- [Woman] Hello Psych2Goers,
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Now, back to the video.
What is resilience?
Resilience means you're
able to withstand or recover
from difficult situations in your life.
It can help us deal with heartbreak,
failure, and life stressors.
When we build our resilience,
we're able to better recover
from hardships and setbacks
in a more healthy way.
Resilience might be something
you're searching for,
especially now, between
dealing with a pandemic
and trying to return to
some semblance of normalcy.
Staying resilient in
these trying times is key
in keeping up with your
mental and physical health.
With that said, these are eight
things resilient people do.
One, you stay flexible and open-minded.
Do you often stay open to new ideas,
opportunities, and solutions?
Resilience is all about
trying to make the best
out of what may seem like the worst.
When you're resilient, you
don't have a one-track mind.
You give yourself the time and opportunity
to think everything out
before jumping to a conclusion
or fretting over worst-case scenarios.
Two, you practice patience and kindness.
Whether it's in the
workplace or with friends,
you're known for showing patience
and kindness towards others.
This includes being kind to
yourself when you mess up.
Being kind and patient with yourself
is just as important as
it is with other people.
Three, you're generally optimistic.
When something bad happens
are you able to look at the big picture?
You don't let one bad
slip-up ruin your whole day.
And know not to fixate on the bad things.
You focus on what you're grateful for,
like your friends,
family, and possessions,
instead of looking for the negatives.
This optimistic mindset,
isn't only a key part of being resilient,
but it can also help
make you happier overall.
Four, you live in the present.
It's easy to fall into spiraling thoughts
of your regrets and past mistakes,
wondering what might've been,
but dwelling on your mistakes
won't change anything about your past.
Moving on and learning from
your mistakes takes resilience.
When you're resilient,
you learn how to accept
what happened to you
and focus on what you
can do in the present.
Five, you value and
build good relationships.
Do you take the extra time needed
to build those strong relationships
with the important people in your lives.
Having a support system is very important.
Friends and family are
the ones who are there
to celebrate your highs
and a shoulder to cry on during your lows.
As someone who is resilient,
you know that once you've
built a strong support system,
then you're set for life.
Six, you know and consider your limits.
Are you aware when you need help,
or do you burn yourself out unnecessarily?
No one is perfect,
and no one can do
everything by themselves.
Everyone has blind spots and weaknesses.
This is why you know when to
confide in your trusted peers
or when to take a break, and
how to practice good self-care.
Seven, you know how to handle rejection.
Rejection in any form
can be hard to swallow.
Maybe you didn't get the
job you really wanted,
or you're crush doesn't like
you back in the same way.
Do you take these things very personally
and think you're not good enough?
Or do you recognize instead
that there are other factors involved
in making these decisions,
like other more qualified applicants
or another person's feelings?
As someone who is resilient,
you try not to let rejection
get the best of you
and decide to move forward
instead of letting any kind of
self-loathing hold you back.
Eight, you like spending time alone.
Do you like to take time alone
to process things, reflect, or
get to know your inner self?
When you spend time alone to
think through your troubles,
it can help you sort out your feelings
and any possible actions you can take.
Reflecting upon things
and growing from them
are some of the best ways you can learn.
Who knows, you might learn new things
about your inner self
you never expected to.
Whether you're still working
on building your resilience
or you already are a resilient
person, every bit counts.
Do you relate to any of these things
mentioned in this video?
Or do you have any tips
on building resilience?
Let us know in the comments below.
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