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Magnificent Vistas of Ignorance | Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado | TEDxKC

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    I've been spending my summers
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    in the Marine Biological Laboratory in
    Woods Hole, Massachusetts
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    And there, what I've been doing is
    essentially renting a boat.
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    What I would like to ask you to do
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    is to come on a boat ride with me tonight.
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    So, we ride off from Eel Pond into
    the Vineyard South,
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    right off the coast of Martha's Vineyard,
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    equipped with a drone to
    identify potential spots
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    from which to peer into the Atlantic.
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    Earlier I was going to say
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    into the depths of the Atlantic,
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    but we don't have to go too deep
    to reach the unknown.
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    Here, barely two miles away,
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    from what is arguably the greatest
    marine biology lab in the world,
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    we lower a simple plankton net
    into the water
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    and bring up into the surface things
    that humanity rarely pays attention to
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    and oftentimes, have never seen before.
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    Here is one of the organisms
    that we caught in our net,
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    this is a jellyfish.
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    But look closely, living inside this
    animal is another organism
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    that is very likely entirely
    new to science.
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    A complete new species.
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    Or how about this other
    transparent beauty?
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    With a beating heart,
    asexually growing,
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    on top of its head,
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    progeny that will move on to
    reproduce sexually.
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    Now let me say that again,
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    this animal is growing asexually,
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    on top of its head,
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    progeny that is going to reproduce
    sexually in the next generation.
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    A weird jellyfish, not quite,
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    this is an ascidian,
    this is a group of animals
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    that now we know we share
    extensive genomic ancestry with,
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    and it is perhaps the closest
    invertebrate species to our own.
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    Meet your cousin,
    Thalia democratica
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    I'm pretty sure you didn't
    save a spot
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    in your last family reunion for Thalia.
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    But, let me tell you,
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    these animals are profoundly related to us
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    in ways we are just
    beginning to understand.
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    Next time you hear anybody
    derisively telling you
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    that this type of research is a
    simple fishing expedition,
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    I hope that you remember
    the trip that we just took.
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    Today, many biological sciences
    only see value
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    in studying deeper what we
    already know,
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    In mapping already discovered continents.
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    But some of us are much more
    interested in the unknown,
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    we want to discover completely
    new continents,
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    and gaze at magnificent vistas
    of ignorance.
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    We crave the experience of being
    completely baffled
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    by something we have
    never seen before.
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    And yes, I agree that there's a lot of
    ego satisfaction in being able to say
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    "Hey, I was the first one
    to discover that."
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    This is not a self-aggrandizing
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    because in this type of
    discovery research,
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    if you don't feel like a complete
    idiot most of the time,
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    you're just not science-ing
    hard enough.
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    Every summer, I bring onto the deck
    of this little boat of ours,
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    more and more things that
    we know very little about.
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    Very, very, very little about.
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    I would like to tell you tonight,
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    a story about life that
    rarely gets told
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    in an environment like this.
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    From the vantage point of
    our 21st biological laboratories,
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    our 21st century
    biological laboratories,
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    we have began to illuminate
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    many mysteries of life with knowledge.
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    We sensed that after centuries
    of scientific research,
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    we're beginning to make significant
    inroads into understanding
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    some of the most fundamental
    principles of life.
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    Our collective optimism is reflected
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    by the growth of biotechnology
    across the globe.
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    Striving to utilize scientific knowledge
    to cure human diseases,
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    things like cancer, aging,
    degeneretive diseases,
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    these are but some of the
    undesirables we wish to tame.
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    What I often wonder is,
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    "Why is it that we are
    having so much trouble
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    trying to solve the
    problem of cancer?
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    Is it that we're trying to solve
    the problem of cancer,
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    and not trying to
    understand life?"
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    Life on this planet
    shares a common origin.
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    I can summarize 3.5 billion years
    of the history of life on this planet
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    in a single slide.
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    What you see represented here
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    are all known species,
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    representative of all
    known species of our planet.
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    in this immensity of life
    and biodiversity
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    we occupy a rather
    unremarkable position.
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    Homo sapiens,
    the last of our kind.
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    And though I don't really
    want to disparage
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    all the accomplishments
    of our species,
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    as much as we wish it to be so,
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    and often pretend that it is so,
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    we are not the measure of all things.
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    We are, however, the measurers
    of many things.
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    We relentlessly quantify,
    analyze and compare,
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    and some of these are absolutely
    invaluable and indeed necessary,
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    but this emphasis today,
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    on forcing biological research
    to specialize,
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    and to produce practical outcomes,
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    is actually restricting our ability
    to interrogate life,
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    to accept only narrow confines
    and unsatisfying depths.
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    We are measuring an astonishingly
    narrow sliver of life,
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    and hoping that those numbers
    will save all of our lives.
Magnificent Vistas of Ignorance | Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado | TEDxKC

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