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John Baldessari: Recycling Images | Art21 "Exclusive"

  • 0:06 - 0:11
    reciclando imagenes
  • 0:14 - 0:15
    Sobre el afiche: Aprende a leer
  • 0:15 - 0:20
    Mis primeros asistentes tomarían algún papel que usted tiró a la basura lanzarían algún papel y la sacarían de la basura y dirían:
  • 0:20 - 0:23
    "¿Por qué está usted tirarando esto? Se puede utilizar."
John Baldessari: Recycling Images | Art21 "Exclusive"

Episode #093: While sifting through boxes of film stills in his Santa Monica studio, artist John Baldessari talks about being a pack rat and discusses his attitude towards appropriating images.

Synthesizing photomontage, painting, and language, Baldessari's deadpan visual juxtapositions equate images with words and illuminate, confound, and challenge meaning. He upends commonly held expectations of how images function, often by drawing the viewers attention to minor details, absences, or the spaces between things.

Learn more about John Baldessari: http://www.art21.org/artists/john-baldessari

VIDEO | Producer: 
Wesley Miller & 
Nick Ravich

. Interview: 
Susan Sollins

. Camera: 
Bob Elfstrom. Sound: Ray Day. Editor: Lizzie Donahue & 
Paulo Padilha. 

Artwork Courtesy: 
John Baldessari.

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Video Language:
"Extended Play" series

Spanish, Argentinian subtitles

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