Not Synced
(Moderator) We have with us someone
who has been involved
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in digital learning innovation
for more than 20 years
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Please welcome the University of Western
Australia Pro Vice-Chancellor
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of Education Innovation,
Gilly Salmon (0:12)
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Not Synced
(Gilly Salmon) So I'm going to talk to you
about the impossible.
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So if you're easily scared,
you can leave now or at any time,
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that's OK with me.
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So I come from the very young country
of Australia.
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Most of you know I'm not Australian, but
I've been living there nearly 5 years now.
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Probably another 20 .... except me (check)
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But in the young country of Australia,
a university that's 100-years old
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is very, very, very old.
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So, and now, the University of Western
Australia is very, very old.
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It's a research-intensive, one with the
most schools and campuses in the world,
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on the mouth of the Swan River,
in Western Australia,
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and I'm going to show you a 1-minute movie
to get a glimpse of our environment
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and also our dreams.
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So, you need to watch very carefully,
because I'm going to talk about
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the brief glimpse you get of the buildings
because that's where my center is,
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the Centre for Education Future.
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So, we will move to the movie, please.
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(strong-beat music)
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(narrator) When we start moving forward,
the world starts with us.
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(strong wind in branches - panting)
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(narrator) So chase your dream.
It's only impossible until it's done.
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[Pursue impossible]
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[The University of Western Australia]
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(Salmon) Thank you. 2:52
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We made that movie to try and inspire
our students
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but we actually found it inspires us
even more.
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So, right at the beginning you saw
some work for
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University of Western Australia
are true heritage buildings.
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And I -- in there, we've put
a future's observatory
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and a learning design studio,
to try and inspire the impossible
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in both our faculty members and ultimately
our students, to new design.
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So, I've got this weird job title,
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Pro Vice-Chancellor
Education Innovation.
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I'm sure when I was appointed,
just over 12 months ago,
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nobody knew what that meant.
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Fortunately, they did allow me to
invent it.
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While you're listening to me,
just to say there's going to be
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a bit of a poll at the end.
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If you got the My OEB app,
you can look it up,
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if not, there is a website,
there is a link there up,
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so that you can take part in the poll
in a bit.
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Now, I actually think an incredible
number of words have been written
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about innovation, especially in the scope
of educational innovation
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and disruptive technology.
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And I did a bit of a survey.
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i wasn't as knowledgeable
as some of those people
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that you've just heard speaking,
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but it was rather odd that probably
one of the very top things
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that you can see, was how to promote
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in the changing modes of teaching,
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which I think is probably
one of our biggest challenges of all.
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And actually, creating an evidence base
for that,
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because you all know, in universities,
that's the way it goes:
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If you haven't got evidence for it,
it doesn't exist.
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And so, we did a bit of a survey;
there were the top universities,
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we did some visits as well, in the US
as well as other parts in the world.
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And everyone, just everyone has still
really not got into
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achieving true innovation.
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And so for me, that's
still a bit of a mystery, and I think
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it's really rather extraordinary that
everyone in education,
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all of you, at every level,
is trying to do this
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and yet most organizations,
most institutions
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are still striving to reorientate
themselves to an innovation culture.
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What will distinguish them,
what will differentiate them?
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What they offer their students
and stakeholders.
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So, we could very very easily blame it
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on the level of dogmatic approaches
and resistance.
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And yet, by their nature, don't you think
that most staff working in education
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are often the most open to change
and development, would you agree?
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So I found it really quite a conundrum
to tackle this.
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So, maybe, you heard the first keynote
this morning, David Price.
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Maybe we're in denial
that we even need to change, possibly:
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that's one answer.
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So some of my answers:
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I know the university sector best,
so I'll talk about that.
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But I do actually think that
this may apply
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to many of the other sectors
represented in this room.
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The higher education sector,
across the world,
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is very compressed but also
highly competitive now,
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but also marginally differentiated.
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It's mainly differentiated by
.......... (check) research profile,
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research orientation,.........
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And also, everyone is upright
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in an increasingly less and less and less
regulated world.
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Those of you standing, there's a few
white pods, you can sit on them
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in the front here......
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if you're not too frightened.
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Now, governments around the world
are pressing for larger proportions
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of their populations to attend university.
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Most of them, not here in Germany,
I understand, but most of us
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have made paying for the experience
a lifelong one.
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For most students, and even that
has done little
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to dampen the enthusiasm
for higher education,
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There's more people going to university
than really ever has in our lifetime.
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Our children and our grandchildren
are going to go
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forward and forward and forward.
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So there does appear to be, using
the entrepreneurs' word,
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reliable growth in the market place.
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So therefore, we need to innovate.
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We need to find ways
of reaching that growth.
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Second. Of course we know -- it has just
been mentioned in the session just now --
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that the number of university campuses
would have to increase
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at an incredible alarming rate.
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I've heard something like 1 per month
for the next 10 years
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in order to meet the requirements
of teaching in traditional ways.
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Clearly, that's not going to happen,
it's also not practical to extend
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the existing campuses that we have
with physical capacity and real estate.
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So therefore, innovation, again,
is needed.
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Third. We know much of the way
that we are teaching in Universities
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at the moment, will not provide
the citizens of the future
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with the right skills,
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nor will they graduate with the ability
to undertake multiple careers
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during their life times.
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We've also heard most babies being born
today will live to over 100.
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I mean, we really need to be educating
those people, don't we? Not ourselves.
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So in short, the nature of work
is changing.
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So whatever our educational purposes,
the need for change is striking.
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And everyone of us has
a shared responsibility, as educators,
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to innovate to meet these and
many other challenges that we face.
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So, why would we turn to technology
to assist us in this conundrum
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is one of my questions.
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But one of the things I've done,
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since I've been at the University
of Western Australia,
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and as I mentioned, we put
a physical space.
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It's kind of a cross between a space
for the community to gather,
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a bit of a makers' space too;
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somewhere a bit different,
a bit different from the traditional areas
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and it's actually for staff,
not for students.
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Most universities in the world
are changing their libraries
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and many of their traditional buildings
into informal spaces for students,
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so we thought we might do that
for staff too.
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And we called it The Future's Observatory.
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So why put some technology in it?
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Well, many forces, of course,
in our society,
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can bring about large scale changes
in economics and societies, but
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since the Industrial Revolution, say,
the late 18th, early 19th centuries,
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technology has had this unique role,
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empowering growth
and transforming economic value.
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It has to be technology.
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Technology represents in itself
new ways of doing things
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and once mastered, creates lasting change
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which, applied to universities
and schools, and training of all kind,
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we won't immediately unlearn, you know:
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our teachers, ways of teaching,
our campuses, physical and virtual,
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finally, through technologies, the ideas
become implanted as innovations
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and our world starts to move faster.
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We can make it faster.
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So, the most interesting part of this,
for me,
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is that some technologies
have the potential
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to disrupt the status quo in education,
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-- and we've just been talking about
some of them --
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and lead finally to true innovation
in the service of learning
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and alter the way we imagine our teaching,
teach our students, choose a curriculum,
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assess their ability,
instill new coaches in them,
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so they live and work differently
in the future:
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in practice, create entirely new products
and services.
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And others simply do not.
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And for me, things like lecture capture
simply does not,
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because it reproduces the ways
we've undertaken learning for centuries.
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So I think we need to be very careful
in what technologies we choose
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to disrupt and drive our innovations.
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Otherwise, we simply embed the old better
than we did before.
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And the other thing to say is that
education leaders cannot wait
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until the meager, meager evolution that
I've seen in my 20 years in this field
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catch up, somehow, and we're not going
to do it with Learning Management Systems
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and we'll really not, you know, they're
simply not moving.
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I've just chosen a new Learning Management
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for the University of Western Australia.
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I got the best I could,
but the original values
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of the way people teach and learn
are still in there,
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and we need to change that, we need
to move forward on that.
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And we also cannot be held back
by other industries on which we depend.
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You know, so the patch defense, going on,
for example, with publishers.
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We cannot let that happen,
we do need to change this.
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So it's time -- referring back
to this morning --
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to stop being 12 white men
sitting around the table,
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to stop rearranging the furniture
and actually move on with the world.
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And if we don't do it,
no one else is going to.
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It's those of you who are here
with me today
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that's actually going to do that run
that you saw my students do earlier.
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So at the moment, the link definitely
between height and potential
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is very unclear.
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And of course,
there are still surprises to come.
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The future is like that,
the future is like that.
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Nobody can be certain.
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We need now to understand
how we can experiment,
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how we can take risks,
how we can ............. (check)
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how we can prototype.
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In practice, to learn from the future
as it emerges; be ready to respond.
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In short, create
much more radical innovation
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and stop taking baby steps:
it's time to shift.
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This is the Future's Observatory.
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Objectives we saw are
in this rather nice buildings
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that look a little bit like Stanford
at the beginning,
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but flow by the river.
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And we are reaching out to the impossible.
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So I'm trying all sorts of different ways
to try and reach out,
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to achieve the impossible.
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We're looking to partner with those
who say Yes
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rather than shake their heads in sorrow.
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We're seeing the Observatory for staff
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as a location used for observing
terrestrial and celestial events.
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Historically, of course, observatories
were as simple as containing
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an astronomical sextant
for measuring the distance between stars
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or perhaps something like Stonehenge,
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which has some alignments
on the astronomical phenomenon.
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Now, the way we're seeing this, is
we're trying to observe the future.
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And I guess, some of the celestial events
will be some of the digital life
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and educational purposes.
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So, it's a metaphor, OK, but
we're trying to push people to understand
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how a technology might help you
to imagine an action, a future.
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So this is what we're doing in here, and
we've got some technologies in there,
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I mean, this -- you can see the cruiser table
that you can stand around,
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so it's focusing very much on collaboration,
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which a lot of our students tell us
they actually want.
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And of course, we're trying
virtual reality:
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everyone is in there playing around.
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Yes, try some ramification (check),
bring it into the classroom,
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see how it works.
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None of this is costing us this much:
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it's all consumer technology
that we can readily buy.
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Obviously, we're trying out
the robotic stuff too,
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and we've had quite a lot of fun
with that, actually.
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I think someone mentioned earlier
how much fun that is working with students
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and helping them to understand
a bit about coding.
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So we've learned quite a lot ourselves.
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.............. that sort of thing (check)
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So we're actually bringing it to the staff
to enable them to play, and to hope
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they can imagine the pedagogical purposes.
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And this is one of the key differences
between consumer technology
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and stuff that's been produced
for learning purposes.
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You invent the pedagogy,
you identify the learning challenge
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and then work out
how the technology can support it,
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not the other way round.
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So, did you get the idea?
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You got a bit of the how,
of what these technologies might actually
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help you.
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Does anyone want to go back to the URL
at the beginning, there?
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You should be able to find it on your
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I've given you 10 -- are we going back? ..
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I've given you 10: robotics, 3D printing,
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internet of things where both
virtual reality, space exploration
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predictive and cognitive analytics
(check list on big player)
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Now, opportunity with this particular
software to add your own three.
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You'll have to pick three, one vote each
for those.
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Just to remind you, these are
some of the things
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that you might like to look at.
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We're looking for fast development.
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We want something that if we found
a pedagogical purpose for it,
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it would be easy to embed it.
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We want very wide and broad potential
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and we definitely want to disrupt
age-old educational models.
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So if you can't choose, use those three.
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So we'll give you a bit of time to vote
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and then we'll be able to get it up
on the screen, yes?
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So, all vote now.
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OK - can you see it? Quite small.
can you see, at the back?
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No? OK, so the top one we're getting
is virtual reality,
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almost everyone voting for that.
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I think there's one -- no votes
for wearables, I'm surprised about that.
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Keep going, it'll keep coming.
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......... (check) augmented reality
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OK, I'll just leave you a few moments.
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Has everyone finished voting?
Anyone still voting?
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Still shifting.
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I think this will stay on the app,
so you can have a look later if you want.
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So it looks to --
oh no, we're still moving,
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Somebody else has just got in.
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So it looks to me like internet of things,
virtual reality
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and predictive and cognitive analytics
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are ..... (check) with augmented reality,
3D printing coming soon after.
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My challenge to you is to take
some of the wackier ones,
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like the space exploration and the
mobile scanning and ultrasounds
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and see how they may affect your teaching. 21:23