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7 Things You Can Do to Boost Self-Confidence - #7Ways

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    I'm going to talk about seven things you
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    can do to boost your self confidence.
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    music playing
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    So I found out that entrepreneur in general
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    need a little bit more confidence in their
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    ideas. Need a bit more swagger, need a
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    bit more feel that they can do it. Need a
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    little bit more belief in their life.
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    And it's hard because we are doing something
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    that most people don't do. You know, your
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    doing something that is outside the norm.
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    where everyone else is getting jobs, doing
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    the safe thing. We are off doing this
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    crazy thing of chasing our dream,
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    chasing our vision. And because it's so
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    different, I feel like we need a little
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    bit more confidence. To be able to
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    execute and really realize our dreams.
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    So today I'm going to share with you
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    seven things you can do to boost
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    your self confidence.
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    The first thing is find your one word.
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    And its not just timely because I have a
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    book about it. But really because I feel
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    it's one of the most important things
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    that you can do. Its understanding what
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    you stand for as a human being. Because
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    you will likely say, no to opportunities
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    that could support you but your really
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    just afraid. Or you say yes to opportunities
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    that don't support you but you don't have
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    the frame work to make that right decision.
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    When you understand what it is that you
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    stand for, you start to raise your standards
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    of the people that you are around. Of
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    what you will and will not accept anymore.
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    And it just really makes a big impact
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    on your own self confidence. When you are
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    saying no to something, it's not out of
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    fear. It's out of principal. And being
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    able to understand the difference, a lot
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    of times when people identify what their
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    one word is, it's happy. Because they have
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    clarity. But also sad because they realize
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    how much of things in their life are not
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    congruent with where they should be.
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    For you to realize the potential that you
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    have, you need to act a certain way that
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    is most true to you. And you will notice
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    how many things in your life
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    currently, from the people your around
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    to the business your involved in, to the
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    things that your doing on a day to day
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    basis. Are not in line with you achieving
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    that best version of yourself status.
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    And when you realize what your one word
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    is, things start to change. And so that
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    self awareness to understand who you are
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    and what you stand for and start making
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    decisions around that make a huge difference
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    in your self confidence. Because when you
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    are saying no to something, it's out of
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    conviction. Not out of fear of being judged.
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    Number two is say yes more.
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    One of the things that I find people are
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    afraid of and that really limits their self
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    confidence, Is that they are afraid to step
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    of their box. Not something that relates
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    to their one word. Not something that
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    is degrading or is against what you stand
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    for. But just something new, something
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    different, something afraid. You know
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    as kids we try a lot of stuff. We have
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    curiosity and somewhere along the line as
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    we get older, we are more fearful. We
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    are afraid of trying something new. We
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    are afraid of making a YouTube video.
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    We are afraid of getting on a motorcycle.
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    We are afraid of going on that trip.
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    We will always come up with practical
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    reasons why we can't do something but
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    the real reason is that you are afraid.
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    And so, what I try to do is when I am
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    afraid of something, when I want to say
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    no to something. Because of fear, I try
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    to force myself to go out and do it.
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    And exercise that muscle. Consistently so
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    that it gets stronger and stronger and
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    stronger and I continue to build and
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    grow myself. The biggest decision of all
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    for me, the hardest one, was turning
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    down a really high paying job. At a
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    university to start this business that was
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    struggling and suffering and making $300
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    a month. To say no to that, to this company
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    that I didn't know if it would take off or
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    not. Making that tough decision was one
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    of the most hardest decisions in my life.
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    it wasn't super easy, it was days and
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    days of agony. Trying to think it over.
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    Making that tough decision help me make
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    the next tough decision. help me make
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    the next tough decision. Help me make
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    the next tough decision. And so, when
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    there is conflict, when there was a hard
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    decision a head of you. Don't run away
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    from it. So Yes! Figure out a solution.
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    Dive into. It makes you stronger and helps
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    you tackle the next situation. And using
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    more confidence to be able to do it
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    Number three is having
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    master mind group. And again there are
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    people around you are pushing to be better.
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    Who believe in you, who can see the
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    negative self talk in you. Who have your
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    best self interest at mind. Who understand
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    what your goal are, and try to gently or
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    sometimes not so gently push you in that
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    direction. I've had in my master mind
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    groups for entrepreneurs here in
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    Toronto for the past, I don't, ten years
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    or so. The reason why your not doing the
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    thing that your suppose to do, to help get
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    your business where its suppose to be. Is
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    usually a limiting personal belief. And
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    you are probably not recognizing that.
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    And having people around you to call you
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    on your own BS, when your giving a
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    practical reasonable answer. But they know
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    that it's just BS, that really helps. And
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    it could be a formal structure, where you
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    have people, that what we do, who meet
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    meet every month. And there is between
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    six to eight of us, depending on the size
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    of the group. But it could just be a
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    friend of yours, or it could be people in
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    your industry that you want to connect
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    with, on a regular basis. You want people
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    around you to help push you to be that
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    best version of yourself. And give you
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    the confidences sometimes that you need
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    to make the tough decisions when you
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    don't have the confidence yourself.
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    Number four along the same lines is
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    surround your self with greatness.
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    If you want to be more confident, you need
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    to surround yourself with things that make
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    you feel confident, that give you boldness
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    that make you want to do something big
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    and new and special and different. And
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    wanna actually want to follow through
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    on it. If you look at the people in your
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    life right now. Do they give you
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    confidence? Does your mom give you
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    confidence? Do you friends give you
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    confidence? Do your teachers or colleages
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    give you confidence? Or when you tell them
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    your idea, do they say that it's a stupid
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    idea and you shouldn't do it? Does your
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    office or bedroom give your confidence?
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    Or the videos that you watch give you
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    confidence? Right. All of that matters.
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    And you want to design your environment
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    with intent, so that where ever you are
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    as much as possible, from the clothes that
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    you wear to the music that you listen to,
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    to the videos that you watch and the people
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    that you hang out with and the
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    conversations that you have are built up
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    around helping you do something great.
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    And to the extent that they are not,
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    I would have a serious thought about
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    whether you still wanna have those people
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    or those things in your life. If you want
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    to boost your confidence, then you need
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    to have things around you that make you
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    feel confident consistently.
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    Number five is take small steps
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    One of the biggest
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    things that I found in trying to tackle
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    big projects. I'm starting here and I want
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    to get here, it's a big gap and because
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    it looks so big, I don't have the
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    confidence to do it. Well who am I to be
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    able to go out and do that. Its such a big
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    task, I can't do it. And all the negative
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    self talk starts to come in. Well if you
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    realize that you can take small steps.
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    This is really big but here to here is not
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    so big. Its scary but not that scary.
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    I think I can kind of do that. And then
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    another step and another step and you
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    slowly work your way up. Realizing that
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    any big endeavor is the collection of a
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    lot of small steps that came before. And
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    so trying to break down whatever that big
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    thing is that you wanna do that seems so
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    scary and crazy and out of this world.
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    And not possible, not within your skill
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    set. Or ever going to happen for you.
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    Find whatever the smallest first step is
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    and the smallest next step is, and
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    continue to build those steps and when
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    you look back. You'll have realized that
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    you have made pretty significate progress.
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    Number six is model success. It can be
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    really scary or really hard when you don't
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    have a plan. When you don't know where
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    your going. And as entrepreneur's its, its
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    especially scary because we are doing new
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    things, we are pioneering, we're
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    inventing the future. We're writing the
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    new scripts or what will happen. And
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    when you don't have clarity, when you
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    don't have certainty. That leads to a
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    lack of confidence. If you know exactly
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    how to do something and done it a
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    million times before. You don't have self
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    confidence issues. Because you've
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    already done it. Right, like breathing or
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    walking or writing the letter "A" or
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    whatever. Like all of these things that
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    you do constantly. And so, it's not hard
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    for you to do it. Where when the future
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    is unclear, it can be really hard. And so
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    one of the things that I found helps
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    is modeling success. Maybe no one has done
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    what I want to do, in my industry. But it
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    may have been done before and there some
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    pieces that I can learn from history of
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    other entrepreneur's, other innovators,
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    other actors, other musician's or other
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    athletes. They have done something that I
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    can take and apply it to my case. And
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    looking at that not only gives me the
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    strategy of what but helps give me the plan
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    of what I can to do. But also inspires
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    confidence in me because I look at
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    somebody here, who's done something
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    amazing. Who started with less than
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    what I already have right now. If they can
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    do it. It inspires me to think that I can
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    do it too. Or at least I can get pretty
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    close. And I've always found that having
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    those stories around me, helped boost
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    my confidence. Which is part of why I
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    started this channel. Selfishly for me
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    the top ten rules, especially for me to
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    watch consistently, daily to give me
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    confidence. Where I look at these people
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    and see that these people were able to
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    do great things, with so little. It makes
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    me feel like I can do it myself. And I
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    need it daily. I need that shot daily. At
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    least for me, maybe you guys can watch
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    something and it will last you for months.
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    For me I need it daily. I need that
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    constant injection. And so, by looking at
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    what they have done. I get that and I feel
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    more confident in my abilities to go out
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    and execute on my vision.
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    And the number seven thing
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    you can do to boost your self
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    confidence. Is try to live with no regrets.
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    This is the single most important thing
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    that helped me in my biggest decision
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    in my life. Was deciding between having
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    that job, that dream job that I thought
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    I always wanted and running this business
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    that was sucking, was I don't want to
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    live with regret. That's what turned the
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    tables. It wasn't making a list of pro's
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    and con's. And strengths and weakness.
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    And try to think about it logically. It
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    was really if I didn't do this, if I didn't
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    try to make this company work. I would
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    regret it. Where taking that job, I figured
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    you know what, I can always get another
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    job. I mean, it may no be that job or
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    the dream job but I could probably work
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    my way up there and get the job. But I
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    wouldn't have this chance again. And I
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    would regret not taking it. That fear of
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    regret, that worry about regret, that
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    looking at your life when your one hundred
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    years old and back to this moment, will
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    you think that you will regret not taking
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    action? That helps me, bust through the
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    fear. I'm still afraid to take the action.
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    Still afraid to say yes, still afraid to
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    do it. But the thought of the regret
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    haunting me for the rest of my life. Helps
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    give me the courage to feel the fear and
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    do it anyway. And it gives me the
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    confidence to success and at least try.
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    And knowing that, the trying itself is a
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    victory. Even if I don't get the result,
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    even if my business doesn't take off.
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    Like Yes, it worked out for me. I got
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    acquired a couple of years later. You know
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    it was a great scenario for me. But even
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    if it didn't work out, just knowing the
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    answer helps. Just talking to that girl
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    and getting an answer helps. Just making
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    that sale's call and getting an answer
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    helps. So it's not necessarily just, you
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    know, the victory. The win. But certainty.
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    Because the more that you live your life,
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    with limited regrets. First of all you'll
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    live a much happier life but second of
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    all you'll probably do something amazing
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    and special. And not every bet it going
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    to work out. But you don't go off and hit
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    those amazing goals by playing safe. And
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    living below what you are capable of
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    doing. So that is my take on the seven
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    things that you can do to boost
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    your self confidence. I would love to
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    know what you guys think. Which one did
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    you resonate the most with. What did this
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    video mean to you. Leave it in the
  • 11:47 - 11:49
    comments below. Did I miss some? Are
  • 11:49 - 11:51
    there eight, nine, ten that you guys want
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    to add in. Pop it down there and I'm going
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    to join in the discussion. And finally
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    I want to give a quick shout out to Debra.
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    Debra, thank you so much for buying a
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    copy of my book. it really means a lot to
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    me. For those of you guys who want to
  • 12:02 - 12:04
    support me and want a chance at a future
  • 12:04 - 12:07
    shout out in a video. Make sure to pick up
  • 12:07 - 12:08
    a copy of the book. And email in your
  • 12:08 - 12:10
    receipt so we can keep track. Thank you
  • 12:10 - 12:11
    guys so much for watching. Continue to
  • 12:11 - 12:14
    believe or what your one word is.
  • 12:14 - 12:16
    And I will see you soon.
7 Things You Can Do to Boost Self-Confidence - #7Ways

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English subtitles
