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From the top of the food chain down: Rewilding our world - George Monbiot

  • 0:07 - 0:09
    We all know about the dinosaurs
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    that once roamed the planet.
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    But long after they went extinct,
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    great beasts we call the megafauna
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    lived on every continent.
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    In the Americas, ground sloths the size of elephants
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    pulled down trees with their claws.
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    Sabor-toothed cats the size of brown bears
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    hunted in packs,
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    but they were no match for short-faced bears,
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    which stood thirteen feet on their hind legs,
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    and are likely to have driven these cats
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    away from their prey.
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    There were armadillos as big as small cars,
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    an eight foot beaver,
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    and a bird with a 26 foot wingspan.
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    Almost everywhere, the world's megafauna
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    were driven to extinction, often by human hunters.
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    Some species still survive in parts of Africa and Asia.
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    In other places, you can still see the legacy of these great beasts.
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    Most trees are able to resprout
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    where their trunk is broken
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    to withstand the loss of much of their bark
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    and to survive splitting, twisting and trampling
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    partly because they evolved to survive attacks by elephants.
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    The american pronghorn can run so fast
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    because it evolved to escape the american cheetah.
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    The surviving animals live in ghost ecosystems
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    adapted to threats from species that no longer exist.
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    Today, it may be possible to resurrect those ghosts,
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    to bring back lost species using genetic material.
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    For instance, there's been reserach in to
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    cloning woolly mammoths from frozen remains.
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    But even if it's not possible,
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    we can still restore many of the ecosystems
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    the world has lost.
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    How? By making use of abandoned farms.
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    As the market for food is globalized,
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    infertile land becomes uncompetitive.
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    Farmers in baren places can't compete
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    with people growing crops on better land elsewhere.
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    As a result, farming has started to retreat from many regions,
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    and trees have started to return.
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    One estimate claims that two-thirds of land in the US
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    that was once forested but was cleared for farming
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    has become forested again.
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    Another estimate suggests that by 2030,
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    an area in Europe the size of Poland
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    will be vaccated by farmers.
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    So even if we can't use DNA to bring back
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    ground sloths and giant armadillos,
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    we can restore bears, wolves, pumas
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    lynx, moose and bison
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    to the places where they used to live.
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    Some of these animals can reshape their surroundings,
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    creating conditions that allow other species to thrive.
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    When wolves were reintrocued to
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    the Yellowstone National Park in 1995,
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    they quickly transformed the ecosystem.
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    Where they reduced the numbers of overpopulated deer,
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    vegitation began to recover.
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    The height of some trees quintupled in just six years.
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    As forests returned, so did song birds.
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    Beavers, which eat trees, multiplied in the rivers,
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    and their dams provided homes
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    for otters, muskrats, ducks, frogs and fish.
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    The wolves killed coyotes, allowing rabbits
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    and mice to increase,
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    providing more food for hawks, weasels,
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    foxes and badgers.
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    Bald eagles and ravens fed on the carrion
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    that the wolves abandoned.
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    So did bears, which also ate the berries
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    on the returning shrubs.
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    Bison numbers rose as they browsed
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    the revitalized forests.
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    The wolves changed almost everything.
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    This is an example of a trophic cascade,
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    a change at the top of the food chain
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    that tumbles all the way to the bottom,
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    affecting every level.
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    The discovery of widespread trophic cascades
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    may be one of the exciting scientifc findings
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    of the past half century.
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    They tell us that ecosystems that have lost
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    just one or species of large animals
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    can behave in radically different way
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    from those that retain them.
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    All over the world, new movements are trying
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    to catalyze the restoration of nature
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    in a process called rewilding.
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    This means undoing some of the damage we've caused,
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    reestablisihing species which have been driven out,
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    and then stepping back.
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    There is no attempt to create an ideal ecosystem,
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    to produce a heath, a rainforest or a coral reef.
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    Rewilding is about bringing back the species
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    that drive dynamic processes
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    and then letting nature take its course.
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    But it's essential that rewilding must never be used
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    as an excuse to push people off the land.
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    It should happen only with the consent
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    and enthusiasm of the people who work there.
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    Imagine standing on a cliff in England,
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    watching sperm whales attacking shoals of herring
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    as they did within sight of the shore
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    until the 18th century.
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    By creating marine reserves
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    in which no commerical fishing takes place,
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    that can happen again.
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    Imagine a European Serengeti
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    full of the animals that used to live there:
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    hippos, rhinos, elephants, hyenas and lions.
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    What rewilding reintroduces
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    alongside the missing animals and plants
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    is that rare species called hope.
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    It tells us that ecological change
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    need not always proceed in the same direction.
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    The silent spring could be followed by a wild summer.
From the top of the food chain down: Rewilding our world - George Monbiot

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/from-the-top-of-the-food-chain-down-rewilding-our-world-george-monbiot

Our planet was once populated by megafauna, big top-of-the-food-chain predators that played their part in balancing our ecosystems. When those megafauna disappear, the result is a "trophic cascade," where every part of the ecosystem reacts to the loss. How can we stay in balance? George Monbiot suggests rewilding: putting wolves, lions and other predators back on top -- with surprising results.

Lesson by George Monbiot, animation by Avi Ofer.

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