Landslides in south Wales leave locals fearing 'another Aberfan' | ITV News
Not Synced[Roaring, rushing noises]
Not SyncedPeople: Whoa. Whoa. That's bad.
Not Synced[Announcer] It's Sunday, and
the side of a mountain has just collapsed. -
Not SyncedIt crashes through the river that
Not Syncedruns through the Rhondda Var,
near Tylorstown. -
Not SyncedNobody is injured, but
it's only today -
Not Syncedthe sheer scale of that collapse
is obvious. -
Not SyncedSomething else that is clear
Not Syncedis the amount of coal
Not Syncedthat was still
on this mountainside. -
Not SyncedGerald watched it all happen.
Not Synced[Gerald Durham]
There was a roar, -
Not Syncedand you could see the muck
Not Syncedstarting to slip
from the top area, there. -
Not SyncedWithin a couple of hours,
the whole lot had come down there. -
Not Synced[Announcer] Do you feel vulnerable?
Not Synced[Gerald] Yeah. Yeah.
With this going on, yeah. -
Not SyncedThese valleys are surrounded by coal.
Not SyncedThey were built on coal.
Not SyncedIt's a frightening prospect,
you know. -
Not SyncedIf that could've happened
Not Syncedon this side of the mountain,
Not Syncedit would be a totally different outcome.
Not Synced[Announcer] His father Cliff
is a former miner. -
Not SyncedYou look at this landslide now,
what goes through your mind? -
Not Synced[Cliff Durham] Oh, Aberfan,
straight away. -
Not SyncedBelieve me, we don't want
to see that again. -
Not SyncedI wouldn't.
Not Synced[Announcer] I've been
speaking to people -
Not Syncedon this street.
Not SyncedIt's Bryn Heulog, and it's
opposite to the landslide. -
Not SyncedThey described yesterday as eerie.
Not SyncedThe sound of slurry
crashing down the mountain. -
Not SyncedThey are just thankful
that this happened -
Not Syncedin front of their homes,
Not Syncednot behind them.
Not SyncedThe greenery of the valleys
Not Synceddisguises the amount of coal
that is still hidden here. -
Not SyncedIn the 1970s, 80s and 90s,
Not Syncedthe land was reclaimed.
Not SyncedBut now, there are calls
by local people, -
Not Syncedto inspect all the areas
where coal was dumped. -
Not Synced[Chris Bryant] We should definitely
Not Syncedbe inspecting all the former
coal tips. -
Not SyncedMaking sure that if
there is excessive water in there, -
Not Syncedthat that is being drained off,
Not Syncedmake sure everything is safe.
Not SyncedBecause obviously, people
have seen the horrific pictures -
Not Syncedon television news, of
what's happened in Ponte Guy. -
Not SyncedPeople might not have seen it
for themselves. -
Not SyncedIt is much bigger than
it looked on television. -
Not SyncedSo, people are, of course, worried.
Not SyncedIt is one thing, having water coming,
Not Syncedcoursing through your house.
Not SyncedIt is quite another, having, um,
Not Syncedslurry, and the top of the mountain
Not Syncedcoming down through your house.
Not Synced[Announcer] But, who is responsible?
Not SyncedWho owns the land?
Not SyncedThe Coal Authority says,
it's not them. -
Not SyncedThe Councils say,
Not Syncedthey're not sure if they do.
Not SyncedWho is responsible for these sites,
Not Syncedand who is maintaining them?
Not Synced[Andrew Morgan] At present,
Not Syncedwe are in discussion with
Not SyncedNatural Resources, Wales.
Not SyncedClears on the side of the hill.
Not SyncedIt is the big one.
Not SyncedRhondda Var is a concern to us.
Not SyncedWe have engineers on site right now,
Not Syncedmonitoring it.
Not Synced[Announcer] Do you think that is
your land, -
Not Syncedor Natural Resources Wales' land?
Not Synced[Mr. Morgan] We are still in discussion
over that. -
Not SyncedUm, but at present,
we have engineers on site, -
Not Syncedtrying to understand
if there is a risk -
Not Syncedto the properties, or the public.
Not SyncedCertainly there is some concern
Not Syncedabout the moment that happened
yesterday, -
Not Syncedand what's caused it.
Not SyncedIs it just water on the surface,
Not Syncedor is there a deeper issue
within the mountain? -
Not SyncedThat is currently under investigation.
Not Synced[Rushing noises.]
Not Synced[Announcer] This is what happened
Not Syncedafter a weekend of heavy rain.
Not SyncedThese valleys know all too well
Not Syncedof the histories with landslides.
Not SyncedNow, some are questioning
Not Syncedwhether this was a one-off,
Not Syncedor an early warning.
Not SyncedRob Osborne, ITV News.
- Title:
- Landslides in south Wales leave locals fearing 'another Aberfan' | ITV News
- Description:
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 03:21
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