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The Best Teachers in the World Book Event Clip 2

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    (ESTV - The Best teachers in the World Clip 2)
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    [Jeff Selingo] Alright, let's go back to Tennessee for a second.
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    You talk a little bit of - obviously, you focus a lot on Vanderbilt there in Tennessee -
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    and you talk a little bit about how Vanderbilt and Teach For America
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    are essentially the only two intitutions or providers in Tennessee producing high quality teachers.
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    What should happen to all those other providers in Tennessee? Should we shut them down?
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    Hem, how do we raise them up to be as good as Vanderbild and Teach for America?
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    And then a related question: Teach for America - here you talked earlier about how the -
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    how the lead institutions in this country have essentially abdicated their role in training teachers,
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    but yet Teach for America is this incredibly high-profile program
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    that students at some of the best institutions in our country clamor to get into for a year, right?
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    Why are they not clamoring to get into teachers traditional [indistinct mumble]
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    [John Chubb] There are a lot of questions there.
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    First, I don't think a regulatory approach to training institutions is the right way to - I mean
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    the states have the power now to close down programs that they, you know, if they want to.
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    But they've never had the political will to do that
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    ....... not having a political will
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    I think a better approach is to use transparency, to use information.
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    So, you know, if their performance - if the performance of training programs at ..... schools
The Best Teachers in the World Book Event Clip 2

In Education Sector's November 1 event, John Chubb discusses his book The Best Teachers in the World: Why We Don't Have Them and How We Could.

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