Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus
0:03 - 0:07Pred úsvitom západnej civilizácie a písaného jazyka
0:07 - 0:13neboli veda a spiritualita dve oddelené veci.
0:13 - 0:16V učeniach starovekých tradícií
0:16 - 0:20bolo vonkajšie hľadanie poznania a istoty vyvážené
0:20 - 0:22vnútorným pocitom pominuteľnosti
0:22 - 0:27a intuitívnym porozumením špirále zmeny.
0:27 - 0:31S čoraz dominantnejším postavením vedeckého myslenia a znásobujúcim sa množstvom informácií
0:31 - 0:36sa v našich znalostných systémoch začala objavovať roztrieštenosť.
0:36 - 0:38Narastajúca špecializácia spôsobila, že čoraz menej ľudí
0:38 - 0:40je schopných chápať veľký obrazec,
0:40 - 0:45cítiť a predvídať estetiku systému ako celku.
0:45 - 0:57Nikto sa neopýtal, či je pre nás všetko to premýšľanie dobré.
0:57 - 1:01Starobylá múdrosť je uprostred nás, ukrytá v jednoduchom pohľade.
1:01 - 1:06My sme ale príliš zaujatý našimi myšlienkami, aby sme ju rozpoznali.
1:06 - 1:10Táto zabudnutá múdrosť je spôsobom ako obnoviť rovnováhu
1:10 - 1:15medzi tým, čo je vonku a čo je vnútri.
1:15 - 1:15Jin a jang.
1:15 - 1:52Medzi špirálou zmeny a pokojom v našej duši.
1:52 - 2:00Podľa gréckej legendy bol Asklépios synom Apolóna a bohom lekárstva.
2:00 - 2:03Jeho múdrosť a schopnost liečiť boli neprekonateľné
2:03 - 2:10a hovorí sa o ňom, že objavil tajomstvo života a smrti.
2:10 - 2:13V starovekom Grécku poznali Asklépiove ozdravné chrámy
2:13 - 2:16silu prvotnej špirály,
2:16 - 2:21čoho symbolom je Asklépiova palica.
2:21 - 2:26Hippokrates, otec medicíny,
2:26 - 2:27ktorého prísaha stále tvorí morálny kódex
2:27 - 2:30medicínskych profesií, sa údajne
2:30 - 2:33učil v jednom z Asklépiovych chrámov.
2:33 - 2:37Až dodnes zostáva symbol našej evolučnej energie
2:37 - 2:40logom Americkej lekárskej komory
2:40 - 2:48a iných lekárskych organizácií po celom svete.
2:48 - 2:51V egyptskej ikonografii znázorňujú had a vták
2:51 - 3:02dualitu alebo polaritu ľudskej povahy
3:02 - 3:07Had smerujúci nadol je vyjadrením špirály,
3:07 - 3:13evolučnej energie sveta.
3:13 - 3:17Vták smeruje nahor; dohora orientovaný
3:17 - 3:22smerom k slnku, alebo prebudenému vedomiu;
3:22 - 3:34prázdna Akasha.
3:34 - 3:37Faraóni a bohovia sú znázorňovaní s prebudenou energiou,
3:37 - 3:40pomocou ktorej sa had Kundalini pohybuje nahor po chrbtici a preniká
3:40 - 3:48do 'Ajna' čakry medzi očami.
3:48 - 3:52Hovorí sa tomu Horovo oko.
3:52 - 3:58
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- Title:
- Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus
- Description:
All 4 parts of the film can be found at
The primordial spiral is the manifested world, while Akasha is the unmanifested, or emptiness itself. All of reality is an interplay between these two things; Yang and Yin, or consciousness and matter. The spiral has often been represented by the snake, the downward current, while the bird or blooming lotus flower has represented the upward current or transcendence.The ancient traditions taught that a human being can become a bridge extending from the outer to the inner, from gross to subtle, from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. To balance the inner and the outer is what the Buddha called the middle way, or what Aristotle called the Golden Mean. You can be that bridge. The full awakening of human consciousness and energy is the birthright of every individual on the planet. In today's society we have lost the balance between the inner and the outer. We are so distracted by the outer world of form, thoughts and ideas, that we no longer take time to connect to our inner worlds, the kingdom of heaven that is within.
Frequently asked questions about the film:
1) Where can I get a particular song or the soundtrack?
A: Much of the music is available for purchase at on various CD's. We will be coming out with a special Inner Worlds compilation in the Summer of 2013. The track "Om Shreen Hreem" is found under "Yoga" in a CD called "Universal Mother".
2) Can I download the film and upload it to my own Youtube Channel?
A: We whole-heartedly encourage everyone to share the existing Youtube links with their friends, embed on their website, or to create screenings for their community. I'm afraid we cannot allow you to re-upload the film to your own channel for the following reasons:
a) The content itself is copyrighted and is owned by REM Publishing Ltd. Some of the video clips in the film are licensed under certain agreements and cannot be distributed or controlled by third parties.
b) Several individuals have already tried to re-upload the film and to monetize their channel and/or make a profit from selling the film without our permission, or simply to try to build subscribers for their own channel. We don't always know what people's true motivation is (and sometimes neither do they).
c) Our channel contains closed captions in many languages and we don't want versions of the film floating around without these professional translations.
d) When users subscribe to the AwakenTheWorldFilm channel we can provide people future films as we release them. This is just the first of many films and our second is already in the works.
e) Our channel also provides links to our website and Facebook page and the opportunity for people to donate to the Awaken the World initiative. Money/ support is needed to make these films, and while we make them available for free, we really appreciate when people donate, offer translation skills or other support.
If you add the existing Youtube links to a playlist you can still share the film with your friends and viewers and still have it as part of your channel, just do not upload your own version. We greatly appreciate people who feel so strongly about the content that they want to share and spread the film, and hope that you will continue to do so.
3) Where can I find a screening/ workshop/ meditation retreat etc.
A: Current information is available on the Inner Worlds Facebook page:
- Video Language:
- Bulgarian
- Duration:
- 26:30
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Klára Kapustová edited Slovak subtitles for Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus |