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Could human civilization spread across the whole galaxy? - Roey Tzezana

  • 0:07 - 0:12
    Could human civilization eventually spread
    across the whole Milky Way galaxy?
  • 0:12 - 0:15
    Could we move beyond
    our small blue planet
  • 0:15 - 0:20
    to establish colonies in the multitude
    of star systems out there?
  • 0:20 - 0:22
    This question's a pretty daunting one.
  • 0:22 - 0:26
    There are around 300 billion stars
    in the galaxy,
  • 0:26 - 0:29
    which is about 160,000 light-years across.
  • 0:29 - 0:34
    So far we've sent a single spacecraft
    outside our solar system,
  • 0:34 - 0:39
    trudging along at 0.006% of
    the speed of light.
  • 0:39 - 0:43
    At that rate, it would take over
    2.5 billion years
  • 0:43 - 0:46
    just to get from one end of the galaxy
    to the other.
  • 0:46 - 0:48
    And then there's the question
    of human survival.
  • 0:48 - 0:51
    The gulf between stars is simply enormous.
  • 0:51 - 0:54
    We couldn't live sustainably
    on most planets,
  • 0:54 - 0:58
    and we require a lot of resources
    to stay alive.
  • 0:58 - 1:02
    And yet, decades ago, scholars found
    that it's theoretically possible
  • 1:02 - 1:05
    to not just spread human civilization
    across the galaxy,
  • 1:05 - 1:08
    but to do so quite quickly,
  • 1:08 - 1:11
    without breaking any known
    laws of physics.
  • 1:11 - 1:15
    Their idea is based on the work
    of a mathematician named John von Neumann,
  • 1:15 - 1:19
    who designed on paper machines
    that could self-replicate
  • 1:19 - 1:22
    and create new generations of themselves.
  • 1:22 - 1:26
    These would later come to be known
    as von Neumann machines.
  • 1:26 - 1:28
    In the context of space exploration,
  • 1:28 - 1:30
    von Neumann machines could be
    built on Earth
  • 1:30 - 1:32
    and launched into space.
  • 1:32 - 1:36
    There, the self-sufficient machines
    would land on distant planets.
  • 1:36 - 1:40
    They would then mine the available
    resources and harvest energy,
  • 1:40 - 1:43
    build replicas of themselves,
  • 1:43 - 1:45
    launch those to the nearest planets,
  • 1:45 - 1:46
    and continue the cycle.
  • 1:46 - 1:49
    The result is the creation
    of millions of probes
  • 1:49 - 1:54
    spreading outwards into the universe
    like a drop of ink in a fishbowl.
  • 1:54 - 1:58
    Scholars crunched the numbers and found
    that a single von Neumann machine
  • 1:58 - 2:00
    traveling at 5% of the speed of light
  • 2:00 - 2:06
    should be able to replicate throughout
    our galaxy in 4 million years or less.
  • 2:06 - 2:08
    That may sound like a long time,
  • 2:08 - 2:12
    but when you consider that our universe
    is 14 billion years old,
  • 2:12 - 2:14
    on a cosmic scale, it's incredibly fast -
  • 2:14 - 2:20
    the equivalent of about 2.5 hours
    in an entire year.
  • 2:20 - 2:23
    Creating von Neumann machines
    would require a few technologies
  • 2:23 - 2:25
    we don't have yet,
  • 2:25 - 2:27
    including advanced
    artificial intelligence,
  • 2:27 - 2:29
  • 2:29 - 2:31
    and better propulsion systems.
  • 2:31 - 2:34
    If we wanted to use them to spread actual
    humans throughout the galaxy,
  • 2:34 - 2:37
    we would need
    yet another technological leap -
  • 2:37 - 2:42
    the ability to artificially
    grow biological organisms and bodies
  • 2:42 - 2:45
    using raw elements
    and genetic information.
  • 2:45 - 2:47
    Regardless, if in the last billion years
  • 2:47 - 2:50
    an alien civilization
    created such a machine
  • 2:50 - 2:53
    and set it multiplying its way toward us,
  • 2:53 - 2:56
    our galaxy would be
    swarming with them by now.
  • 2:56 - 2:59
    So then where are all these machines?
  • 2:59 - 3:01
    Some astronomers, like Carl Sagan,
  • 3:01 - 3:06
    say that intelligent aliens wouldn't
    build self-replicating machines at all.
  • 3:06 - 3:08
    They might hurtle out of control,
  • 3:08 - 3:12
    scavaging planets to their cores
    in order to keep replicating.
  • 3:12 - 3:14
    Others take the machines absence as proof
  • 3:14 - 3:17
    that intelligent alien civilizations
    don't exist,
  • 3:17 - 3:22
    or that they go extinct before they can
    develop the necessary technologies.
  • 3:22 - 3:25
    But all this hasn't stopped people from
    imagining what it would be like
  • 3:25 - 3:27
    if they were out there.
  • 3:27 - 3:29
    Science fiction author David Brin
  • 3:29 - 3:33
    writes about a universe in which
    many different von Neumann machines exist
  • 3:33 - 3:35
    and proliferate simultaneously.
  • 3:35 - 3:38
    Some are designed
    to greet young civilizations,
  • 3:38 - 3:42
    others to locate and destroy them
    before they become a threat.
  • 3:42 - 3:45
    In fact, in Brin's story "Lungfish,"
  • 3:45 - 3:50
    some von Neumann machines are keeping
    a close watch over the Earth right now,
  • 3:50 - 3:53
    waiting for us to reach a certain level
    of sophistication
  • 3:53 - 3:56
    before they make their move.
  • 3:56 - 3:59
    For now, all we have is curiosity
    and theory.
  • 3:59 - 4:01
    But the next time
    you look at the night sky,
  • 4:01 - 4:04
    consider that billions of
    self-replicating machines
  • 4:04 - 4:10
    could be advancing between stars
    in our galaxy right now.
  • 4:10 - 4:13
    If they exist, one of them will eventually
    land on Earth,
  • 4:13 - 4:17
    or maybe, just maybe,
    they're already here.
Could human civilization spread across the whole galaxy? - Roey Tzezana
Roey Tzezana

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/could-human-civilization-spread-across-the-whole-galaxy-roey-tzezana

Could human civilization eventually spread across the whole Milky Way galaxy? Could we move beyond our small, blue planet to establish colonies in the multitude of star systems out there? These questions are pretty daunting, but their (theoretical) answers were actually put forth decades ago. Roey Tzezana describes the conceptual von Neumann machine.

Lesson by Roey Tzezana, animation by Eoin Duffy.

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