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Claudia Goldin | Women in Economics

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Claudia Goldin | Women in Economics

This episode of Women in Economics profiles Claudia Goldin, pioneering economic historian, labor economist, and first female economist to be offered tenure at Harvard.

She was drawn to the sciences at a young age but switched to focusing on economics after taking an economics class with Alfred Kahn at Cornell as an undergrad.

Her most well-known research covers the evolution of women’s labor force participation, but her expertise is by no means confined to this topic. She’s also researched extensively on the economics of education, inequality, and automation.

Learn more about Claudia Goldin: https://mru.io/quf

More Women in Econ: https://mru.io/jwn


High school teacher resources: https://mru.io/gq4
Professor resources: https://mru.io/4y6
EconInbox: https://mru.io/o3d

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Centron Corporation/ A/V Geeks/ Prelinger Archive/ Internet Archive
Charles Rotkin / Contributor/ Corbis Historical/ Getty Images
Christina S. Murrey/ College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
Civil War Photographs, 1861-1865, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
Claudia Goldin
Columbia Pictures/ Internet Archive
Cornell Chronicle
DogPhonics/ Pond5.com
Duane Michals / Contributor / Getty Images
E.S.Gardner/ Prints and Photographs Division/ Library of Congress
European University Institute
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GovernmentFootage/ Pond5.com
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Kirsten St. Peter/ U.S. Navy
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malerapaso / Getty Images
Matthew Brady/ National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures
Michael Brennan / Contributor/ Hulton Archive/ Getty Images
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National Child Labor Committee collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
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Prelinger Archives Home Movies/ Internet Archive
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retrofootage/ Pond5.com
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Seattle Municipal Archives, Doctors with Patients 1999 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/4058808950)
Schumacher, Karl H., Photographer
Sgt. Michael Giles/ U.S. Army National Guard
Silverwell Films/ Archive Films: Creative/ Getty Images
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"Special Collections Research Center,
University of Chicago Library"
Spencer Platt/ Getty Image News/ Getty Images
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Streamline Films, Inc.
The Bronx High School of Science Alumni Foundation, Inc.
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision/ Archive Films: Creative/ Getty Images
TheArchivalCollection/ Pond5.com
The Washington Post / Contributor
U.S. Army Signal Corps/ Prints and Photographs Division/ Library of Congress
Universal Pictures Company, Inc/ Internet Archive
Virginia Department of Education
Vision Educational Productions/ A/V Geeks/ Prelinger Archive/ Internet Archive
War Department/ National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures

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Marginal Revolution University
Women In Economics

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