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A climate change solution that's right under our feet

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    So one of the most important solutions
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    to the global challenge
    posed by climate change
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    lies right under our foot every day.
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    It's soil.
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    Soil's just the thin veil that covers
    the surface of land,
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    but it has the power to shape
    our planet's destiny.
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    See, a six foot or so of soil
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    lose soil material that covers
    the Earth's surface
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    represents the difference between life
    and lifelessness in the Earth system,
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    and it can also help us
    combat climate change
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    and if we can only stop
    treating it like dirt.
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    Climate change is happening,
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    the Earth's atmosphere is warming,
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    because of an increasing amount
    of greenhouse gases
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    we keep releasing into the atmosphere.
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    You all know that.
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    But what I assume you might not have heard
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    is that one of the most important things
    our human society could do
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    to address climate change
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    lies right there in the soil.
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    I'm a soil scientist who has
    been studying soil since I was 18
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    because I'm interested in unlocking
    the secrets of soil
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    and helping people understand this
    really important climate change solution.
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    So here are the facts about climate.
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    The concentration of carbon dioxide
    in the Earth's atmosphere
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    has increased by 40 percent
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    just in the last 150 years or so.
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    Human actions are now releasing
    9.4 billion metric tons of carbon
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    into the atmosphere
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    from activities such as
    burning fossil fuels
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    and intensive agricultural practices
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    and other ways we change
    the way we use land,
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    including deforestation.
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    But the concentration of carbon dioxide
    that stays in the atmosphere
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    is only increasing by about half of that,
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    and that's because half of the carbon
    we keep releasing into the atmosphere
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    is currently being taken up
    by land and the seas
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    through a process we know
    as carbon sequestration.
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    So in essence, whatever consequence
    you think we're facing
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    from climate change right now,
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    we're only experiencing the consequence
    of 50 percent of our pollution,
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    because the natural ecosystems
    are bailing us out.
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    But don't get too comfortable,
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    because we have two major things
    working against us right now.
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    One, unless we do something big
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    and then fast,
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    emissions will continue to rise.
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    And second, the ability
    of these natural ecosystems
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    to take up carbon dioxide
    from the atmosphere
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    and sequester it in the natural habitats
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    is currently getting compromised
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    as they're experiencing serious
    degradation because of human actions.
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    So it's not entirely clear
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    that we will continue to get bailed out
    by these natural ecosystems
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    if we continue on this
    business-as-usual path that we've been.
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    Here's where the soil comes in:
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    there is about three thousand billion
    metric tons of carbon in the soil.
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    That's roughly about 315 times
    the amount of carbon
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    that we release into
    the atmosphere currently,
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    and there's twice more carbon in soil
    than there is in vegetation and air.
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    Think about that for a second.
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    There's more carbon in soil
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    than there is in all
    of the world's vegetation,
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    including the lush tropical rainforests
    and the giant sequoias,
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    the expansive grasslands,
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    all of the cultivated systems,
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    and every kind of flora you can imagine
    on the face of the Earth,
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    plus all the carbon that's currently
    up in the atmosphere combined
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    and then twice over.
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    Hence, a very small change
    in the amount of carbon stored in soil
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    can make a big difference
    in maintenance of the Earth's atmosphere.
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    But soil's not just simply
    a storage box for carbon though.
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    It operates more like a bank account,
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    and the amount of carbon
    that's in soil at any given time
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    is a function of the amount of carbon
    coming in and out of the soil.
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    Carbon comes into the soil
    through the process of photosynthesis
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    when green plants take carbon dioxide
    from the atmosphere
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    and use it to make their bodies,
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    and upon death,
    their bodies enter the soil.
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    And carbon leaves the soil
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    and goes right back up into the atmosphere
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    when the bodies of those
    formerly living organisms
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    decay in soil by activity of microbes.
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    See, decomposition releases
    carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
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    as well as other greenhouse gases
    such as methane and nitrous oxide,
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    but it also releases all the nutrients
    we all need to survive.
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    One of the things that makes soil
    such a fundamental component
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    of any climate change mitigation strategy
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    is because it represents
    a long-term storage of carbon.
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    Carbon that would have lasted
    maybe a year or two
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    in decaying residue
    if it was left on the surface
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    can stay in soil for hundreds of years,
    even thousands and more.
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    Soil biogeochemists like me
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    study exactly how the soil system
    makes this possible.
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    By locking away the carbon
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    in physical association with minerals
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    inside aggregates of soil minerals
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    and formation of strong chemical bonds
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    that bind the carbon
    to the surfaces of the minerals.
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    See, when carbon is entrapped in soil
    in these kinds of associations
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    with soil minerals,
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    even the wiliest of the microbes
    can't easily degrade it,
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    and carbon that's not degrading fast
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    is carbon that's not going back
    into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases.
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    But the benefit of carbon sequestration
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    is not just limited
    to climate change mitigation.
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    Soil that stores large amounts of carbon
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    is health, fertile, soft.
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    It's malleable. It's workable.
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    It makes it like a sponge.
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    It can hold on to
    a lot of water and nutrients.
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    Healthy and fertile soils like this
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    support the most dynamic, abundant,
    and diverse habitat for living things
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    that we know of anywhere
    on the Earth system.
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    It makes life possible for everything
    from the tiniest of the microbes
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    such as bacteria and fungi
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    all the way to higher plants,
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    and fulfills the food, feed,
    and fiber needs for all animals,
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    including you and I.
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    So at this point, you would assume
    that we should be treating soil
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    like the precious resource that it is.
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    Unfortunately, that's not the case.
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    Soils around the world are experiencing
    unprecedented rates of degradation
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    through a variety of human actions
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    that include deforestation,
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    intensive agricultural production systems,
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    excessive application
    of agricultural chemicals,
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    erosion, and similar things.
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    Half of the world's soils
    are currently considered degraded.
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    Soil degradation is bad for many reasons,
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    but let me just tell you a couple.
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    One, degraded soils have diminished
    potential to support plant productivity,
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    and hence, by degrading soil,
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    we're compromising our own abilities
    to provide the food and other resources
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    that we need for us
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    and every member of living things
    on the face of the Earth.
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    And second, soil use and degradation
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    just in the last 200 years or so
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    has released 12 times more carbon
    into the atmosphere
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    compared to the rate
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    at which we're releasing carbon
    into the atmosphere right now.
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    I'm afraid there's even more bad news.
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    This is a story of soils
    at high latitudes.
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    Peatlands in polar environments
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    store about a third
    of the global soil carbon reserves.
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    These peatlands have a permanently
    frozen ground underneath, permafrost,
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    and the carbon was able to build up
    in these soils over long periods of time
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    because even though plants are able
    to photosynthesize during the short,
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    warm summer months,
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    the environment quickly
    turns cold and dark
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    and then microbes are not able
    to efficiently break down the residue.
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    So the soil carbon bank
    in these polar environments
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    built up over hundreds
    of thousands of years.
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    But right now, with atmospheric warming,
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    the permafrost is thawing and draining,
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    and when permafrosts thaws and drains,
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    it makes it possible
    for microbes to come in
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    and rather quickly
    decompose all this carbon,
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    with the potential to release
    hundreds of billions of metric tons
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    of carbon into the atmosphere
    in the form of greenhouse gases.
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    And this release of additional
    greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
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    will only contribute to further warming
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    that makes this predicament even worse,
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    as it starts a self-reinforcing
    positive feedback loop
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    that could go on and on and on,
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    dramatically changing our climate future.
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    Fortunately, I can also tell you
    that there is a solution
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    for these two wicked problems
    of soil degradation and climate change.
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    Just like we created these problems,
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    we do know the solution,
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    and the solution lies
    in simultaneously working
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    to address these two things together
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    through what we call
    climate-smart land management practices.
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    What do I mean here?
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    I mean managing land in a way that's smart
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    about maximizing how much carbon
    we store in soil.
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    And we can accomplish this
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    by putting in place
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    deep-rooted perennial plants,
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    putting back forests whenever possible,
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    reducing tillage and other disturbances
    from agricultural practices,
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    including optimizing the use
    of agricultural chemicals and grazing
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    and even adding carbon
    to soil whenever possible
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    from recycled resources such as compost
    and even human waste.
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    This kind of land stewardship
    is not a radical idea.
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    It's what made it possible
    for fertile soils to be able
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    to support human civilizations
    since time immemorial.
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    In fact, some are doing it just right now.
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    There's a global effort underway
    to accomplish exactly this goal.
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    This effort that started in France
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    is known as the "4 per mille" effort,
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    and it sets an aspirational goal
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    to increase the amount of carbon
    stored in soil by 0.4 percent annually
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    using the same kind of climate-smart
    land management practices
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    I mentioned earlier.
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    And if this effort is fully successful,
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    it can offset a third
    of the global emissions
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    of fossil-fuel derived carbon
    into the atmosphere.
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    But even if this effort
    is not fully successful,
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    but we just start heading
    in that direction,
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    we still end up with soils
    that are healthier, more fertile,
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    are able to produce all the food
    and resources that we need
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    for human populations and more,
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    and also soils that are better capable
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    of sequestering carbon dioxide
    from the atmosphere
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    and helping with
    climate change mitigation.
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    I'm pretty sure that's what politicians
    call a win-win solution.
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    And we all can have a role to play here.
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    We can start by treating the soil
    with the respect that it deserves:
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    respect for its ability as the basis
    of all life on Earth;
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    respect for its ability to serve
    as a carbon bank;
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    and respect for its ability
    to control our climate.
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    And if we do so,
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    we can then simultaneously address
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    two of the most pressing
    global challenges of our time:
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    climate change and soil degradation.
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    And in the process, we would be able
    to provide food and nutritional security
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    to our growing human family.
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    Thank you.
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A climate change solution that's right under our feet
Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

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