There are 6 addition formula.
I'm not going to prove them.
But I am going to do is start
with one of them.
And derive a second one.
Then I'm going to take another
one is given and derive a second
one from that, and then we're
going to use those four to help
us derive the final two. So this
is the one we're going to start
with. The sign of a
plus B. This is where they get
their name from addition formula
because here we have a sub and
we're going to find it sign.
This breaks down.
Assign a Cosby
Plus calls a
sign be. Notice in terms
of remembering it, we keep the
A&B in the same order and the
signs and the cosines alternate.
So what about the
sign of a minus
B? Well, I just have
a think about this minus B.
It can be the sign
of a plus minus B.
And now. The formula that we
had here. Can be exactly the
same As for this one.
But in this one we can replace
B. By minus be
so let's do that sign.
A. Calls
of minus B.
Plus calls a.
Sign of minus
B. Well, the
sign is OK.
And the cause of minus B is
just cause big.
The cause a is OK, but the sign
of minus B is minus sign B, so
that's going to change that plus
sign into a minus sign and I can
just write sign be at the end.
So that's the second.
Of our addition
formula. If we've got these
for sign, it seemed reasonable
to expect that will have the
same things for cause for
cosine, so let's have a look
cause of A+B.
Well, this is cause a
caused B minus sign, a
sign be and that's our
starting one. So let's do
the same as we did
here cause of A-B.
Will rewrite the minus B
as a plus minus B.
And then we can replace the bees
in here in this first formula
with the minus be there so will
have cause a.
Cause of minus B.
Minus sign, a sign
of minus B.
Now the cause of minus B is
just cause be, so we have caused
a caused B.
And then we have minus sign a
Times by sign of minus B.
But the sign of minus B is a
minus sign be, so we have two
minus signs together, giving us
a plus sign plus sign a.
Sign be.
So we've now got 4 addition
formula. Let me turn over and
write those down as a group.
Sign of A+B?
Is sign a?
Call speedy close calls
a sign be.
Sign of a minus
Is sign a
Cosby minus cause
a sign be?
Cause of
A+B? Is cause
a calls B?
Minus sign a
sign B. The
cause of A-B is
cause a caused B
plus sign a sign.
So there are our four.
Addition formula. Now we did
promise 6 but these are the fall
really basic ones. And really
these are the four that you've
got to learn.
The other two will presumably
be. Tangent tan of
A+B? Well, we
can derive these from the
others. Tan is sign over
cause so we have the
sign of A+B divided by
the cost of A+B.
So we can now make the
replacement for sign of A+B by
its expansion here.
And cause of A+B by
its expansion here?
Sign a caused
B. Close calls a
sign be. All
Calls a calls B.
Minus. Sign a
sign be. Now this looks
very unwieldy and it would be
nice if in the same way that
this is in terms of signs and
causes and this ones in terms of
signs and causes. I could have
tan of A+B somehow in terms of
tangent and possibly cotangent,
but certainly I want to have
some tangents in there. So what
can I do? Well, look at this
term here cause a Cosby.
Supposing I divided everything
by that term cause a Cosby.
Well, that would give me one
here and I'd have this over
cause A cause be of course I'd
have sign over cause sign over
cause for each of A&B so I have
tan a tan be there.
Would I get anything nice on the
top? Well, let's write it down
in full. So we're
going to divide
everything by calls
a Cosby. And
I have to divide
everything by this because
I've got. A pair of
equal signs here a balance. So
what I do to one side I must do
the other. I must do everything
to all of the terms to preserve
the equality. Now that looks
absolutely awful. Absolutely
massive algebra. So
how can we
make it any
simpler? Well, let's
just go back
to the denominator
here. This bottom
term. Cause a over cause
a cancels down Cosby over. Cosby
cancels down. This is just one.
Sinai over 'cause I is Tanay and
sign be over. Cosby is tan be.
So this is just tan a tan B.
Have a look at this. Well,
there's a common factor on top
and bottom here of Cosby. I can
cancel that out. Leaves me with
sign a over cause a tan a.
Here the causes go out.
Sign be over. Cosby
leaves me with Tan
B so. What we end
up with. Turn of
A+B is 10A.
Plus 10B.
All over 1
- 10 a
Now we can do the same
again for tan.
All A-B and we've got two ways
of approaching it, first of all.
We could work through this again
X set with tan of A-B is the
sign of a minus B over the cause
of A-B. Or we could work through
it again. By making the same
replacement as we did before,
and rewriting this as the time
of A plus minus B.
Let's be assured that what it is
going to give us, which ever way
we do it.
Is going
to be
that. And So what we've got now
our our six.
Addition formula.
Sign of A+B sign of A-B cause of
A+B cause of A-B. These are the
ones you must know and learn
from those four you can derive
these. It's a help if you know
them. If you can learn them. The
important thing is to be able to
recognize them when you see them
and recognize when you need to
use them. Let's have a look at
three fairly typical examples of
the use of these. In many ways,
it's practiced that we're
getting at recognizing these
particular formula, 'cause we
may need them more often when
we're doing other, more
complicated manipulations. So
first of all, let's have a look
at this particular problem.
If we know that sign of
A. Is 3/5.
And that the cause.
Of B is 5
thirteenths. Then
What's the sign
of A+B?
What's the cause
of A-B?
We've got sign a but we don't
know anything about cause a
seemingly. We've got Cosby.
And we really don't know
anything about sign be.
We don't know much about A and
be really because a could be
either an obtuse angle or an
acute angle. So we really need a
little bit more information. So
let's say that A&B are acute.
In alerts that both less than 90
degrees. Well, if the boat less
than 90 degrees, one of the
things we can do is represent
the angle. And the sign with a
right angle triangle. So I just
have a look at that.
Right angle triangle.
Right angle there the angle a
sign a is 3/5 opposite over
hypotenuse, so that's three. The
side opposite the angle A and
that's five the hypotenuse which
is always opposite the right
angle, always the longest side.
Pythagoras tells us that this
other side has to be 4.
And so now that we know the
adjacent side, we know
everything about angle a. We
know it sign, we know it's
cosine and if we want we can
find its tangent.
Let's do the same.
The angle be.
Here is the angle be in its
right angle triangle and were
told that Cosby is 5 over 13.
Cosine is adjacent over
hypotenuse. This is the side
that's adjacent, so there's
five. This is the hypotenuse,
the longest side, the side
opposite the right angle, so
that's 30. So using Pythagoras
theorem, this side is 12.
Now notice I said using
Pythagoras Theorem, but it was
as though I knew these three
455-1213. I do know them and
you've got to get to know them
as well. Pythagorean triples,
simple triples of integers,
whole numbers. That a Bay,
Pythagoras's theorem if you have
them at your fingertips, can we
call them easy? Easily? You find
this so much better in working
in trigonometry 'cause these
numbers are used an awful lot.
OK, then, let's have a look at
what we can do. Sign of A+B? The
addition formula tells us they
sign a. Cause B.
Close calls a sign
be. Equals.
Sign a we know is 3/5.
Times, Cosby, and we know
that one. It's five thirteenths
Plus cause a we can
read cause a off here
it's adjacent over hypotenuse so
it's 4 over 5.
Times by sign B and we
can read, sign be off this
triangle it's opposite over
hypotenuse 12 over 13.
Do the arithmetic 3 fives
are 15 and five 1365,
so that's 15 over 65
+ 4 twelve 48.
And 5:13's again are 65 and
so that gives me a fraction
63 over 65.
We had cause of
A-B. So let's approach that in
exactly the same way.
Will quote our
expansion. Our
addition formula cause
of a Cosby.
Plus sign of a sign
of B. Substitute our
values cause a That's four
over 5 adjacent over hypotenuse.
Times, Cosby. That's five
over 13, adjacent over
Plus sign a That's opposite
over hypotenuse, three over 5.
Times by sign B.
That's 12 over 13,
opposite over hypotenuse.
Now here we've got some
fractions and it might be
tempting to cancel the fives
here. Five goals, five goes, but
five times by 13 is the 65 and
five times by 13 is the 65 to
have the same denominator.
So I'm not going to cancel.
4 fives are 20 over five
1365. Plus
Three twelves
are 36 over that
65 again giving
me 56 over 65.
So that's one way in which these
can be used.
Let's have a look at another
way. Supposing we were asked to
find what's sign 75, but no
don't reach for your Calculator,
you've got to workout sign 75 as
an expression, not as a set of
decimals, but as an expression.
What we've got to think about is
how can we make 75 from angles
who sign and cosine's? We know
very well. Well, 45
+ 30 gives us
75. I'm 45 and 30
are two of the angles that
we know sines and cosines for
exact sines and cosines.
So this would be sign
of 45 cause of 30.
Close calls of
45. Sign of
30. Sign 45
that's one over Route
2. Times by cost 30
will cost 30 is Route 3
over 2.
Plus cause of 45 is one
over Route 2.
Times by sign of 30, which
is just a half.
So we have Route 3. That's one
times by Route 3 over 2 Route 2.
Plus one over and again two
times route 2 is 2 Route 2.
We've got the same denominator,
so 2 Route 2.
To Route 2 and on the
top Route 3 + 1.
Now leave not won't like that we
might try and get rid of this
Route 2 in the denominator, but
just for the moment, let's leave
it like that. There's nothing to
be gained by doing it at this
stage, and let's take another
example. Let's have a look.
An 50 What we
need to be able to do is to find
15 in terms of angles that we
know lots of things about.
And of course.
One of the ways of doing this,
but only one is to do 60 - 45.
So that means that we need the
addition formula that's to do
with tangent and the one that's
to do with the tan of A-B.
So this is 1060 - 1045.
Over 1
+ 10
sixty 10:45.
So now let's put the numerical
values in. Now the tangent of 60
is Route 3 and the tangent of
45 is one.
Over. One plus
Route 3.
Times by one.
So we'll have root 3 - 1
over Route 3 times by one is
just Route 3.
Plus one. Now that's
all right, and it's correct.
Doesn't look very nice and we
tend to have a tradition of not
leaving things like root 3 plus
one in the denominator.
So one of the ways of tidying
that up. Is to multiply top
and bottom of this fraction by
the same thing?
Multiplying top and bottom by
the same thing keeps it the same
value, but what should we
multiply it by? Well, I'm going
to choose to multiply by Route 3
- 1. Not be cause that's what's
in the numerator there, but
because this is the difference
of two squares A+B, A-B and
A+B times by A-B, let's just
write that down up here.
Is A squared minus B
squared? So that means that
on the bottom I have Route 3
times by Route 3A squared.
Which is just three minus B
squared. B was just one, so
that's just minus one and 3 - 1
is 2 and integer not absurd. Not
one of these things with a
square root sign attached to it.
What have we got on top? We two
brackets that we're multiplying
together route 3 by Route 3 is
3, route 3 by minus one is minus
Route 3. 1 by minus one
by Route 3 is minus Route 3
and minus one with minus one is
plus one. 3 plus One is 4 -
2 RT. Threes were taking away
all over 2 and now there's a
common factor of 2 on the top
and on the bottom 2 into 4 goes
to an two into minus 2. Route 3
goes minus Route 3.
And two into two goes wall, so
we needn't worry about that one.
So there we've got a second
example to add to the first one
that we did. Let's take one more
type. Of example, where we can
make you solve the addition
formula and this is where we get
to simplify an expression. So
supposing we've got the sign of
90 plus A.
Could we have this simpler?
Could we just have, say, sign a
or minus sign a or cause a or
something like that? Does it
have to be 90 plus a? Well,
let's have a look. It's sign of
90. Calls of
a. Plus the
cause of 90
sign of A.
Sign 90 is one.
Cause I just cause I so first of
all we have one times cause a
which is just cause a.
But cause of 90.
Is 0. Times by sign a
well, anything times by zero is
0 so we just left with cause a.
So an expression such a sign
of 90 plus a reducers tool
cause a what about something
like the cosine of 180 minus
a? Well, this
is cause 180
cause a.
Plus sign
180 sign
a. The cosine of
180. That's minus one, so minus
one times by cause a is minus
cause a sign of 180 zero and
sign is just sign a but zero
times by anything is 0.
So we're just left with minus
calls a so we can see that these
addition formula help us to very
quickly simplify and get in
terms of this angle a.
Possibly quite complicated
expressions. But the basic thing
is that these 6 addition
formula. Again, I stress it. You
have to learn you have to know.
But most importantly, you've got
to recognize them and recognize
their use when you see them and
when you see the situation.