[Interview with a new member]
My name is Ikezoe Shunsuke.
I'm 21 years old.
I'm working on becoming
a hair and makeup artist.
The reason I want to join is...
Well, personally, I...
My last girlfriend
was about two years ago.
But, around that time,
I started to question my sexuality,
and whether I wanted to
date girls or guys.
At first, before I could even
figure out how I felt,
I struggled to acknowledge my sexuality.
"This isn't about romantic attraction,
but just the type of person
I'm interested in",
I kept telling myself that.
But I began to realize that wasn't true,
and worry that I was different.
I researched on the Internet,
but there wasn't much information
available on this topic,
so I wasn't sure what to do.
I realized it was something
I wanted to define within myself,
so if I could live with
both girls and guys
and challenge myself,
then I might learn something about myself.
That's my main reason for moving
into Terrace House.
I haven't told anyone.
Probably, my parents will be surprised,
but I'm closest with my older sister
and I think she'll be the most surprised.
When I applied to Terrace House...
I'm not hiding right now,
but I don't like this version of myself
who is indecisive and
unable to communicate my feelings well.
I want to learn to be more open.
Even though it's not gonna be easy,
I think this could be a great opportunity,
so I'm focusing on the positives.
The topic of sexuality is very difficult
One of the reasons I want to
work on hair and makeup.
is that I'm so grateful
for the acceptance I've received.
The hair and makeup industry is
very LGBT-friendly.
It has a lot of
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual representation.
And if I can ever get a job in this field,
I think there will be a lot of people
who are understanding of my sexuality.
But starting tomorrow,
I will be living with people
from all kinds of occupations
and I think there might be
a few that are judgmental,
or guys who may not show any disapproval,
but internally feel weird about it.
That's what I'm most scared of.
When I was in sixth grade,
my sister put color contacts on me.
And at the time I didn't like it,
but really, once I looked in the mirror
I really liked how my face had changed.
After that, my sister showed me
how to shape and draw my eyebrows
and we started to do that
kind of thing a lot.
In the beginning, I just liked
seeing my own face change,
but I started to realize that
I wanted to do this for other people.
Last December, I started
to look into the requirements
and tomorrow I have an exam.
I'm very nervous.
I haven't really said "I like you"
to that many people.
And I haven't gone on that many dates.
Even if I was interested,
I didn't say anything
and I hid my feelings.
There was someone I was interested in,
but I didn't make any moves and
I wasn't able to confess my feelings.
So I hope that living in Terrace House,
will be my chance to learn to
go for it when I'm interested in someone.
Very feminine girls or masculine guys,
I think that would be the type
I'm most interested in.
But I don't like guys with long hair...
I like short hair.
For girls, though, I like long hair.
I'm not very muscular,
so I prefer people who are strong.
If I started to like two people,
I'd go on a date with each of them,
and I would go with my gut feeling,
choosing the person that I had the
strongest feelings for initially.
I really...
I used to feel that since I am a guy,
I had to take girls out.
I had that mentality ingrained in me.
But I've grown out of that mentality,
And I decided to go after
whoever I'm interested in.
And if there's a guy
who I'm interested in,
I want to tell them and see how it goes.
I want to get to know them and
go out to eat together.
I want to be in a relationship
with that kind of person.
[Translated by kurisuke]
[Timed by gabweeb]