in this year 2025 God is waiting for you
at the point of real movement this is
time for real movement listen to the
crck of conviction in your heart it is
time to move
Heavenly greetings in jesus' name yes
happy New Year happy New Year don't
forget we make the year new by the way
we live it that's why we are here today
and what's the name of the Year yes this
is time for real movement at the time of
real movement All Things become new
thank you
Lord so thank you so much for joining us
um today and we're here today to reveal
the message that God has put in our
heart it's a very important message all
about how we balance our life we were
created with two legs imagine if it was
just one leg how difficult it would be
to balance in the same way there's an
equilibrium in everything that has to do
with how God has created the world
that's the wisdom of God how many legs
do you have two how many hands two how
many eyes two how many ears two how many
hearts one this mean God God of
majority no matter no matter the
faculties you have God is one and when
he comes to you your life will change
listen to what he said if I have only
one leg how will I
walk if I have only one hand how will I
carry heavy and balance it if I have
only one eye how will I have a good
perspective if I have only one ear how
will I have that perspective
God give me this for a purpose to live a
balanced life when you walk you step one
leg if you stay long you may fall
inbalance come before before that this
balance come the other leg come to
support you that's why we move forward
when you cycle you do the same life must
be balanced and that's how you see when
you see a a baby learning to walk we saw
that in pear didn't we yes they take
step by step and they have to to be
balanced that's why sometimes they take
time because they're finding their
balance you hit the na say it again
sometimes they take time because it's
they have to find the balance before
they can actually move forward and
actually make a move that's why in that
walk the baby we will stand up walk fall
Stand Up Walk fall until you get it
right that's the same thing for us God
want us to walk in the
spirit do we know how to walk in the
spirit if you have one step in the
natural one step in the
spiritual this is the key of learning
how to walk in the spirit that's one of
the heart heart heart lessons we need to
learn from the spirit of the father so
we can live a balanced life on Earth
life is not one-sided life is
double-sided so that's why as we said we
have everything is in two for balance
sake we have night we have day God is a
god of wisdom the question is today we
are living in this earth as children of
God but God is not in the natural God is
in the
spirit how can we walk in a balanced
life what do what do I mean by
balance balance
mean God want you to be prosperous in
every section of your life M natural
life and spiritual
life if I prosper in the natural
only and I have nothing in the
spiritual it's in not balanced at all
when God is looking at you he looks
first at the spiritual side if I say I'm
only spiritual
100% what about the
natural the natural needs the spirit the
spirit needs the natural m I have a
human body but I am a spiritual person
inside of a spirit the spiritual side of
man and the natural side must function
together as one in harmony to become
balanced on this Earth that's why the
scripture says if you are in the spirit
walk in the spirit and you will not
satisfy the desire of the flesh first of
all let's go back to the year of real
movement that God has actually revealed
to us and we we are excited about this
because remember the real movement
starts in our heart it's that heart
decision that yes I'm going to step out
and claim the promises that God has for
me and we were reflecting over the
promise that God gave us when University
of God actually started because it
started with a vision
I found myself in a glass compartment
inside a cave without
exit suddenly a mighty Rock came from
heaven and hit the Rocky Mountain it
pierced the Cave the mountain shook but
I remained steady inside the glass
compartment The Rock drilled through the
Rocky Mountain
watched then I came out and
walked I stopped and gasped as I
saw the rock had drilled a perfect
beautiful tunnel made of
gold I said to myself there must be
water at the end of this
tunnel I started
working suddenly aoid voice careful
above stay where you are don't enter the
water is coming to
you I stopped and stayed where I
was as I Stood Still suddenly I saw the
water flowing from the end of the tunnel
towards me the water was clear sparkling
with life it flowed closer closer and
closer until it reached to my toes and
washed to my feet as a wave at the
seashore it started with just a vision
and today we can see that Vision has
reality and if I remember exactly how it
started remember this is the the vision
you can see here um at the end of the
vision yeah you can see here at the end
of the vision where rasine saw that
tunnel of gold and he wanted to walk
towards the water but he heard a voice
saying no stay where you are the water
is coming to you and that is exactly
what we've ex what we're experiencing
now the promise of God is that
glittering gold tunnel and the water is
the spirit of God and remember the rock
the word of God that paved the way that
broke all the pieces that were being an
obstacle through that mountain and
created the this beautiful gold tunnel
why are we bringing us bringing you back
to the vision of the uoi because now we
can see that it directly links with this
year of real movement that God has
revealed to us even if you look at all
the biblical characters that you can see
here and you can see in the Montage that
we saw at the beginning all the biblical
characters here you can see that in most
of them it was water water is symbolized
in nearly all of these pictures why do
we say this because the spirit of God is
symbolized in the water and once the
spirit says go we go so we're excited
about this time good that's why you
listen to what you said that God is
waiting for every
believer at the point of real movement
to reach a new level in his
life God is waiting for you at the point
of his Spirit but the spirit symbolized
by the water is waiting for you at the
point of real
movement God's promises are ruled by
God's appointed time the spirit moves at
God's appointed time this means when
there is time for God to fulfill his
purpose in your life there will be a
driving force of the spirit that can
change your actions on your locations
when the spirit comes it he makes all
things new
when we say happy New Year what is
new we make the year new by the way we
live it when the spirit of God come it
will take you to a new level in life in
every aspect of your
life when we say happy New Year some say
ah the year is new because I have a new
car I'm say there is new because I have
a new house am I right or there is you
because I have a baby when you look at
all those things you realize that there
are all things in the natural that we
expect to be the sign of a newness of
year or newness of Life whereas God say
no there is nothing new Under the Sun
what is new is on the inside you cannot
see what is new is what causes you to
make a
difference when we
say life must be balanced the will of
God for you 1 John 3:1 he wants you to
physically that's why we said we want to
grow in every aspect of Our Lives as
your spirit
grows your soul should grow in knowledge
as it grows physical growth is a
function of time intellectual growth is
a function of learning spiritual growth
function of obedience to God take note
of that mean when you obey
by acting faith in your spirit in real
movement spiritual growth
come you grow in the spirit you grow in
knowledge you grow in stature when you
are moved by the spirit of God so now
Ruth rightfully say something I catch my
my mind when we had this Vision The Rock
came that symbolizes the word of God but
if you don't forget the word and the
spirit must come together
it is God's power we need for a change
in our life
right but God's power Works through his
word and by his
spirit it's the word of life that brings
about the change you're waiting for mean
spirit and life word we call it healing
words Deliverance words breakthrough
words when Ruth mentioned this one you
can see that we have natural need
H but we have spiritual needs so look
this is NE he had a natural
need he needed healing because he was
sick facing leprosy all right help me go
to the next
for you see the people here Jesus
multiplied the bread because there was a
natural need of food to sustain life
they were hungry natural needs yes
this one was
blind he was born blind there's a
natural need he couldn't see at
all this one need of
transportation we need to go somewhere
we need go say go and get unti the
donkey there was a natural need
here there was a need
transportation to move H what of this
one there was a natural need of life
sustainers he was a fisherman Peter and
they couldn't catch a fish natural needs
to fend for
life this is Moses at the Red Sea what
was the need here we need Freedom
everybody needs
Freedom human life needs Freedom nobody
want to be a slave freedom in life
that's one of the gift of God that
freedom bring peace of
heart what's the need for this
one Peter
met the storm of life when life is
difficult when you have the storms of
life everything seems to be difficult he
couldn't walk on the
water a natural need that only the
spiritual side can
bring natural need of a miracle
yes the next
one this one they were in the wilderness
in the wilderness there's no life
supporting material in the wilderness it
is hot in the day and very cold in the
night how can they survive it a need for
direction was there God provided that
need this woman was having a natural
need what she was in debted debt a lot
of debt she couldn't pay and the
Creditor threatened to come and take her
and her son a slave because could not
pay collateral to seize her
belongings what was the answer God's
miracle to provide for that need the
name of God is Jehovah Gyra the one who
provides for
you what are this one
coming this is prophet
elishah he came and faced a natural
situation the River Jordan how to cross
over it to start his ministry how he
needs ability to start his prophetic
Ministry what happened here natural need
spiritual need what covers all these
need we are talking about we call it
anointing of
God this one the woman of the issue of
blood she was sick Beyond repair they
couldn't do
anything the flow of blood was
constant she was in need of healing of a
miracle healing not just healing a
miracle she walked towards Jesus and
solution came from
God next
one this is
Direction these people were in need of
Direction they saw a star the star was
bringing an answer from Heaven they need
to walk towards the direction of that
Revelation but they needed Guidance the
light was there to lead them our light
is the light of life of the holy
spirit so this calendar will tell you
this year whatever
need you want to fulfill Jehovah J God
is a provider
we need to balance our life what are the
needs let's go to one of the needs we
face every day we live in community
right let's go to Matthew chapter 22
from verse 17 to 22 let's listen to one
of the needs Jesus and the disciples
face Matthew chap 22 from verse
17 tell us therefore what do you think
is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or
not but Jesus perceived their wickedness
and said why do you test me you
hypocrites show me the tax money so they
brought him a Denarius and he said to
them whose image and inscription is this
they said to him Caesars and he said to
them render therefore to Caesar the
things that are Caesars and to God the
things that are God's that is wisdom
when they heard these words they
marveled and left him and went their way
that is wisdom of
God there was a need what was the need
taxes we are
living in the
community it's natural to pay your taxes
we have to pay taxes local taxes taxes
different typ of taxes because we live
in community and that's our duty towards
the nation is our duty towards the tax
to pay the tax what the Bible
says give the tax to whom you own to
whom you give the tax when they ask
Jesus do we need to pay taxes why
because we Are
Spiritual Jesus asked them
whose inscription is there Denarius
what's the purpose of money to meet
needs so Jesus
said give to God what belongs to God and
gift is des belongs to Cesar that's the
secret of the message of today to live a
life give to God spiritual side what
belongs to
God and give to Cesar what belongs to to
Caesar this is the natural side you look
at the balance in front of you this is
the spiritual side Jesus say give to
Caesar what belonged to Cesar it was a
need healing sickness disease all these
are natural need hunger debt to pay tax
to pay natural
needs normally natural needs are met by
natural resources H you pay your tax you
need money Jesus asked them whose
inscription is it is this they say Cesar
give to Cesar they belong to Cesar mean
natural means have natural resources
mean we have responsibility towards man
but we should not forget we have
responsibility towards God in the
spiritual this is what Jesus say a
balance life I can't say because I'm a
Child of God I don't pay taxes I can't
say because I'm a Child of God I don't
need a house I don't say because I'm a
Child of God I don't need food to eat we
have natural needs we have spiritual
needs and God knows that we need them
remember what Jesus said Matthew chapter
6 do not ask for what what to eat what
to wear for the your father knows you
need them thank you Jesus that's what he
said do not ask worry do not worry never
not ask said do not worry for what to
eat what to way because go father knows
that you need them so God knows that we
have natural needs that we need to make
to meet you need to have a job you need
to have means to fender for your family
for your children to live in community
pay your taxes and live a balanced life
mean blessed naturally and blessed
spiritually the two goes
together that's why God made human being
in two we have spiritual side and we
have natural side and this is where the
is the person who is not born again the
person who is not saved the person who
does not have God as his source is
entirely living in this section in the
natural what is the life of such person
look this is the balance right what do
you see everything is on the natural
it's not balanced now is it you can see
let me start again
the life of this person is absolutely
entirely in the natural you can see that
natural outweighs completely the
side such a
person is natural
needs he he only believe natural
resources only can feel it so if one day
he run short of natural means he bount
to overwhelm
because they cannot see beyond
this today we are focused only on our
natural needs what about the spiritual
needs you remember what Jesus said in
the Book of Revelation Revelation CH 3:1
17 listen to what Jesus
said oh yeah I love this because you say
I am rich have become wealthy and have
need of nothing and do not know that you
are wretched miserable poor blind and
naked I counsel you to buy from me gold
refined in the fire that you may be rich
and white garments that you may be
clothed that the shame of your nakedness
may not be revealed and anoint your eyes
with the eyes Sal that you may see
that's what Jesus said you who say I am
rich I have everything I have a car I
have a house fleet of cars I'm a
millionaire my number is full you say
you are rich Jesus said you don't know
that you are blind in the
Spirit you don't know that you are poor
in the spirit you don't know that you
are naked in the spirit there's nothing
in the spirit when God want to WS the
value of your life he will not look at
the natural resources you have by the
evil resources this
one Jesus Judgment at the last day will
not be this side how much money you have
because everything about this stops at
grave wealth stop at the grave
Fleet of cast stop at the grave
everything on the natural stop in the
natural what are you going to carry in
spiritual that's why you saying that the
the Bible mentions we should seek God
while he can be found absolutely can you
read it for that thank you for reminding
me this go to the book of Isaiah chapter
7 so this is the person whose life is
100% in the natural he lives in the
natural moves in the natural do
everything in the natural his source is
in the natural his faith is in the
natural his belief in the natural he
believe for Prosperity Isaiah what
Isaiah chapter 55 verse
7 such life is not balanced before God
because the focus of this person is only
in the natural so even if his faith is
based in the natural
H the day this blessing doesn't come his
faith will have nothing to rest
on seek the Lord seek the Lord while he
may be found call upon him while he is
near let the wicked forsake his way and
the unrighteous man his thoughts let him
return to the Lord and He will have
mercy on him and to our God for he will
pardon seek the Lord while he may may be
found I said something in this earth
Jesus is a savior the
Redeemer in this earth Jesus is
everything you need him to be for
you but in over there in the spirit he's
a judge you mean in heaven in heaven on
Earth he's a savior in heaven he's a
judge that's why it's so important that
we need to to seek God while he can be
found that means here whilst we're
living breathing whilst we're on this
Earth this is the moment to seek God for
salvation's sake so we can weigh the
balance of our life and because here we
seek him he's our savior but over there
when we've already died and passed on to
the spiritual world and we meet him as
judge Jesus judged in
rightousness what's the meaning of that
he said at the last day many would come
tell me Lord I've cast a demon I
prophesy I did this get behind me I
don't know you you practice
lawlessness the question is none of
these resources will go to heaven
Earthly only Heavenly resources will go
heaven what are the resources you carry
to Heaven these are the fruit of the
spirit Faith love Faith love gentl
patience the character of God these are
control the inward resources what he's
about but it it's so interesting you're
saying that but God doesn't neglect the
natural so if we're also too much on
this side we can't even function in this
world that we live in okay now we talk
about this what you say let me remove
this this is natural this is 100%
spiritual there's no human being on the
who is 100%
spiritual unless you die and leave this
body as long as we are in this earth you
need the natural the spirit need the
natural the natural need the spirit
that's why we also need to take care of
ourselves because Jesus has no hands but
hands to do his work he has no mouth but
our mouth meaning that Jesus uses our
faculties he he he uses our human
faculties to communicate himself to
others that means that Jesus the spirit
needs the
body Jesus will not send an angel 100%
spirit this is Angel to speak to the
gospel to every human being
no when he wanted to bring
Cornelius to God's kingdom of
righteousness he was seeking the Lord
and how did he F find him an angel came
and say go and call Simon
Peter who was Peter a like you and I
it's not the angel 100% spiritual that
spoke the gospel to him God used Earth
and vessel the spirit needs the natural
and the natural need the spirit that's
we call the Balanced
Life your life must be balanc spiritual
needs require spiritual
resources natural needs require natural
resources now the question is
if the natural need is beyond human
power it takes spiritual need to bring
solution to
it if the natural need is beyond Human
Resources it takes spiritual
side spiritual resources to balance it
the man that was blind he was blind at
Birth he needed a
miracle Jesus brought the miracle in his
n man at that time incurable disease at
time the prophet say go to the river
Jord solution come from
God the way of obedience to God's way at
real movement brings breakthrough brings
healing brings Deliverance brings
salvation in all aspect of your
life God knows you need a
job what do you do
if I want to have a job what do I do in
the natural apply the world is a market
in the natural side everything is in the
market there's a market for
higher you come to the market the
company needs manow and you have human
skill you sell your skill and they give
you salary it's a market here everything
is a market but there is a demand there
is what Supply right that's would be
natural you have money
you pay for your rent you pay for your
food you pay for everything in
life but there are some needs that
beyond the natural that silver and gold
can never
bring in the book of act chapter 3 Peter
came to the temple they met a man the
Bible says the man was lame at Birth he
walked there was
no capacity or human power to restore
his Mobility
that Peter said to him silver and gold I
do not have mean I don't have any human
needs but what I have I give you Jes my
faith in Christ in the name of Jesus
rise and walk what
happened the life of the man was
balanced he was able to walk by himself
to Fender by himself and recognize God
as his
Source we need to prosper
spiritually emotionally and physically
to face the storms of life and to walk
in a steady way in this journey 2025
that's real
movement you need God to live a balanced
life the natural and the spiritual might
must work together as one that's why the
Bible says walk in the
spirit L by the Holy
Spirit and you will not fulfill the
desire the
flesh when you are led by God led by the
spirit in the
spirit all your needs will be met
emotionally and
physically when Jesus comes to our life
the Bible says he delivers
spiritually emotionally and physically
this mean God knows human
needs spiritual needs emotional needs
and physical
needs if I Prosper spiritually and the
person is a sick person he can do
nothing if a person is rich is in good
health but mentally
emotionally he's not right he can't
think right he can't do nothing that's
why if somebody has a problem of mental
problem they put him under a tutor
because he cannot take any decision of
own so Jesus come to deliver spiritually
first from Darkness so we can realize
our spiritual
need if your eyes spiritual eyes are not
open you will not see the
side we weigh our life by what we
value we value money so if you are rich
they put you in the top level of society
that's the standard if you are poor
financially they put you at the lowest
spot that's what human being values
silver and gold Fame and popularity and
that's how people measure their life
they weigh their worth their position
status but that's not what makes a
balanced life that's why the Bible say
we should not measure ourselves by
ourselves now the question
is the moment you
discover you have a need you will do
everything to meet that need that's why
you go to school to
study to equip yourself to go to the
market job to find a job to re have
resources natural resources to fend for
your life that's what we don't do but
spiritually do we realize our spiritual
need in the sight of God that's why
Jesus say you say you are rich that's
why Jesus said this Parable it is easier
for the camel to go through the eye of
needle am I right than a rich man to
enter the kingdom of
God blessed are the poor in spirit yeah
in that case when he was talking about a
rich man he was talking about someone
that believes so much in their riches
that doesn't think they have any need of
God that's why what the definition of
rich is a definition of value you can
value something here but some people may
not value at
all in in some country they can value
in another country don't see that value
it's relative the question is what does
God value in you what does consider in
us how are we rich in God's sight
absolutely that's what the Bible
say be rich with Heavenly
resources be rich for
God what profit is for man to gain the
whole world and to lose his soul
M the question is the person who is
walking in the natural living in the
natural everything in the natural such
person when all resources are removed
from him his life will have nothing to
rest on
hopelessness but even if you go through
difficult poverty or you are sick in the
natural there is answer in the spiritual
from God that's why the script say seek
the Lord while he may be
found if you find Jesus you find life
the first place the Bible say we need to
prosper is our spiritual life it is the
spiritual life his one that carries
everything else in our
lives so why we talk about real
movement when God is leading you he
takes care of every need you
have the same way Jesus will deliver you
spiritually he will deliver you
emotionally and mentally and deliver you
physically he will deliver you
spiritually by separating from Darkness
Nightmare or this invisible
chain he will deliver you emotionally
fear will go you no led by your emotion
by the fruit of the spirit you have a
stable character character of Christ he
will deliver you physically from
sickness from disease from from lack and
want that's what the Lord says that's
why he
say do not worry for what to eat what to
wear for your father in Heaven knows
that you need them now the question is
we need to balance this life is somebody
can say I'm only spiritual and you
neglect this side you cannot go anywhere
you can't relate with the people around
you the people that God has sent you to
reach and also we need to be a good
represent ation of Jesus to care for
those around us to care for their needs
and if we don't even recognize the
natural needs how can we care for the
needs of others how can that compassion
of Jesus flow through us so it is
important for us not to neglect the
natural remember what Jesus said what is
the heart of the law you shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart with
all your mind that's spiritual say you
shall love your
neighbor as
self the spiritual side and the natural
side must function together as one to
have a balanced life on
Earth the nature of God the spiritual
side of God is manifested here in the
natural I can say I am a child of God we
can know you are a believer in God when
in the natural that faith is tested on
outside it's when it's when you're in
community that the image of Christ in
you can actually be shown it's not when
you're just by
yourself communicating and relating with
nobody no go ahead finish and you say
maybe you're just spending all your time
in prayer you never want to see anyone
you don't want to get married you don't
want to have any relationship with
anyone you don't want to to come into
contact with another human being cuz
maybe they can I don't know affect your
spirituality you know all of this is
inbalance because it's when we are
actually in the natural situation that
our impatience is provoked that's when
the patience of God in us can show when
our hatred is provoked by people around
us that can offend us and and and
frustrate us and annoy us that's when
the love of Christ in us can be revealed
so it's when we're in community the
image of Christ the love of Christ can
really be seen through us and that is
why we have to live a balanced life and
we we shouldn't be so uh what's the word
we should remember Christianity is a
relationship not a
religion if we if we become so Bound by
religion and
titles remember that we can be very far
from the heart of
God h
what's look at this balance now it's
stable now with this you can
move now she shake
it it's become unstable she shake it it
become stable don't you see on off on
off some people are 100%
natural or 100% natural spiritual once
in the spirit once in the natural today
I have dream I believe tomorrow I don't
believe shaky life today God wants us to
have a life that is stable
balanced when it is balanced when you
allow the spirit to lead your life a
spirit fill life there's no break we
said there are human needs There Are
Spiritual needs I will take you to the
book of Deuteronomy chapter 8 let's go
to Deuteronomy chapter
8 from verse two let's read from verse
two listen carefully Deuteronomy chter 8
2 God knows your
need he knows them he's not blind he's
not DEA his hand is not short listen and
you shall remember that the Lord your
God LED you all the way these 40 years
in the wilderness to Humble you and test
you to know what was in your heart
whether you would keep his Commandments
or not continue so he humbled you
allowed you to hunger and fed you with
Mana which you did not know nor did your
fathers know that he might make you know
that man shall not live by bread alone
but man lives by every word that
proceeds from the mouth of the Lord
pause God is saying it's not only
natural needs you have but spiritual
needs that's what God is saying man
shall not live by bread alone the
natural side of me need bread but what
about my spiritual side that's what God
say my spiritual side need the word of
the mouth of God the word of God to live
spiritually the food for the spirit and
food for the body to live a balanced
life now go to verse
10 listen very carefully Dey chapter 8:
10 when you have eaten and are full then
you shall bless the Lord your God for
the good land which he has given you
beware that you do not forget the Lord
your God by not keeping his Commandments
his judgments and his statutes which I
command you today mhm verse
14 when your heart is lifted up and you
forget the Lord your God who brought you
out of the land of Egypt from the house
of bondage who led you through that
great and terrible Wilderness in which
were fiery serpents and scorpions and
thirsty land where there was no water
who brought water for you out of the
flinty rock who fed you in the
wilderness with Mana which your fathers
did not know that he might humble you
and that he might test you to do you
good in the end then you say in your
my power power and the might of my hand
have gain me this wealth Verse 18 listen
to what God say warning and you shall
remember the Lord your God for it is he
who gives you power to get wealth wait
God is saying I'm the one whatever you
have here in the natural I'm the one
that give you that
power are you strong I give you strength
are you alive I give you life are you
intelligence I give you intelligence God
become the source of your life when you
recognize God as a source of your life
your life will be
balanced you will see the need to
recognize God in every circumstance of
your life you will never forget it God
warned them took them to the promised
land they became
Rich they have houses never built
extremely rich and they forgot the
source and the next generation was
entirely in the natural and forget the
Living God who is the source of
everything and the life become balanced
imbalanced am I right imbalanced
imbalanced when your life is balanced
you recognize God as your
Source your faith is anchored on God
when blessings
come thank you
Father it is God that gives you the
strength the energy the good who makes
your heart to beat it's
God who makes you to breathe without
any cons of it it is
God we recognize God as our source to
live a balanced life you must recognize
your union with Jesus Christ in the
spirit to live a balanced life you must
Prosper spiritually to know God is your
s the foundation of our faith is not
here it is here this is where the
problem is I repeat she mentioned
Foundation the foundation of our faith
is not in the
natural it's God have faith in God if
your faith is based on the
natural when this wealth this riches are
remov your faith will have nothing to
on the foundation of our faith is God
have faith in
God if you have God as your Source the
Bible says you never
lack if you have God as your Source his
strength will be there for you as
demands read your Bible and go see all
the heroes of faith today this year 2025
we call it year for real movement this
movement talk talk god want you to walk
steady life that is balanced every
aspect of your life every needs of your
life to be met and that's how God is
wants to be involved in every area of
your life thank you thank you now what
Ruth say today we only involve God on
Sunday service
in our office we are 100% in the
natural in our marriage 100% in natural
and that's how we need God the most in
the thing we face in life 100% in the
natural because we don't involve God we
are not conscious of God that's why we
despair but if you recognize God as your
Source you are in the natural but you
walk in the spirit in your work in your
marriage in your life I just an example
if this is
this is your
work this is your career this is your
home every aspect of your life you have
need you need resources when God
comes he takes care of every single part
how the anointing will come in the
natural to Crown your natural Talent
anointing breaks the Yoke anointing
brings the solution from
God are you you an engineer in the
natural when anointing come he will give
you something special a wisdom that
nobody has you make a difference you
become the best engineer M
all when you are a teacher and the
anointing come you will teach with a
difference you want to be a heads of
state God will give you wisdom to rule
in righteousness and he will influence
the whole
world anointing is coming to make you
fit spiritually and to Crown all your
natural Tru Talent with the grace of God
with the difference there is enough
available anointing for every aspect of
Our Lives
emotional physical and breakthrough it
doesn't offend God for you to take all
you need because he has all you need he
has all your needs and God is said don't
forget I am your Source let your faith
be anchored in Christ Jesus that's why
today there are many people who
materially but emotionally and
physically no there are some who prosper
in the spiritual side but naturally
nothing why because they fail to take
that step of Faith you can have
something from God which is
dant but you have to step into Faith at
the act of real movement for the
blessings to be
realized this man David we talked about
it he was embedded with the anointing as
a king as a leader but in the face of
real situation in the battle in the
natural he stepp into Faith recognizing
God as his Source he said to gol you are
coming with weapons in the natural go
were here natural spear Javelin his
size but David resources were here God I
you come to me with Javin I come to you
in the name of the Lord with the weapons
righteousness and the Victory came here
from God's
side H that's the difference we are
talking about a leader with a
difference if you acknowledge God as
your source as your everything you will
make a difference here you walk
steady you are in the wilderness you
walk steady there is a storm you walk
steadily that's the case of Simon Peter
here he was was in the natural a
fisherman a fisherman in the natural he
knew the law of nature human being
cannot walk on
water it's not possible in natural side
here when the storm was in the natural
the Bible say Jesus walked on the water
that is not
natural while he was in the boat Jesus
said don't be afraid it is I the face
focused on Jesus on God he said Lord I
don't have any natural mean to do what
he saying if you are the one ask me to
come that's the purpose of the word of
God your connection to God to the spirit
is the word and the
spirit because God's word in the lips of
a Believer rises above the law of
nature when Jesus said Come Peter has
resourc s of
faith and he stepped out of the boat and
defied the Lord nature and walked on the
water a miracle took place he walked
steadily on the
water he lived a balanced life because
he never forgot God he include God in
every aspect of his life do you include
God in your marriage do you include God
in your work do you include God in your
business in your plans in everything you
do this is the time time of real
movement in which direction God is
leading you today you need instruction
from the spirit to make a difference
there life must be balanced to prosper
in your work to prosper in your business
to prosper in your health that is the
purpose of God in your life that's why
Jesus say Seek first the kingdom of God
and his righteousness and every other
thing on the outside shall be met that's
what the Lord says to believers
today real movement mean God knows your
need what does God need to take you to
the miracle his word
instruction that will carry you there if
you carry God's
instruction God's instruction will carry
you to a place of breakthrough if you
carry out God's instruction that
instruction will carry you to a place of
breakthrough in your life Jesus said
come step into faith and then Miracle
took place m n was healed the leopard
death her death was
fulfilled what you are asking for what
you need in the natural the answer is in
so what I want to say to live a balanced
life the natural is important the
spiritual is
important so are you a
singer sing as if everything depends on
you and pray to God as if everything
everything depends on God then the
anointing will Crown your natural Talent
as a
singer are you a
footballer play as if everything depends
on you and pray to God as if everything
depends on God when the anointing come
you become a footballer with a
difference the anointing is here to
Crown your natural talent and provide to
give you strength the energy the wisdom
to Triumph so this life is balanced what
is balanced wisdom
when you have the wisdom of God you will
acknowledge your natural need and your
spiritual need and recognize God as your
Source the natural and the spiritual
must work together as one feed your
spirit with the word of God be led by
the spirit of God in everything you do
and you will prosper in your ways that's
1:8 keep the word in your mouth and in
your heart by meditation
and real movement obey it and whatever
you do shall prosper so God has set
Mighty blessings before you in this year
2025 God has set Mighty blessings before
you in this year 2025 what you need obey
God's instruction in your
heart listen to the prompting of your
spirit Jesus said to Peter cast your
net today the voice of Christ is in your
heart cast your net apply for job do
this when you recognize his voice and
you act on it breakthrough will
come neon was said go to the Jordan and
deep yourself seven time he obeyed the
word and Miracle took
place so today I love God's word to
channel your life through this year 2025
that's why we give you this
calendar to remind you of your spiritual
walk with the Lord
if you make this word the standard for
your life you will prosper in all your
areas of life in Jesus name amen it's so
important for us to live a a balanced
life and I believe that as you've taken
this message to Heart make sure that you
meditate on the scriptures that we
talked about the truths that God
revealed to us and ask God to give you a
balanced life so that you can truly be a
blessing not only to those around you
but a blessing to every single person
that comes your way because you've put
your life in the right foundation and
you've put your life in Balance by
putting your focus first on God that is
it this is a spiritual life that
maintains everything you have here it's
your spiritual life that carries
everything here the weight of Life
physical weight emotional weight the
grace to at him is from God your SCE
that's why we said
seek first the kingdom of God Colossians
chapter 3 said verse one let your heart
and mind seek the things that are from
above because it's your spiritual life
is the engine that carries the rest of
your life that is it that's where the
source come where the power come
inspiration expression comes when God
inspire you in the idea Sky will be your
limit so take care of yourself your
spirit and the natural take care of both
God bless you
thank you for joining us here on the
uog and make sure you stay connected in
Jesus name remember this year 20125 the
Year of real movement listen to the
movement of your heart let the Holy
Spirit prompt your heart and carry the
instruction in your spirit and Sky will
be your limit in Jesus name amen
amen good good morning people of the
most high God I say once again happy New
Year remember we make this year 2025 new
by the way we live
it when I say we live it
spiritually emotionally physically with
all your needs met by gods that's the
promise of God today meaning your life
must move forward your physical life
must move forward
your emotional life must move forward
your spiritual life must move forward
physical growth is a function of time we
feed ourself and we grow in stature in
strength intellectual
growth is a function of learning we
learn every day and we grow in knowledge
in understanding and in
wisdom but spiritual growth is a
function of obedience to God at the
point of real
movement when you obey God's vision and
instruction you will make a
difference if God gives you a vision and
it is challenged by natural
circumstances do not reduce your vision
stay in the will of
God today you have heard the message we
are going to pray today the only means
of growth in our Christian Life is the
Divine person of the Holy Spirit
he's the one that inspires Ephesians
1:17 calls him the spirit of
Revelation he will inspire you with
wisdom and you make a
difference are you working for the
project ask the holy SC to inspire
you he is a spirit of understanding to
understand that beyond the circumstances
of your life there is a
purpose he is a spirit of wisdom that
give you Supernatural ability to find
solution that nobody have thought of you
will say what no one has ever said you
will do but no one has ever done you
will make a difference in your life
today I'm going to
pray as this year is in front of you you
are just stepping at the door of this
year I pray you move throughout this
year in progress spiritually emotionally
and physically that's why I'm here to
pray for you today to pray the spirit of
Father give you Supernatural anointing
in the spirit to walk in the spirit that
he gives you
anointing to stay emotionally stable to
think right to act right to behave right
and to prosper spiritually physically
and emotionally in the name of Jesus
Christ you see this a life that is empty
that's not the promise of God God wants
you to prosper
Spirit soul and body three Natures of
God us Spirit soul and
body now the question
is when Jesus comes into your life the
first thing he do he does is to set your
life right before
God Jesus say Seek first my kingdom when
he comes your life become
balanced oh all your needs
met if you walk by faith in the name of
Jesus the ground must be may be unstable
the wind must blow but God's power will
balance your
life today I'm going to pray that your
mind your belief your life be reset so
you prosper in all your life and walk
steadily in all areas of your life in
the name of Jesus right now the clock of
God is in your
heart everything starts within you place
your hand in your heart your heart means
your spirit father the Bible says the
first place we need to prosper is in our
life Lord I Pray by the power of your
spirit release a special anointing
spiritually in the name of
Jesus Lord let anointing come anointing
speaks through dreams
anointing speaks through vision
anointing speaks through intimation of
the spirit that's what we call the
corresponding power of God anointing
brings new idea H Lord to make a
difference Lord I pray anoint their
heart for
wisdom you anointed Salomon with wisdom
to be able to judge rightfully father I
pray make them fit for the promise of
God in their life this year in the name
of Jesus your spirit be blessed
your heart be blessed let there be light
of Revelation in your heart in your mind
in the name of Jesus
Christ what to do where to go I pray
anointing comes in the name of Jesus in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
Christ inspiration come let there be
light of inspiration in your spiritual
life in the mighty name of Jesus father
show them the way they should
walk show them Lord Revelation in their
heart in their spiritual life in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in
the name of Jesus
Christ bless them Lord spiritually give
them the gift of eyes that can see in
the spirit ears that can hear in the
spirit what the holy spirit says the
spirit of Father speaks to our heart and
when the Holy Ghost begin to speak
changes are beginning father follow
freshen them Holy Spirit In The Name of
Jesus open their ears to hecken to
listen to the voice of God give them a
hearing heart in the name of Jesus give
them a hearing heart in the name of
Jesus Christ give them a hearing heart
open their spiritual ears to perceive
the inner voice of the spiritual father
in the mighty name of Jesus in the
mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name
of Jesus I speak to your heart be opened
in the name of
Jesus I speak to every wall that stand
between your heart and the spirit of
Revelation that wall be removed in the
name of Jesus Christ
be removed in the name of Jesus I send
the word of faith to your heart to your
conscience your conscience your
conscience awake in the name of
Jesus Holy Spirit illumin their heart
with the light of Revelation in the
mighty name of Jesus in this journey of
life in this F year 2025 Let Your Light
lead them lead them by Revelation lead
them in their way lead them to a place
of Destiny each location
each movement be directed by the spirit
of father in the name of Jesus in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
Christ in Acts chapter
16 verse 7 you ask Paul to go in real
moment he stepped in
obedience but each step of the journey
was directed by you as you opened the
spiritual eyes of soul to see the
direction to go to Macedonia father give
direction Vision to your people to walk
in the spirit led by your spirit led by
Revelation in their business
Revelation in their decision Revelation
in their plans Revelation in their
family Revelation in the name of Jesus
Revelation Revelation revelation we are
Christian by Revelation Believers by
Revelation let there be light let there
be light light of Revelation illumine
your mind elimin your heart Elin your
soul in the name of Jesus Christ
give him the grace to dream dreams
that's the road map to this year road
map to this year your vision in the name
of Jesus Lead them Lord in the path of
righteousness in the mighty name of
Jesus leave them to the point of
appointment with breakthrough in the
name of Jesus Christ in the name of
Jesus let them Prosper spiritually
strengthen their heart to believe
strengthen the hearts of Christ abide in
heart through faith Ephesians 314 to19
lift them up spiritually in the mighty
name of Jesus let the anointing of God
begin to work begin to work in their
Spirit begin to work in their heart
begin to work in their conscience in the
name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in
the name of Jesus in the mighty name of
Christ father I pray for the
souls Lord the Bible says we must put on
the new man that is Christ our mind
needs to be
renewed oh Lord when we are led by the
spirit of revelation we must act upon
that Revelation father I pray illumine
their heart illumine their mind with the
light of Revelation light of
understanding in the name of Jesus let
the light in their heart begin to
illumine their mind illumin their mind
to know your way to understand their way
to understand the dreams in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name
of Jesus
Christ let there be understanding in
your heart in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ reveal your ways oh Lord and give
him the grace to understand your ways in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
give them the grace to understand their
dreams if they have a dream they cannot
understand they can't act on it Lord I
pray unfold the meaning of the dream by
your wisdom and understanding in the in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus in the name of
Jesus strengthen their mind to act faith
move them Lord by your strength the word
of Revelation in their heart illumin
their mind the God's spirit renew your
strength your mind be renewed in the
name of Jesus to obey the word to obey
the word to obey the word to obey the
word in the name of Jesus in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ
Spirit act upon the soul to bring
patience in the name of Jesus patience
to work to wait for the prompting of the
spirit patient like Paul did waiting in
the night not to resist the Revelation
but to wait for Revelation for the next
step step upon step father give them
patience in the name of Jesus Christ
give them endurance in the name of Jesus
Jesus give them forbearance in the name
Jesus Lord when the right time come
prompt their heart to move on give them
strength to step into faith and to move
towards the direction of God in their
family in their marriage in their career
in their decision of every day in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ in the
mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name
of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus
Lord I pray for the weakness of the
body father give them the grace and the
strength let your word the vision
dominate their hearts dominate their
mind their thinking and dominate their
deeds on the outside in the mighty name
of Jesus I pray Lord Jesus whatever
burden in their life be removed in the
name of
Jesus whatever needs they have physical
need all needs be met this year to 2025
in the mighty name of
Jesus in need of healing let there be
healing in the name of Jesus
Christ let there be healing in the name
of Jesus Christ let there be healing in
the name of Jesus
Christ Lord they need
progress I pray Let There Be Revelation
in the mighty name of Jesus breakthrough
in the name of Jesus breakthrough in the
name of Jesus breakthrough in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ
open the door before him level Every
Mountain before them in the mighty name
of Jesus as you leveled the walls of
Jericho as you leveled the River Jordan
level every obstacle before them in the
mighty name of Jesus let the way to
progress be made plain in the name of
Jesus let the way before them be made
plain Let The Shepherd of the Shepherds
Jesus walk before you by your spirit
walk before them to lead them to guide
them in every step every day every month
of this year in the name of Jesus in the
name of Jesus Lead them to a place of
fulfillment lead them to a place of
safety lead them to a place of
breakthrough in the mighty name of
Jesus strengthen them and meet them at
the point of real movement I pray your
spirit be blessed in the name of Jesus
your soul be blessed in the name of
Jesus your body be blessed in the name
of Jesus all your needs be provided from
heaven in the mighty name of Jesus in
the mighty name of Jesus I say you shall
not want in the name of
Jesus you will never hunger again in the
name of Jesus you never thirst in the
name of Jesus the Lord keep sickness and
disease far away from you in the name of
Jesus a thousand may fall at your side
10,000 at your right hand it shall never
come near you in the name of Jesus
secure the journey Lord secure the
send forth the angels of heaven to guide
them to protect them to lead them to a
place of safety in the mighty name of
Jesus let they be progress in their
spirit let they be progress in their
emotional life let they be progress in
their physical life progress progress
progress progress in the mighty name of
Christ in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ Lord they need the corresponding
power of the Holy Ghost in each decision
in their lives in each department of
their life whatever decision Holy Spirit
Guide them to choose what is right in
the sight of God lead them to what is
right keep them from the way of ption
and keep them to way of success keep
them to the right way in the mighty name
of Jesus Lead them Lord in the light of
your revelation of your word throughout
this year for the glory of your name in
Jesus name in Jesus name let your life
be balanced I mean all your needs be met
in this year spiritually emotionally
physically in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ I say surely his goodness and
mercy shall follow you throughout this
year in the name of Jesus and you should
be there at the end of the year for the
glory of his name to sanctify his name
to glorify his name for what he has done
in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen
time for real movement step into faith
and stay there and see what will happen
a life of testimony in Jesus name amen
stay blessed in his name time for real
movement has come
in this year 2025 God is waiting for you
at the point of real movement this is
time for real movement listen to the
clock of conviction in your heart it is
time to move