Suspended Chords And Their Use... (Guitar Lesson CH-003) How to play
0:13 - 0:16Now I can teach you about suspended chords.
0:16 - 0:19So, what is a suspended chord, first of all?
0:19 - 0:21They're not chords
that just like hanging around a lot. -
0:21 - 0:24So, first of all you need to know what a "triad" is.
0:24 - 0:27Now, and triads are not
Asian dudes with machine guns. -
0:27 - 0:28In a musical sense.
0:29 - 0:30So, what we are talking about here
0:30 - 0:33is a triad that is a three note chord.
0:33 - 0:34Tri, prefix for three,
0:34 - 0:36so it's a three note chord.
0:36 - 0:38Three notes chords consist of a root note,
0:38 - 0:40a third and a fifth,
0:40 - 0:41wich is really the first note,
0:41 - 0:45the third note and the fifth note of a Major scale.
0:45 - 0:47Now, it's the third note of the triad
0:47 - 0:50that determines whether the chord is major or minor.
0:50 - 0:53So, if we were to have a look at, say, an A chord,
0:53 - 0:58then notes in A would be A, B,
C would be the third, D, E. -
0:58 - 1:01Now, actually, because of the key signature,
the note C would be a C#, -
1:01 - 1:03to make an A major chord.
1:03 - 1:05If you just go now
and play an A chord, an A Major chord -
1:05 - 1:07. . .
1:07 - 1:10and then you straight away afterward
play an A minor chord -
1:10 - 1:11...
1:11 - 1:13you'd notice that only one note is different.
1:13 - 1:15And that's the C# on the B string,
1:15 - 1:18second fret moves to C natural note
1:18 - 1:20(plays) in the first fret.
1:20 - 1:22So, it is in fact only one note every time
1:22 - 1:25that changes between a major and a minor chord.
1:25 - 1:27Sometimes that note is doubled
in your chord voicing, -
1:27 - 1:29just to warn you, it’s just not like
one note on the guitar; -
1:29 - 1:32harmonically it's one note that changes.
1:32 - 1:34Now, suspended chords
1:34 - 1:36take away the third of the chord
1:36 - 1:38and replace it with another note.
1:38 - 1:41So therefore, suspended chords
are neither major or minor, -
1:41 - 1:43and they have a very airy sound.
1:43 - 1:46So, if I just give you some demonstrations here:
1:46 - 1:47A Major:
1:47 - 1:48. . .
1:48 - 1:50Old happy sounding A Major.
1:50 - 1:51Now, if I move that...
1:51 - 1:54the third of the chord,
which is the note C#, -
1:54 - 1:55if I move that up one semitone,
1:55 - 1:56to D
1:56 - 1:58...
1:58 - 2:00we now have an Asus4 sound.
2:00 - 2:03. . .
2:03 - 2:04Here it's kinda hovering,
2:04 - 2:06it is kind of hanging about a bit, that one.
2:06 - 2:07. . .
2:07 - 2:08Then we go back to A,
2:08 - 2:10. . .
2:10 - 2:12Now, if I lift off my little finger now:
2:12 - 2:13. . .
2:13 - 2:16which is kind of going down...
that note down two frets, -
2:16 - 2:18because if I go down just one
it gets to the minor chord, -
2:18 - 2:19...
2:19 - 2:21we get an Asus2 chord.
2:22 - 2:23So, we've got now A:
2:23 - 2:24. . .
2:24 - 2:25Asus4:
2:25 - 2:26. . .
2:26 - 2:27A
2:27 - 2:28. . .
2:28 - 2:29and Asus2:
2:29 - 2:30. . .
2:30 - 2:31Quite a simple movement.
2:31 - 2:34Now, I'm not doing close-ups here at the chords,
2:34 - 2:36because it's quite a few chords and a few songs
2:36 - 2:37that I'm going to go through in this lesson,
2:37 - 2:39so, please go and check out the chords at:
2:39 -
2:43 - 2:45you click on "chords" which is on the left hand side,
2:45 - 2:47or "chords and scales" I think it says actually,
2:47 - 2:50and then in the top group
there are suspended chords. -
2:50 - 2:52It shouldn't be very difficult for you to find them,
2:52 - 2:54and it explains all the different
fingering choices as well, -
2:54 - 2:56so please go and check that out.
2:56 - 2:58So, that was A chord.
You can hear we had A: -
2:58 - 3:01. . .
3:01 - 3:03Very common sound.
3:03 - 3:05That is the A chord.
Now if we move it onto D, -
3:05 - 3:06. . .
3:06 - 3:08play a regular D chord,
3:08 - 3:10then we add our little finger down,
3:10 - 3:11. . .
3:11 - 3:12that's Dsus4.
3:12 - 3:13. . .
3:13 - 3:16Back to regular D,
lift off our second finger, -
3:16 - 3:17. . .
3:17 - 3:18we get Dsus2
3:18 - 3:19. . .
3:19 - 3:21and then back to D.
3:21 - 3:25Now, just using those two types of chord shapes,
3:25 - 3:27I can show you
a couple of the different ways it was used. -
3:27 - 3:29The first way you use suspended chords
3:29 - 3:30is as an ornament,
3:30 - 3:32it's to kind of decorate when you play.
3:32 - 3:33So, if you got a D chord for ages and ages
3:33 - 3:36and you just want to do
something a little bit different to it, -
3:36 - 3:37then it just... you know
3:37 - 3:38. . .
3:38 - 3:40If you start to get a bit bored, you could:
3:40 - 3:46. . .
3:46 - 3:48You can just kind of add them in whenever you like,
3:48 - 3:50and they work on major and minor chords.
3:50 - 3:52I'll show you some tricks on that in a sec.
3:53 - 3:56Some famous examples
I can think off the top of my head was... -
3:56 - 3:58and old song from the 80's or early 90's...
3:59 - 4:01"Dead or Alive", by Bon Jovi,
4:01 - 4:02it's got a really nice example
right at the beginning, -
4:02 - 4:03where it goes:
4:03 - 4:06. . .
4:06 - 4:09It's a little decoration on the D chord there.
4:10 - 4:14Another good example
is "Summer of 69" by Bryan Adams. -
4:14 - 4:16It's actually a keyboard part,
4:16 - 4:18but that whole song is doing a...
4:21 - 4:25Yeah, it starts on Dsus2, D,
4:25 - 4:27sus4, D
4:27 - 4:28sus2, D,
4:28 - 4:31and then it goes to Asus2, (plays)
4:31 - 4:33A regular, Asus4, A.
4:33 - 4:41. . .
4:41 - 4:42So you can see then,
4:42 - 4:45in that instance it's kind of
using the suspended chord -
4:45 - 4:48as a riff, not just as an ornament.
4:48 - 4:51So, so far we've talked about D Major
4:51 - 4:53and then going to the sus,
4:53 - 4:54and A major going to the sus,
4:54 - 4:57and like I said, it also works for minor chords.
4:57 - 4:59So if we start with a D minor chord:
4:59 - 5:01. . .
5:01 - 5:04add the little finger (plays),
we get Dsus4 again. -
5:04 - 5:05Back to D minor:
5:05 - 5:06...
5:06 - 5:08And then lift off your first finger (plays)
5:08 - 5:10and you get Dsus2.
5:10 - 5:11So the sus4 and the sus2 are the same,
5:11 - 5:13just we've put a minor in the middle
5:13 - 5:14instead of a major.
5:14 - 5:15...
5:15 - 5:16So a good example of using that one
5:16 - 5:19for both a Dm and Am is...
5:19 - 5:21"Loosing my Religion", by R.E.M.,
5:21 - 5:22where it's got this little:
5:22 - 5:32. . .
5:32 - 5:33You can hear very clearly that
5:33 - 5:35he's used the suspended chords
5:35 - 5:36to kind of make a riff.
5:37 - 5:39Also the Rolling Stones on "Paint it Black"
5:39 - 5:41kind of uses it on the D minor at the beginning:
5:41 - 5:45. . .
5:45 - 5:47It changes a bit to that last part.
5:47 - 5:48. . .
5:48 - 5:49Very last bit's a bit different,
5:49 - 5:51but the first part of it is the sus chords.
5:53 - 5:57So, that's taken care of Dsus4 and Dsus2,
5:57 - 5:58Asus4 and Asus2.
5:59 - 6:00If we go on to E now,
6:01 - 6:02We have a regular E chord,
6:02 - 6:04if we put down our little finger
6:04 - 6:06underneath the third finger,
6:06 - 6:07...
6:07 - 6:09we get Esus4. (plays)
6:09 - 6:10And back to E.
6:10 - 6:12Now, we can't get...
6:12 - 6:14There's no such chord
as an Esus2 chord in an open position. -
6:14 - 6:16I mean, there kind of is just later on,
6:16 - 6:17but for you right now, there's not.
6:18 - 6:19Because if we lift off the first finger,
6:19 - 6:22we get to E minor, not Esus2.
6:22 - 6:23Yeah?
6:23 - 6:24You can play it like this, (plays)
6:24 - 6:25like a big barre chord later on,
6:25 - 6:27but that's not the one for you right now.
6:28 - 6:31Again, there's quite a few tunes
that use the Esus chord. -
6:31 - 6:33Another good example of that one is...
6:33 - 6:35"It's Only Natural" by Crowded House,
6:35 - 6:38which is E, Esus4
6:38 - 6:42. . .
6:42 - 6:45Then Asus4 to A
6:45 - 6:48Asus4 to A and back to E.
6:48 - 6:50. . .
6:50 - 6:52Then it goes into barre chords
for the rest of the tune. -
6:52 - 6:53But the verses...
6:53 - 6:55You can hear it's kind of using it like a riff,
6:55 - 6:57but it's not really a riff,
it's just a decoration. -
6:58 - 6:59Now...
7:00 - 7:01the only other ones that I think
7:01 - 7:03that are kind of useful for you to learn
7:03 - 7:05as a starting one is maybe a Csus.
7:05 - 7:07Now, C is a bit weird,
7:07 - 7:08because remember I told you that sometimes
7:08 - 7:11you have to change the third of a chord
to make a suspended chord. -
7:11 - 7:14Well, in the case of a C open chord,
7:14 - 7:17we've got the note E,
7:17 - 7:18which is the third of the chord.
7:18 - 7:18It occurs twice.
7:18 - 7:20So, what I'm just gonna show you
7:20 - 7:22is a nice kind of decoration,
7:22 - 7:24but it's not really a true C suspended chord,
7:24 - 7:26because you might hit the first string.
7:26 - 7:28There's more of that on the web site.
7:28 - 7:30But just if you start with C:
7:30 - 7:31...
7:31 - 7:32put down your little finger
7:32 - 7:33in front of your second finger,
7:33 - 7:34underneath your third
7:34 - 7:37. . .
7:37 - 7:39You get Csus4, (plays),
7:39 - 7:40back to C,
7:40 - 7:43lift off your second finger, (plays)
7:43 - 7:45and you get a Csus2.
Back to C, -
7:45 - 7:46which is just a really nice change.
7:46 - 7:53. . .
7:53 - 7:55You can hear It's just got a kind of comfortable,
7:55 - 7:57easy feeling for some rhythm guitar.
7:57 - 7:59So, OK.
7:59 - 8:00That will do for now.
8:00 - 8:02If you want to check out
some more suspended chords, -
8:02 - 8:04I think every open suspended chord I can think of
8:04 - 8:05is on the web site,
8:05 - 8:06so go and have check that out.
8:07 - 8:10And then try and apply them
to any songs that you've got... -
8:10 - 8:12where you've got a chord for a long time.
8:12 - 8:15See if you can incorporate
some of those suspended chords in, -
8:15 - 8:17to make your rhythm guitar playing
a little more interesting. -
8:18 - 8:19Have fun, see you soon.
8:19 - 8:19Bye!
- Title:
- Suspended Chords And Their Use... (Guitar Lesson CH-003) How to play
- Description:
Justin's Completely Free, Guitar Chords Lessons. This is Lesson CH-003.
In this lesson we will learn to expand your chord knowledge and make it sound a little more interesting? May I introduce to you the Suspended Chord.
Find the related course notes on the following link: by Justin Sandercoe.
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- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
JustinGuitar (legacy)
- Project:
- Chords (CH)
- Duration:
- 08:34
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