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Chronturbo Episode 5

  • Not Synced
    [ Techno music ]
  • Not Synced
    Alright folks, it's Dr.Sparkle again
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    Geez, It seems like forever since the last episode.
  • Not Synced
    Well anyways, sorry it's so late
    but here we are again.
  • Not Synced
    The PC engine schedule seems to get a bit
    more hectic
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    as we get closer to the 1989 holiday
  • Not Synced
    Today, We're gonna finnish up July and
    blast through all of August and September.
  • Not Synced
    We're gonna' see a number of arcade ports today, as well as some obscure (and rather shitty) original titles.
  • Not Synced
    We ended last episode with a classic shooter,
    Blazing Lasers,
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    and we begin this episode with a not-so-classic shooter,
    Side Arms
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    (or Side Arms: Hyper Dyne, as it's officially called in Japan)
  • Not Synced
    This is the second port of a Capcom arcade game for the system
    (the first being SunSun 2)
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    and, once again, this is published by N.E.C.,
    not Capcom themselves.
  • Not Synced
    However, in the U.S., this was one of the
    very few TurboGrafx games not published by N.E.C.
  • Not Synced
    Rather, it was by a small company called Radiance Software,
    which seemed to have very close ties to Capcom.
  • Not Synced
    They were also well known for their involvement in the canceled, ah, Nintendo Entertainment System California Raisins game.
  • Not Synced
    The guy who ran Radiance, Christopher Riggs, actually lists himself as being a product developer at Capcom in the early 1990s.
  • Not Synced
    Prior to Radiance, he apparently co-founded a company called Pacific DataWorks, with, uh, Troy Lyndon
  • Not Synced
    (who was an interesting guy who much later, uh, was behind the, uh, the infamous Left Behind computer video game.
  • Not Synced
    Pacific DataWorks mostly did DOS and Commodore 64 ports for Capcom (including Side Arms!).
  • Not Synced
    Riggs also had a company called Riggs Interactive
    which did, uh, computer ports for Capcom.
  • Not Synced
    So it's no surprise that the first Radiance game is, of course, a Capcom port.
  • Not Synced
    Anywho, Earth got blown up or something, and your little robot mecha dude is out there, uh, to kill lots of aliens.
  • Not Synced
    Mechanics are moreorless like similar
    shooters of the era (such as Gradius).
  • Not Synced
    Enemies drop power-ups, speed-ups, and other types of, uh, special weapons.
  • Not Synced
    Nothing too new or exciting, here, but there are a couple interesting ideas.
  • Not Synced
    The main one is: you can turn around and fire in the opposite direction by hitting the second button
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    (making Side Arms kind of a predecessor to Forgotten Worlds).
  • Not Synced
    Now, Side Arms was originally an arcade game from 1986.
  • Not Synced
    Aside from the ability to fire, uh, front and back,
    a big feature of Side Arms was that two players
  • Not Synced
    could occasionally combine into
    a single more powerful form
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    (with one player controlling the mech and
    the other controlling his special attack weapons).
  • Not Synced
    The home version dropped this 2-Player mode,
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    (meaning that your combined form is
    basically just a temporary upgrade).
  • Not Synced
    It lasts until you get hit.
  • Not Synced
    The other cool feature is the ability to select your...
    which weapon you wanna lose from the Start menu
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    (as opposed to losing your current weapon when you
    pick up a new one, like in most other shooters).
  • Not Synced
    You can actually carry a whole bunch of weapons at once.
  • Not Synced
    Now, this is actually very helpful, since certain types of
    weapons are more useful than others in some spots.
  • Not Synced
    In fact, certain weapons are pretty much vital for some areas.
  • Not Synced
    And this leads me to one issue that so many Shoot-em-Ups have.
    If you die once, you are pretty much screwed.
  • Not Synced
    Side Arms is even much worse than many other similar games.
  • Not Synced
    When the action gets hectic and you
    screw up and get killed,
  • Not Synced
    you'll be brought back to life with, like,
    a single random underpowered weapon,
  • Not Synced
    generally with enemies, like,
    closing in on you from all sides.
  • Not Synced
    So, get killed and odds are good that you'll
    get killed again within a second or two.
  • Not Synced
    And there are so many damn enemies
    (like missiles, et cetera) that home in on you
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    and follow you around, as you try to avoid them.
  • Not Synced
    And when you have, like, a very basic weapon that only shoots in one direction, it's pretty difficult to pick these guys off.
  • Not Synced
    Also, like Gradius, picking up too many speed power-ups will make you move, uh, too fast and be hard to control precisely.
  • Not Synced
    Overall, it's actually a pretty hard game
    (harder than Gradius or R-Type, in my opinion)
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    but it actually, uh, looks great and I liked it
    better than the Genesis port of Forgotten Worlds.
  • Not Synced
    We exit July with a real stinker.
    From AICOM, it' s Takeda Shingen.
  • Not Synced
    "Aha!", you say,
    "We've already seen this game on Chrontendo.
  • Not Synced
    It was, like, a strategy game,
    published by HOT-B."
  • Not Synced
    Well, no. This is actually a completely
    different and unrelated game called Takeda Shingen.
  • Not Synced
    Now, Takeda Shingen (the real person)
    was a 16th century warlord, known for
  • Not Synced
    (among other things)
    having a badass set of armor
  • Not Synced
    (which is, uh, sort of
    semi-accurately depicted here).
  • Not Synced
    Rather than being a Strategy game,
    this is a rather dull Beat-'em-Up
  • Not Synced
    And it's a painfully slow affair.
  • Not Synced
    You have exactly two moves
    (at least at first).
  • Not Synced
    There's Attack with a sword slash
    and Jump.
  • Not Synced
    You'll be, uh, taking enemies head-on,
    uh, just sort of hacking at them until they die.
  • Not Synced
    They block a lot, so normally
    you'll just, sort of, walk up to them
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    and start repeatedly slashing at them.
  • Not Synced
    They'll block a few times and then you'll get a hit in.
  • Not Synced
    This was a port of a Jaleco arcade game
    (which looks a lot nicer).
  • Not Synced
    The game isn't exactly hot shit,
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    but your character moves much faster
    and there's a bit of action.
  • Not Synced
    This is hardly top tier stuff, as of 1988,
    but it seems reasonably bearable.
  • Not Synced
    There's even, like, bonus rounds
    where you can get on a horse and do some target practice.
  • Not Synced
    The horse stuff got completely stripped
    out from the PC Engine version
  • Not Synced
    and the result is just
    so damn monotonous.
  • Not Synced
    You know, I got a good way through this game
    and there were a pretty limited number of enemy types.
  • Not Synced
    There's basically dudes with swords
    (who are just like you),
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    dudes with a long flail on a chain
    (and these guys are annoying),
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    and dudes with a long spear.
  • Not Synced
    Boss battles are at the end of each level,
    though each level looks about the same,
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    so there's really not much to
    distinguish one level from the other.
  • Not Synced
    Bosses are really nothing exciting.
    This guy is just a big version of the swordsman.
  • Not Synced
    Post-boss fight, you visit a shop
    where you can refill your health
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    and buy some critical of...
    offense and defenseive upgrades,
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    such as the war fan.
  • Not Synced
    Now, in real life, uh, Takeda's
    often depicted with his war fan.
  • Not Synced
    There's a famous story about how he
    deflected an enemy blade with his fan, once.
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    So this game, naturally, has him,
    you know, carrying it around.
  • Not Synced
    Takeda Shingen isn't really a fun game to play,
    especially in comparison to contemporary
  • Not Synced
    Beat-'em-Ups like Golden Axe or Final Fight.
  • Not Synced
    Later, you get some better attacks, but the
    lack of variety really kills any excitement.
  • Not Synced
    It just feels like you're fighting the
    same fight over and over and over again.
  • Not Synced
    Your health bar is pretty long
    and health refills are pretty frequent
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    so there's not much challenge at all
    for the entire first half of the game
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    (until you get to this boss, who's, like,
    ten times harder than the last one).
  • Not Synced
    So, overall, Takeda Shingen
    is a bummer of a game.
  • Not Synced
    So, we enter August with Maison Ikkoku
    and a new publisher, Micro Cabin.
  • Not Synced
    We've heard their name come up
    a few times before in Chrontendo.
  • Not Synced
    They were actually a pretty prominent
    publisher of, uh, games for Japanese computers,
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    back in the '80s.
  • Not Synced
    Like a lot of other sort of dodgy PC Engine games,
    this one has some pretty decent music.
  • Not Synced
    Right. So, Maison Ikkoku is one of these
    inescapable menu-based adventure games.
  • Not Synced
    Luckly, for us, we have an English translation
    by Dave Shadoff and Matt LaFrance.
  • Not Synced
    You play as one Yusaku Godai:
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    a down on his luck student, living in
    sort of a rundown boarding house.
  • Not Synced
    The manager of the boarding house
    turns out to be (of course)
  • Not Synced
    a beautiful young woman who was
    recently widowed, named Kuyoku.
  • Not Synced
    This was based on a popular manga, by the
    famous manga artist, Rumiko Takahashi,
  • Not Synced
    who you might know from such comics as
    Uruse Yatsure and Renma One Half.
  • Not Synced
    It basically chronicles, uh, Godai's desire to express his love for Kuyoku, as well as the wacky residents of the boarding house.
  • Not Synced
    Eventually, of course, at the end of the series,
    the protagonists get married.
  • Not Synced
    This first appeared on the M.S.X.,
    back in 1987.
  • Not Synced
    It looks pretty similar to this port, actually!
  • Not Synced
    It also wound up on the F.M. 7 and few other computers.
  • Not Synced
    Now, the first console appearance of this game was on the Famicom, which we saw very briefly in Episode 33.
  • Not Synced
    At the time, I'd pretty much said,
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    "Well, we'll check this out in more detail
    when we reach it in ChronTurbo."
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    and now, my dear friends,
    that day has arrived.
  • Not Synced
    It turns out to be a reasonably normal adventure game.
  • Not Synced
    Uh, this character, here, is some kind of weird pervert dude who builds tunnels and peepholes in the walls between the rooms.
  • Not Synced
    Uh... You find a porno mag,
    which contains "pretty radical stuff".
  • Not Synced
    Later, you can actually, uh, give it back to him...
    sort of, uh, win his favor.
  • Not Synced
    Much of the game takes place inside the titular Maison Ikkoku.
  • Not Synced
    Uh... Maison is simply the French word for "house",
    which (I think) is being used ironically
  • Not Synced
    (in the sense that calling this place "Maison" you know,
    sort of, tried to, like, give it a touch of class.
  • Not Synced
    Um... Ikkoku, I believe, means
    hotheaded or tempermental
  • Not Synced
    (perhaps referring to the
    various nutty residents here.
  • Not Synced
    In this game, you actually save
    by going to the bathroom.
  • Not Synced
    There's naturally all sorts of goofy sexual
    innuendo going on between the characters.
  • Not Synced
    And this, so far, seems to be the first
    PC Engine game that actually shows
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    nipples in one of its human characters
    in an obviously sexualized way
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    (as opposed to nipples on a
    statue or a monster or something).
  • Not Synced
    Um... For the most part, you go around
    talking to people, collecting items,
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    and using them in sort of unintuitive ways.
  • Not Synced
    Here's your love interest, though you actually call
    her by the rather formal name, um, Kanrinin-san,
  • Not Synced
    rather than her real name.
  • Not Synced
    You can't interact with her too much yet.
    Um... You actually have to get on her good side first.
  • Not Synced
    A lot of the game involves, uh, talking to people and
    getting on their good side by giving them things.
  • Not Synced
    Among the other things, uh, you find, uh, her bra is
    up on the roof and you have a daydream about her,
  • Not Synced
    um, once, uh, you found the ladder
    that allows you to climb up on the roof.
  • Not Synced
    Aside from the house, you can travel to a
    couple locations nearby, such as this store.
  • Not Synced
    The cashier is meant to look like Lum from Urusei Yatsura.
    Ya' buy things here to bribe the residents with.
  • Not Synced
    Um... A great deal of time is spent, you know,
    sorta' dealing with these annoying housemates.
  • Not Synced
    Just like in the comic, Godai tends to fantasize
    about putting the mack on his landlord,
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    but he's too scared to do anything.
  • Not Synced
    The main goal of the game revolves actually
    around trying to look at that picture you see
  • Not Synced
    on the left hand side of the screen,
    believe it or not.
  • Not Synced
    And, you know, like a lot of these sorts
    of things, your goal is kind of vague
  • Not Synced
    and you make progress
    in seemingly random ways
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    but the art is good, the music is decent,
    so it's still a lot better than some of the awful,
  • Not Synced
    uh, the other awful Adventure games we've seen.
  • Not Synced
    Hudson was, of course, the
    co-creator of the PC Engine
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    and they published all the console's
    games in Japan for about the first year.
  • Not Synced
    But by this point, they are outnumbered
    by third party publishers (at least in Japan).
  • Not Synced
    This is the first of three Hudson-published
    games today, Power League II
  • Not Synced
    a baseball game, of course, and the
    sequel to the first Power League game,
  • Not Synced
    which was released about
    14 months before this one.
  • Not Synced
    There are a plethora of modes here
    - typical stuff:
  • Not Synced
    Single Game mode, a Penant Mode, All Star
    (nothing we haven't seen before).
  • Not Synced
    Now, the first Power League game
    got a U.S. release, under the name
  • Not Synced
    "World Class Baseball".
  • Not Synced
    Power League II was never
    released outside of Japan, though.
  • Not Synced
    In fact, there are six
    Power League games on the PC Engine
  • Not Synced
    and the first one was the only one
    to get a non-Japanese release.
  • Not Synced
    Naturally, this looks and feels a lot
    like the first Power League game.
  • Not Synced
    If we look at the two back to back,
    we see the sprites have been changed a bit,
  • Not Synced
    but both games look very similar
    (with one exception).
  • Not Synced
    In the first game, after the batter got a hit,
    it showed the outfield straight down,
  • Not Synced
    with the uh, camera's line of sight
    being perpendicular to the ground,
  • Not Synced
    much like the, uh, Sega Genesis', uh,
    sports games, like Tommy Lasorda Baseball.
  • Not Synced
    Power League II uses a much
    more traditional 45 degree angle
  • Not Synced
    (looking sort of down and out over the field).
  • Not Synced
    As always, playing against the CPU is tricky.
  • Not Synced
    There's certainly a way to strike
    out the CPU, but I didn't find it.
  • Not Synced
    Generally the CPU would get a good powerful
    hit against anything I would throw at it.
  • Not Synced
    When I was at the bat, I'd get lots of fly balls
  • Not Synced
    (and, uh, the computer would actually
    catch these with absolute 100% accuracy)
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    as well as tons of foul balls
  • Not Synced
    (like, about 4 out of 5 hits would
    be a foul ...or just really weak hits).
  • Not Synced
    Of course you have to play these things for a
    little while to sorta' get, you know, the feel to them
  • Not Synced
    and I didn't play it long enough to actually,
    you know, get very good at this thing.
  • Not Synced
    So, Power League II is
    (just like its predecessor)
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    a sharp-looking baseball game that
    doesn't really stand out in any way,
  • Not Synced
    other than its, you know,
    nice looking graphics.
  • Not Synced
    And we will get to see four more of
    these during the life of the console.
  • Not Synced
    Our third PC Engine game,
    from Naxat (a.k.a. Taxan)
  • Not Synced
    who had previously released the, uh,
    great pinball game, "Alien Crush"
  • Not Synced
    as well as a golf game.
    Now, we have a pool game from them.
  • Not Synced
    Break In, featuring
    Simulation, Action, Technique
  • Not Synced
    Geez! is this an instructional sex game?
  • Not Synced
    Simulation is sort of a tournament mode,
    Action is just like one-off, uh, playing a game,
  • Not Synced
    and Technique is like a
    tutorial practice mode deal.
  • Not Synced
    Break In is pretty generous with
    the types of games you can play.
  • Not Synced
    For example, you have, uh, Yotsudama
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    (a four ball game that's played
    on a table with no pockets
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    and doesn't really resemble
    normal pool that much)
  • Not Synced
    and "Bowliards", which appears to be
    a, uh, (actually is misspelled here)
  • Not Synced
    is sort of a hybrid between
    bowling and billiards.
  • Not Synced
    Hmm! Yes, I would like some nice shiny oranges and a glass of... orange soda? ...or maybe a big glass of [???]?
  • Not Synced
    Man, we're gonna' get f---ed up on that [???] there.
  • Not Synced
    Lots of options, here.
    Choose singles versus doubles,
  • Not Synced
    who is controlled by computer
    and who is controlled by... "Man"
  • Not Synced
    (Sorry, ladies! This is a man's game.)
    Pick a character,
  • Not Synced
    (choose from either seven
    men characters or "Woman")
  • Not Synced
    "Dragon"!? Come on!
    This guy's hobby is golf?
  • Not Synced
    I'm surprised it's not...
    you know... Billiards.
  • Not Synced
    Actually, I'm kidding.
    There are seven female characters as well.
  • Not Synced
    Hmm! I like Emmy's dumb '80s fashion and,
    uh, Sophia's, sort of, adorable geek chic
  • Not Synced
    but really, uh, Sigrid, the boozy
    actress seems like the coolest to me.
  • Not Synced
    So picking a card determines who breaks.
  • Not Synced
    Now, when you actually get ready to
    shoot a va... shoot the ball, here,
  • Not Synced
    you have a great deal of control, much
    like the typical golf games of this era.
  • Not Synced
    You have this image ball concept
  • Not Synced
    (not something I've seen
    in pool games prior to this)
  • Not Synced
    CPU players are generally
    decent but not 100% perfect,
  • Not Synced
    which is a nice switch from the
    various baseball games we've seen.
  • Not Synced
    Franky's pretty cool, but I
    think that mustache is fake.
  • Not Synced
    Like a lot of other PC Engine games,
    Break In has some pretty chill music.
  • Not Synced
    Now, this is the Technique part.
Chronturbo Episode 5

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JANELLE WOOTEN edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Emily Morgan edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Emily Morgan edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Nate Lawrence edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Nate Lawrence edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Nate Lawrence edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Nate Lawrence edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
Nate Lawrence edited English subtitles for Chronturbo Episode 5
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