compromise.
Look, you are called to be a peacemaker,
but not at the price of your principles,
not at the cost of your conscience.
You cannot be a peacemaker and at
the same time, a people-pleaser -
a yes-man or a yes-woman. No!
It’s impossible to make peace on the platform of covering up wrong.
This is what I mean by fighting
a necessary battle,
fighting the good fight,
fighting for what is right.
In a godly relationship,
when you see wrong,
you are called to confront it
in love, not to cover it up.
The degree of your love for God is reflected in the degree of your hatred of sin,
not only in yourself, but in others.
I cannot claim to love you and yet downplay or ignore sin in your life,
under the guise of friendship.
That is not friendship.
That is not godly relationship.
In the world, there is this twisted, warped view of friendship that is more about blind loyalty.
That is not true friendship. No!
You should look for friends who will confront your wrong, not conceal your wrong.
Look for friends who will correct wrong,
not cover up wrong.
True friendship will never sacrifice truth
in the name of friendship.
A good friend is someone who is unafraid to speak the truth to you,
not someone who sees you going astray but looks the other way.
The Bible says in James 4:17 that
for him who knows what is good
and does not do it, to him that is sin.
It is better to not know than
to know and stay silent.
It is better to not see than
to see and keep quiet.
Silence can never be an acceptable response to sin.
Spiritual maturity recognises responsibility beyond the boundaries of yourself -
to accept a degree of responsibility for the actions of those you relate with.
That is a sign of spiritual maturity.
Now, there are some people who
avoid fighting necessary battles
because they say, ‘But I don't
want to offend this person.’
They are trying to avoid offence.
So let me tell you a principle:
Don’t fight from offence and
don't fight to offend.
Fight because of what is right.
If what is right causes offence,
it is between that person and God.
If speaking truth causes trouble,
I tell you, people of God,
God will strengthen you
through that trouble.
If correcting wrong breaks a relationship,
take it as God's way of cutting
off that relationship.
But if you weigh someone's reaction -
‘How will they respond? What will they say? They will got offended.’
If you weigh someone’s reaction,
you will delay your action.
And if you look for a more convenient day,
you wait for a more convenient moment -
that day may never come.
Avoiding necessary battles is only postponing the evil day
because you may dodge confrontation,
but you cannot dodge consequence.
And if you are hearing this message
and saying to yourself,
‘But how can I confront wrong in others when there's still a lot of wrong in me?’
Look, no one is perfect.
But can I tell you a secret?
When you confront and correct the wrong in others in a godly relationship,
you are challenging yourself to change.
Because the voice of authority requires
the alignment of lips and life.
And don't be surprised that if you confront wrong in others, others will confront wrong in you.
That's good. That is healthy spiritually because iron sharpens iron.
We are one another's strength.
So, people of God, fight for what is right and let there be light.
Fight for what is right, and let
your light shine before men
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven,
as our Lord Jesus Christ
said in Matthew 5:16.
This is my word of exhortation to you today, people of God.
And I pray that this message enters
deep into your hearts
and positively influences and impacts your day-to-day relationships, in Jesus’ name.
Right now, let us pray together.
I pray the eyes of your hearts are opened to see every ungodly, unhealthy relationship
in your life - to break free from it,
in Jesus’ name.
Break free from that ungodly relationship.
Break free from that unhealthy relationship.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
That relationship based on manipulation and deceit - be disconnected!
In Jesus’ mighty name.
As you fight for what is right,
let there be light!
Let there be light in your home.
Let there be light in your marriage.
Let there be light in your family.
Let there be light!
Be strengthened to fight the good fight.
Be empowered to fight the good fight.
Be equipped to fight the good fight.
Whatever is the cause of compromise -
be cast out, in Jesus’ name!
That satanic scheme to derail you
from your divine destiny -
be alert to overcome it!
I speak to your marriage.
Let there be peace!
I speak to your home.
Let there be unity!
I speak to your family.
Let there be understanding!
In Jesus’ mighty name.
Thank You, Jesus, for the uncompromising truth of Your Holy Word.
Let hearing translate to action.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.