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On the fourth of January, 1934,
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A young man delivered a report
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to the United States Congress
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that 80 years on,
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still shapes the lives of
everyone in this room today.
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Still shapes the lives of
everyone on this planet.
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That young man wasn't a politician,
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he wasn't a businessman,
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a civil rights activist,
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or a faith leader.
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He was the most unlikely of heroes,
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an economist.
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His name was Simon Kuznets
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and the report that he delivered was called,
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"National Income, 1929-32"
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Now, you might think that
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this is a rather dry and dull report,
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and you're absolutely right.
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It's dry as a bone.
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But this report is the foundation
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of how, today, we judge the
success of countries.
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What we know best as
Gross Domestic Product,
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or GDP.
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GDP has defined and shaped our lives
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for the last 80 years.
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And today I want to talk about
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a different way to measure
the success of countries.
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A different way to define
and shape our lives
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for the nest 80 years.
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But first, we need to understand
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how GDP came to
dominate our lives.
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Kuznet's report was delivered
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at a moment of crisis.
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The U.S. economy was plumetting
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into the Great Depression.
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and policy makers were
struggling to respond.
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Struggling because they didn't
know what was going on.
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They didn't have data and statistics.
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So what Kuznet's report gave them
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was reliable data on what
the U.S. economy
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was producing,
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updated year by year.
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And armed with this information,
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policy makers were, eventually,
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able to find a way out
of the slump.
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And because Kuznet's invention
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was found to be so useful,
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it spread around the world.
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And now today, every country
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produces GDP statistics.
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But, in that first report,
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Kuznets himself delivered a warning.
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It's in the introductory chapter,
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page 7 he says,
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"The welfare of a nation can, therefore,
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scarcely be inferred
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from a measurement of
national income
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as defined above."
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It's not the greatest soundbite
in the world,
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And it's dressed up in the
coursest language
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of the economist,
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but his message was clear,
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GDP is a tool
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to help us measure
economic performance.
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It's not a measure
of our wellbeing.
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And it shouldn't be a guide
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to all decision making.
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But we have ignored
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Kuznet's warning.
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We live in a world where
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GDP is the benchmark of sucess
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in a global economy.
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Our politicians boast when
GDP goes up,
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Markets move
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and trillions of dollars in capital
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move around the world
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based on which countries
are going up,
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and which countries
are going down.
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All measured in GDP.
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Our societies have become
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engines to create more GDP.
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But we know that GDP is flawed.
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It ignores the environment.
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It counts bombs and prisons and progress.
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It can't count happiness
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or community.
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And it has nothing to say
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about fairness or justice.
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Is it any surprise,
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that our world,
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marching to the drumbeat of GDP,
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is teetering on the brink
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of environmental disaster
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and filled with anger and conflict?
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We need a better way
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to measure our societies.
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A measure based on the real things
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that matter to real people.
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Do I have enough to eat?
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Can I read and write?
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Am I safe?
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Do I have rights?
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Do I live in a society where
I'm not discriminated against?
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Is my future
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and the future of my children
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prevented from environmental disaster?
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These are questions that GDP
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does not and cannot answer.
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There have, of course,
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been efforts in the past
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to move beyond GDP.
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But I believe that we're living
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in a moment when we
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are ready for a measurement revolution.
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We're ready because we've seen,
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in the financial crisis of 2008,
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how our fetish for economic growth
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led us so far astray.
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We've seen in the Arab Spring
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how countries like Tunisia
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were supposedly economic superstars
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but they were societies
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that were seething with discontentment.
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We're ready because today
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we have the technology
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to gather and analyze data
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in ways that would have been
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unimaginable to Kuznets.
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Today, I'd like to introduce you to
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the Social Progress Index.
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It's a measure of the wellbeing of society,
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completely separate from GDP.
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It's a whole new way
[Social Progress Index]
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of looking at the world.
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The Social Progress Index
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begins by defining what it
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means to be a good society
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based around three dimensions:
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The first is, does everyone have
the basic needs for survival?
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Food, water, shelter, safety.
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Secondly, does everyone have
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access to the building blocks
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to improve their lives?
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Education, information, health
and sustainable environment.
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And then third,
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does every individual have access
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to the chance to pursue their goals
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and dreams and ambitions
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free from obstacles?
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Do they have rights?
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Freedom of choice?
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Freedom from discrimination
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and access to the the world's
most advanced knowledge?
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Together, these 12 components
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form the Social Progress framework.
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And for each of these 12 components,
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we have indicators to measure
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how these countries are performing.
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Not indicators of effort or intention,
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but real achievement.
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We don't measure how much
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a country spends on healthcare,
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we measure the length and quality
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of people's lives.
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We don't measure whether governments
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pass laws against discrimination,
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we measure whether people
experience discrimination.
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But, what you want to know
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is who's top, don't you?
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I knew that, I knew that, I knew that.
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Okay, I'm going to show you.
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I'm going to show you on this chart.
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So here we are,
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what I've done here is
put on the vertical axis
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social progress.
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Higher is better.
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And then, just for comparison,
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just for fun,
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on the horizontal axis,
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is GDP per capita.
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Further to the right is more.
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the country in the world
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with the highest social progress,
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the number one country on social progress
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is New Zealand.
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The country with the least social progress,
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I'm sorry to say,
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is Chad.
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I've never been, maybe next year.
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Or maybe the year after.
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Now, I know what you're thinking.
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You're thinking, "Aha!,
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but New Zealand has a higher GDP
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than Chad.
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Good point, well made.
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But let me show you
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two other countries.
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Here's the United States,
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considerably richer than New Zealand,
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but with a lower level of social progress.
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And then here's Senegal,
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it's got a higher level
of social progress
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than Chad, but with
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the same level of GDP.
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So what's going on?
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Well, look.
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Let me bring in the rest of
the countries of the world,
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the 132 we've been able to measure,
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each one represented by a dot.
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There are lots of dots.
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Now, obviously I can't do all of them,
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so a few highlights for you:
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the highest ranked G7 country is Canada.
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My country, the United Kingdom,
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is sort of middling, sort of dull,
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but who cares,
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at least we beat the french.
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And then looking at the emerging economies,
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top of the bricks, pleased to say,
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is Brazil.
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Come on, cheer!
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Go, Brazil!
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Beating South Africa,
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then Russia,
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then China,
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and then India.
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Tucked away on the right-hand side,
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you will see a dot of a country with
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a lot of GDP but not
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a huge amount of social progress,
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that's Kuwait.
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Just above Brazil
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is a social progress superpower,
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that's Costa Rica.
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It's got a level of social progress
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the same as some
Western European countries,
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with a much lower GDP.
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Now, my slide is getting a little cluttered
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and I'd like to step back a bit.
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So let me take away these countries,
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and then pop in the regression line.
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So this shows the average relationship
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between GDP and social progress.
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The first thing to notice,
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is that there's lots of noise
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around the trend line.
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And what this shows,
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what this impiracially demonstrates,
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is that GDP is not destiny.
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At every level of GDP per capita,
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there are opportunities
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for more social progress,
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risks of less.
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The second thing to notice
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is that for poor countries,
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the curve is really steep.
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So what this tells us is that
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if poor countries can get
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a little bit of extra GDP,
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and if they reinvest that in
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doctors, nurses, water supplies,
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sanitation, etcetera,
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there's a lot of social progress bang
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for your GDP buck.
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And that's good news
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and that's what we've seen
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over the past 20, 30 years
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with a lot of people lifted out of poverty
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by economic growth and good policies
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in poorer countries.
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But go on a bit further up the curve,
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and then we see it flattening out.
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Each extra dollar of GDP
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is buying less and less
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social progress.
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And with more and more
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of the world's population
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living on this part of the curve,
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`It means GDP is becoming
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less and less useful
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as a guide to our development.
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I'll show you an example of Brazil.
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Here's Brazil,
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social progress of about
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70 out of 100.
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GDP per capita about
14,000 dollars per year.
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And look, Brazil's above the line.