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"The Great Rescue" of Relationships - Teal Swan

"The Great Rescue" of Relationships - Teal Swan

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Most people are rescuers in relationships and they don’t even know it. The people we are inexplicably drawn to have the same wound that we do. And because they have the same wound that we do, it causes a flare up in the wound we both share.
Here’s where the rescuer dynamic comes in. In this episode, Teal explains that on a subconscious level, you have always wanted to heal your wound. But you are unconscious of that wound. And so the only way to see it is to step in front of a mirror. The mirror is your partner. And when you step in front of your partner and recognize the wound, you then start to try to heal the wound in the reflection. Thinking subconsciously, “If I can just heal that wound in this other person, I’ll have healed it in myself.” You are insatiably attracted to people who provide you with the opportunity to become aware of and heal that wound, thus becoming a rescuer to that hurt aspect of them and you.
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission http://www.sacreddream.com

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Added Mar 1, 2017  by David Soh
Format: Youtube
This video is part of Amara Public.

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