Do not use words like fault or fate.
There is only cause and effect.
The only question remaining
is what we're going to do about our little...
[undistinct crowd chattering]
What are we gonna do?
I'll tell you what we gonna do.
Hey! Fo... Oh-oops...
[microphone feedback sound]
Mh! Ah! Ah! Ooh! Woah!
Mister Rubix
I don't want to alarm you
but you're covered in meat.
Somebody put meat all over you.
And a few inches thick in a couple of places.
Real waste of good potential.
Feeding it when it's hungry...
Putting it to bed at night...
You... you can be eaten!
Ah-mhh... that's a con.
Might have a baby.
You're real flesh nanny, aren't you?
Must be exhausting.
Yeah, you know...
It all feels rather misguided now,
but there was a time when I envied you mister Rubix.
The flesh bats, however...
They have not yet come to see things from my...
...illuminated position.
If you start at that blue hazy thing
and you just kinda go up in the sky a little bit
to other hazy thing
then, right there, that's the, uh-mh...
The Moon?
Sh... N... No!
What do... Where do you think I'm pointing?
I can't see where you're pointing
Well just... just follow my finger...
Just right up as if it's like a beam into the sky.
You see it?
So where's Mars?
Uh-mh... [sighs]
Mars won't be up until just before dawn.
Did you know that Mars is the god of love?
That... is not... actually...
Because it's always blushing!
Ah, OK then, that makes sense!
Gage, are you blushing?
But I had rosacea as a kid.
Ok, so...
Look at the arm right there.
When you go in one
that star is called Mizar.
Did you make that up?
No! They have names, you know that!
Then if you go over one, just a little bit
you see that full fuzzy thing?
That's called Alcar.
Yeah, no, I can't see that.
Try... Try... Actually sometimes it helps
if you offset your eyes a little bit.
Then you couldn't have joined the Roman army!
Seeing Alcar was a vision test to get in.
Gage, has anybody ever told you you're boring?
Has anybody ever told you?
[distant howling sounds]
[Whispering:] That's probably our cue to go.
Good night zombie!
So, I talked to Liz the other day.
I am so sorry.
And I told her that we were coming out here.
Why would you do that?
And she told me to LOOK OUT!
Cause apparently that's where you took her
before you asked her out.
Because it's a great place.
You see like three stars from Shade, it's nice splendor.
It's a wonderful thing.
Do you really think it's fair
to woo women with nature?
I am not wooing...
Were you wooed?
All I'm saying is if you wanna ask me something
then just ask.
Would you...
There's a man.
Oh! Oh, yes. Uh...
Probably a zombie
You should stop and see if he needs a ride.
Hey, do you need a ride?
Well, hop on in, stranger!
Go have a seat.
[burps loudly]
The way I figure
it's a meteor strike.
Note the scorching, indicative of a small impact
And the bent shrubbery
that hints at all the fantastic forces pushing out
in all directions just before the hit.
Call Shade.
Let them know there's nothing to worry about.
The universe is an amazing place.
Yeah, alright!
I can feel that.
A meteor strike.
Makes sense.
Meteor strikes are common enough.
Who are you?
My name is Sterling, special agent blah blah blah.
Could have been a combusted zombie.
I've seen that before too.
Decompositional gases gather in the lower abdomen
then ignite via mitochondrial combustion.
That, or some static discharge nonsense.
It's interesting! But that's... that's not what this is.
You... You are from the... Super...
Superintelligence Agency, yes yes yes...
But look.
See, from the radius everything expands outwards
as you would expect from any normal explosion.
However if you take a look a the depression itself
everything coalesces back towards the center.
Indicating there was an expansion
then an immediate and violent recompression.
But that's not what I find interesting!
It's not?!
No, what I find interesting
are these footprints there
there and there.
Somebody walked away from this.
We didn't see those before.
Yes, I know.
And what is your name?
Ah, Peter. Peter Jefferson.
I'm gonna level with you Jefferson.
What I think we're dealing with here is a drift...
From Shadow State Five.
You are at level 27 clearance are you not?
None of us at all are 27s. I'm only at 11.
You know, wouldn't things be easier
if we didn't have to deal with all these clearance issues...
Tell me about it!
Sometimes I get so involved with the bureau
I forget that there are people like you
without the clearance to talk about
let alone think about or know about certain things and...
Things like this happen.
This truly is awkward.
But I want you to know Jefferson
between you and me
I really truly am very sorry
about all this.
This should be interesting.
Rubix came back.