Ansan, a city in South Korea,
is known for its industrial strength
and cultural diversity.
It has a significant population
of foreign residents.
In this city,
foreigners can face challenges
such as job discrimination.
Single mothers are especially vulnerable.
To respond to these needs,
the Northern Asia-Pacific Division
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
built a center called Hope 365
to minister to the needs directly
in their community.
Among these issues,
in the area
where the center is currently located,
there are 3,371 single-parent families.
In response,
the Hope 365 Center immediately opened
a facility for single mothers
to meet local needs
and provide support
not only for accommodation and food
but also for medical care and daily life.
we also help them to be able
to stably support themselves
when they reenter society later.
Last year, Hope 365 introduced
two new shelters
for single parents in need of assistance
at no charge.
There are two facilities
within the center.
One is "House of Happiness,"
which has three single mothers with kids,
and there's "House of Hope,"
which has four mothers with kids
and one pregnant mother
waiting for the baby.
This facility is the first
of its kind in Ansan,
a result of a partnership
between city organizations
and the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.
It transforms Ansan into a place
of support and development
for single mothers and their children,
showcasing the impact
of church involvement and humanitarian aid
in creating a brighter future.
I've come to view it
as a family-friendly space.
I felt isolated,
but now, that feeling is gone.
Receiving encouragement from them,
feeling supported in assisting each other,
and the reassurance that I am not alone
are what I truly value
about what this center has offered me.
Hope 365 has accomplished much good
in the lives of many families,
but the center faces challenges
in running the facility.
The challenges that we face
in the center is financial.
We are serving eight families
within the center.
We need to provide them,
on a daily basis, three meals
and free accommodation,
diapers and powdered milk,
and any other supplies
that you need in a daily basis.
We want to have more families
to be helped and served.
With your support
of the 13th Sabbath Offering,
Hope 365 will be able to add more rooms
to accommodate more single mothers.
As a church, we can assist them
by providing our utmost support
to ensure a secure future for them.
Please pray for us and our center
that we can reach more people
and those mothers who are in need.
Thank you for your generous support
through the 13th Sabbath Offering
that makes a difference in so many lives.