Obesity is a National Security Issue: Lieutenant General Mark Hertling at TEDxMidAtlantic
0:21 - 0:23Hello, my name's Hertling
0:23 - 0:24and I'm a soldier and
0:24 - 0:27-- you probably could tell that.
0:27 - 0:29I've been in the military for 38 years.
0:29 - 0:31I'm thinking of making it a career.
0:31 - 0:33I have seen -- (Laughter) --
0:33 - 0:36I have seen and studied and analysed
0:36 - 0:38all types of security threats.
0:38 - 0:40I've fought in several wars
0:40 - 0:43but there's an emerging threat
that we're seeing -
0:43 - 0:45and I'd like to talk a little bit
about today -
0:45 - 0:50that I think will have an effect
on our future, -
0:50 - 0:51our economy,
0:51 - 0:54our youth
0:54 - 0:56and our economic system.
0:56 - 0:58It is an emerging threat
0:58 - 1:01that concerns me significantly
1:01 - 1:04and it's represented in this picture.
1:04 - 1:05Now you might think,
1:05 - 1:07why is a soldier talking about
1:07 - 1:11a young man who is obviously inactive
1:11 - 1:14and perhaps is a little bit overweight?
1:14 - 1:17And it's because of some things I've seen
1:17 - 1:18in the last several years
1:18 - 1:21and I'd like to talk a little bit about those today
1:21 - 1:23and related to how I believe
1:23 - 1:24it could be a national security threat
1:24 - 1:27within the next 20 to 30 years.
1:27 - 1:30First of all, in 1983,
1:30 - 1:32the Army sent me on something
1:32 - 1:34called a broadening experience.
1:34 - 1:36I was asked to go graduate school
1:36 - 1:37at Indiana University.
1:37 - 1:40I had studied as an undergraduate
in International Relations -
1:40 - 1:41but they said, "Hey we want you to go
1:41 - 1:45and get a Master's degree
in Exercise Physiology -
1:45 - 1:48and then teach PE at West Point."
1:48 - 1:50So I said, "Okay, sounds like a great idea.
1:50 - 1:52It's broadening to be sure."
1:52 - 1:54And I went out there -- (Laugther) --
1:54 - 1:56I went to Indiana University
1:56 - 1:59and my first class was an anatomy class
1:59 - 2:00and I had an anatomy lab.
2:00 - 2:02I walked into the classroom
2:02 - 2:05and they issued me a cadaver.
2:05 - 2:07As they did everyone else in the class.
2:07 - 2:10And the cadaver I had,
came with a medical history -
2:10 - 2:13The professor told us,
"In order to respect -
2:13 - 2:15the people who have given
their bodies to science -
2:15 - 2:18we'd ask you to respect them,
too, and you perhaps -
2:18 - 2:20wanna name them to remind yourself
2:20 - 2:21that they were once a person
2:21 - 2:23although we don't wanna give you
their real name." -
2:23 - 2:25So I named mine Charlie.
2:25 - 2:26Charlie had a medical history.
2:26 - 2:29He had been a two-pack-a-day smoker.
2:29 - 2:33Charlie had not exercised in the last 20 years.
2:33 - 2:36Charlie was extremely overweight
2:36 - 2:40and Charlie had died of a cardiovascular disease
2:40 - 2:43and he was 46 years old.
2:43 - 2:44When we pulled him up and we began,
2:44 - 2:46the various students in the room began
2:46 - 2:47our disection of these bodies
2:47 - 2:49I had a lot of a tougher time
2:49 - 2:51than some of the other students
2:51 - 2:52because I had to cut through
2:52 - 2:54several layers of adipose.
2:54 - 2:56When I got to the internal body cavities
2:56 - 2:57it was amazing to me
2:57 - 2:59comparing Charlie's organs
2:59 - 3:01to some of the organs of
the other students in the class. -
3:01 - 3:04The heart was surrounded by fat
3:04 - 3:05several inches.
3:05 - 3:08One of the tricks our instructors taught us was,
3:08 - 3:10you know, we had to through these labs
3:10 - 3:12where we had to name what vein was which
3:12 - 3:14and what artery was which,
3:14 - 3:16and the professor said, "If you pull
3:16 - 3:18on an artery, it's like a rubber band.
3:18 - 3:21If you pull on a vein, it's like
a guitar string and it'll twang." -
3:21 - 3:23When I pulled on Charlie's arteries and veins
3:23 - 3:26they broke off into my hand.
3:27 - 3:29So I finished grad school
3:29 - 3:30and went to teach at West Point for 3 years
3:30 - 3:32from '83 to '86
3:32 - 3:34and then after that assignment
3:34 - 3:35I went back to the operational Army
3:35 - 3:37and did things that all soldiers do:
3:37 - 3:39commanded organizations,
3:39 - 3:41trained, went into combat several times,
3:41 - 3:43and then coming out of combat
3:43 - 3:46as a Division Commander in 2009
3:46 - 3:49the Army decided they wanted to promote me
3:49 - 3:50to three-star General
3:50 - 3:52I think because they wanted to prove
3:52 - 3:53they have a sense of humor.
3:53 - 3:56They then sent me to be the Commander of
3:56 - 3:58Initial Military Training.
3:58 - 4:03My job was to train
the 160,000 or so soldiers -
4:03 - 4:05or correction: civilians,
4:05 - 4:07that would come into the Army every year
4:07 - 4:09and turn them into soldiers.
4:09 - 4:13What I found when I reported to that assignment
4:13 - 4:14disturbed me.
4:14 - 4:16Several facts came to my attention.
4:16 - 4:20First of all, 75% or more
4:20 - 4:22a little bit more actually
4:22 - 4:25of the civilians who wanted to join the Army
4:25 - 4:28were not qualified to do so.
4:28 - 4:3275% of the 17-24 year olds
who wanted to join the Army -
4:32 - 4:33were not qualified
4:33 - 4:34and the number one reason
4:34 - 4:37was because they were obese.
4:37 - 4:39Of the 25% that could join the Army
4:39 - 4:41what we found on the first day of basic training
4:41 - 4:44was that about 60% of them
4:44 - 4:47could not pass the PT test
4:47 - 4:49that we gave on the first day.
4:49 - 4:51And that was:
one minute of push-ups, -
4:51 - 4:54one minute of sit-ups and
a one-mile run. -
4:54 - 4:56Now, that's not a difficult test.
4:56 - 4:57But we were finding that
4:57 - 4:59a great majority of our new soldiers
4:59 - 5:01coming off the civilian environment,
5:01 - 5:04could not pass that test.
5:04 - 5:06I couldn't understand what had happened.
5:06 - 5:08This was not what I had left
5:08 - 5:12studying physical education in 1986.
5:12 - 5:14As we did some analyses
5:14 - 5:17I realized that a couple of things had changed.
5:17 - 5:21First of all, number one
and the primary reason was -
5:21 - 5:22starting in the late '90s
5:22 - 5:24the majority of our elementary
and high schools -
5:24 - 5:27stopped teaching PE,
5:27 - 5:29and in fact, only five states
5:29 - 5:32of the 50 of our country right now
5:32 - 5:35have mandatory requirements
for physical education -
5:35 - 5:38between K and 12th grade today.
5:38 - 5:40Five out of 50.
5:40 - 5:42Now, you say,
"Okay, well that's interesting, -
5:42 - 5:45but what does the Army care about that?"
5:45 - 5:47Well, we're getting the product of that
5:47 - 5:49but in addition to second and third order effects
5:49 - 5:51were young people that were joining our service
5:51 - 5:54could not run, dodge, jump, tumble, roll
5:54 - 5:57the kinds of things you expect soldiers to do
5:57 - 5:58if they're in combat.
5:58 - 6:00The second thing we found
6:00 - 6:02or that I found or realized was
6:02 - 6:05that our diet had changed radically
6:05 - 6:07in the last 15 years.
6:07 - 6:10We were supersizing everything.
6:10 - 6:12Having been stationed overseas in Germany,
6:12 - 6:13that's not the case there,
6:13 - 6:15but they were supersizing --
6:15 - 6:16if you want a large fries
6:16 - 6:18you can get extra large
and extra-extra large. -
6:18 - 6:19You couldn't just get a 16 oz drink,
6:19 - 6:23you could get a 24, 42, 64 oz soda.
6:23 - 6:26And that was having a deleterious effect.
6:26 - 6:28It was fascinating to me
6:28 - 6:30that we were also seeing,
6:30 - 6:32a scientist told me,
6:32 - 6:33that in the last 15 years
6:33 - 6:36from the time I left West Point until today
6:36 - 6:39Americans eat about 30% more calories a day
6:39 - 6:41than they had in 1983
6:41 - 6:45and about 15 lbs more of sugar a year.
6:45 - 6:46Phenomenal statistics.
6:46 - 6:49But the combination
of a lack of physical education -
6:49 - 6:53and an increase of poor nutrition
6:53 - 6:55was causing secondary effects.
6:55 - 6:58This is the "O" food group, by the way.
6:58 - 7:01I started calling it the "O" food group
7:01 - 7:03because anything that ends in an "O"
7:03 - 7:06is probably not good for you.
7:06 - 7:10(Laugther)
7:10 - 7:13I haven't found anything
that ended in "O" yet -
7:13 - 7:16that was actually very nutritious in nature.
7:16 - 7:18But what we started to do was
7:18 - 7:20we saw some second and third order effects
7:20 - 7:22and this is one of them
7:22 - 7:24this is at one of our training bases
7:24 - 7:26and we have five in the United States Army.
7:26 - 7:28We were seeing a malady called
7:28 - 7:32femoral neck stress injuries,
7:32 - 7:33and what that means is that
7:33 - 7:36the tip of the pelvis would crack
7:36 - 7:38and it wouldn't be a clean break
7:38 - 7:40but it would be a stress fracture
7:40 - 7:41that would cause significant problems
7:41 - 7:45and you can see starting in 2000
that we were beginning to see this -
7:45 - 7:49and this is because the people
we were recruiting were just coming of age -
7:49 - 7:52and many of them had not had PE
7:52 - 7:54and they had started to have the bad nutrition.
7:54 - 7:57But by 2009 when our new recruits
7:57 - 7:59were 18 or 19 years old
7:59 - 8:01they had gone through their entire life
8:01 - 8:04without having a PE class
and dependent on bad nutrition. -
8:04 - 8:08Those 135 that we had at one training base
8:08 - 8:10are significant injuries because
8:10 - 8:11in order to fix it
8:11 - 8:16it costs anywhere between
USD 100,000 and USD 300,000. -
8:16 - 8:17So this is an economic issue.
8:17 - 8:19This isn't just a soldier health issue.
8:19 - 8:23For me this was an economic issue.
8:24 - 8:26The third reason, and I'll say this
8:26 - 8:27then move quickly on.
8:27 - 8:28The third reason we saw
8:28 - 8:30was an increase in technology.
8:30 - 8:32Now, I'm a big fan of technology,
8:32 - 8:34but the researchers had told me
8:34 - 8:35that we now watch as a nation
8:35 - 8:39about 150 hours of television a month.
8:39 - 8:40That's five hours a day.
8:40 - 8:43In 2009, when we started this study
8:43 - 8:46we were seeing anywhere
from 30 to 40 on average -
8:46 - 8:49hours of internet searches
8:49 - 8:54by adult male Americans per month.
8:54 - 8:56That's between one and two hours a day.
8:56 - 8:58Gaming was off the charts.
8:58 - 9:00In 2009, and it's increased since then
9:00 - 9:02the average teenager was playing
9:02 - 9:06thirteen hours of video games per week.
9:06 - 9:08Now all those hours in front of a tube
9:08 - 9:10were replacing the play time
9:10 - 9:13and that's significant.
9:13 - 9:14In addition to that,
9:14 - 9:17the final one, number four:
9:17 - 9:20We're terrible examples to our children.
9:20 - 9:21We're in too much of a rush.
9:21 - 9:23We're eating poorly
9:23 - 9:25we're eating fast foods
9:25 - 9:28we're relaxing in front of the television
at the end of the day. -
9:28 - 9:30We also are relying on technology
9:30 - 9:31instead of play
9:31 - 9:34and we're not balancing our lives.
9:34 - 9:35My wife has a stitchery in our house
9:35 - 9:38as we've raised two children
9:38 - 9:39and now a couple of grandchildren
9:39 - 9:42that says, "Your children are watching you."
9:42 - 9:46What you do speaks louder
than anything you can say. -
9:46 - 9:50We were not doing the right things
for our children. -
9:50 - 9:52So in typical army fashion
9:52 - 9:55I said, "We've got to address
these issues with our new recruits." -
9:55 - 9:56And we changed several things.
9:56 - 9:58We began something we called
9:58 - 10:00the Soldier Athlete Initiative
10:00 - 10:02because you can't just say
to a bunch of 18 year olds, -
10:02 - 10:04"We're going to get you all in shape
10:04 - 10:06and stop feeding you cheeseburgers."
10:06 - 10:08You have to give kind of a sexy title
10:08 - 10:09to it so we called it
10:09 - 10:12Soldier Athlete Initiative.
10:12 - 10:14If you're going to perform on the battle field,
10:14 - 10:17you have got to train like a champion.
10:17 - 10:18And what we did was,
we completely changed -
10:18 - 10:20well, it's a three-legged stool
10:20 - 10:22we completely changed the way
we were training -
10:22 - 10:25to compensate for things
that were not going on -
10:25 - 10:27in grade school and high school.
10:27 - 10:29We assigned physical terapists
10:29 - 10:32and athletic trainers
to every organization -
10:32 - 10:34because we wanted
to prevent the injuries -
10:34 - 10:36and treat them before they turned into
10:36 - 10:40those USD 100,000 bone stress fractures.
10:40 - 10:44We wanted to fix them
as they became visible. -
10:44 - 10:47And then the third thing
and probably the most important was -
10:47 - 10:50we changed the way
we feed food in the mess halls -
10:50 - 10:51the dining facilities.
10:51 - 10:53We called it "Fueling the Soldier."
10:53 - 10:55You can't just say,
"Hey, have a salad." -
10:55 - 10:59We instead say -- (Laugther) --
10:59 - 11:01you've got to advertise with soldiers
11:01 - 11:03so we said,
"Hey, we're going to fuel you -
11:03 - 11:04for maximum performance."
11:04 - 11:07This is what sports teams are doing.
11:07 - 11:09This is what NFL, major league baseball
11:09 - 11:11they know they've got to eat right
11:11 - 11:14in order to perform at their maximum.
11:14 - 11:15Okay, I'm not going to dwell...
11:15 - 11:18Within the first year, we saw
11:18 - 11:21some unbelievably strong statistics
11:21 - 11:22that shows this was working:
11:22 - 11:24reduction in injuries,
11:24 - 11:27we saved about USD 30 million the first year
11:27 - 11:28just in treatment of injuries.
11:28 - 11:3130 million in the army.
11:31 - 11:33Just on injury prevention
11:33 - 11:35And we began to see weight loss
11:35 - 11:39and improved... or we reduced
the number of -
11:39 - 11:40overweight soldiers we have in the Army.
11:40 - 11:42We still have a way to go.
11:42 - 11:43We've advanced this "Fueling the Soldier"
11:43 - 11:45to "Fueling the Teams"
11:45 - 11:47and in fact we've redirected
11:47 - 11:48to the Department of Defense Schools
11:48 - 11:50for our young people
and we're calling it -
11:50 - 11:53"Fueling the future."
11:53 - 11:56So we fixed it!
Or we're on our way to fix it. -
11:56 - 11:58What's interesting about this
11:58 - 12:03is your Army combined with your Navy,
your Marine Corps -
12:03 - 12:04you Air Force and your Coast Guard
12:04 - 12:10makes up less than 1%
of the American population. -
12:10 - 12:12So my concern is:
12:12 - 12:16What's going on with the other 99%?
12:16 - 12:19And this gets me back to my issue of this
12:19 - 12:21being a national security concern.
12:21 - 12:23I'm going to show you
12:23 - 12:25one area and that's just levels of obesity.
12:25 - 12:27This was a chart that represents
12:27 - 12:29the number of states in the Union
12:29 - 12:33that were below 20% obesity rates
12:33 - 12:37on average from a child of 14 to 19 years old.
12:37 - 12:39This was in 1985.
12:39 - 12:42Watch what happens.
12:55 - 12:57As you can see
12:57 - 13:02in 2009, it's significantly worse.
13:02 - 13:05The predictions for 2030
13:05 - 13:07are these:
13:08 - 13:10You can see the number of states
13:10 - 13:14that have greater than 65% children obese.
13:14 - 13:18This is not overweight, this is obese.
13:18 - 13:19Now, the related issues
13:19 - 13:21that I told you the issue with our injury rates
13:21 - 13:23and how much we were paying to fix people
13:23 - 13:25is significant.
13:25 - 13:26We spend estimated
13:26 - 13:28the Department of Health and Education
13:28 - 13:30both determined that we spend
13:30 - 13:36on average today between
USD 150 to USD 200 billion per year -
13:36 - 13:40treating the results of childhood obesity.
13:40 - 13:42We're seeing an increase in diabetes.
13:42 - 13:44We estimate that we will have
13:44 - 13:48a 40% cardiovascular disease rate
by the year 2030. -
13:48 - 13:50This is significant.
13:50 - 13:53This is a health care issue.
13:53 - 13:54An economic issue.
13:54 - 13:57A readiness issue for me because
13:57 - 13:59I've seen my pool of recruits deplete
13:59 - 14:01based on this.
14:01 - 14:03I can't pull them in in order to fix them.
14:03 - 14:06And it's just a competition issue.
14:06 - 14:08There's other studies
that show what obesity -
14:08 - 14:11and lack of activity do to young people.
14:11 - 14:14So I believe this is certainly
14:14 - 14:17a national security concern.
14:17 - 14:20There are several organizations
who are attempting to approach this. -
14:20 - 14:23You may have heard of
Mayor Bloomberg in New York -
14:23 - 14:26who has banned all sugary drinks
14:26 - 14:30above 16 oz in schools and public restaurants
in New York City -
14:30 - 14:32and he took a lot of heat for that.
14:32 - 14:36Nike, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Subway
14:36 - 14:39are all using overweight actors in their adds
14:39 - 14:41to pattern behavior
14:41 - 14:43and perhaps to turn this thing around.
14:43 - 14:46Nickelodeon in last year's
Worldwide Day of Play -
14:46 - 14:48decided to put their screens black
14:48 - 14:50as opposed to showing programming
14:50 - 14:52in order to get children outside and play.
14:52 - 14:54And of course our First Lady
14:54 - 14:55over the last several years
14:55 - 14:58has been attempting to do "Let's Move!"
14:58 - 15:00and the counter obesity measures.
15:00 - 15:03This concerns me.
15:03 - 15:04This concerns me greatly.
15:04 - 15:07Again as I said
15:07 - 15:09my name is Hertling,
I am a soldier. -
15:09 - 15:12I've been a soldier for 38 years.
15:12 - 15:16This is not something the Army can fix.
15:16 - 15:18This is not something you can put
a yellow ribbon on -
15:18 - 15:21and say, "Let somebody else take care of it".
15:21 - 15:22This is not something
15:22 - 15:24that we can rely on governments
15:24 - 15:26or organizations to do.
15:26 - 15:29Be fearless in terms of writing your schools.
15:29 - 15:31Be fearless in trying to get nutrition
15:31 - 15:33back in restaurants.
15:33 - 15:35Be fearless in balancing your lives
15:35 - 15:37and getting out to exercise.
15:37 - 15:39Be fearless in modelling your behavior
15:39 - 15:41for young people.
15:42 - 15:44That will prevent
15:44 - 15:47a whole lot of Charlies in the future.
15:47 - 15:48Thank you very much.
15:48 - 15:50(Applause)
- Title:
- Obesity is a National Security Issue: Lieutenant General Mark Hertling at TEDxMidAtlantic
- Description:
Lieutenant General Mark Hertling is General Commander of the US Army in Europe and the Seventh Army. His talk entitled "Obesity as a National Security Issue" focuses on the fact that obesity is the leading medical reason why applicants fail to qualify for military service in the US. Lieutenant General Mark Hertling provides an insight into the steps taken by the US Army to ensure that its pool of recruit will not deplete.
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 16:08