0:00:01.330,0:00:05.609 There are 6 addition formula.[br]I'm not going to prove them. 0:00:06.410,0:00:09.578 But I am going to do is start[br]with one of them. 0:00:10.210,0:00:12.100 And derive a second one. 0:00:12.750,0:00:17.443 Then I'm going to take another[br]one is given and derive a second 0:00:17.443,0:00:22.136 one from that, and then we're[br]going to use those four to help 0:00:22.136,0:00:27.190 us derive the final two. So this[br]is the one we're going to start 0:00:27.190,0:00:31.112 with. The sign of a 0:00:31.112,0:00:36.360 plus B. This is where they get[br]their name from addition formula 0:00:36.360,0:00:40.637 because here we have a sub and[br]we're going to find it sign. 0:00:41.260,0:00:48.070 This breaks down.[br]Assign a Cosby 0:00:48.680,0:00:52.064 Plus calls a 0:00:52.064,0:00:58.387 sign be. Notice in terms[br]of remembering it, we keep the 0:00:58.387,0:01:03.103 A&B in the same order and the[br]signs and the cosines alternate. 0:01:04.100,0:01:10.644 So what about the[br]sign of a minus 0:01:10.644,0:01:17.980 B? Well, I just have[br]a think about this minus B. 0:01:18.520,0:01:25.820 It can be the sign[br]of a plus minus B. 0:01:27.260,0:01:30.860 And now. The formula that we 0:01:30.860,0:01:36.102 had here. Can be exactly the[br]same As for this one. 0:01:37.010,0:01:40.405 But in this one we can replace 0:01:40.405,0:01:47.518 B. By minus be[br]so let's do that sign. 0:01:48.140,0:01:54.500 A. Calls[br]of minus B. 0:01:55.130,0:01:58.580 Plus calls a. 0:01:59.270,0:02:02.450 Sign of minus 0:02:02.450,0:02:09.180 B. Well, the[br]sign is OK. 0:02:09.180,0:02:14.390 And the cause of minus B is[br]just cause big. 0:02:16.550,0:02:23.158 The cause a is OK, but the sign[br]of minus B is minus sign B, so 0:02:23.158,0:02:28.940 that's going to change that plus[br]sign into a minus sign and I can 0:02:28.940,0:02:31.831 just write sign be at the end. 0:02:32.940,0:02:35.988 So that's the second. 0:02:36.940,0:02:40.615 Of our addition 0:02:40.615,0:02:46.878 formula. If we've got these[br]for sign, it seemed reasonable 0:02:46.878,0:02:52.180 to expect that will have the[br]same things for cause for 0:02:52.180,0:02:56.518 cosine, so let's have a look[br]cause of A+B. 0:02:57.110,0:03:04.090 Well, this is cause a[br]caused B minus sign, a 0:03:04.090,0:03:11.070 sign be and that's our[br]starting one. So let's do 0:03:11.070,0:03:17.352 the same as we did[br]here cause of A-B. 0:03:18.430,0:03:25.550 Will rewrite the minus B[br]as a plus minus B. 0:03:26.370,0:03:32.519 And then we can replace the bees[br]in here in this first formula 0:03:32.519,0:03:37.249 with the minus be there so will[br]have cause a. 0:03:38.040,0:03:41.408 Cause of minus B. 0:03:42.280,0:03:49.175 Minus sign, a sign[br]of minus B. 0:03:50.820,0:03:58.254 Now the cause of minus B is[br]just cause be, so we have caused 0:03:58.254,0:03:59.847 a caused B. 0:04:01.300,0:04:07.176 And then we have minus sign a[br]Times by sign of minus B. 0:04:07.930,0:04:13.420 But the sign of minus B is a[br]minus sign be, so we have two 0:04:13.420,0:04:17.446 minus signs together, giving us[br]a plus sign plus sign a. 0:04:17.950,0:04:19.950 Sign be. 0:04:21.270,0:04:26.982 So we've now got 4 addition[br]formula. Let me turn over and 0:04:26.982,0:04:29.838 write those down as a group. 0:04:31.090,0:04:34.510 Sign of A+B? 0:04:35.520,0:04:37.839 Is sign a? 0:04:38.460,0:04:44.949 Call speedy close calls[br]a sign be. 0:04:45.700,0:04:49.940 Sign of a minus[br]B. 0:04:50.990,0:04:57.770 Is sign a[br]Cosby minus cause 0:04:57.770,0:05:01.160 a sign be? 0:05:01.160,0:05:04.800 Cause of 0:05:04.800,0:05:10.520 A+B? Is cause[br]a calls B? 0:05:11.050,0:05:14.950 Minus sign a 0:05:14.950,0:05:22.500 sign B. The[br]cause of A-B is 0:05:22.500,0:05:30.372 cause a caused B[br]plus sign a sign. 0:05:31.060,0:05:33.450 So there are our four. 0:05:34.230,0:05:38.622 Addition formula. Now we did[br]promise 6 but these are the fall 0:05:38.622,0:05:42.648 really basic ones. And really[br]these are the four that you've 0:05:42.648,0:05:43.746 got to learn. 0:05:44.450,0:05:47.590 The other two will presumably 0:05:47.590,0:05:51.081 be. Tangent tan of 0:05:51.081,0:05:58.159 A+B? Well, we[br]can derive these from the 0:05:58.159,0:06:05.829 others. Tan is sign over[br]cause so we have the 0:06:05.829,0:06:12.732 sign of A+B divided by[br]the cost of A+B. 0:06:13.770,0:06:18.858 So we can now make the[br]replacement for sign of A+B by 0:06:18.858,0:06:20.130 its expansion here. 0:06:20.670,0:06:26.038 And cause of A+B by[br]its expansion here? 0:06:26.040,0:06:29.220 Sign a caused 0:06:29.220,0:06:33.028 B. Close calls a 0:06:33.028,0:06:38.190 sign be. All[br]over. 0:06:40.140,0:06:43.560 Calls a calls B. 0:06:44.080,0:06:47.470 Minus. Sign a 0:06:47.470,0:06:53.658 sign be. Now this looks[br]very unwieldy and it would be 0:06:53.658,0:06:59.006 nice if in the same way that[br]this is in terms of signs and 0:06:59.006,0:07:03.972 causes and this ones in terms of[br]signs and causes. I could have 0:07:03.972,0:07:08.174 tan of A+B somehow in terms of[br]tangent and possibly cotangent, 0:07:08.174,0:07:12.758 but certainly I want to have[br]some tangents in there. So what 0:07:12.758,0:07:17.342 can I do? Well, look at this[br]term here cause a Cosby. 0:07:18.010,0:07:24.070 Supposing I divided everything[br]by that term cause a Cosby. 0:07:24.600,0:07:29.136 Well, that would give me one[br]here and I'd have this over 0:07:29.136,0:07:34.050 cause A cause be of course I'd[br]have sign over cause sign over 0:07:34.050,0:07:38.964 cause for each of A&B so I have[br]tan a tan be there. 0:07:39.990,0:07:47.153 Would I get anything nice on the[br]top? Well, let's write it down 0:07:47.153,0:07:54.485 in full. So we're[br]going to divide 0:07:54.485,0:07:57.908 everything by calls 0:07:57.908,0:08:05.115 a Cosby. And[br]I have to divide 0:08:05.115,0:08:08.975 everything by this because 0:08:08.975,0:08:15.130 I've got. A pair of[br]equal signs here a balance. So 0:08:15.130,0:08:21.130 what I do to one side I must do[br]the other. I must do everything 0:08:21.130,0:08:23.930 to all of the terms to preserve 0:08:23.930,0:08:30.884 the equality. Now that looks[br]absolutely awful. Absolutely 0:08:30.884,0:08:37.028 massive algebra. So[br]how can we 0:08:37.028,0:08:43.172 make it any[br]simpler? Well, let's 0:08:43.172,0:08:49.316 just go back[br]to the denominator 0:08:49.316,0:08:52.388 here. This bottom 0:08:52.388,0:08:59.609 term. Cause a over cause[br]a cancels down Cosby over. Cosby 0:08:59.609,0:09:02.975 cancels down. This is just one. 0:09:03.819,0:09:09.993 Sinai over 'cause I is Tanay and[br]sign be over. Cosby is tan be. 0:09:10.529,0:09:13.297 So this is just tan a tan B. 0:09:14.189,0:09:19.253 Have a look at this. Well,[br]there's a common factor on top 0:09:19.253,0:09:24.739 and bottom here of Cosby. I can[br]cancel that out. Leaves me with 0:09:24.739,0:09:27.693 sign a over cause a tan a. 0:09:28.309,0:09:32.039 Here the causes go out. 0:09:32.559,0:09:39.559 Sign be over. Cosby[br]leaves me with Tan 0:09:39.559,0:09:43.379 B so. What we end 0:09:43.379,0:09:50.409 up with. Turn of[br]A+B is 10A. 0:09:51.059,0:09:54.589 Plus 10B. 0:09:55.919,0:10:02.351 All over 1[br]- 10 a 0:10:02.351,0:10:03.423 10B. 0:10:04.529,0:10:10.001 Now we can do the same[br]again for tan. 0:10:10.649,0:10:17.864 All A-B and we've got two ways[br]of approaching it, first of all. 0:10:18.499,0:10:23.749 We could work through this again[br]X set with tan of A-B is the 0:10:23.749,0:10:26.749 sign of a minus B over the cause 0:10:26.749,0:10:30.139 of A-B. Or we could work through 0:10:30.139,0:10:36.029 it again. By making the same[br]replacement as we did before, 0:10:36.029,0:10:41.419 and rewriting this as the time[br]of A plus minus B. 0:10:43.319,0:10:50.865 Let's be assured that what it is[br]going to give us, which ever way 0:10:50.865,0:10:52.482 we do it. 0:10:56.599,0:11:02.975 Is going[br]to be 0:11:02.975,0:11:07.873 that. And So what we've got now[br]our our six. 0:11:08.659,0:11:09.809 Addition formula. 0:11:11.319,0:11:17.109 Sign of A+B sign of A-B cause of[br]A+B cause of A-B. These are the 0:11:17.109,0:11:21.741 ones you must know and learn[br]from those four you can derive 0:11:21.741,0:11:27.145 these. It's a help if you know[br]them. If you can learn them. The 0:11:27.145,0:11:32.163 important thing is to be able to[br]recognize them when you see them 0:11:32.163,0:11:34.479 and recognize when you need to 0:11:34.479,0:11:40.289 use them. Let's have a look at[br]three fairly typical examples of 0:11:40.289,0:11:45.063 the use of these. In many ways,[br]it's practiced that we're 0:11:45.063,0:11:48.535 getting at recognizing these[br]particular formula, 'cause we 0:11:48.535,0:11:52.875 may need them more often when[br]we're doing other, more 0:11:52.875,0:11:57.299 complicated manipulations. So[br]first of all, let's have a look 0:11:57.299,0:11:58.619 at this particular problem. 0:11:59.129,0:12:02.813 If we know that sign of 0:12:02.813,0:12:05.729 A. Is 3/5. 0:12:07.039,0:12:08.519 And that the cause. 0:12:09.119,0:12:13.031 Of B is 5 0:12:13.031,0:12:20.151 thirteenths. Then[br]What's the sign 0:12:20.151,0:12:22.679 of A+B? 0:12:24.249,0:12:27.579 What's the cause 0:12:27.579,0:12:35.399 of A-B?[br]OK. 0:12:36.449,0:12:40.625 We've got sign a but we don't[br]know anything about cause a 0:12:40.625,0:12:43.668 seemingly. We've got Cosby. 0:12:44.579,0:12:47.351 And we really don't know[br]anything about sign be. 0:12:49.519,0:12:55.226 We don't know much about A and[br]be really because a could be 0:12:55.226,0:13:00.933 either an obtuse angle or an[br]acute angle. So we really need a 0:13:00.933,0:13:05.762 little bit more information. So[br]let's say that A&B are acute. 0:13:06.289,0:13:09.810 In alerts that both less than 90 0:13:09.810,0:13:14.267 degrees. Well, if the boat less[br]than 90 degrees, one of the 0:13:14.267,0:13:16.055 things we can do is represent 0:13:16.055,0:13:21.277 the angle. And the sign with a[br]right angle triangle. So I just 0:13:21.277,0:13:23.117 have a look at that. 0:13:24.479,0:13:27.509 Right angle triangle. 0:13:27.509,0:13:34.457 Right angle there the angle a[br]sign a is 3/5 opposite over 0:13:34.457,0:13:40.826 hypotenuse, so that's three. The[br]side opposite the angle A and 0:13:40.826,0:13:46.616 that's five the hypotenuse which[br]is always opposite the right 0:13:46.616,0:13:49.511 angle, always the longest side. 0:13:50.259,0:13:55.506 Pythagoras tells us that this[br]other side has to be 4. 0:13:58.199,0:14:01.961 And so now that we know the[br]adjacent side, we know 0:14:01.961,0:14:05.723 everything about angle a. We[br]know it sign, we know it's 0:14:05.723,0:14:09.143 cosine and if we want we can[br]find its tangent. 0:14:10.679,0:14:11.959 Let's do the same. 0:14:12.479,0:14:13.778 The angle be. 0:14:15.669,0:14:22.173 Here is the angle be in its[br]right angle triangle and were 0:14:22.173,0:14:25.967 told that Cosby is 5 over 13. 0:14:26.629,0:14:31.822 Cosine is adjacent over[br]hypotenuse. This is the side 0:14:31.822,0:14:37.015 that's adjacent, so there's[br]five. This is the hypotenuse, 0:14:37.015,0:14:42.785 the longest side, the side[br]opposite the right angle, so 0:14:42.785,0:14:49.605 that's 30. So using Pythagoras[br]theorem, this side is 12. 0:14:50.369,0:14:54.729 Now notice I said using[br]Pythagoras Theorem, but it was 0:14:54.729,0:14:59.961 as though I knew these three[br]455-1213. I do know them and 0:14:59.961,0:15:04.757 you've got to get to know them[br]as well. Pythagorean triples, 0:15:04.757,0:15:06.501 simple triples of integers, 0:15:06.501,0:15:11.371 whole numbers. That a Bay,[br]Pythagoras's theorem if you have 0:15:11.371,0:15:16.579 them at your fingertips, can we[br]call them easy? Easily? You find 0:15:16.579,0:15:20.919 this so much better in working[br]in trigonometry 'cause these 0:15:20.919,0:15:26.561 numbers are used an awful lot.[br]OK, then, let's have a look at 0:15:26.561,0:15:32.203 what we can do. Sign of A+B? The[br]addition formula tells us they 0:15:32.203,0:15:35.459 sign a. Cause B. 0:15:36.049,0:15:39.681 Close calls a sign 0:15:39.681,0:15:47.259 be. Equals.[br]Sign a we know is 3/5. 0:15:47.959,0:15:55.119 Times, Cosby, and we know[br]that one. It's five thirteenths 0:15:55.119,0:16:02.389 Plus cause a we can[br]read cause a off here 0:16:02.389,0:16:08.932 it's adjacent over hypotenuse so[br]it's 4 over 5. 0:16:08.939,0:16:16.019 Times by sign B and we[br]can read, sign be off this 0:16:16.019,0:16:20.739 triangle it's opposite over[br]hypotenuse 12 over 13. 0:16:21.619,0:16:29.199 Do the arithmetic 3 fives[br]are 15 and five 1365, 0:16:29.199,0:16:36.021 so that's 15 over 65[br]+ 4 twelve 48. 0:16:36.799,0:16:44.047 And 5:13's again are 65 and[br]so that gives me a fraction 0:16:44.047,0:16:45.859 63 over 65. 0:16:46.859,0:16:50.099 We had cause of 0:16:50.099,0:16:56.219 A-B. So let's approach that in[br]exactly the same way. 0:16:56.919,0:17:00.439 Will quote our[br]expansion. Our 0:17:00.439,0:17:04.663 addition formula cause[br]of a Cosby. 0:17:05.759,0:17:09.244 Plus sign of a sign 0:17:09.244,0:17:16.957 of B. Substitute our[br]values cause a That's four 0:17:16.957,0:17:20.877 over 5 adjacent over hypotenuse. 0:17:22.189,0:17:28.909 Times, Cosby. That's five[br]over 13, adjacent over 0:17:28.909,0:17:29.749 hypotenuse. 0:17:30.789,0:17:37.869 Plus sign a That's opposite[br]over hypotenuse, three over 5. 0:17:39.009,0:17:45.457 Times by sign B.[br]That's 12 over 13, 0:17:45.457,0:17:47.875 opposite over hypotenuse. 0:17:49.039,0:17:53.549 Now here we've got some[br]fractions and it might be 0:17:53.549,0:17:58.510 tempting to cancel the fives[br]here. Five goals, five goes, but 0:17:58.510,0:18:05.726 five times by 13 is the 65 and[br]five times by 13 is the 65 to 0:18:05.726,0:18:07.530 have the same denominator. 0:18:08.319,0:18:15.951 So I'm not going to cancel.[br]4 fives are 20 over five 0:18:15.951,0:18:18.229 1365. Plus 0:18:19.499,0:18:24.317 Three twelves[br]are 36 over that 0:18:24.317,0:18:29.938 65 again giving[br]me 56 over 65. 0:18:31.049,0:18:35.479 So that's one way in which these[br]can be used. 0:18:35.529,0:18:37.881 Let's have a look at another 0:18:37.881,0:18:44.156 way. Supposing we were asked to[br]find what's sign 75, but no 0:18:44.156,0:18:49.760 don't reach for your Calculator,[br]you've got to workout sign 75 as 0:18:49.760,0:18:55.364 an expression, not as a set of[br]decimals, but as an expression. 0:18:55.364,0:19:01.902 What we've got to think about is[br]how can we make 75 from angles 0:19:01.902,0:19:04.704 who sign and cosine's? We know 0:19:04.704,0:19:12.133 very well. Well, 45[br]+ 30 gives us 0:19:12.133,0:19:19.699 75. I'm 45 and 30[br]are two of the angles that 0:19:19.699,0:19:26.339 we know sines and cosines for[br]exact sines and cosines. 0:19:26.869,0:19:34.309 So this would be sign[br]of 45 cause of 30. 0:19:35.259,0:19:42.819 Close calls of[br]45. Sign of 0:19:42.819,0:19:50.543 30. Sign 45[br]that's one over Route 0:19:50.543,0:19:57.619 2. Times by cost 30[br]will cost 30 is Route 3 0:19:57.619,0:19:58.707 over 2. 0:19:59.859,0:20:05.241 Plus cause of 45 is one[br]over Route 2. 0:20:05.819,0:20:11.779 Times by sign of 30, which[br]is just a half. 0:20:12.519,0:20:19.239 So we have Route 3. That's one[br]times by Route 3 over 2 Route 2. 0:20:19.859,0:20:26.827 Plus one over and again two[br]times route 2 is 2 Route 2. 0:20:26.827,0:20:31.651 We've got the same denominator,[br]so 2 Route 2. 0:20:32.229,0:20:39.335 To Route 2 and on the[br]top Route 3 + 1. 0:20:39.919,0:20:44.315 Now leave not won't like that we[br]might try and get rid of this 0:20:44.315,0:20:48.083 Route 2 in the denominator, but[br]just for the moment, let's leave 0:20:48.083,0:20:52.165 it like that. There's nothing to[br]be gained by doing it at this 0:20:52.165,0:20:53.735 stage, and let's take another 0:20:53.735,0:20:56.879 example. Let's have a look. 0:20:56.879,0:21:03.539 An 50 What we[br]need to be able to do is to find 0:21:03.539,0:21:07.379 15 in terms of angles that we[br]know lots of things about. 0:21:09.129,0:21:11.157 And of course. 0:21:11.679,0:21:18.271 One of the ways of doing this,[br]but only one is to do 60 - 45. 0:21:19.609,0:21:26.089 So that means that we need the[br]addition formula that's to do 0:21:26.089,0:21:33.109 with tangent and the one that's[br]to do with the tan of A-B. 0:21:33.109,0:21:36.349 So this is 1060 - 1045. 0:21:37.099,0:21:43.823 Over 1[br]+ 10 0:21:43.823,0:21:51.043 sixty 10:45.[br]So now let's put the numerical 0:21:51.043,0:21:58.099 values in. Now the tangent of 60[br]is Route 3 and the tangent of 0:21:58.099,0:21:59.611 45 is one. 0:22:00.399,0:22:06.187 Over. One plus[br]Route 3. 0:22:07.349,0:22:09.569 Times by one. 0:22:10.119,0:22:17.707 So we'll have root 3 - 1[br]over Route 3 times by one is 0:22:17.707,0:22:19.333 just Route 3. 0:22:20.469,0:22:26.919 Plus one. Now that's[br]all right, and it's correct. 0:22:27.769,0:22:32.241 Doesn't look very nice and we[br]tend to have a tradition of not 0:22:32.241,0:22:35.681 leaving things like root 3 plus[br]one in the denominator. 0:22:36.239,0:22:39.753 So one of the ways of tidying 0:22:39.753,0:22:46.859 that up. Is to multiply top[br]and bottom of this fraction by 0:22:46.859,0:22:48.413 the same thing? 0:22:49.249,0:22:54.829 Multiplying top and bottom by[br]the same thing keeps it the same 0:22:54.829,0:22:59.944 value, but what should we[br]multiply it by? Well, I'm going 0:22:59.944,0:23:03.199 to choose to multiply by Route 3 0:23:03.199,0:23:10.029 - 1. Not be cause that's what's[br]in the numerator there, but 0:23:10.029,0:23:16.519 because this is the difference[br]of two squares A+B, A-B and 0:23:16.519,0:23:23.009 A+B times by A-B, let's just[br]write that down up here. 0:23:23.039,0:23:26.779 Is A squared minus B 0:23:26.779,0:23:33.990 squared? So that means that[br]on the bottom I have Route 3 0:23:33.990,0:23:36.545 times by Route 3A squared. 0:23:37.609,0:23:43.057 Which is just three minus B[br]squared. B was just one, so 0:23:43.057,0:23:49.867 that's just minus one and 3 - 1[br]is 2 and integer not absurd. Not 0:23:49.867,0:23:55.315 one of these things with a[br]square root sign attached to it. 0:23:55.315,0:24:00.763 What have we got on top? We two[br]brackets that we're multiplying 0:24:00.763,0:24:07.573 together route 3 by Route 3 is[br]3, route 3 by minus one is minus 0:24:07.573,0:24:14.794 Route 3. 1 by minus one[br]by Route 3 is minus Route 3 0:24:14.794,0:24:18.469 and minus one with minus one is 0:24:18.469,0:24:24.809 plus one. 3 plus One is 4 -[br]2 RT. Threes were taking away 0:24:24.809,0:24:30.969 all over 2 and now there's a[br]common factor of 2 on the top 0:24:30.969,0:24:38.009 and on the bottom 2 into 4 goes[br]to an two into minus 2. Route 3 0:24:38.009,0:24:39.769 goes minus Route 3. 0:24:40.339,0:24:44.785 And two into two goes wall, so[br]we needn't worry about that one. 0:24:44.785,0:24:49.231 So there we've got a second[br]example to add to the first one 0:24:49.231,0:24:51.625 that we did. Let's take one more 0:24:51.625,0:24:57.869 type. Of example, where we can[br]make you solve the addition 0:24:57.869,0:25:04.313 formula and this is where we get[br]to simplify an expression. So 0:25:04.313,0:25:09.146 supposing we've got the sign of[br]90 plus A. 0:25:10.069,0:25:15.505 Could we have this simpler?[br]Could we just have, say, sign a 0:25:15.505,0:25:21.394 or minus sign a or cause a or[br]something like that? Does it 0:25:21.394,0:25:27.736 have to be 90 plus a? Well,[br]let's have a look. It's sign of 0:25:27.736,0:25:31.069 90. Calls of 0:25:31.069,0:25:37.819 a. Plus the[br]cause of 90 0:25:37.819,0:25:40.729 sign of A. 0:25:42.009,0:25:44.357 Sign 90 is one. 0:25:44.979,0:25:50.724 Cause I just cause I so first of[br]all we have one times cause a 0:25:50.724,0:25:52.639 which is just cause a. 0:25:53.759,0:25:55.967 But cause of 90. 0:25:56.499,0:26:02.969 Is 0. Times by sign a[br]well, anything times by zero is 0:26:02.969,0:26:06.641 0 so we just left with cause a. 0:26:07.599,0:26:15.027 So an expression such a sign[br]of 90 plus a reducers tool 0:26:15.027,0:26:21.836 cause a what about something[br]like the cosine of 180 minus 0:26:21.836,0:26:28.729 a? Well, this[br]is cause 180 0:26:28.729,0:26:34.383 cause a.[br]Plus sign 0:26:34.383,0:26:37.307 180 sign 0:26:37.307,0:26:44.421 a. The cosine of[br]180. That's minus one, so minus 0:26:44.421,0:26:52.093 one times by cause a is minus[br]cause a sign of 180 zero and 0:26:52.093,0:26:58.669 sign is just sign a but zero[br]times by anything is 0. 0:26:59.279,0:27:05.817 So we're just left with minus[br]calls a so we can see that these 0:27:05.817,0:27:10.954 addition formula help us to very[br]quickly simplify and get in 0:27:10.954,0:27:13.289 terms of this angle a. 0:27:14.109,0:27:16.479 Possibly quite complicated 0:27:16.479,0:27:23.355 expressions. But the basic thing[br]is that these 6 addition 0:27:23.355,0:27:29.431 formula. Again, I stress it. You[br]have to learn you have to know. 0:27:29.431,0:27:33.241 But most importantly, you've got[br]to recognize them and recognize 0:27:33.241,0:27:37.813 their use when you see them and[br]when you see the situation.