0:00 - 0:06hello i just wanted to make a video
0:04 - 0:08mm I'm starting to remember some things
0:06 - 0:12that happened to me while I was being
0:08 - 0:15targeted back in march of $YEAR 2016
0:12 - 0:20somebody mentioned that its all-electric
0:15 - 0:23like cellphones and satellites which I
0:20 - 0:26totally agree with I know what's going
0:23 - 0:32on and I know how they mess with your
0:26 - 0:37brain and can try to make you think that
0:32 - 0:42what exactly what she said
0:37 - 0:48just read through my comments i wanted
0:42 - 0:54to remember a time where in March 2016
0:48 - 0:58they did
0:54 - 0:59they did mess with my electronics so I
0:58 - 1:02wouldn't have any evidence of that
0:59 - 1:04happening so at the time the voices were
1:02 - 1:05really in my house and loud and all
1:04 - 1:07around me
1:05 - 1:11my my camera was shut off it wasn't
1:07 - 1:14working this camera right here
1:11 - 1:16it came up like air her and I wouldn't
1:14 - 1:20let me do anything with it but it works
1:16 - 1:23now so that was one thing they shut down
1:20 - 1:25so I wouldn't have any evidence but it
1:23 - 1:28it came back on so I can get evidence of
1:25 - 1:31the abuse my cell phone wasn't working
1:28 - 1:33at all it was bitching and all kinds of
1:31 - 1:36stuff was going on with it so I never
1:33 - 1:38even I thought it was broke so I it then
1:36 - 1:40have my cellphone be used to get any
1:38 - 1:46evidence or anything like that
1:40 - 1:48they shut down my car one . shut off my
1:46 - 1:51electric to my house somebody actually
1:48 - 1:55flip the switch and shut it off that I
1:51 - 1:58had to go outside and turn it back on
1:55 - 2:02so somebody physically was there and
1:58 - 2:04shut it off and I heard them do it
2:02 - 2:06I could hear everything if you just pay
2:04 - 2:10attention to what's going on around you
2:06 - 2:12you can you know even here their motives
2:10 - 2:13you can hear their intentions you can
2:12 - 2:16hear what they're going to do before
2:13 - 2:19they do it so you have a chance of
2:16 - 2:20always being you know steps ahead of
2:19 - 2:27them
2:20 - 2:32they turn 18 so they did turn off my
2:27 - 2:37electricity on the Box somebody was on
2:32 - 2:40my property and did that and myself and
2:37 - 2:44which is a knife air and wasn't working
2:40 - 2:47i would keep getting weird texts from
2:44 - 2:50people that were wear it with
2:47 - 2:52synchronicity to the max like I would
2:50 - 2:54keep getting messages from people
2:52 - 2:56talking about exactly what I was going
2:54 - 2:57through it but now they have no
2:56 - 3:00recollection
2:57 - 3:03it's like I feel like people must have
3:00 - 3:05been disassociating and they can't
3:03 - 3:08remember talking about it and telling me
3:05 - 3:10exactly what I needed to hear like I
3:08 - 3:12would get text messages from my mom for
3:10 - 3:17exactly what I needed to hear at the
3:12 - 3:18time she told me up one time and cried
3:17 - 3:20your eyes out and said thank you for
3:18 - 3:22spirit because i was talking about the
3:20 - 3:28Holy Spirit now I have the Holy Spirit
3:22 - 3:29and she said thanks for spirit and she
3:28 - 3:32was crying really hard and just said
3:29 - 3:35you're welcome you know i was talking
3:32 - 3:39about the exact same thing
3:35 - 3:41I was I would just keep getting I got
3:39 - 3:44phone calls from an ex boss that was
3:41 - 3:49abusive her voice kept coming through on
3:44 - 3:53the house phone and my cell phone and so
3:49 - 3:57a lady that targeted me to begin with in
3:53 - 4:002012 that was hearing her voice she was
3:57 - 4:02calling my house and my cell phone
4:00 - 4:05mm I don't want to talk to her of course
4:02 - 4:09because all the all that she put me
4:05 - 4:10through a job and I wouldn't doubt if
4:09 - 4:11she was the one that labeled me a
4:10 - 4:13terrorist
4:11 - 4:15you know what I mean to get back at me
4:13 - 4:16for quitting because i wasn't going to
4:15 - 4:18put up with the abuse i wouldn't doubt
4:16 - 4:21if she had some access to the targeted
4:18 - 4:24individual list and put me on it when
4:21 - 4:28she's just a nut case that needs help in
4:24 - 4:30that fashion and I could I just know she
4:28 - 4:31called my house and talk to my mom
4:30 - 4:33because I would I heard them have
4:31 - 4:36conversations I was right here
4:33 - 4:38I was right here right listening to them
4:36 - 4:41having conversations like she was
4:38 - 4:43infiltrating my house through my phone
4:42 - 4:45talking to my mom like you don't mess
4:43 - 4:48with my family you don't try to
4:45 - 4:50infiltrate my family to tear our family
4:48 - 4:52apart and she was causing all kinds of
4:50 - 4:54drama making my mom feel bad about
4:52 - 4:57herself just like she did with me that's
4:54 - 5:00all she does and my ask my mom about it
4:57 - 5:03later and she has no recollection of it
5:00 - 5:05as if it never even happened but I was
5:03 - 5:09here and that's enough proof for me that
5:05 - 5:11it happened
5:09 - 5:13so I just feel bad for the people that
5:11 - 5:16are you close to me and you know
5:13 - 5:22sympathizing with me and being targeted
5:16 - 5:24themselves bodies malicious people and
5:22 - 5:27then they must have this associated to
5:24 - 5:31not have any memory of it not have
5:27 - 5:33memory of everything so you know it must
5:31 - 5:35not affected me as much but I can
5:33 - 5:37understand how it could affect my mom
5:35 - 5:39because I used to work for the Lady and
5:37 - 5:42that's all she could do was try to tear
5:39 - 5:46you down and she was textbook you know
5:42 - 5:47targeted material targeted perpetrator
5:46 - 5:49material and I already dealt with it
5:47 - 5:50once and I think that's why I was so
5:49 - 5:53good at you know fighting at the
5:50 - 5:54fighting it's so hard because i already
5:53 - 5:58had to fight it before with people
5:54 - 5:58face-to-face so whenever these voices
5:58 - 6:00started coming and it was people I
5:58 - 6:04didn't know and strangers it was easy
6:00 - 6:09because i was able to fight it in person
6:04 - 6:11with people so yeah they messed with my
6:09 - 6:13fair and I even and I even heard
6:11 - 6:16President Obama call my house and he
6:13 - 6:18said hello hello hello
6:16 - 6:20and then she and then the perpetrator
6:18 - 6:21the lady I used to work for that was
6:20 - 6:24talking to my mom on the phone and my
6:21 - 6:27mom doesn't remember she was she chimed
6:24 - 6:30in and goes hello hello hello and then I
6:27 - 6:32didn't I was anti phone like I would
6:30 - 6:34just hurt i would purposely stay away
6:32 - 6:36from phones if you're being targeted and
6:34 - 6:38so you can fight better because you
6:36 - 6:40don't want any outside distractions or
6:38 - 6:42any outside influence you want this to
6:40 - 6:44come for you and your fight
6:42 - 6:46it's like you know you want to be able
6:44 - 6:48to pat yourself on the back later and
6:46 - 6:52say good job for fighting you didn't
6:48 - 6:56need to call the president you know but
6:52 - 6:58it's I don't know it's kind of like I
6:56 - 7:00made I made the best out of it was like
6:58 - 7:02oh that's cool president called my house
7:00 - 7:04but it may have just been technology at
7:02 - 7:06the same time but what I'm saying is the
7:04 - 7:10lady that used to work for is the
7:06 - 7:12perpetrator who was somehow getting into
7:10 - 7:16my phone line I guess I gave her my home
7:12 - 7:20number as my emergency contact on over
7:16 - 7:24honor application so that's how she has
7:20 - 7:26that number and somehow somehow she was
7:24 - 7:29able to intercept phone call with my mom
7:26 - 7:31the phone call that my mom was crying
7:29 - 7:34and said thank you for spirit the last
7:31 - 7:38voice I heard was the perpetrators not
7:34 - 7:39moans so she somehow intercepted that
7:38 - 7:41phone call and it's all about and that's
7:39 - 7:44all they do is intercept intercept
7:41 - 7:47intercept and you know everybody hates
7:44 - 7:49interceptions that was the cause of you
7:47 - 7:53know the atomic bomb on hiroshima
7:49 - 7:55because you know other country was
7:53 - 7:58intercepting messages and attacked us
7:55 - 8:00and that's what's going on you know
7:58 - 8:04they're intercepting our personals
8:00 - 8:06messages or phone messages are every all
8:04 - 8:08our messages to like I don't know what
8:06 - 8:12they want credit for it
8:08 - 8:14or they want to sabotage some more but I
8:12 - 8:16just I always knew when they were
8:14 - 8:21intercepting and I did I wasn't even
8:16 - 8:23going I wasn't going to use the phone .
8:21 - 8:25as long as interception was going on I
8:23 - 8:26don't mind using the family i don't i
8:25 - 8:28want a paper trail
8:26 - 8:31I want all my I don't care anybody reads
8:28 - 8:34all my text messages everything on my
8:31 - 8:36phone I want people to see everything
8:34 - 8:38like that if they are looking you know
8:36 - 8:42what I mean because i have nothing to
8:38 - 8:44hide . and i always want that paper
8:42 - 8:46trail to where I can look back and be
8:44 - 8:50like no this is what happens instead of
8:46 - 8:51people lying about everything so like
8:50 - 8:54just stayed away from phones because
8:51 - 8:55they were while the interceptions we're
8:54 - 8:59going on because i wasn't going to put
8:55 - 9:02up with it . but it's kind of funny how
8:59 - 9:05i did get text messages from all kinds
9:02 - 9:08of you know not you know a couple people
9:05 - 9:15and it was exactly what I needed to hear
9:08 - 9:17exactly so you know
9:15 - 9:19it was just magical at the same time
9:17 - 9:24like I felt like I had help from
9:19 - 9:26invisible forces and we do we do have
9:24 - 9:29those things to help us
9:26 - 9:37I've already made a video about that
9:29 - 9:40because you know it's just out here
9:37 - 9:42that's funny like everything is just so
9:40 - 9:46funny
9:42 - 9:48yeah I want that paper trail i want i
9:46 - 9:51don't i don't care if I have to look
9:48 - 9:53back at facebook Messenger and and have
9:51 - 9:56a paper trail of everything i ever
9:53 - 9:59talked about my whole life with people i
9:56 - 10:03just don't care if anybody actually i
9:59 - 10:10would love for my information to be used
10:03 - 10:16it as evidence to help us you know but
10:10 - 10:20I just have and it's just it's fucked up
10:16 - 10:30it all is fucked up in and smiling now
10:20 - 10:32because I overcame and
10:30 - 10:36I know that we as humans are much
10:32 - 10:41stronger than any technology
10:36 - 10:42I don't know why
10:41 - 10:45somehow I was stronger than all the
10:42 - 10:48technology and they tried to put my mind
10:45 - 10:51in a computer to use for their own
10:48 - 10:53satisfaction which was you know
10:51 - 10:58something that made me terribly
10:53 - 11:03anti-that and I could hear their system
10:58 - 11:06with my mind at the same time and what
11:03 - 11:08they are using it for so I had backstage
11:06 - 11:11passes to what was going on
11:08 - 11:17pretty much so I could fight which was
11:11 - 11:20nifty because in the end my mind was
11:17 - 11:24used in technology in which my mind
11:20 - 11:27shows me and shut it down shut it down
11:24 - 11:29and came back to me my mind didn't want
11:27 - 11:32to be my mind even in technology didn't
11:29 - 11:32want to be used for their purposes and
11:32 - 11:36that's the truth
11:32 - 11:39I heard it all go down somehow i was
11:36 - 11:42blessed with the backstage pass to hear
11:39 - 11:44what was going on with everything and
11:42 - 11:46how they are taking arm they want to
11:44 - 11:49label us with mental illness and call a
11:46 - 11:51psychotic and target us and make our
11:49 - 11:54lives hell but they want our minds and
11:51 - 11:58technology to use it's because they know
11:54 - 12:02what they did get them to put life in
11:58 - 12:05prison so I just I just cleaned it up
12:02 - 12:08the best stock hood and convince my mind
12:05 - 12:10that I was the best thing for it so it's
12:08 - 12:13not being used in technology anymore it
12:10 - 12:18was kind of just like you know a big
12:13 - 12:19victory over some people stealing minds
12:18 - 12:22and that's what they do and they make
12:19 - 12:24money off of it they make lots of money
12:22 - 12:27i know i have at least a billion dollars
12:24 - 12:28with my name on it out there but i'll
12:27 - 12:30never see it because people just don't
12:28 - 12:33have it in them to do the right thing
12:30 - 12:36you know if I'm really if they wanted my
12:33 - 12:39mind so much to make money off of it
12:36 - 12:46then that should do to me . for us all
12:39 - 12:48of us that's happening to em that's the
12:46 - 12:51god-honest truth all these comments and
12:48 - 12:56that you're leaving me on my videos are
12:51 - 13:02all accurate from what I found out along
12:56 - 13:04the way so yeah just it's not just a
13:02 - 13:06coincidence your electronics aren't
13:04 - 13:10working at a time when you need them
13:06 - 13:11it's not a coincidence it's not a
13:10 - 13:14coincidence that people from the past
13:11 - 13:17that believed you and targeted you are
13:14 - 13:18popping up and still playing their
13:17 - 13:21stupid games
13:18 - 13:22it's just none of it's a coincidence not
13:21 - 13:24a coincidence and somebody sends you a
13:22 - 13:26text exactly what you need to hear at
13:24 - 13:30the time it's called synchronicity and
13:26 - 13:32getting signs that's what God does he he
13:30 - 13:36speaks through signs who God's not a
13:32 - 13:38voice like these people
13:36 - 13:42it's all signs and you just have to be
13:38 - 13:44self-aware you have to pretty much I was
13:42 - 13:47prepared for this from day one because I
13:44 - 13:50did the work i did the work in the past
13:47 - 13:53I would isolate myself on purpose so
13:50 - 13:56that i can learn everything about myself
13:53 - 13:58so by the time i was targeted they would
13:56 - 13:59have nothing on me because i would
13:58 - 14:03already know every detail about myself
13:59 - 14:04that no one could trample on and no one
14:03 - 14:08can turn me into something that I wasn't
14:04 - 14:12I did the work i did this work
14:08 - 14:17spiritually physically I just I did the
14:12 - 14:19work it took years said by the time that
14:17 - 14:20they really started targeting me with
14:19 - 14:23technology and everything I guess I was
14:20 - 14:26just too strong like spirituality wins
14:23 - 14:30over technology it's pretty sad people
14:26 - 14:31sell themselves out 22 technology when
14:30 - 14:35there's all kinds of natural ways you
14:31 - 14:36can become better people but you know
14:35 - 14:39and they use the technology as weapons
14:36 - 14:42instead of you know all this technology
14:39 - 14:45and that's what you use it for to hurt
14:42 - 14:48people like innocent innocent civilians
14:45 - 14:50that could could contribute really well
14:48 - 14:51to society but you choose to label as
14:50 - 14:54mentally ill and won't give us
14:51 - 14:59disability and you know we kind of try
14:54 - 15:02to ruin our lives and there's always
14:59 - 15:04there's always symptoms that come after
15:02 - 15:08like i did get in trouble with the law
15:04 - 15:11but the law who brutalized me they took
15:08 - 15:12me as a mentally-ill schizophrenic and
15:11 - 15:15beat me
15:12 - 15:18I've seen him do it to talk about kelly
15:15 - 15:19thomas you know look that up and what
15:18 - 15:21they did to him that's what they want us
15:19 - 15:24to do they want to pick they want to
15:21 - 15:27hope helpless you know and they could
15:24 - 15:29beat us and get away with it but I found
15:27 - 15:32out in cali Thomas's case the police
15:29 - 15:34that killed him brutalizing him you know
15:32 - 15:35were charged with murder and that's
15:34 - 15:38awesome
15:35 - 15:43thank you fucking system for working for
15:38 - 15:47once and and I got in trouble with the
15:43 - 15:50law because you know i am human and it
15:47 - 15:52was just 11 breaking point that i had
15:50 - 15:55and there the cops were so just be very
15:52 - 15:57careful like if you're bound to break
15:55 - 15:59which you will just make sure you're
15:57 - 16:01just keep it to yourself
15:59 - 16:06don't go try to like run to a friend's
16:01 - 16:10house or anything because they don't
16:06 - 16:12know they just I mean I think the bigger
16:10 - 16:15issue here is not me getting in trouble
16:12 - 16:17but the bigger issue is the fact that
16:15 - 16:20they thought they could beat me behind
16:17 - 16:22closed doors and I go to court and
16:20 - 16:24december so we'll see how it goes i mean
16:22 - 16:28it sucks I kinda want to make a t-shirt
16:24 - 16:30with pictures of all my bruises and you
16:28 - 16:32know list all the evidence and just kind
16:30 - 16:35of want and so it and you know just show
16:32 - 16:36up in court but with that t-shirt so
16:35 - 16:40that the police that beat me that
16:36 - 16:42they're there you know can see the
16:40 - 16:45damage that they call as one cooperative
16:42 - 16:49young lady and I was a cut
16:45 - 16:52I mean they instantly started treating
16:49 - 16:54me like shit and I you know after being
16:52 - 16:56targeted and treated like shit for so
16:54 - 16:59long I'm bound to say something smart
16:56 - 17:02aleck like I feel sorry for your wife
16:59 - 17:05because you're you beat me and now you
17:02 - 17:07know and I wonder if your wife knows
17:05 - 17:07that you're you are an abuser I feel
17:07 - 17:11sorry for her
17:07 - 17:13like I said that big deal i mean people
17:11 - 17:14say stuff like that all the time to your
17:13 - 17:16face and you can't go hittin people
17:14 - 17:18because you have problems you have
17:16 - 17:20emotional problems
17:18 - 17:22do you understand that you need to get
17:20 - 17:27help for that if you find it appropriate
17:22 - 17:29to hit people behind closed door when
17:27 - 17:31they're chained up and helpless that is
17:29 - 17:34cruel and unusual tortures punishment
17:31 - 17:35that it's not a punishment is just abuse
17:34 - 17:38behind closed doors
17:35 - 17:39police brutality which people always
17:38 - 17:43stand up for
17:39 - 17:44like in huge groups and march and make a
17:43 - 17:47big deal out of it because it is a big
17:44 - 17:49deal you know you can't get I mean I
17:47 - 17:53want to cry right now thinking about
17:49 - 17:57what they did to me but they forgot that
17:53 - 17:58God knows you know God knows they hurt
17:57 - 18:02me
17:58 - 18:04all in all ways cooperative just because
18:02 - 18:08I say something that's true
18:04 - 18:10does not warns me being hit just like
18:08 - 18:14with my abuser that strangled me with a
18:10 - 18:15sheet you you're allowed to say I you
18:14 - 18:18know I didn't even say anything
18:15 - 18:22provoking you know I tested it
18:18 - 18:25I said you know stay silent the whole
18:22 - 18:27time and see how they treat you and
18:25 - 18:28still the same whether you speak you
18:27 - 18:33don't speak they're just going to do it
18:28 - 18:35because their animals . their barbaric I
18:33 - 18:38don't know what made them think that
18:35 - 18:42it's okay to issue cool and a new
18:38 - 18:45unusual punishment and just because they
18:42 - 18:48think you're mentally ill and obviously
18:45 - 18:53I'm not but I'm enjoying these
18:48 - 18:57antidepressants but
18:53 - 19:02you know that's for my own i don't know
18:57 - 19:07i always had an existential crises well
19:02 - 19:10who wouldn't in this world but it's so
19:07 - 19:15fucking funny like the whole process has
19:10 - 19:18led me here to being happy but I still
19:15 - 19:21have to you know help people and it'd be
19:18 - 19:24really nice if we could get a lot of
19:21 - 19:27help but i have to go to fucking court
19:24 - 19:33and I should wear the t-shirt with all
19:27 - 19:37my bruises I just they're never gonna
19:33 - 19:40live it down because I know the cycle
19:37 - 19:44and an abuser is an abuser they will be
19:40 - 19:49miserable and nothing will ever you know
19:44 - 19:51work out for them so it's just like it's
19:49 - 19:56a win-win situation as long as you're a
19:51 - 20:00good person that's all i have to say see
19:56 - 20:00ya
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