0:00:00.920,0:00:04.480 We should be willing to adjust [br]for the sake of peace, 0:00:04.480,0:00:07.920 but unwilling to compromise [br]in the name of peace. 0:00:07.920,0:00:13.720 We should be ready to adjust [br]over issues of preference, 0:00:13.720,0:00:18.880 but not to compromise [br]over issues of principle. 0:00:19.120,0:00:25.880 FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT[br]BROTHER CHRIS 0:00:27.160,0:00:32.120 Grace and peace to you all, [br]children of God, in Jesus’ name. 0:00:32.120,0:00:38.280 You are welcome to another edition of ‘Faith Is Natural’ here on God's Heart TV. 0:00:38.280,0:00:42.720 And today I want to talk about[br]a very practical issue. 0:00:42.720,0:00:51.360 I want to give some words of advice on how to manage relationships as a Christian. 0:00:51.360,0:00:54.360 Take note of that - as a Christian. 0:00:54.360,0:01:04.560 Because I have observed that it is common today when it comes to this issue of relationships 0:01:04.560,0:01:14.200 for people to engage in battles [br]they should avoid 0:01:14.200,0:01:21.360 and avoid battles they should engage in. 0:01:21.360,0:01:30.640 I mean, it’s sadly very common for people to overlook the issues they should confront 0:01:30.640,0:01:36.080 whilst confronting issues [br]that they should overlook. 0:01:36.080,0:01:49.000 We run to unnecessary battles whilst [br]we run from necessary battles. 0:01:49.000,0:02:03.040 And this causes both delay and distraction in the journey toward our destiny. 0:02:03.040,0:02:07.040 I would even put it like this: 0:02:07.040,0:02:16.640 Immature handling of conflicts and confrontations in relationships 0:02:16.640,0:02:26.440 makes it easy for the devil [br]to derail us spiritually. 0:02:26.440,0:02:34.800 Why do you think it is so common for the devil today to target families, homes, marriages? 0:02:34.800,0:02:42.240 Because a troubled home often [br]translates to a troubled heart. 0:02:42.240,0:02:45.440 This is what I want to talk about today, people of God. 0:02:45.440,0:02:50.600 As you're watching this message, [br]just take a moment; look at your life. 0:02:50.600,0:02:58.760 Examine the people you relate with [br]on a regular basis, a daily basis - 0:02:58.760,0:03:05.800 your husband, wife, siblings, family members, friends, colleagues. 0:03:05.800,0:03:16.000 Now, there is no relationship in this world where there will not be a degree of confrontation. 0:03:16.000,0:03:21.960 That's normal. Because God designed us to be different, we are bound to have differences. 0:03:21.960,0:03:28.880 But the question is - what leads [br]to that confrontation? 0:03:28.880,0:03:32.400 What causes that conflict? 0:03:32.400,0:03:39.480 What provokes that provocation? 0:03:39.480,0:03:43.320 And I want you to think about this. 0:03:43.320,0:03:57.680 Are you fighting over issues of preference or issues of principle? 0:03:57.680,0:04:08.280 Do you clash when your comfort is disturbed or when your conscience is disturbed? 0:04:08.280,0:04:17.960 Is the root of your confrontation about material things or spiritual things? 0:04:17.960,0:04:25.200 And in the handling of that conflict, 0:04:25.200,0:04:36.000 do you manifest the fruit of the Spirit [br]or the fruits of the flesh? 0:04:36.000,0:04:42.000 The message I'm going to share [br]with you today is titled: 0:04:42.000,0:04:46.800 ‘Fight For What Is Right’. 0:04:46.800,0:04:51.120 Take note - I did not say fight for your right. 0:04:51.120,0:04:58.400 Fight for what is right in the [br]light of God's Living Word. 0:04:58.400,0:05:08.400 Now, as I said, it's common today for people to engage in unnecessary battles. 0:05:08.400,0:05:15.560 We waste our time, energy, strength, attention, resources, 0:05:15.560,0:05:25.440 fighting over issues that fade [br]in the light of eternity. 0:05:25.440,0:05:29.480 Many marriages today - this is the problem. 0:05:29.480,0:05:37.560 We dramatise little issues - issues that are not worthy of our attention, time, strength. 0:05:37.560,0:05:41.720 We dramatise these issues, and in the process of dealing with the drama, 0:05:41.720,0:05:47.400 we minimise the big issues - issues that [br]we are meant to be dealing with. 0:05:47.400,0:05:51.720 This is a problem in many homes today. 0:05:51.720,0:05:59.320 And people of God, fighting unnecessary battles does not solve the problem. 0:05:59.320,0:06:01.280 It creates more problems. 0:06:01.280,0:06:06.880 It does not settle the issue;[br]it triggers more issues. 0:06:06.880,0:06:17.160 Because in the process, you are wasting precious time and building up bitterness. 0:06:17.160,0:06:20.160 Take note of this truth: 0:06:20.160,0:06:27.720 The more your mind is influenced [br]by the trappings of this world, 0:06:27.720,0:06:36.480 the more your time is invested [br]in the battles of this world - 0:06:36.480,0:06:43.160 fighting a wrong battle. 0:06:43.160,0:06:50.880 When we are too idle, [br]we are especially vulnerable 0:06:50.880,0:06:57.200 to the temptation of fighting a wrong battle. 0:06:57.200,0:07:05.960 This is why we must be so careful [br]of what we feed our hearts with. 0:07:05.960,0:07:11.320 Because what you feed [br]determines how you fight. 0:07:11.320,0:07:14.040 Or let me put it like this: 0:07:14.040,0:07:24.080 What you feed on determines [br]what you fight on. 0:07:24.080,0:07:27.000 Think about that, people of God. 0:07:27.000,0:07:31.640 Now, I want to say something at this point. 0:07:31.640,0:07:35.320 Many people reach out to [br]us here at God’s Heart TV 0:07:35.320,0:07:37.920 and one of the common [br]prayer requests is that, 0:07:37.920,0:07:44.480 ‘I want prayer to find a godly person to marry. I'm looking to get married.’ 0:07:44.480,0:07:52.000 And I have a word of advice for those who are waiting on the Lord for marriage. 0:07:52.000,0:07:57.720 There is nothing pretty about being petty. 0:07:57.720,0:08:06.680 There is nothing attractive in immaturity. 0:08:06.680,0:08:16.080 Building your character with the blocks of godly discipline is the best preparation for marriage. 0:08:16.080,0:08:19.040 Because take note of this - 0:08:19.040,0:08:34.400 the discipline required to keep you for marriage is also required to keep you in marriage. 0:08:34.400,0:08:38.080 Now, going back to the main subject, 0:08:38.080,0:08:47.080 when provocation leads to confrontation - check your heart. 0:08:47.080,0:08:50.200 Check your heart. 0:08:50.200,0:08:53.840 What is it really about? 0:08:53.840,0:09:00.200 Is it about what you want or [br]about what God wants? 0:09:00.200,0:09:08.120 Is it about what you like or [br]is it about what is right? 0:09:08.120,0:09:17.080 Because as a Christian, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. 0:09:17.080,0:09:22.360 In your family, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. 0:09:22.360,0:09:28.520 In your workplace, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. 0:09:28.520,0:09:34.720 In your marriage, you are called to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. 0:09:34.720,0:09:47.520 Romans 12:18 says, ‘As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.’ 0:09:47.520,0:09:52.040 Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:9, 0:09:52.040,0:10:01.800 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” 0:10:01.800,0:10:06.320 Look, I want you to think [br]about this, people of God. 0:10:06.320,0:10:15.400 Our unnecessary battles are [br]often prolonged by pride 0:10:15.400,0:10:24.960 expressed through our stubbornness [br]to make adjustments. 0:10:24.960,0:10:27.920 This is a principle that will help you. 0:10:27.920,0:10:32.040 Married couples who are watching this message or those preparing for marriage, 0:10:32.040,0:10:38.280 think about this - [br]adjustment without compromise. 0:10:38.280,0:10:41.840 We should be willing to adjust [br]for the sake of peace, 0:10:41.840,0:10:45.560 but unwilling to compromise [br]in the name of peace. 0:10:45.560,0:10:51.480 We should be ready to adjust [br]over issues of preference, 0:10:51.480,0:10:56.760 but not to compromise [br]over issues of principle. 0:10:56.760,0:11:02.760 Principles of the Living Word of God [br]are not negotiable, 0:11:02.760,0:11:07.880 just as the truth in the Living [br]Word of God is not changeable. 0:11:07.880,0:11:16.760 This is a message for everyone today - adjustment without compromise. 0:11:16.760,0:11:23.760 Look, you are called to be a peacemaker, 0:11:23.760,0:11:33.480 but not at the price of your principles,[br]not at the cost of your conscience. 0:11:33.480,0:11:42.600 You cannot be a peacemaker and at [br]the same time, a people-pleaser - 0:11:42.600,0:11:46.160 a yes-man or a yes-woman. No! 0:11:46.160,0:11:51.120 It’s impossible to make peace on the platform of covering up wrong. 0:11:51.120,0:11:56.320 This is what I mean by fighting[br]a necessary battle, 0:11:56.320,0:12:01.040 fighting the good fight,[br]fighting for what is right. 0:12:01.040,0:12:07.080 In a godly relationship, [br]when you see wrong, 0:12:07.080,0:12:16.960 you are called to confront it [br]in love, not to cover it up. 0:12:16.960,0:12:25.440 The degree of your love for God is reflected in the degree of your hatred of sin, 0:12:25.440,0:12:29.680 not only in yourself, but in others. 0:12:29.680,0:12:40.720 I cannot claim to love you and yet downplay or ignore sin in your life, 0:12:40.720,0:12:43.640 under the guise of friendship. 0:12:43.640,0:12:46.960 That is not friendship.[br]That is not godly relationship. 0:12:46.960,0:12:55.120 In the world, there is this twisted, warped view of friendship that is more about blind loyalty. 0:12:55.120,0:12:59.360 That is not true friendship. No! 0:12:59.360,0:13:07.200 You should look for friends who will confront your wrong, not conceal your wrong. 0:13:07.200,0:13:13.160 Look for friends who will correct wrong, [br]not cover up wrong. 0:13:13.160,0:13:20.760 True friendship will never sacrifice truth [br]in the name of friendship. 0:13:20.760,0:13:27.080 A good friend is someone who is unafraid to speak the truth to you, 0:13:27.080,0:13:35.840 not someone who sees you going astray but looks the other way. 0:13:35.840,0:13:48.280 The Bible says in James 4:17 that [br]for him who knows what is good 0:13:48.280,0:13:56.960 and does not do it, to him that is sin. 0:13:56.960,0:14:06.040 It is better to not know than [br]to know and stay silent. 0:14:06.040,0:14:13.120 It is better to not see than [br]to see and keep quiet. 0:14:13.120,0:14:23.160 Silence can never be an acceptable response to sin. 0:14:23.160,0:14:37.960 Spiritual maturity recognises responsibility beyond the boundaries of yourself - 0:14:37.960,0:14:50.200 to accept a degree of responsibility for the actions of those you relate with. 0:14:50.200,0:14:55.720 That is a sign of spiritual maturity. 0:14:55.720,0:15:02.360 Now, there are some people who [br]avoid fighting necessary battles 0:15:02.360,0:15:06.000 because they say, ‘But I don't[br]want to offend this person.’ 0:15:06.000,0:15:08.120 They are trying to avoid offence. 0:15:08.120,0:15:10.480 So let me tell you a principle: 0:15:10.480,0:15:18.680 Don’t fight from offence and [br]don't fight to offend. 0:15:18.680,0:15:24.840 Fight because of what is right. 0:15:24.840,0:15:30.320 If what is right causes offence, [br]it is between that person and God. 0:15:30.320,0:15:37.840 If speaking truth causes trouble, [br]I tell you, people of God, 0:15:37.840,0:15:41.480 God will strengthen you [br]through that trouble. 0:15:41.480,0:15:46.760 If correcting wrong breaks a relationship, 0:15:46.760,0:15:52.680 take it as God's way of cutting [br]off that relationship. 0:15:52.680,0:15:56.960 But if you weigh someone's reaction - 0:15:56.960,0:16:00.480 ‘How will they respond? What will they say? They will got offended.’ 0:16:00.480,0:16:08.040 If you weigh someone’s reaction, [br]you will delay your action. 0:16:08.040,0:16:11.640 And if you look for a more convenient day, 0:16:11.640,0:16:19.200 you wait for a more convenient moment - [br]that day may never come. 0:16:19.200,0:16:25.680 Avoiding necessary battles is only postponing the evil day 0:16:25.680,0:16:36.200 because you may dodge confrontation, [br]but you cannot dodge consequence. 0:16:36.200,0:16:41.480 And if you are hearing this message [br]and saying to yourself, 0:16:41.480,0:16:49.320 ‘But how can I confront wrong in others when there's still a lot of wrong in me?’ 0:16:49.320,0:16:55.520 Look, no one is perfect. 0:16:55.520,0:16:58.920 But can I tell you a secret? 0:16:58.920,0:17:07.280 When you confront and correct the wrong in others in a godly relationship, 0:17:07.280,0:17:11.280 you are challenging yourself to change. 0:17:11.280,0:17:20.640 Because the voice of authority requires [br]the alignment of lips and life. 0:17:20.640,0:17:28.040 And don't be surprised that if you confront wrong in others, others will confront wrong in you. 0:17:28.040,0:17:34.440 That's good. That is healthy spiritually because iron sharpens iron. 0:17:34.440,0:17:36.240 We are one another's strength. 0:17:36.240,0:17:44.080 So, people of God, fight for what is right and let there be light. 0:17:44.080,0:17:50.480 Fight for what is right, and let [br]your light shine before men 0:17:50.480,0:17:56.400 that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven, 0:17:56.400,0:18:03.040 as our Lord Jesus Christ [br]said in Matthew 5:16. 0:18:03.040,0:18:06.480 This is my word of exhortation to you today, people of God. 0:18:06.480,0:18:14.000 And I pray that this message enters [br]deep into your hearts 0:18:14.000,0:18:25.800 and positively influences and impacts your day-to-day relationships, in Jesus’ name. 0:18:25.800,0:18:28.920 Right now, let us pray together. 0:18:34.040,0:18:49.640 I pray the eyes of your hearts are opened to see every ungodly, unhealthy relationship 0:18:49.640,0:18:57.160 in your life - to break free from it, [br]in Jesus’ name. 0:18:57.160,0:19:01.320 Break free from that ungodly relationship. 0:19:01.320,0:19:05.720 Break free from that unhealthy relationship. 0:19:05.720,0:19:08.520 In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 0:19:08.520,0:19:18.520 That relationship based on manipulation and deceit - be disconnected! 0:19:18.520,0:19:21.120 In Jesus’ mighty name. 0:19:21.120,0:19:25.920 As you fight for what is right, [br]let there be light! 0:19:25.920,0:19:28.360 Let there be light in your home. 0:19:28.360,0:19:30.880 Let there be light in your marriage. 0:19:30.880,0:19:33.400 Let there be light in your family. 0:19:33.400,0:19:37.840 Let there be light! 0:19:37.840,0:19:42.040 Be strengthened to fight the good fight. 0:19:42.040,0:19:45.920 Be empowered to fight the good fight. 0:19:45.920,0:19:49.960 Be equipped to fight the good fight. 0:19:49.960,0:19:59.320 Whatever is the cause of compromise - [br]be cast out, in Jesus’ name! 0:19:59.320,0:20:06.760 That satanic scheme to derail you [br]from your divine destiny - 0:20:06.760,0:20:14.640 be alert to overcome it! 0:20:14.640,0:20:16.960 I speak to your marriage. 0:20:16.960,0:20:19.720 Let there be peace! 0:20:19.720,0:20:22.360 I speak to your home. 0:20:22.360,0:20:25.320 Let there be unity! 0:20:25.320,0:20:27.600 I speak to your family. 0:20:27.600,0:20:31.960 Let there be understanding! 0:20:31.960,0:20:38.320 In Jesus’ mighty name. 0:20:38.320,0:20:49.480 Thank You, Jesus, for the uncompromising truth of Your Holy Word. 0:20:49.480,0:20:55.520 Let hearing translate to action. 0:20:55.520,0:21:00.120 In Jesus’ name. Amen.