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A teacher growing green in the South Bronx

  • 0:00 - 0:02
    Good afternoon.
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    I am not a farmer.
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    I'm not. I'm a parent, I'm a resident and I'm a teacher.
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    And this is my world.
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    And along the way I've started noticing --
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    I'm on my third generation of kids --
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    that they're getting bigger.
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    They're getting sicker.
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    In addition to these complexities,
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    I just learned that 70 percent of the kids that I see
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    who are labeled learning disabled would not have been
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    had they had proper prenatal nutrition.
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    The realities of my community are simple. They look like this.
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    Kids should not have to grow up and look at things like this.
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    And as jobs continue to leave my community,
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    and energy continues to come in, be exported in,
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    it's no wonder that really some people refer to the South Bronx as a desert.
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    But I'm the oldest sixth grader you'll ever meet,
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    so I get up every day with this tremendous amount of enthusiasm
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    that I'm hoping to share with you all today.
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    And with that note, I come to you with this belief
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    that kids should not have to leave their communities
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    to live, learn and earn in a better one.
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    So I'm here to tell you a story about me
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    and this wall that I met outside, which I'm now bringing inside.
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    And it starts with three people.
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    The crazy teacher -- that's me on the left,
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    I dress up pretty, thank you, my wife, I love you for getting a good suit --
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    my passionate borough president
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    and a guy named George Irwin from Green Living Technologies
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    who helped me with my class
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    and helped me get involved with this patented technology.
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    But it all starts with seeds in classrooms,
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    in my place, which looks like this.
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    And I'm here today hoping that my reach will exceed my grasp.
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    And that's really what this is all about.
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    And it starts with incredible kids like this,
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    who come early and stay late.
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    All of my kids are either IEP or ELL learners,
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    most come with a lot of handicaps,
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    most are homeless and many are in foster care.
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    Almost all of my kids live below poverty.
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    But with those seeds, from day one, we are growing in my classroom,
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    and this is what it looks like in my classroom.
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    And you see how attentive these kids are to these seeds.
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    And then you notice that those seeds become farms across the Bronx that look like this.
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    But again, I am not a farmer. I'm a teacher.
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    And I don't like weeding, and I don't like back-breaking labor.
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    So I wanted to figure out how I could get this kind of success
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    into something small, like this,
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    and bring it into my classroom so that handicapped kids could do it,
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    kids who didn't want to be outside could do it,
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    and everyone could have access.
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    So I called George Irwin, and what do you know?
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    He came to my class and we built an indoor edible wall.
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    And what we do is we partner it with authentic learning experiences,
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    private-based learning.
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    And lo and behold, we gave birth to
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    the first edible wall in New York City.
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    So if you're hungry, get up and eat.
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    You can do it right now. My kids play cow all the time.
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    Okay? But we were just getting started,
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    the kids loved the technology,
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    so we called up George and we said, "We gotta learn more!"
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    Now, Mayor Bloomberg, thank you very much, we no longer need work permits,
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    which comes with slices and bonded contractors -- we're available for you --
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    We decided to go to Boston.
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    And my kids, from the poorest congressional district in America,
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    became the first to install a green wall,
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    designed by a computer, with real-live learning tools,
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    21 stories up -- if you're going to go visit it,
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    it's on top of the John Hancock building.
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    But closer to home, we started installing these walls in schools
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    that look like this with lighting like that,
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    real LED stuff, 21st-century technology.
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    And what do you know? We made 21st century money,
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    and that was groundbreaking. Wow!
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    This is my harvest, people.
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    And what do you do with this food? You cook it!
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    And those are my heirloom students making heirloom sauce,
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    with plastic forks, and we get it into the cafeteria,
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    and we grow stuff and we feed our teachers.
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    And that is the youngest nationally certified
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    workforce in America with our Bronx Borough President.
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    And what'd we do then? Well, I met nice people like you,
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    and they invited us to the Hamptons.
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    So I call this "from South Bronx to Southampton."
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    And we started putting in roofs that look like this,
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    and we came in from destitute neighborhoods
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    to start building landscape like this, wow! People noticed.
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    And so we got invited back this past summer,
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    and we actually moved into the Hamptons,
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    payed 3,500 dollars a week for a house, and we learned how to surf.
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    And when you can do stuff like this --
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    These are my kids putting in this technology,
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    and when you can build a roof that looks like that
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    on a house that looks like that
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    with sedum that looks like this,
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    this is the new green graffiti.
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    So, you may wonder what does a wall like this
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    really do for kids, besides changing landscapes and mindsets?
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    Okay, I'm going to tell you what it does.
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    It gets me to meet incredible contractors like this,
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    Jim Ellenberger from Ellenberger Services.
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    And this is where it becomes true triple bottom line.
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    Because Jim realized that these kids, my future farmers,
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    really had the skills he needed to build affordable housing
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    for New Yorkers, right in their own neighborhood.
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    And this is what my kids are doing, making living wage.
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    Now, if you're like me, you live in a building, there are seven guys
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    out of work looking to manage a million dollars.
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    I don't have it. But if you need a toilet fixed
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    or, you know, some shelving, I gotta wait six months
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    for an appointment with someone who drives a much nicer car than me.
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    That's the beauty of this economy.
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    But my kids are now licensed and bonded in trade.
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    And that's my first student to open up, the first in his family to have a bank account.
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    This immigrant student is the first one in his family to use an ATM.
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    And this is the true triple bottom line,
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    because we can take neighborhoods that were abandoned and destitute
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    and turn them into something like this with interiors like this.
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    Wow! People noticed. And notice they did.
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    So CNN called, and we were delighted to have them come to our farmer's market.
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    And then when Rockefeller Center said, NBC,
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    could you put this thing up on the walls? We were delighted.
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    But this, I show you, when kids from the poorest congressional district in America
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    can build a 30-foot by 15-foot wall,
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    design it, plant it and install it in the heart of New York City,
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    that's a true "sí se puede" moment.
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    Really scholastic, if you ask me.
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    But this is not a Getty image.
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    That's a picture I took of my Bronx Borough President,
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    addressing my kids in his house, not the jailhouse,
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    making them feel a part of it.
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    That's our State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Bob Bieder,
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    coming to my classroom to make my kids feel important.
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    And when the Bronx Borough President shows up
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    and the State Senator comes to our class,
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    believe you me, the Bronx can change attitudes now.
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    We are poised, ready, willing and able
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    to export our talent and diversity in ways we've never even imagined.
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    And when the local senator gets on the scale in public
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    and says he's got to lose weight, so do I!
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    And I tell you what, I'm doing it and so are the kids.
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    Okay? And then celebrities started.
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    Produce Pete can't believe what we grow.
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    Lorna Sass came and donated books.
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    Okay? We're feeding seniors.
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    And when we realized that we were growing for food justice in the South Bronx,
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    so did the international community.
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    And my kids in the South Bronx were repped in
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    the first international green roof conference.
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    And that's just great.
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    Except what about locally?
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    Well, we met this woman, Avis Richards, with the Ground Up Campaign.
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    Unbelievable! Through her, my kids,
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    the most disenfranchised and marginalized,
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    were able to roll out 100 gardens to New York City public schools.
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    That's triple bottom line! Okay?
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    A year ago today, I was invited to the New York Academy of Medicine.
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    I thought this concept of designing a strong and healthy New York
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    made sense, especially when the resources were free.
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    So thank you all and I love them.
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    They introduced me to the New York City Strategic Alliance for Health,
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    again, free resources, don't waste them.
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    And what do you know? Six months later,
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    my school and my kids were awarded the first ever
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    high school award of excellence for creating a healthy school environment.
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    The greenest class in New York City.
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    But more importantly is my kids learned to get,
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    they learned to give.
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    And we took the money that we made from our farmer's market,
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    and started buying gifts for the homeless
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    and for needy around the world.
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    So we started giving back.
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    And that's when I realized that the greening of America
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    starts first with the pockets, then with the heart
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    and then with the mind.
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    So we were onto something, and we're still onto something.
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    And thank God Trinity Wall Street noticed,
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    because they gave us the birth of Green Bronx Machine.
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    We're 3,000 strong right now.
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    And what does it really do?
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    It teaches kids to re-vision their communities,
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    so when they grow up in places like this, they can imagine it like this.
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    And my kids, trained and certified --
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    Ma, you get the tax abatement. Thank you, Mayor Bloomberg --
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    can take communities that look like this and convert them into things that look like that,
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    and that to me, people, is another true "sí se puede" moment.
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    Now, how does it start? It starts in schools.
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    No more little Knicks and little Nets.
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    Group by broccoli, group by your favorite vegetable,
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    something you can aspire to.
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    Okay? And these are my future farmers of America,
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    growing up in Brook Park on 141st Street,
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    the most migrant community in America.
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    When tenacious little ones learn how to garden like this,
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    it's no wonder we get fruit like that.
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    And I love it! And so do they.
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    And we're building teepees in neighborhoods that were burning down.
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    And that's a true "sí se puede" moment.
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    And again, Brook Park feeds hundreds of people
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    without a food stamp or a fingerprint.
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    The poorest congressional district in America,
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    the most migratory community in America, we can do this.
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    Bissel Gardens is cranking out food in epic proportions,
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    moving kids into an economy they never imagined.
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    Now, somewhere over the rainbow, my friends,
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    is the South Bronx of America. And we're doing it.
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    How does it start? Well, look at Jose's attention to detail.
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    Thank God Omar knows that carrots come from the ground,
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    and not aisle 9 at the supermarket
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    or through a bullet-proof window or through a piece of styrofoam.
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    And when Henry knows that green is good, so do I.
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    And when you expand their palates, you expand their vocabulary.
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    And most importantly, when you put big kids together with little kids,
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    you get the big fat white guy out of the middle, which is cool,
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    and you create this kind of accountability amongst peers, which is incredible.
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    God, I'm going to run out of time, so I've gotta keep it moving.
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    But this is my weekly paycheck for kids; that's our green graffiti.
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    This is what we're doing.
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    And behold the glory and bounty that is Bronx County.
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    Nothing thrills me more than to see kids pollinating plants instead of each other.
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    I gotta tell you, I'm a protective parent.
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    But those kids are the kids who are now putting
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    pumpkin patches on top of trains.
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    We're also designing coin ponds for the rich and affluent.
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    We're also becoming children of the corn,
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    creating farms in the middle of Fordham Road for awareness
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    and window bottles out of garbage.
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    Now I don't expect every kid to be a farmer,
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    but I expect you to read about it, write about it, blog about it, offer outstanding customer service.
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    I expect them to be engaged, and man, are they!
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    So that's my incredible classroom, that's the food.
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    Where does it go? Zero miles to plate, right down into the cafeteria.
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    Or more importantly, to local shelters,
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    where most of our kids are getting one to two meals a day.
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    And we're stepping it up.
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    No Air Jordans were ever ruined on my farm.
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    And in his day, a million dollar gardens and incredible installations.
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    Let me tell you something, people.
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    This is a beautiful moment.
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    Black field, brown field, toxic waste field, battlefield --
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    we're proving in the Bronx that you can grow anywhere, on cement.
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    And we take orders for flowers. I'm putting the bake sale to shame.
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    We take orders now. I'm booking for the spring.
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    And these were all grown from seeds. We're learning everything.
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    And again, when you can take kids from backgrounds as diverse
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    as this to do something as special as this,
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    we're really creating a moment.
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    Now, you may ask about these kids.
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    Forty percent attendance to 93 percent attendance.
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    All start overage and under-credit.
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    They are now, my first cohort is all in college, earning a living wage.
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    The rest are scheduled to graduate this June.
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    Happy kids, happy families, happy colleagues.
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    Amazed people. The glory and bounty that is Bronx County.
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    Let's talk about mint. Where is my mint?
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    I grow seven kinds of mint in my class.
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    Mojitos, anybody? I'll be at Telepan later.
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    But, understand this is my intellectual Viagra.
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    Ladies and gentlemen, I gotta move quick, but understand this:
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    The borough that gave us baggy pants and funky fresh beats
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    is becoming home to the organic ones.
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    My green [unclear] 25,000 pounds of vegetables,
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    I'm growing organic citizens, engaged kids.
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    So help us go from this to this.
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    Self-sustaining entities, 18 months return on investment,
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    plus we're paying people living wage and health benefits,
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    while feeding people for pennies on the dollar.
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    Martin Luther King said that people need to be uplifted with dignity.
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    So here in New York, I urge you, my fellow Americans,
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    to help us make America great again.
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    It's simple. Share your passion.
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    It's real easy. Go see these two videos, please.
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    One got us invited to the White House, one's a recent incarnation.
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    And most importantly, get the biggest bully out of schools.
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    This has got to go tomorrow.
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    People, you can all do that.
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    Keep kids out of stores that look like this.
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    Make them a healthy plate,
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    especially if you can pick it off the wall in your own classroom -- delicioso!
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    Model good behavior. Get them to a green cart.
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    Big kids love strawberries and bananas.
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    Teach them entrepreneurship. Thank God for GrowNYC.
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    Let them cook. Great lunch today, let them do culinary things.
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    But most importantly, just love them.
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    Nothing works like unconditional love.
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    So, my good friend Kermit said it's not easy being green.
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    It's not. I come from a place where kids can buy
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    35 flavors of blunt wrap at any day of the moment,
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    where ice cream freezers are filled with slushy malt liquor.
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    Okay? My dear friend Majora Carter once told me,
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    we have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
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    So here, and at a time when we've gone from
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    the audacity to hope to hope for some audacity,
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    I urge you to do something.
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    I urge you to do something.
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    Right now, we're all tadpoles,
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    but I urge you to become a big frog and take that big, green leap.
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    I don't care if you're on the left, on the right, up the middle, wherever.
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    Join me. Use -- I've got a lot of energy. Help me use it.
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    We can do something here.
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    And along the way, please take time to smell the flowers,
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    especially if you and your students grew them.
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    I'm Steve Ritz, this is Green Bronx Machine.
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    I've got to say thank you to my wife and family, for my kids,
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    thank you for coming every day, and for my colleagues,
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    believing and supporting me.
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    We are growing our way into a new economy.
  • 13:10 - 13:13
    Thank you, God bless you and enjoy the day. I'm Steve Ritz.
  • 13:13 - 13:15
    Sí se puede!
  • 13:15 - 13:20
A teacher growing green in the South Bronx
Stephen Ritz

A whirlwind of energy and ideas, Stephen Ritz is a teacher in New York's tough South Bronx, where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery -- and jobs. Just try to keep up with this New York treasure as he spins through the many, many ways there are to grow hope in a neighborhood many have written off, or in your own.

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English subtitles

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