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The Last Reformation - The Beginning (2016) - FULL MOVIE

  • 0:35 - 0:38
    Flesh and sin die.
  • 0:43 - 0:46
    Die with Christ, that's it.
    Rise with Christ.
  • 0:47 - 0:51
    That's it. Holy Spirit, come.
    Holy Spirit come, set her free.
  • 0:51 - 0:53
    Die with Christ.
  • 1:05 - 1:07
    Holy Spirit, more.
  • 1:13 - 1:16
    Come with your Holy Spirit.
    Fill me up.
  • 1:19 - 1:21
    Just words started coming.
  • 1:23 - 1:25
    Thank you, Lord!
  • 1:27 - 1:29
    What was I doing?
    - What?
  • 1:29 - 1:30
    What was I doing?
  • 1:30 - 1:33
    What you were doing?
    You were praying in tongues.
  • 1:51 - 1:52
    Does it hurt?
    - No.
  • 1:53 - 1:54
    Not at all?
    - No.
  • 1:56 - 1:58
    In Jesus' name,
    I thank you. Amen.
  • 1:59 - 2:01
    It's done!
  • 2:01 - 2:03
    ...over one month
    and she is in shock.
  • 2:04 - 2:05
    It's Jesus.
  • 2:06 - 2:08
    I used to watch
    these things on TV
  • 2:08 - 2:11
    and sometimes I do not believe,
    but today I do believe
  • 2:11 - 2:12
    because it happens to me.
  • 2:12 - 2:14
    Pain, go now.
  • 2:14 - 2:18
    And you can do this.
    Now get all up.
  • 2:20 - 2:22
    It's good, yeah?
    - Yeah.
  • 2:22 - 2:24
    Thank you Father. Amen.
    Try to feel it.
  • 2:25 - 2:26
    Can you feel any difference?
  • 2:28 - 2:30
    Seriously, it does not hurt anymore.
  • 2:30 - 2:31
  • 2:33 - 2:36
    God, I thank you for healing. Thank you,
    the pain is going to go.
  • 2:36 - 2:38
    Try to feel the head.
  • 2:38 - 2:42
    I don't feel no pain, bro.
  • 2:42 - 2:45
    Now the pain is gone.
    Now the pain is gone, yes.
  • 2:46 - 2:50
    We, as the church today, are standing
    in front of a new reformation.
  • 2:50 - 2:52
    A reformation,
    where we are coming back
  • 2:52 - 2:55
    to what we read
    in the Book of Acts.
  • 2:55 - 2:56
    If you look at the church today,
  • 2:57 - 3:00
    it is so different from what we read
    in the Book of Acts.
  • 3:00 - 3:03
    Because we have like
    2000 years of history,
  • 3:04 - 3:07
    where the church has been changed
    again and again.
  • 3:08 - 3:12
    We can see that the church
    in the Book of Acts was a living body.
  • 3:12 - 3:16
    It was a body of believers
    who were led by the Holy Spirit.
  • 3:17 - 3:20
    The church was a movement,
    a disciples' movement.
  • 3:23 - 3:27
    Christianity moved to Greece
    and became a philosophy.
  • 3:33 - 3:36
    It came to Italy and
    became an institution.
  • 3:42 - 3:45
    It came to Europe and
    became a culture.
  • 3:52 - 3:55
    It came to America and
    became a business.
  • 3:58 - 4:03
    If you take a body and make
    a business out of a body
  • 4:03 - 4:05
    is that not prostitution?
  • 4:06 - 4:09
    And this is what we have done
    today with the church.
  • 4:09 - 4:14
    We have prostituted the church
    of Christ, the body of Christ.
  • 4:14 - 4:18
    Because of that, we need
    to see a reformation,
  • 4:18 - 4:20
    where we go so much deeper.
  • 4:21 - 4:24
    Where we are talking about the doctrine,
    we are talking about the Spirit,
  • 4:24 - 4:29
    and we are also talking about the whole
    system, the church system.
  • 4:29 - 4:32
    Why we do church the way we do it.
  • 4:32 - 4:36
    It's time to go back to what
    we read in the Book of Acts.
  • 4:38 - 4:44
    God is now bringing us
    back to the beginning.
  • 5:30 - 5:33
    What a mighty God we serve.
  • 5:37 - 5:40
    What a mighty God we serve.
  • 5:44 - 5:47
    Angels bow down.
  • 5:51 - 5:56
    Heaven and earth adore Him.
  • 5:57 - 6:01
    What a mighty God we serve.
  • 6:04 - 6:07
    What a mighty God we serve.
  • 6:10 - 6:14
    Angels bow down.
  • 6:17 - 6:24
    Heaven and earth adore Him.
  • 6:31 - 6:35
    What makes the Book of Acts
    the most unique book of the Bible,
  • 6:36 - 6:41
    is that the Book of Acts is
    the only book in the entire Bible
  • 6:41 - 6:44
    and all of Scripture,
    that shows us
  • 6:44 - 6:47
    how to actually go out
    and make disciples.
  • 6:48 - 6:52
    If you read the gospels that
    lead up to the Book of Acts,
  • 6:52 - 6:55
    what's interesting is,
    that even though these books
  • 6:55 - 6:59
    were written at a time,
    like when they were written,
  • 7:00 - 7:02
    probably about thirty years
    after the cross,
  • 7:02 - 7:06
    but the time periods covered
    are all before the cross.
  • 7:06 - 7:09
    So we don't see the fullness
    of the Christian life there
  • 7:09 - 7:13
    because Christ hadn't yet died,
    he hadn't yet been buried
  • 7:13 - 7:15
    and resurrected and sent
    his Spirit.
  • 7:16 - 7:18
    So we don't see in the gospels
  • 7:19 - 7:21
    how they went out
    and actually made disciples.
  • 7:21 - 7:24
    The Holy Spirit had
    not yet been given
  • 7:24 - 7:26
    and plus, we didn't have
    the power yet
  • 7:27 - 7:29
    to go out
    and be successful doing this.
  • 7:29 - 7:32
    And I think that contributes to a lot
    of the fear today
  • 7:32 - 7:34
    for those who don't
    know the Holy Spirit.
  • 7:34 - 7:36
    Because Jesus told them
    to go and wait.
  • 7:36 - 7:40
    He says, "When my Spirit comes,
    you will receive power
  • 7:41 - 7:43
    and then you will be my witnesses."
  • 7:44 - 7:47
    It's real!
    It's really real!
  • 7:50 - 7:52
    Amen, it's real!
  • 7:59 - 8:01
    - She just got healed.
  • 8:16 - 8:18
    Amazing, Jesus.
    - Thank you, Jesus.
  • 8:24 - 8:27
    Look at that, she's walking.
  • 8:28 - 8:31
    I know in many churches
    there is a sign
  • 8:31 - 8:33
    on the church wall where it's written,
  • 8:33 - 8:37
    'Jesus is the same yesterday,
    today and forever.'
  • 8:37 - 8:41
    We, today as believers,
    believe that
  • 8:42 - 8:44
    Jesus is the same
    yesterday, today and forever.
  • 8:45 - 8:50
    But if He's the same,
    the Holy Spirit is also the same.
  • 8:52 - 8:54
    And if the Holy Spirit is the same,
  • 8:55 - 8:58
    what we read in the Book of Acts
    should also be the same.
  • 9:00 - 9:03
    By the power of Jesus Christ, she
    gets healed right now.
  • 9:06 - 9:09
    This man has just healed this lady.
  • 9:10 - 9:12
    And he's overwhelmed.
  • 9:13 - 9:18
    It's done.
    - It's done. It is finished.
  • 9:18 - 9:20
    It is finished, with his cry.
  • 9:21 - 9:25
    I was walking like this
    because I could not move any faster.
  • 9:26 - 9:27
    What can you do now?
  • 9:33 - 9:34
    Sister, do like this.
  • 9:34 - 9:37
    I could not do this.
    This I could not do.
  • 9:37 - 9:38
    And this I could not do.
  • 9:38 - 9:41
    I would've screamed up the
    whole place doing that.
  • 9:41 - 9:42
    All glory be to His name.
  • 9:42 - 9:45
    In the Book of Acts we see the
    very early Christians,
  • 9:45 - 9:47
    the very early
    disciples of Christ.
  • 9:47 - 9:50
    They were living this
    lifestyle of discipleship.
  • 9:50 - 9:52
    They were reaching people
    in their homes, on the streets.
  • 9:53 - 9:54
    They met people
    where they were at.
  • 9:54 - 9:58
    And the gospel was exploding
    and spreading to the entire world.
  • 9:58 - 10:01
    Thousands and thousands
    and thousands of people
  • 10:01 - 10:02
    came to faith in Jesus Christ
  • 10:03 - 10:05
    and were baptized
    and received the Holy Spirit.
  • 10:06 - 10:08
    But at one point in church history,
    we see that
  • 10:08 - 10:13
    Christianity was institutionalized and
    soon became a state religion.
  • 10:13 - 10:18
    This hierarchy & institutionalized church
    was following us through the reformation
  • 10:19 - 10:21
    where Luther, Calvin
    and Zwingli came.
  • 10:21 - 10:25
    They were trying to reform and bring
    us back to the real gospel,
  • 10:25 - 10:27
    back to the Book of Acts.
  • 10:27 - 10:28
    But they failed.
  • 10:28 - 10:32
    We still have the building.
    We still have the special priesthood.
  • 10:32 - 10:35
    We still have people meeting
    in special buildings,
  • 10:35 - 10:39
    on special dates, with a hierarchy
    and people trying
  • 10:39 - 10:43
    to bring offerings to the church
    to gain the favor of God.
  • 10:43 - 10:47
    Luther did not succeed in bringing
    the church back
  • 10:47 - 10:49
    to what we read in the Book of Acts.
  • 10:49 - 10:50
    The Bible is the book of life.
  • 10:51 - 10:54
    And it doesn't become
    the book of life by studying it.
  • 10:54 - 10:57
    It becomes the book of life
    by living it.
  • 10:57 - 11:01
    I command the pain in this hand
    to go, in Jesus' name.
  • 11:01 - 11:02
    Try to do it again.
  • 11:06 - 11:08
    It's gone.
  • 11:09 - 11:11
    What's this?
  • 11:11 - 11:13
    In Jesus' name,
    right now. Amen.
  • 11:14 - 11:15
    Check it.
  • 11:18 - 11:19
    It's gone.
  • 11:19 - 11:20
  • 11:21 - 11:23
    Go, right now, in the name of Jesus.
    Try again.
  • 11:27 - 11:29
    Bones, I command you to mend
    right now in Jesus' name.
  • 11:30 - 11:31
    Try it out.
  • 11:35 - 11:40
    Is it similar to Reiki?
    - No, Jesus.
  • 11:40 - 11:43
    Jesus, not Reiki.
    - No, no. No energy?
  • 11:43 - 11:45
    God. No, it's not energy.
  • 11:45 - 11:47
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 11:53 - 11:55
    What do you think about
    what just happened?
  • 11:56 - 11:57
    It's cool.
    - It's pretty cool?
  • 11:57 - 12:00
    We are born, put here on earth
    with a purpose.
  • 12:00 - 12:02
    That is, to seek and find God.
  • 12:02 - 12:04
    The problem is that we
    don't seek Him.
  • 12:04 - 12:06
    Because we don't seek Him,
    we don't find Him.
  • 12:06 - 12:08
    Have you heard about Jesus?
  • 12:10 - 12:13
    We live 2015 years
    after Jesus Christ.
  • 12:13 - 12:16
    God is real and He called us
    to be His disciples,
  • 12:16 - 12:19
    Jesus' disciples, to go out
    and show the world He is real.
  • 12:19 - 12:21
    Fifth of April, 1995, I repented.
  • 12:21 - 12:24
    I recognized I have sinned
    and gave my life to Jesus
  • 12:25 - 12:30
    and a light came into my body and
    I fell to the floor, and I met God.
  • 12:30 - 12:34
    When you become a born-again Christian,
    the Spirit of God comes and lives in you
  • 12:34 - 12:36
    and you get to do the things Jesus did.
  • 12:36 - 12:39
    The Bible says that we should be
    doers of the Word
  • 12:39 - 12:40
    and not only hearers.
  • 12:41 - 12:46
    If we only hear the Word and do not
    do it, we are deceiving ourselves.
  • 12:46 - 12:48
    We are like a man
    looking in a mirror
  • 12:49 - 12:53
    but as soon as we go away,
    we have forgotten what we saw.
  • 12:53 - 12:57
    Sunday after Sunday there are
    millions of Christians
  • 12:57 - 13:02
    who are sitting in church and
    listening to the Word of God.
  • 13:02 - 13:06
    But as soon as they go away,
    they have forgotten what they heard.
  • 15:32 - 15:34
    As a pastor,
    in the last couple of years
  • 15:34 - 15:38
    I started to get really hungry.
    I would read through the Book of Acts
  • 15:38 - 15:41
    and I became angry at the way
    that I saw things happening
  • 15:41 - 15:44
    in the Book of Acts, and I didn't
    see this happening
  • 15:44 - 15:46
    in my church, or in my own life,
  • 15:47 - 15:50
    or with the eldership,
    or the structure of the church at all.
  • 15:50 - 15:52
    We weren't just going out
    & healing people.
  • 15:52 - 15:55
    We would lay hands on people
    and tell them to go home
  • 15:55 - 15:59
    and they'll get better maybe,
    in the future, or maybe not.
  • 16:00 - 16:03
    But what I read in the Book of Acts
    is that the Apostles
  • 16:03 - 16:06
    were going out and they
    were just doing this stuff daily.
  • 16:06 - 16:08
    I really felt that
    that's what I wanted.
  • 16:08 - 16:12
    So for two years I've been
    hungry for this stuff,
  • 16:12 - 16:15
    believing that this is
    what I was called to do,
  • 16:15 - 16:17
    but I hadn't really
    been able to do it.
  • 16:17 - 16:20
    The church system has to change.
  • 16:20 - 16:28
    We have to stop being a building-focused,
    Sunday service-attending institution.
  • 16:28 - 16:31
    People are sitting in churches,
    year after year
  • 16:31 - 16:36
    waiting, waiting for that special minister
    to come and pray for them
  • 16:36 - 16:38
    saying, now you have the anointing.
  • 16:38 - 16:42
    You can go out and you can do
    this or that for God.
  • 16:42 - 16:45
    Or they are just sitting there,
    hoping that someone
  • 16:46 - 16:47
    will see them,
    see their talents.
  • 16:48 - 16:51
    And that is not what we see the
    Bible telling us to do.
  • 16:51 - 16:53
    That is not what we see
    Jesus telling us to do.
  • 16:55 - 16:59
    In 1995, I was working as a baker
    and I didn't know anything about God.
  • 16:59 - 17:01
    I didn't know anything
    about the Bible.
  • 17:01 - 17:07
    I was as a young boy in Denmark,
    baptized in the Lutheran Church.
  • 17:07 - 17:10
    I was confirmed in the
    Lutheran Church when I was fourteen.
  • 17:11 - 17:14
    But it was tradition.
    It's tradition for many people today.
  • 17:14 - 17:18
    One night I looked up in the air and said,
    "Come on God, are You there?
  • 17:18 - 17:21
    If You are there, come and take me.
    I want to know You."
  • 17:21 - 17:24
    And a short time after,
    I heard the gospel
  • 17:24 - 17:29
    and the fifth of April, 1995,
    9:30 in the evening,
  • 17:29 - 17:31
    I repented
  • 17:31 - 17:33
    and I gave everything to Jesus.
  • 17:33 - 17:35
    But then I started
    to come in a church.
  • 17:36 - 17:40
    And I started to become like
    the people in the church.
  • 17:40 - 17:42
    And I thought it was Christianity, to
  • 17:42 - 17:48
    meet God and then come to a church
    and sit there every Sunday.
  • 17:48 - 17:51
    But I got more and more frustrated.
  • 17:51 - 17:56
    Because I was like, "Come on, there must
    be more than just going to a church,
  • 17:56 - 17:59
    sitting there two hours every Sunday
  • 17:59 - 18:02
    and listening to somebody preaching."
  • 18:02 - 18:06
    And at one time, I started to
    just read the Book of Acts,
  • 18:06 - 18:10
    read about the first Christians,
    how they were living.
  • 18:11 - 18:13
    And they didn't do the same
    as I was doing.
  • 18:13 - 18:18
    They saw how lives got changed
    where they came.
  • 18:18 - 18:22
    And at that time I was so frustrated,
    because I had been a Christian
  • 18:22 - 18:24
    like many years.
  • 18:24 - 18:26
    But I had never healed the sick,
    never cast out a demon.
  • 18:27 - 18:32
    I had never led anybody to Christ.
    I had never experienced the life
  • 18:32 - 18:37
    we read about in the first church
    in the Book of Acts.
  • 18:37 - 18:39
    So one day in frustration,
    I was like,
  • 18:39 - 18:43
    "God, I give you everything.
    I want to see this life."
  • 18:43 - 18:48
    And then I started to see this life,
    more and more and more.
  • 18:48 - 18:50
    But the problem was
    that in the beginning
  • 18:50 - 18:53
    there was nobody
    who could disciple me.
  • 18:53 - 18:57
    There was nobody, like Jesus did
    when Jesus said,
  • 18:57 - 19:00
    "Come and follow Me
    and I will make you fishers of men."
  • 19:00 - 19:03
    Come and follow Me,
    I will show you
  • 19:03 - 19:05
    how to heal the sick,
    how to preach the gospel.
  • 19:05 - 19:11
    I will show you, train you, in how you can
    be effective in the Kingdom of God.
  • 19:11 - 19:13
    Nobody did that.
  • 19:13 - 19:15
    But what is different now,
    is that
  • 19:15 - 19:18
    now we are starting
    to disciple people.
  • 19:19 - 19:21
    And if we take what we
    have learned and give it
  • 19:21 - 19:26
    to the next generation of disciples
    and they continue from there,
  • 19:26 - 19:29
    and then take that and give it
    to the next generation of disciples,
  • 19:29 - 19:32
    in a very short time,
    we will have disciples
  • 19:32 - 19:36
    walking around on earth,
    looking exactly like Jesus,
  • 19:36 - 19:40
    doing the same things Jesus did.
    Yes, even greater things
  • 19:40 - 19:42
    because He went to the Father.
  • 19:45 - 19:52
    I've prepared the best for you.
  • 19:52 - 19:58
    Yes I have prepared a place of rest.
  • 20:00 - 20:06
    I've prepared the best for you.
  • 20:06 - 20:13
    Yes I have prepared a place of rest.
  • 20:14 - 20:20
    And in that place:
    Life in abundance.
  • 20:21 - 20:24
    In that promised land...
  • 20:24 - 20:28
    Now we will listen
    to a friend of ours, Simon Ådahl.
  • 20:30 - 20:31
    In Swedish.
  • 20:38 - 20:40
    Sweden rules, man!
  • 20:41 - 20:44
    Father, I pray that
    we will take Europe,
  • 20:44 - 20:47
    also Denmark, and Norway
    and the whole world for You!
  • 21:01 - 21:05
    I became a Christian about
    eleven years ago.
  • 21:05 - 21:08
    And I came into
    the Swedish state church
  • 21:08 - 21:10
    from a totally
    non-Christian background.
  • 21:11 - 21:16
    After a while, me and my wife,
    we moved to another city
  • 21:16 - 21:20
    and we came into
    a very big church there.
  • 21:20 - 21:27
    We became leaders in a big
    outreach work there in church.
  • 21:27 - 21:32
    We were supposed to be an example
    but I had never led anybody to Christ,
  • 21:33 - 21:35
    I had never
    baptized anybody myself,
  • 21:35 - 21:38
    I had never seen anybody with my own eyes
    who I prayed for getting healed.
  • 21:38 - 21:42
    I came to a point when
    one night we were out
  • 21:42 - 21:47
    and there came a man to my table
    actually, and he asked,
  • 21:47 - 21:50
    "Yeah, I see what you do,
    I want to become a Christian.
  • 21:50 - 21:52
    How do I do it?"
  • 21:52 - 21:55
    And my reaction was,
    "Okay, I pick you up tomorrow
  • 21:55 - 21:57
    and I bring you to church."
  • 21:57 - 21:59
    So I did that.
    I brought him to church
  • 21:59 - 22:03
    and I brought him to the pastor
    and the pastor led him to salvation.
  • 22:04 - 22:08
    But that made me react. I understood
    that something was wrong,
  • 22:08 - 22:11
    'cause I read the Bible a lot, I went
    to Bible school for a couple years
  • 22:12 - 22:15
    I know what the Bible said
    and I was the one
  • 22:15 - 22:17
    who was supposed
    to do these things.
  • 22:17 - 22:20
    I was the one who was supposed
    to lay hands on the sick
  • 22:20 - 22:22
    and they will recover.
    I was the one
  • 22:22 - 22:26
    who was supposed to baptize people,
    and I didn't do it.
  • 22:26 - 22:27
    Something was wrong.
  • 22:28 - 22:30
    I started to think,
    maybe they are lying,
  • 22:30 - 22:32
    maybe it's not true,
    what people are telling me.
  • 22:33 - 22:34
    So I started to go out.
  • 22:34 - 22:37
    Every morning I woke up
    and just prayed to the Lord.
  • 22:37 - 22:39
    And it was raining sometimes,
    snow, bad weather,
  • 22:39 - 22:42
    I just went out because I was
    really crying out to the Lord.
  • 22:42 - 22:46
    I want to know You.
    I want to have the real life.
  • 22:47 - 22:52
    And one day I was at work and I was
    reading a Christian newspaper.
  • 22:53 - 22:56
    There was a small note there
    about a Danish man
  • 22:57 - 22:59
    who was in
    a shopping mall in Sweden
  • 23:00 - 23:02
    praying for sick people
    and they got healed.
  • 23:02 - 23:05
    And I was like, "What?"
    I saw this kind of article before
  • 23:05 - 23:07
    but this just took my heart,
    and I felt that this is God.
  • 23:07 - 23:12
    So I called him and he answered.
    He was a normal man like me.
  • 23:13 - 23:15
    We spoke and I told him
    about my journey
  • 23:15 - 23:19
    and he thought,
    this is amazing, we should meet.
  • 23:19 - 23:22
    So I gathered a couple of friends
    and we went down to him in Denmark.
  • 23:23 - 23:27
    Then he asked us,
    "Why did you come to Denmark?"
  • 23:27 - 23:29
    We said,
    "We want to see people get healed."
  • 23:30 - 23:33
    Then he said,
    "Okay, in about fifteen minutes
  • 23:33 - 23:35
    you'll see the first person
    get healed."
  • 23:35 - 23:40
    I was like, " yeah, yeah."
    I could not believe this.
  • 23:40 - 23:42
    How can this be a part
    of my life?
  • 23:42 - 23:46
    But we went out on the streets
    and we came to a gang of people,
  • 23:47 - 23:49
    maybe about 25, 30 years old.
  • 23:50 - 23:55
    One of the girls had a problem
    with her knee for many years.
  • 23:55 - 23:58
    He told me to lay my hands
    on her knee
  • 23:58 - 24:00
    and command the pain to go away.
  • 24:00 - 24:03
    I almost blacked out,
    I was so nervous.
  • 24:04 - 24:07
    And I had no faith, either, I think.
    I said, okay I do it.
  • 24:07 - 24:11
    So I did it and she like jumped up.
  • 24:11 - 24:13
    And she got healed.
  • 24:13 - 24:18
    And the whole crowd was like...
    This rocked my world.
  • 24:18 - 24:20
    I just realized, this is true.
    This is true.
  • 24:20 - 24:22
    This actually was enough for me.
  • 24:23 - 24:25
    I prayed for one person
    and then I went by myself.
  • 24:27 - 24:30
    We, as Christians, are called
    to make disciples.
  • 24:31 - 24:35
    Another word we have started
    using is the word 'kickstarting'.
  • 24:36 - 24:38
    It's like if you have a motorbike
    and you want
  • 24:38 - 24:41
    to start the engine,
    you kickstart it.
  • 24:41 - 24:46
    And when that motorbike is started
    you can drive all over the place.
  • 24:47 - 24:51
    In the same way, we as Christians
    need to get kickstarted
  • 24:51 - 24:54
    in doing the things
    Jesus has called us to.
  • 24:54 - 24:58
    When we, for example, kickstart
    a Christian in healing the sick,
  • 24:58 - 25:02
    we take them out on the streets
    and say, "Come and follow us."
  • 25:02 - 25:05
    And then we show them
    how to do it.
  • 25:05 - 25:09
    And when they have done it one time,
    they can do it again.
  • 25:09 - 25:12
    You say you have pain all over
    your body, most in your legs?
  • 25:12 - 25:14
    And we'll pray for it; you'll see it.
  • 25:16 - 25:18
    I command all pain,
    leave right now.
  • 25:18 - 25:20
    Be healed right now
    in the whole body.
  • 25:20 - 25:23
    I command all pain,
    leave the body right now.
  • 25:23 - 25:24
    The whole body, right now.
  • 25:25 - 25:28
    I pray for healing right now,
    in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  • 25:28 - 25:31
    Just move, try to move it.
  • 25:31 - 25:33
    Try to feel it.
  • 25:34 - 25:36
    It felt good.
    - It felt good, yeah?
  • 25:36 - 25:38
    But do you feel the pain now?
  • 25:40 - 25:42
    - It's gone? Yeah.
  • 25:44 - 25:45
    People get surprised.
  • 25:45 - 25:49
    I command this back to be
    totally restored, right now.
  • 25:49 - 25:51
    Bend over like this,
    try to feel it.
  • 25:52 - 25:54
    And up again.
    - For real, it is gone.
  • 25:54 - 25:57
    For real.
    - What?
  • 25:57 - 25:59
    I swear.
    - I am not making things up.
  • 26:00 - 26:04
    You can feel it. It just went away.
    - Oh, yes. Oh, my God.
  • 26:04 - 26:07
    This is growing all over the world.
  • 26:08 - 26:10
    The last years we have seen
  • 26:10 - 26:14
    hundreds of thousands
    of people getting healed.
  • 26:14 - 26:17
    By normal believers,
    who get kickstarted
  • 26:18 - 26:21
    and start to go out
    and heal the sick.
  • 26:21 - 26:26
    And those people now start
    to lead other people to Christ.
  • 26:27 - 26:32
    So the last years we have seen
    thousands of people coming to Christ.
  • 26:32 - 26:35
    And this is really powerful.
  • 26:35 - 26:39
    I came to Stockholm
    and met this brother
  • 26:40 - 26:45
    and he was there with a bunch of guys,
    and his wife was there, too.
  • 26:45 - 26:46
    And there we went out.
  • 26:47 - 26:49
    He first stopped
    this person who had pain
  • 26:49 - 26:52
    and he placed his hand on this person,
    and this person got healed.
  • 26:52 - 26:56
    And I was just like,
    Wow, this is amazing!
  • 26:56 - 26:58
    This person got healed
    and I was like,
  • 26:58 - 27:00
    now it's not on YouTube anymore.
  • 27:00 - 27:04
    I am not watching this on YouTube,
    but now I see it in front of me.
  • 27:04 - 27:08
    It was amazing, seeing the reaction
    of this person who got healed.
  • 27:08 - 27:12
    The next thing that happened was
    that this lady came
  • 27:12 - 27:15
    and she had pain in her stomach.
  • 27:15 - 27:18
    This man, that was
    kickstarting me was like,
  • 27:18 - 27:21
    Now it is your time to pray.
    Just place your hand
  • 27:21 - 27:23
    and command the pain to go.
    So I just placed my hand
  • 27:24 - 27:26
    and I was hesitating,
    but I placed my hand
  • 27:26 - 27:30
    and just commanded,
    "In Jesus' name, pain go."
  • 27:30 - 27:34
    I just removed my hand and suddenly,
    you should have seen
  • 27:34 - 27:38
    the face of this woman.
    She was like, how did you do that?
  • 27:38 - 27:40
  • 27:40 - 27:43
    Are you kidding me?
    - No, we are not kidding.
  • 27:43 - 27:46
    This is true, and that is
    why we do this.
  • 27:47 - 27:49
  • 27:50 - 27:52
    This is sick.
  • 27:52 - 27:55
    Jesus healed you, not me.
  • 27:55 - 27:57
    Wow, I have never been
    in such a thing before,
  • 27:58 - 28:01
    and my dreams just
    came true, right there.
  • 28:01 - 28:04
    This is actually
    the best day of my life.
  • 28:04 - 28:07
    Being part of what I have been
    longing for, for such a long time.
  • 28:07 - 28:11
    So on my way back home
    I was so filled up with joy.
  • 28:11 - 28:13
    So I was sitting in the bus
    going home.
  • 28:14 - 28:20
    When I arrived, I could not
    just sit or just like go home.
  • 28:20 - 28:24
    I just went around in the city downtown
    and I was praying for people
  • 28:24 - 28:27
    and the very same day,
    and I came across these girls
  • 28:27 - 28:29
    that I prayed for and they
    got healed instantly as well.
  • 28:30 - 28:31
    I was like, Wow!
  • 28:31 - 28:34
    So this is not something that happened
    in Stockholm and stayed there.
  • 28:34 - 28:36
    It continues, you know.
  • 28:36 - 28:39
    Ever since then, I was
    going out every day.
  • 28:39 - 28:45
    Every day I was out on the streets and
    I've seen thousands getting healed.
  • 28:45 - 28:49
    It just changed me.
    It changed the entire me.
  • 28:49 - 28:51
    It's, WOW!
  • 28:55 - 28:57
    Move your leg.
  • 28:58 - 29:00
    I do not feel anything.
  • 29:01 - 29:02
    It disappeared?
  • 29:03 - 29:04
    I cannot feel it.
    - No.
  • 29:05 - 29:07
    I cannot feel it.
  • 29:08 - 29:09
    I cannot feel it.
  • 29:09 - 29:12
    Is it not strange?
    - Yes.
  • 29:12 - 29:14
    It was Jesus who healed you.
  • 29:20 - 29:22
    Bend over and try to feel it.
  • 29:25 - 29:28
    It worked, Dennis.
    - Try it. Try it.
  • 29:32 - 29:34
    How does it feel now?
    - It feels perfect.
  • 29:34 - 29:38
    All pain is gone?
    - All pain is totally gone.
  • 29:39 - 29:41
    I swear to God.
  • 29:41 - 29:42
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 29:43 - 29:46
    I was not expecting what we saw,
    I kinda was... this is supposed to happen.
  • 29:46 - 29:49
    I have seen it happen
    in videos all the time
  • 29:49 - 29:51
    but I've never been able
    to do it myself
  • 29:51 - 29:53
    and I fully expected
    that this is what God does.
  • 29:53 - 29:57
    This is what He uses me for.
    This is my purpose here.
  • 29:57 - 30:03
    We prayed for one girl
    who had some issues with the back.
  • 30:03 - 30:05
    I think she had
    some kind of surgery.
  • 30:05 - 30:08
    Pain, go right now.
    Back, go in place right now,
  • 30:08 - 30:13
    in the name of Jesus.
  • 30:13 - 30:15
    I don't know if you feel
    something happening.
  • 30:15 - 30:17
    Oh, snap.
    - Wow, something happened.
  • 30:17 - 30:21
    She got filled with the Holy Spirit
    and God met her in a radical way.
  • 30:21 - 30:23
    She was in tears.
    - She fell down in front of us.
  • 30:24 - 30:29
    Fill her up.
    More, more.
  • 30:29 - 30:32
    The Holy Spirit is over you,
    just open your mouth.
  • 30:38 - 30:40
    Holy Spirit, more, more, more.
    Fill her up.
  • 30:42 - 30:45
    You just got baptized,
    filled with the Spirit.
  • 30:47 - 30:50
    He is there, He is there.
  • 30:51 - 30:54
    This is a new beginning.
    It's a new beginning for you.
  • 30:54 - 30:58
    It's a new beginning.
  • 31:00 - 31:03
    God, we thank You for freedom.
    God, we thank You for a new beginning.
  • 31:03 - 31:07
    Her family that was with her,
    her sister-in-law and her kids,
  • 31:07 - 31:10
    were just totally at peace;
    like everything's normal, and
  • 31:10 - 31:11
    people walking by,
    "What's going on?"
  • 31:11 - 31:13
    And I just remember thinking,
  • 31:14 - 31:18
    This is so cool, what's happening
    to this girl right now.
  • 31:18 - 31:21
    She had no idea what would
    happen that day.
  • 31:21 - 31:24
    She got back up and you could
    tell she was a different person.
  • 31:24 - 31:26
    God had changed her
    from the inside out.
  • 31:28 - 31:30
    I'm okay, Lillia, I'm okay.
  • 31:30 - 31:33
    This is good.
    - Way more than okay.
  • 31:34 - 31:36
    Way better than just okay.
  • 31:36 - 31:39
    God, He wants to be alive.
    He wants to show us
  • 31:39 - 31:41
    and show who He is to us.
  • 31:42 - 31:44
    And see, this is God.
    This is outside here.
  • 31:46 - 31:49
    Not in a fine church,
    but God is there
  • 31:49 - 31:51
    and He wants to be part
    of our life.
  • 31:51 - 31:53
    He wants to be part of your life.
  • 31:53 - 31:56
    Then we moved on from there.
  • 31:56 - 31:59
    Then we prayed for
    a guy named Danny.
  • 32:00 - 32:03
    Right, first we asked for
    another guy if he had any pain.
  • 32:03 - 32:05
    He said, "No."
    And then Danny came.
  • 32:05 - 32:08
    Right. We asked a gentleman
    on a bench if we could pray.
  • 32:08 - 32:12
    He said, "No, no, no, I'm okay."
    And a guy named Danny said,
  • 32:12 - 32:15
    "Oh, my back really hurts."
    - "For how long?"
  • 32:15 - 32:20
    "For ten years."
    Actually it was five years
  • 32:20 - 32:23
    that this man's back hurt.
    And so we said,
  • 32:24 - 32:26
    "Okay cool, well let's sit you down."
    And we sat him down
  • 32:26 - 32:31
    and his one leg was longer than
    the other by about half an inch.
  • 32:31 - 32:34
    Leg grow, loosen and grow
    right now in the name of Jesus.
  • 32:34 - 32:37
    There it is.
    - Yeah, whoa, there is movement.
  • 32:38 - 32:41
    Did you feel that?
    - And it moved in your hands.
  • 32:41 - 32:45
    Something popped
    when it came out.
  • 32:45 - 32:48
    Danny, try to stand up
    and feel your back now.
  • 32:48 - 32:50
    That is pretty good.
    - Is it gone?
  • 32:50 - 32:53
    - Fifteen years, and it's gone.
  • 32:53 - 32:56
    Yeah, well five.
    - Oh, five years, and it's gone now.
  • 32:57 - 33:01
    What did you experience?
    - I don't know, I felt it's good.
  • 33:02 - 33:05
    This is the first time
    he does this.
  • 33:05 - 33:08
    That was awesome, and while
    looking for more people
  • 33:08 - 33:10
    we decided to go get some ice cream.
  • 33:10 - 33:14
    We went in and you talked to
    the lady behind the counter.
  • 33:14 - 33:16
    There was a woman
    behind the counter
  • 33:16 - 33:19
    and she asked what we were doing,
    where we were from, and
  • 33:19 - 33:22
    so we explained to her,
    "Oh, we're going around and praying.
  • 33:23 - 33:26
    I am from Houston and we
    are with people from all over
  • 33:26 - 33:28
    and we're praying for people
    with sickness or pain."
  • 33:29 - 33:31
    She said, "Really?"
    I told about Danny.
  • 33:31 - 33:34
    She said, "Oh my gosh,
    I want to meet this guy."
  • 33:34 - 33:36
    I thought she meant Danny,
    who got healed.
  • 33:37 - 33:39
    "I don't know where he is, sorry."
  • 33:39 - 33:43
    She said, "Whenever he comes
    back to pray, you let me know."
  • 33:43 - 33:46
    In my mind, I thought,
    "That was me! I'm right here."
  • 33:47 - 33:50
    So, yeah I'll come back,
    just a minute.
  • 33:50 - 33:52
    And she came around the
    counter and took off her shoe.
  • 33:53 - 33:54
    "It is this ankle."
    She opened up
  • 33:54 - 33:58
    and I continued praying for her.
    It got better and better.
  • 33:58 - 34:01
    I turn around and there
    are 4 or 5 people saying,
  • 34:01 - 34:04
    "I have pain."
    "Could you pray for me?"
  • 34:07 - 34:11
    How is it?
    - What are you doing?
  • 34:11 - 34:15
    It wasn't me, man.
    - I was in pain.
  • 34:15 - 34:17
    I'm not lying.
  • 34:18 - 34:19
    Is it gone completely?
  • 34:19 - 34:24
    Come on, jump, jump!
    - I can do it now.
  • 34:26 - 34:29
    What are you doing? Jesus.
    - It's Jesus.
  • 34:29 - 34:32
    Go down, go down, go down!
  • 34:34 - 34:37
    When could you do that last time?
  • 34:37 - 34:38
    In the military.
    - Ten years ago?
  • 34:39 - 34:42
    Yeah, ten years ago.
    - So you couldn't do this for ten years?
  • 34:42 - 34:43
    No. Every time I can't.
  • 34:43 - 34:47
    Come on!
    - No, I know it feels good.
  • 34:47 - 34:50
    Sit in the chair.
    See if you can do this quick as usual.
  • 34:50 - 34:52
    And then stand up.
  • 34:54 - 34:57
    If this is God, then...
    I love you.
  • 34:58 - 35:01
    It is God! Ten years you have
    not been able to do that.
  • 35:01 - 35:04
    No, I haven't;
    I've been in pain,
  • 35:04 - 35:06
    always going to the
    doctors, in & out.
  • 35:06 - 35:10
    But Jesus is the great Doctor.
    He is the highest and He is there.
  • 35:11 - 35:12
    He is. Amen.
  • 35:13 - 35:15
    What is wrong with you?
    - My arm.
  • 35:16 - 35:17
    You cannot lift it
    higher than that? No.
  • 35:18 - 35:21
    How long have you had that?
    - Like six weeks.
  • 35:21 - 35:24
    So in six weeks you have not
    been able to do like this.
  • 35:24 - 35:27
    Be loosened right now
    in the name of Jesus, right now.
  • 35:34 - 35:36
    You got it!
  • 35:39 - 35:42
    You got it.
    It's yours, keep it.
  • 35:42 - 35:46
    Before you could get to here
    and it would hurt, right?
  • 35:46 - 35:49
    Moving better, yeah?
  • 35:51 - 35:53
    It's good.
    - Up with your hand!
  • 35:53 - 35:55
    Give me five.
  • 36:06 - 36:08
    You feel good?
  • 36:12 - 36:13
    Now we know what it's like.
  • 36:13 - 36:20
    So we get to go back to Houston
    and go find parks and stores.
  • 36:20 - 36:25
    When we eat pizza somewhere...
    that's not off-limits for God.
  • 36:26 - 36:29
    Yeah, it is like a redhead
    growing up in Asia thinking,
  • 36:29 - 36:32
    "I feel like there has to be more
    in life. Everybody is the same."
  • 36:32 - 36:33
    and then going to Ireland.
  • 36:33 - 36:37
    "There is, there really is!
    There are people like me!"
  • 36:37 - 36:39
    That is how I feel, like,
    "Oh, this is life, okay good."
  • 36:39 - 36:42
    That is what I wanted,
    and now I can go and do that.
  • 36:43 - 36:45
    Yeah, so we are excited
    to go back and I just feel like...
  • 36:45 - 36:50
    Man! My neighbors, the people, they have
    no idea what is about to hit them.
  • 36:50 - 36:54
    Because I get it now, I can do this.
    God, I can absolutely do this.
  • 37:13 - 37:16
    We're living in
    really exciting times in Europe,
  • 37:16 - 37:21
    we're beginning to see a reenactment
    of the Book of Acts in our times.
  • 37:22 - 37:24
    We're seeing that people
    are going out with the gospel,
  • 37:25 - 37:27
    with the demonstration
    of the Kingdom.
  • 37:27 - 37:31
    And it is often
    a very clear gospel message,
  • 37:31 - 37:34
    about turning away
    from one's sins, and
  • 37:35 - 37:38
    part of the package is actually
  • 37:38 - 37:41
    baptism and being filled
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 37:41 - 37:46
    So often in our church systems
    they are separated.
  • 37:46 - 37:48
    But what we are seeing
    more and more,
  • 37:48 - 37:50
    it's coming together
    into one stream,
  • 37:50 - 37:52
    like it was in the Book of Acts.
  • 37:52 - 37:54
    So there's no waiting.
  • 37:54 - 37:59
    So when somebody repents
    and expresses faith in Jesus,
  • 37:59 - 38:03
    they are taken
    wherever there is water.
  • 38:03 - 38:06
    And it can be anywhere;
    it can be a lake,
  • 38:06 - 38:14
    it can be in a rainwater tub,
    it can be in a bath, or wherever.
  • 38:14 - 38:17
    People are baptized immediately
  • 38:17 - 38:19
    and at the same time,
    also filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • 38:20 - 38:23
    The first words that
    came out of Jesus' mouth, were,
  • 38:23 - 38:26
    "Repent, the Kingdom of God is near."
  • 38:27 - 38:30
    And we are called
    to preach repentance today.
  • 38:31 - 38:34
    And it's like that part has been lost
    in the church today.
  • 38:34 - 38:38
    We are talking about faith,
    but we do not talk about repentance.
  • 38:38 - 38:42
    They are almost afraid
    to talk about sin.
  • 38:42 - 38:44
    But we are called
    to talk about sin.
  • 38:44 - 38:48
    We are called to preach repentance.
  • 38:49 - 38:51
    We have to say what sin is.
  • 38:51 - 38:54
    We have to say that those people
  • 38:54 - 38:57
    who continue in sin,
    are going to die.
  • 38:57 - 39:01
    We have to talk about sin
    before we talk about
  • 39:02 - 39:06
    that Jesus was the Lamb of God,
    who came to remove our sin.
  • 39:07 - 39:13
    Because if we don't talk about sin,
    what should people then do with Jesus?
  • 39:13 - 39:16
    Where are you going?
    - I go with God, to heaven.
  • 39:16 - 39:19
    - Because...
  • 39:24 - 39:26
    Are you a good person?
    - Yeah.
  • 39:26 - 39:29
    Have you ever lied?
    - Yeah.
  • 39:29 - 39:31
    Have you ever stolen anything?
  • 39:32 - 39:35
    Downloaded something without paying?
    - Yes.
  • 39:35 - 39:38
    Have you had sex outside of marriage?
  • 39:39 - 39:41
    These are three
    of the ten commandments.
  • 39:41 - 39:44
    How many shall I go through?
  • 39:44 - 39:47
    It's all about how we compare
    ourselves to each other.
  • 39:47 - 39:50
    Of course, if you compare yourself
    to people around you,
  • 39:50 - 39:52
    you can think
    you are a good person.
  • 39:52 - 39:54
    The question is not if you
    think you're a good person.
  • 39:54 - 39:56
    The question is,
    Are you good enough?
  • 39:56 - 39:59
    The Bible says, if you have just
    done one of the sins,
  • 39:59 - 40:01
    you are guilty of them all.
  • 40:01 - 40:06
    It's not like in other things,
    like it's okay if you weigh
  • 40:06 - 40:08
    and you have bad deeds
    and the good...
  • 40:08 - 40:11
    It is not like that.
    It is guilty or not guilty.
  • 40:11 - 40:15
    If you have once broken the law,
    you are guilty of breaking the law.
  • 40:15 - 40:20
    If we talk about God,
    no person can ever
  • 40:20 - 40:24
    come to God, come to heaven
    by our good deeds.
  • 40:24 - 40:26
    It is not possible.
  • 40:26 - 40:29
    And I have always thought
    I was a good person because,
  • 40:29 - 40:31
    yes, I have been
    fighting a little too much,
  • 40:31 - 40:35
    I have been drinking too much.
    I have been doing things, but...
  • 40:35 - 40:41
    this person and this person
    is much worse than me.
  • 40:41 - 40:44
    So my problem was that I compared
    myself to people around me,
  • 40:45 - 40:47
    instead of comparing myself
    to the One
  • 40:48 - 40:50
    I am going to stand
    in front of one day.
  • 40:51 - 40:55
    I believe we have to get back
    to what the Bible shows us.
  • 40:55 - 40:59
    Repentance isn't so much
    feeling sorry about our sins
  • 40:59 - 41:00
    and what we've done
  • 41:01 - 41:06
    and how we've violated God's Word,
    in the sense of ourselves.
  • 41:06 - 41:08
    Being sorry is not true repentance.
  • 41:09 - 41:11
    It's part of it,
    but it is not the full story.
  • 41:11 - 41:15
    We see Pharaoh in the Old Testament
    with the Israelites in Egypt.
  • 41:15 - 41:19
    He was sorry. He proclaimed,
    "Oh, I have sinned against God."
  • 41:19 - 41:24
    So he confessed his sin, but he
    did not turn away from his sin.
  • 41:24 - 41:25
    Neither is it just remorse.
  • 41:25 - 41:29
    A lot of people say that,
    "You see, they're really sorry;
  • 41:29 - 41:31
    they're crying
    because they have true remorse."
  • 41:32 - 41:34
    Judas in the New Testament,
    he had remorse.
  • 41:34 - 41:38
    He was so remorseful
    that he actually committed suicide,
  • 41:38 - 41:40
    but he did not
    turn away from his sin.
  • 41:40 - 41:45
    When we read the Bible, we can
    see that God brackets repentance
  • 41:45 - 41:47
    with forgiveness,
  • 41:47 - 41:52
    rather than forgiveness
    with faith in Jesus.
  • 41:52 - 41:57
    And I think, looking at it in
    the latter part, we often think that
  • 41:57 - 42:02
    with faith in Jesus, God
    automatically forgives us our sins.
  • 42:02 - 42:06
    And as you read the Bible,
    you discover that's not the case.
  • 42:06 - 42:08
    Let's imagine you and me
    play chess together.
  • 42:09 - 42:11
    I move, and then it's your turn.
  • 42:11 - 42:13
    I want to see you move.
  • 42:14 - 42:16
    My turn. Your turn.
  • 42:17 - 42:21
    Am I now allowed to do this?
    Move one there, and one there.
  • 42:21 - 42:24
    Am I allowed to move two times?
    - No.
  • 42:24 - 42:26
    Why? Because there are rules.
  • 42:26 - 42:30
    And the rules are that you move
    one time, then I move one time.
  • 42:30 - 42:34
    When it comes to God,
    you have sinned.
  • 42:34 - 42:36
    You have done something
    that's wrong
  • 42:37 - 42:40
    and because of that,
    you are divided from God.
  • 42:41 - 42:44
    You can not have fellowship with God
    because of our sin.
  • 42:44 - 42:47
    Our sin causes that God
    cannot have fellowship with us.
  • 42:47 - 42:50
    God is looking at you and says,
  • 42:50 - 42:54
    "I don't want to punish you,
    but I am holy, so I need to do it."
  • 42:54 - 42:57
    "But at the same time, I want
    to give you a chance
  • 42:57 - 43:00
    to get forgiveness
    and get a relationship with Me,
  • 43:00 - 43:03
    so I sent my son, Jesus,
    to die for you."
  • 43:04 - 43:05
    So it's like this.
  • 43:05 - 43:08
    You have sinned and broke
    the commandments of God.
  • 43:08 - 43:11
    That's why we are living
    without fellowship with God.
  • 43:11 - 43:14
    We are living our own life,
    divided from God.
  • 43:14 - 43:18
    God looked down on you and said,
    "I don't want to judge you,
  • 43:18 - 43:23
    I want to forgive you, so I send
    my son, Jesus, to die for you."
  • 43:23 - 43:26
    Whose turn is it now?
    Your turn.
  • 43:26 - 43:28
    God wants to forgive.
    He wants to set you free.
  • 43:29 - 43:31
    He wants to give you a new life
    and heal through you.
  • 43:31 - 43:34
    He wants to do those things,
    but he says,
  • 43:34 - 43:38
    "Move, it is your turn!"
    He is waiting for you to do it.
  • 43:38 - 43:43
    But as soon as you say, I repent,
    and receive that forgiveness.
  • 43:43 - 43:47
    As soon as you do this,
    God is like, "I'm going to forgive you."
  • 43:47 - 43:49
    It is so important
    to understand,
  • 43:49 - 43:52
    because there's so many people...
    I had that at one time.
  • 43:52 - 43:55
    Like you, I believed
    there was a God.
  • 43:55 - 43:59
    But in my mind, in my universe,
    "Okay, when it's time,
  • 43:59 - 44:02
    He will come to me.
    It's up to Him.
  • 44:02 - 44:05
    He's great. He can do
    it when he wants to."
  • 44:05 - 44:08
    And I moved the responsibility
    from me over to Him.
  • 44:08 - 44:12
    A true deep repentance
    requires action.
  • 44:12 - 44:15
    It's not just a word; it's
    not just something that we think.
  • 44:15 - 44:17
    True repentance is
    not only realizing
  • 44:18 - 44:21
    that you have sinned
    against a holy God,
  • 44:21 - 44:24
    but that you then
    confess your sins to him,
  • 44:24 - 44:26
    you are remorseful to Him,
  • 44:26 - 44:29
    and you turn away
    from that sinful life
  • 44:29 - 44:30
    and you start living His life.
  • 44:30 - 44:33
    The word for repent in the Bible
    is the word 'metanoia'
  • 44:33 - 44:37
    which means to 'again think'.
  • 44:37 - 44:40
    And God wants us to think again.
  • 44:40 - 44:42
    About our lives
    and how we've lived.
  • 44:43 - 44:49
    If we will have a rethink about God
    and how our sins affect Him,
  • 44:49 - 44:56
    then God will also have a rethink
    about what he thinks about us.
  • 45:05 - 45:09
    And if you confess your sin
    and get it out in the light,
  • 45:09 - 45:11
    you experience forgiveness.
  • 45:11 - 45:15
    But if you keep it close,
    every time you take a step
  • 45:16 - 45:18
    toward the light,
    Satan is going to say,
  • 45:19 - 45:22
    "But remember, but remember..."
    - Yes, that's what he does.
  • 45:23 - 45:25
    But now it's out.
    You have confessed it.
  • 45:25 - 45:28
    You have said it to me;
    you have said it.
  • 45:30 - 45:33
    Be led by the Holy Spirit; maybe you
    should say it to the whole world.
  • 45:33 - 45:36
    I don't know what,
    but there is forgiveness.
  • 45:37 - 45:39
    People need to hear this.
    There is freedom.
  • 45:39 - 45:42
    There's so many girls
    going through it, so many women.
  • 45:43 - 45:44
    And they have done exactly the same,
  • 45:45 - 45:48
    carried it around,
    thirty, forty, fifty years.
  • 45:49 - 45:51
    This is not where freedom is.
  • 45:51 - 45:54
    Freedom is what you
    experience, right now.
  • 45:54 - 46:02
    I came today, seeking God
    for the gift of tongues.
  • 46:03 - 46:10
    And for anything else in my life
    that I may need deliverance from.
  • 46:11 - 46:18
    And over this weekend,
    God has delivered me
  • 46:20 - 46:22
    and blessed me
    with the gift of tongues,
  • 46:23 - 46:26
    and washed me with water baptism.
  • 46:28 - 46:32
    I've been living
    for over thirty years
  • 46:34 - 46:40
    with shame and embarrassment,
    as a secret...
  • 46:41 - 46:45
    that when I was in my twenties
  • 46:46 - 46:47
    I had an abortion.
  • 46:48 - 46:51
    And each and every day
    from that day forward,
  • 46:52 - 46:57
    the devil has had his way with me.
  • 46:59 - 47:05
    So I've been seeking God, too,
    as I was watching Torben's videos.
  • 47:09 - 47:11
    Telling God,
    I can't do it anymore.
  • 47:11 - 47:15
    Pleading, asking,
    wanting to know
  • 47:16 - 47:18
    if He had forgiveness for me.
  • 47:20 - 47:28
    And then it came that He
    led me to come here this weekend.
  • 47:31 - 47:33
    And I felt led to speak with Torben,
  • 47:33 - 47:36
    that God had something to say
    through him to me.
  • 47:38 - 47:48
    So, I was given the opportunity
    by God to be freed.
  • 47:49 - 47:51
    Delivered from this pain.
  • 47:51 - 47:57
    Over thirty years, I am free.
    Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.
  • 48:06 - 48:07
    Be free.
  • 48:08 - 48:14
    ...that when I was in my twenties...
    God help me... He has!
  • 48:14 - 48:20
    I had an abortion
    and ever since that day,
  • 48:24 - 48:26
    God has tried to
    tell me it's okay,
  • 48:26 - 48:30
    but the devil just had
    that greater hold on my life.
  • 48:31 - 48:35
    He just kept hanging on
    and hanging in.
  • 48:35 - 48:37
    I remember the day
    it happened like yesterday
  • 48:37 - 48:39
    and I feel the pain the same.
  • 48:39 - 48:41
    It's a new beginning.
    It's a new start.
  • 48:42 - 48:44
    Are you ready to get
    baptized to Jesus Christ
  • 48:44 - 48:46
    to wash away your sins?
    - Yes.
  • 48:46 - 48:50
    So, on your own faith,
    we baptize you to Jesus Christ.
  • 48:51 - 48:54
    Die with Christ.
    Up with Christ.
  • 48:54 - 48:56
  • 48:57 - 48:58
  • 49:00 - 49:01
  • 49:05 - 49:07
    Come, let's pray for you.
  • 49:07 - 49:11
    God, we thank You for Elizabeth.
    God, we thank You for your freedom.
  • 49:14 - 49:15
    And when she confessed that,
  • 49:15 - 49:19
    another woman came up
    and confessed the same sin.
  • 49:19 - 49:21
    And suddenly, her testimony
  • 49:21 - 49:25
    already brought life and
    forgiveness to another.
  • 49:26 - 49:29
    And that woman, there,
    got baptized in water
  • 49:29 - 49:32
    and she experienced that freedom.
  • 49:32 - 49:35
    Later we were at a meeting
    with eighty people,
  • 49:35 - 49:38
    where she explained
    how she had done that,
  • 49:39 - 49:46
    and it was sin, with the abortion,
    but Jesus had forgiven her her sins.
  • 49:46 - 49:50
    When she confessed that,
    and shared that testimony
  • 49:50 - 49:52
    at a meeting with eighty people,
  • 49:53 - 49:58
    out of that meeting, there came
    twelve women to her afterwards
  • 49:58 - 49:59
    confessing the same.
  • 50:00 - 50:04
    And here we see the power
    in confessing sins,
  • 50:04 - 50:09
    the power of baptism in water,
    and what the gospel is all about.
  • 50:09 - 50:14
    "He who believes and is baptized
    shall be saved," Jesus said.
  • 50:31 - 50:34
    What's really interesting
    about water baptism is that...
  • 50:35 - 50:38
    I believe that through
    time and tradition
  • 50:38 - 50:41
    today, we look at a sacrament
    very different
  • 50:42 - 50:46
    than what the Bible shows us
    a sacrament really is.
  • 50:47 - 50:52
    Often we look at a sacrament as an
    outward sign of an inward reality.
  • 50:53 - 50:55
    And what's interesting
    about that definition
  • 50:55 - 50:59
    is that it takes the spiritual
    and the physical
  • 50:59 - 51:02
    and it completely separates
    these two things.
  • 51:03 - 51:04
    And as a result,
    we only see baptism
  • 51:05 - 51:07
    as something that's
    just ceremonial
  • 51:07 - 51:11
    and has no connection with
    anything in the spiritual realm.
  • 51:11 - 51:13
    In other words, it's
    just like a confirmation
  • 51:13 - 51:16
    of something that's
    already taken place in the spirit.
  • 51:17 - 51:20
    But baptism is very,
    very different from that.
  • 51:21 - 51:23
    What we've discovered,
    is that baptism
  • 51:23 - 51:26
    is not something
    that's just sacramental,
  • 51:26 - 51:29
    as far as being an outward sign
    of an inward reality.
  • 51:29 - 51:32
    We're seeing that when
    you go into that water,
  • 51:32 - 51:34
    the Spirit of God is touching that.
  • 51:34 - 51:38
    And when the physical and the
    spiritual connect in water baptism,
  • 51:39 - 51:41
    God does something miraculous.
  • 51:42 - 51:45
    What's interesting is that
    water baptism is two things.
  • 51:45 - 51:48
    It's both a bath and a burial.
  • 51:49 - 51:51
    And to have a bath,
    you have to be dirty!
  • 51:52 - 51:54
    So, what does that mean?
  • 51:54 - 51:59
    It means that a person
    who's getting baptized
  • 51:59 - 52:03
    needs to acknowledge
    their sins before God.
  • 52:03 - 52:10
    And in that sense, baptism
    and repentance go hand in hand.
  • 52:11 - 52:14
    It's turning
    and coming in faith.
  • 52:14 - 52:19
    And the requirement for baptism,
    what God wants us to bring,
  • 52:19 - 52:22
    is repentance
    and faith in Jesus Christ.
  • 52:23 - 52:26
    A person comes,
    dead in their sins,
  • 52:26 - 52:29
    and what happens is
    we take that person,
  • 52:29 - 52:33
    who's coming in his sins,
    bringing proof of repentance,
  • 52:34 - 52:35
    and then we baptize him.
  • 52:36 - 52:40
    So when that person comes out,
    they are brand new and clean.
  • 52:41 - 52:44
    I tell many people that we meet,
  • 52:44 - 52:47
    water baptism isn't
    just a clean start off.
  • 52:47 - 52:52
    It is a brand new,
    clean life to start.
  • 53:07 - 53:13
    Let it out, let it out.
    More, more.
  • 53:29 - 53:33
    Glory, glory.
  • 53:34 - 53:36
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:37 - 53:39
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:42 - 53:44
    Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:45 - 53:46
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:47 - 53:48
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:49 - 53:51
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:53 - 53:55
    Praise your name. Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:55 - 53:57
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 53:58 - 54:00
    How do you feel?
  • 54:01 - 54:04
    I was feeling like something
    went out of...
  • 54:06 - 54:09
    Welling up; it's the living water
    that's welling up inside of you
  • 54:09 - 54:12
    and God is releasing that
    through your mouth.
  • 54:16 - 54:20
    Claudio, you are a brand new man.
    - Amen.
  • 54:21 - 54:23
    You feel good?
    - Yeah.
  • 54:25 - 54:27
    This is just
    the beginning, Claudio.
  • 54:27 - 54:29
    This is just the beginning.
    - Yes.
  • 54:29 - 54:30
    God's given you this gift now.
  • 54:31 - 54:33
    There's gonna be times where you
    may not know what to pray for.
  • 54:33 - 54:36
    And now you can go
    in faith and pray.
  • 54:37 - 54:39
    You know what's great about
    praying in tongues is
  • 54:39 - 54:42
    that I can concentrate
    on other things while praying
  • 54:42 - 54:43
    because my mind is not praying.
  • 54:44 - 54:46
    I'm just letting my mouth
    move by faith.
  • 54:46 - 54:48
    And the Spirit intercedes
    through us.
  • 54:49 - 54:50
    So God just used you.
  • 54:50 - 54:53
    The Spirit came in
    and intercedes through you.
  • 54:53 - 54:55
    It's beautiful.
    - Amen. Thanks, God.
  • 54:56 - 54:57
    Isn't God good?
    - Yes.
  • 54:57 - 55:00
    He's great.
    - Yes, He is.
  • 55:13 - 55:15
    I've learned something today.
  • 55:16 - 55:19
    The power of water baptism
    unto Jesus.
  • 55:19 - 55:24
    It is no longer like a symbol,
    like most churches might believe,
  • 55:24 - 55:28
    like I used to believe,
    because that's all I knew.
  • 55:28 - 55:31
    I just thought it was something
    you just go through
  • 55:31 - 55:32
    with a sprinkle or whatever.
  • 55:32 - 55:33
    But there's so much power
  • 55:34 - 55:36
    when you truly believe
    what it's all about.
  • 55:36 - 55:39
    About the death, the burial,
    the closure, the old man,
  • 55:39 - 55:43
    the nature is gone,
    and a new man comes up.
  • 55:43 - 55:46
    As I've learned today,
    do you believe
  • 55:46 - 55:47
    in Jesus as your
    Lord and Savior?
  • 55:48 - 55:48
    Yes, I do.
  • 55:48 - 55:54
    Well, the old man goes under,
    you die, and a new man arises.
  • 55:55 - 55:58
    And as soon as he came up
    out of the water,
  • 55:58 - 56:00
    he said something left him.
  • 56:00 - 56:04
    A great weight left him and
    no longer had any hold on his life.
  • 56:04 - 56:08
    And immediately he received
    the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • 56:09 - 56:11
    And this brother was so broken,
    he was sobbing.
  • 56:12 - 56:16
    He was just holding his chest.
    It was so precious to see.
  • 56:16 - 56:19
    It was so precious to see
    what God was doing in his life.
  • 56:19 - 56:22
    And all he could do was just weep
    in the presence of God.
  • 56:23 - 56:25
    And for me, just to see
    what God had...
  • 56:25 - 56:29
    He drove, I guess
    three, four hours to get here
  • 56:29 - 56:31
    because this is what he wanted.
  • 56:31 - 56:33
    And that thing that was
    attacking him all this time
  • 56:33 - 56:40
    no longer has power over him,
    and he is free. He is totally free.
  • 56:40 - 56:43
    And I am truly thankful.
    So now I have learned
  • 56:43 - 56:48
    that there is something
    to water baptism,
  • 56:48 - 56:50
    there is something
    to repentance,
  • 56:51 - 56:54
    there is something to having
    the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
  • 56:54 - 56:56
    All three things are needed.
  • 56:56 - 56:58
    And that has truly
    changed my life.
  • 56:58 - 57:01
    And now I preach that message
    until the day I die.
  • 57:01 - 57:06
    Because I have experienced it,
    and it was one of the most powerful
  • 57:06 - 57:11
    demonstrations of God's love
    that I have ever seen.
  • 57:12 - 57:15
    The reason why I believe
    we're seeing this happen now
  • 57:15 - 57:17
    is because when
    that old man dies,
  • 57:19 - 57:21
    demons lose their grip
    and their grab.
  • 57:23 - 57:26
    They can no longer
    torment a dead man.
  • 57:27 - 57:30
    Because the old man dies.
  • 57:30 - 57:32
    And when you come
    out of that water,
  • 57:33 - 57:35
    you're somebody brand new.
  • 57:36 - 57:38
    There's a new man
    wearing your old clothes.
  • 57:39 - 57:41
    When Jesus was
    walking here on earth,
  • 57:41 - 57:43
    He was preaching repentance.
  • 57:43 - 57:47
    And then He was teaching that
    people need to be born again,
  • 57:47 - 57:50
    out of water and Spirit.
  • 57:51 - 57:56
    But He could not, at that time,
    baptize people in His name.
  • 57:57 - 58:00
    He could not baptize people
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 58:00 - 58:04
    But after the cross,
    when Peter stood up on Pentecost,
  • 58:04 - 58:09
    we hear the full gospel for
    the first time, when Peter said,
  • 58:09 - 58:13
    "Repent, get baptized for the
    forgiveness of your sins,
  • 58:14 - 58:17
    and you will receive
    the Holy Spirit."
  • 58:21 - 58:24
    Okay, you kneel down and you say,
    "I baptize you to Jesus Christ"
  • 58:24 - 58:26
    and make sure he goes down.
  • 58:27 - 58:30
    Die with Christ.
    Up with Christ.
  • 58:32 - 58:36
    Freedom! Freedom!
    Go! Go!
  • 58:36 - 58:37
    Freedom! Freedom!
  • 58:37 - 58:39
    Come! Leave! Go! Go! Go!
  • 58:40 - 58:43
    I command you, spirit go!
    Right now! Come out!
  • 58:43 - 58:46
    Go! In the name of Jesus,
    I command this spirit, go!
  • 58:46 - 58:47
    Leave him, right now!
  • 58:47 - 58:51
    Out! Out!
  • 58:51 - 58:54
    In the name of Jesus, I command
    every demon, go, right now!
  • 58:54 - 58:58
    Go! Right now!
    Come out!
  • 58:59 - 59:02
    I command this demon, go!
    Go, right now!
  • 59:02 - 59:03
    Demon, go!
  • 59:03 - 59:05
    I command every demon,
    leave him right now!
  • 59:05 - 59:11
    Lie, go! Come out!
    More, more. Let it go!
  • 59:11 - 59:15
    I command you, demon,
    in the name of Jesus, come out!
  • 59:15 - 59:22
    Get out! More!
    Go! Go! Go!
  • 59:22 - 59:25
    In the name of Jesus,
    I command the last thing to go!
  • 59:25 - 59:28
    Go! In the name of Jesus,
    every demon, come out!
  • 59:29 - 59:32
    Right now!
    Leave him! Leave him!
  • 59:39 - 59:46
    Fill him up! Fill him up! More!
    Freedom! Freedom!
  • 60:06 - 60:07
    This is real.
  • 60:24 - 60:26
    Thank you.
  • 60:31 - 60:33
    This is real!
  • 60:34 - 60:38
    If you want to read a book about
    this, I want to recommend a book.
  • 60:38 - 60:42
    Maybe you have heard about it.
    The name of the book is the Bible.
  • 60:44 - 60:47
    This is what
    we read in the Bible.
  • 60:48 - 60:52
    He got set free and then
    the Holy Spirit took over.
  • 60:54 - 60:57
    It's not just a picture;
    it's real.
  • 60:58 - 61:01
    And if this is real in the Bible,
    what about the rest?
  • 61:02 - 61:06
    Every word is real,
    from the beginning to the end.
  • 61:06 - 61:08
  • 61:08 - 61:10
    My friend!
  • 61:15 - 61:17
    I still remember
    clenching my fists,
  • 61:18 - 61:21
    and I remember
    banging on the water,
  • 61:22 - 61:26
    and then I was really
    yelling out loud, and then
  • 61:28 - 61:30
    there was a commotion,
    something happening.
  • 61:30 - 61:33
    I didn't know it was me.
    I didn't know what was happening.
  • 61:34 - 61:38
    I had my eyes closed,
    and then I opened my eyes,
  • 61:38 - 61:40
    and I was in a different position
    to where I was before.
  • 61:40 - 61:45
    I was looking,
    and Torben was over there,
  • 61:45 - 61:48
    and I was facing this way, and
    before, I was facing the other way.
  • 61:48 - 61:50
    I didn't quite understand why.
  • 61:50 - 61:53
    And then there was
    some more commotion.
  • 61:56 - 61:58
    The last thing I remember
    was Torben saying,
  • 61:58 - 62:00
    "Demons, get out."
  • 62:02 - 62:05
    It was peaceful then;
    it just calmed down.
  • 62:06 - 62:11
    There was quietness and silence.
  • 62:13 - 62:15
    I can remember looking up
    and there were loads of people
  • 62:15 - 62:17
    with all their cameras out.
  • 62:17 - 62:18
    Many people looked at me
  • 62:18 - 62:21
    and it was like
    I was in a bit of a shock.
  • 62:21 - 62:25
    Like coming out of a surgery
    and everyone's there.
  • 62:27 - 62:30
    In terms of how
    I can explain it,
  • 62:31 - 62:33
    through my life
    and my experiences,
  • 62:33 - 62:35
    there's not anything
    that's close to this.
  • 62:35 - 62:37
    But the best thing I have
    from my experience
  • 62:37 - 62:41
    is it's like having
    a tooth taken out.
  • 62:43 - 62:45
    I knew there was
    something in there
  • 62:45 - 62:50
    when this commotion was going on,
    that had no right to be there.
  • 62:51 - 62:53
    It's like now that
    that tooth has come out,
  • 62:53 - 62:56
    and there's nothing there.
    It has come out. Gone.
  • 62:56 - 62:59
    And there's like new skin there.
  • 62:59 - 63:01
    When you have
    your tooth taken out,
  • 63:01 - 63:03
    you want to get your tongue
    and you want to touch it.
  • 63:04 - 63:06
    You just creep your tongue over
    to where the tooth has come out,
  • 63:07 - 63:09
    to feel what it is like,
    and it was like that.
  • 63:09 - 63:14
    There was something
    new and young there,
  • 63:14 - 63:17
    where this tooth had been.
  • 63:18 - 63:22
    And I'm happy I'm free,
    thanks to Jesus Christ.
  • 63:22 - 63:25
    As soon as people get baptized,
    I start to pray for them
  • 63:25 - 63:29
    for deliverance because now
    they have died with Christ,
  • 63:29 - 63:32
    they have risen up with Christ,
    so now Satan has to leave them.
  • 63:33 - 63:36
    And it's really strong
    to see deliverance
  • 63:36 - 63:39
    out there as part of baptism.
  • 63:39 - 63:44
    And it was so powerful.
    So many people came and saw it
  • 63:44 - 63:50
    and suddenly there was a multitude
    of 150, 200 people looking on.
  • 63:50 - 63:54
    Right after he got set free,
    he got baptized with the Holy Spirit
  • 63:54 - 63:57
    and spoke in tongues.
    It was really powerful.
  • 63:58 - 64:01
    Then we were supposed to baptize
  • 64:01 - 64:06
    the rest of his family: his son
    and his daughter, and his wife.
  • 64:06 - 64:10
    When they came down in
    the water, ready to get baptized,
  • 64:10 - 64:12
    God did something amazing.
  • 64:12 - 64:14
    We read in the gospels today
  • 64:14 - 64:17
    that Jesus got baptized
    in the river Jordan.
  • 64:18 - 64:21
    We read the bit when the heavens opened
  • 64:21 - 64:24
    and the Holy Spirit
    came down like a dove.
  • 64:24 - 64:27
    Me and Lauren,
    we were just saying,
  • 64:28 - 64:30
    "Shall we pray that something
    like that happens today?
  • 64:30 - 64:34
    That we see a sign in the sky
    when we get baptized?"
  • 64:35 - 64:38
    So when we got baptized,
  • 64:38 - 64:41
    I was in the water
    waiting to get baptized,
  • 64:41 - 64:45
    and I heard people in
    the crowd saying, "Look up!"
  • 64:45 - 64:52
    And I turned and I looked up and
    saw 'real' written in the sky.
  • 64:52 - 64:54
    And it was like my prayer
    had been answered
  • 64:54 - 64:56
    as I was about to get baptized.
  • 64:57 - 64:58
    Thank you, Jesus.
  • 64:58 - 65:02
    Everybody pointed and said,
    "Look, look up!"
  • 65:03 - 65:06
    And up in the sky,
    there had just been an airplane
  • 65:06 - 65:10
    writing in the sky, 'real'.
  • 65:10 - 65:15
    And it was in the same time
    that I was praying for her husband
  • 65:15 - 65:18
    and he got delivered,
    and I had been saying,
  • 65:18 - 65:21
    "This is real.
    This is not a picture."
  • 65:21 - 65:25
    "If this is real. Everything we
    read in the Bible is real."
  • 65:26 - 65:29
    And suddenly we saw it,
    in the sky,
  • 65:30 - 65:32
    that God had written, 'real'.
  • 65:35 - 65:41
  • 65:43 - 65:46
    Torben, look up!
    - Yeah, I have seen it.
  • 65:47 - 65:49
    Yeah, I see it.
  • 65:53 - 65:56
    We started to preach
    the gospel afterwards
  • 65:56 - 66:01
    and many more people
    repented and got saved that day.
  • 66:01 - 66:06
    Instead of just baptizing eight
    people as we were supposed to,
  • 66:07 - 66:09
    we baptized more
    than thirty people.
  • 66:09 - 66:12
    Because people who
    saw what happened,
  • 66:12 - 66:15
    saw how people
    got delivered from demons,
  • 66:15 - 66:17
    saw how they
    received the Holy Spirit,
  • 66:18 - 66:20
    they also repented
    from their sins
  • 66:21 - 66:24
    and came and got baptized
    and experienced the same.
  • 66:27 - 66:31
    The demonic world is so real.
    It's very real.
  • 66:32 - 66:35
    I have seen glimpses
    of it in churches
  • 66:35 - 66:41
    when evangelists had come,
    or so-called "men of God" had come,
  • 66:41 - 66:42
    people who walk in authority.
  • 66:43 - 66:45
    They pray for people
    and see them manifest.
  • 66:45 - 66:48
    But I had never seen it happen
    from my own hand.
  • 66:49 - 66:51
    The first real experience I had
  • 66:53 - 66:54
    and probably
    the biggest experience
  • 66:54 - 66:56
    is when my wife and I
    baptized someone
  • 66:56 - 66:59
    for the first time in our home.
  • 67:00 - 67:05
    This person, she was involved in
    New Age: Reiki healing,
  • 67:06 - 67:11
    tarot card reading, crystals,
    a lot of New Age things.
  • 67:11 - 67:16
    We baptized her and if we had
    just left it at that
  • 67:17 - 67:20
    like a normal church service,
    we would have smiled,
  • 67:21 - 67:24
    given her a certificate and
    had a cup of coffee afterwards.
  • 67:25 - 67:28
    But we continued to
    pray for her, and pray for her,
  • 67:28 - 67:32
    and after about two minutes,
    the demons started to manifest.
  • 67:34 - 67:38
    And one after one, they manifest
    and we cast them out.
  • 67:38 - 67:42
    And it was the most real,
    the most radical experience,
  • 67:42 - 67:43
    that I've ever had.
  • 67:44 - 67:48
    It opened my eyes up
    to the battle. This is a fight.
  • 67:50 - 67:55
    We are not just asked,
    we are not told it's a good idea,
  • 67:55 - 67:58
    but we are commanded by Jesus
    to cast out demons.
  • 67:59 - 68:02
    We're given the responsibility
    to set people free in Jesus' name.
  • 68:03 - 68:07
    Why is there a fight going on?
    Because Satan don't like it.
  • 68:07 - 68:10
    But now we are going
    under water and then
  • 68:10 - 68:13
    she's going to come up
    and you are going to see
  • 68:13 - 68:16
    a freedom. You are going to see
    a freedom and a new life.
  • 68:17 - 68:19
    Just kneel down.
    Don't be afraid. Kneel down.
  • 68:19 - 68:21
    Just kneel down.
    - I cannot.
  • 68:21 - 68:25
    No, you can, you can.
  • 68:25 - 68:27
    In the name of Jesus,
    you can, you can.
  • 68:28 - 68:31
    It's a new life.
    Satan is a liar. Satan is a liar.
  • 68:31 - 68:33
    He has been lying
    and he don't want you
  • 68:33 - 68:36
    to give everything over
    to Jesus Christ.
  • 68:36 - 68:38
    Because when you give yourself
    over, he will set you free
  • 68:38 - 68:42
    and Satan is going to lose
    and he don't want this.
  • 68:43 - 68:44
    You can.
  • 68:45 - 68:47
    My knees don't want to bend.
  • 68:47 - 68:50
    Go down, in the name of Jesus.
  • 68:50 - 68:53
    She wants to, but her knees
    don't want to bend.
  • 68:53 - 68:56
    She cannot get down.
    There is a fight going on.
  • 68:56 - 68:58
    In Jesus' name,
    God, we thank you.
  • 68:58 - 69:00
    Just go down, in the name of Jesus,
    just go down.
  • 69:00 - 69:02
    Down, down, just go down,
    in the name of Jesus.
  • 69:03 - 69:05
    In the name of Jesus.
    In the name of Jesus, go down.
  • 69:05 - 69:09
    Go down, go down.
    In the name of Jesus, go down.
  • 69:09 - 69:12
    Are you ready to get baptized
    to Jesus Christ?
  • 69:13 - 69:16
    So on your own faith
    we baptize you to Jesus Christ.
  • 69:16 - 69:19
    Just go down. Die with Christ.
    Up with Christ.
  • 69:22 - 69:27
    Freedom! Freedom! Satan, go!
    Leave her! Leave her, right now!
  • 69:28 - 69:34
    Come out! Come out!
    Leave him! Go!
  • 69:34 - 69:39
    Come out! Go!
    Right now!
  • 69:39 - 69:43
    Loose! Loose!
  • 69:43 - 69:46
    Go! Go! In the name of Jesus,
    I command this religious spirit,
  • 69:47 - 69:48
    go, right now,
    in the name of Jesus!
  • 69:49 - 69:51
    Go! Last thing, go!
  • 69:51 - 69:53
    Go! Go, in the name of Jesus!
  • 69:54 - 69:54
    Go! Right now!
  • 69:55 - 69:58
    Go! Go!
  • 69:59 - 70:01
    Get out, in the name of Jesus!
    Get out!
  • 70:01 - 70:04
    Go! Right now! Come out!
  • 70:04 - 70:07
    Every anger, every fear,
    go right now, in the name of Jesus!
  • 70:08 - 70:12
    Come out! Right now!
    Get out! Get out now!
  • 70:12 - 70:14
    Come out, right now!
  • 70:14 - 70:15
    I command you, go!
  • 70:15 - 70:17
    Go! Go right now!
    Freedom! Right now!
  • 70:17 - 70:18
    Let it go!
  • 70:21 - 70:22
    I command this demon, go!
  • 70:22 - 70:24
    I command this spirit to go!
  • 70:25 - 70:29
    Get out! Get out! Just now!
  • 70:30 - 70:33
    Go, in the name of Jesus!
    Go right now, in the name of Jesus!
  • 70:33 - 70:34
    Get out right now!
  • 70:42 - 70:46
    Go! Go! I command every demon,
    leave him right now!
  • 70:46 - 70:47
    Come out!
  • 70:48 - 70:50
    Go, right now in Jesus' name!
  • 70:50 - 70:54
    Come out!
    Come out, right now!
  • 70:54 - 70:56
    Go! Go!
    Go, in the name of Jesus!
  • 70:56 - 71:00
    I command every spirit, leave him.
    Right now! Right now! Come out!
  • 71:00 - 71:03
    Get out! Get out!
    Get out right now in Jesus' name.
  • 71:03 - 71:08
    Come out! Come out!
  • 71:48 - 71:49
  • 71:54 - 71:56
    Can you experience a freedom?
  • 71:57 - 71:58
    You are free.
  • 72:03 - 72:08
    How is it?
    - It's great, thank you!
  • 72:15 - 72:17
    Come on, a new life.
  • 72:21 - 72:23
    Come on, can you see it?
    I love it!
  • 72:47 - 72:49
    Come on friends, can you see it?
  • 72:50 - 72:52
    This is the power in baptism.
  • 72:52 - 72:56
    Repent from your sins,
    towards Jesus Christ.
  • 72:58 - 73:01
    It is a battle.
    But Satan has lost.
  • 73:01 - 73:03
    Jesus is alive.
  • 73:04 - 73:13
    A new life, a new life.
  • 73:16 - 73:17
    - Yes.
  • 73:17 - 73:20
    Praise the Lord.
    Praise Jesus.
  • 73:23 - 73:27
    Thank you that you are filling her up.
    Thank you, thank you.
  • 73:27 - 73:29
  • 73:30 - 73:31
  • 73:36 - 73:38
    You got the Holy Spirit.
    - Yeah.
  • 73:58 - 74:00
    He has never spoken
    in tongues before now.
  • 74:01 - 74:03
  • 74:07 - 74:08
    We have seen so many people
  • 74:08 - 74:12
    got delivered from sin
    in baptism.
  • 74:12 - 74:14
    We have seen
    schizophrenic people
  • 74:14 - 74:17
    get delivered from demons
    in baptism.
  • 74:17 - 74:20
    We have seen people
    with eating disorders
  • 74:20 - 74:22
    get delivered in baptism.
  • 74:22 - 74:25
    We have seen sick people
    get healed in baptism.
  • 74:25 - 74:28
    We have seen many people
    who were not able before
  • 74:28 - 74:31
    to receive the baptism
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 74:31 - 74:33
    But when they
    got baptized in water,
  • 74:33 - 74:37
    the Holy Spirit came over them
    and they started to speak in tongues.
  • 74:37 - 74:39
    It is real. I tell you, it is real.
  • 74:39 - 74:43
    I don't know how to explain it,
    but the Spirit of God came
  • 74:43 - 74:46
    and I was really baptized in the
    Spirit. I really spoke in tongues.
  • 75:00 - 75:02
    I'm going to pray
    and you are going to help me.
  • 75:03 - 75:04
    What is your name?
    - Kathy.
  • 75:04 - 75:09
    Kathy has anxiety and she also wants
    to get baptized with the Holy Spirit.
  • 75:09 - 75:14
    We just met and I talked about baptism
    with the Holy Spirit and how it is.
  • 75:14 - 75:15
  • 75:15 - 75:16
    I believe in you.
  • 75:17 - 75:19
    I believe in you, Jesus.
  • 75:19 - 75:21
    I repent.
  • 75:21 - 75:22
    And I ask you,
  • 75:23 - 75:24
    set me free
  • 75:24 - 75:27
    from every anxiety
  • 75:27 - 75:30
    and come with your Holy Spirit.
  • 75:30 - 75:31
    Fill me up.
  • 75:31 - 75:32
    Baptize me.
  • 75:33 - 75:34
    Right now.
  • 75:34 - 75:36
    In the name of Jesus.
  • 75:36 - 75:40
    The Bible is clear that
    there is always a sign
  • 75:40 - 75:44
    when people receive
    the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
  • 75:44 - 75:47
    In the Book of Acts, chapter 8,
    we can read about Philip,
  • 75:47 - 75:50
    how he came to Samaria
    and he preached the gospel.
  • 75:50 - 75:54
    And people received the message
    and they repented
  • 75:54 - 75:57
    and they got baptized
    in water to Jesus Christ.
  • 75:58 - 76:00
    But at that time
    they had not yet
  • 76:00 - 76:02
    received the baptism
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 76:03 - 76:06
    So when the Apostles
    came, they saw
  • 76:06 - 76:09
    that they have not received the
    baptism with the Holy Spirit.
  • 76:09 - 76:11
    So they laid their hands on them
  • 76:11 - 76:15
    and they received the baptism
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 76:15 - 76:17
    You don't read
    right there what happened,
  • 76:17 - 76:21
    but you know there was a sign.
  • 76:22 - 76:24
    Because there was a guy, Simon.
  • 76:24 - 76:28
    Simon, he saw how
    the Holy Spirit was given
  • 76:28 - 76:30
    by the hands of the apostles.
  • 76:30 - 76:33
    And when he saw that,
    he wanted the same power,
  • 76:33 - 76:36
    that those people on which
    he would lay his hands
  • 76:36 - 76:37
    would also receive
    the Holy Spirit.
  • 76:37 - 76:40
    Now we start to speak
    in tongues, when I say, "Now"
  • 76:40 - 76:42
    just say the first words
    and let it out.
  • 76:45 - 76:46
  • 76:54 - 76:55
    Holy Spirit, freedom.
  • 76:56 - 76:57
    Freedom, right now.
  • 77:01 - 77:05
    Freedom, right now.
    Freedom, freedom.
  • 77:05 - 77:06
    Holy Spirit, freedom.
  • 77:08 - 77:11
    Freedom, right now.
    Come with your strength, right now.
  • 77:11 - 77:14
    Strength, strength.
  • 77:25 - 77:28
    Yeah, it's cool, isn't it?
    I had mine done yesterday.
  • 77:28 - 77:30
    He got baptized with
    the Holy Spirit yesterday
  • 77:30 - 77:32
    and you, today.
  • 77:32 - 77:36
    I have never spoken
    in tongues before.
  • 77:36 - 77:39
    How? It just came?
    - Yeah.
  • 77:39 - 77:40
    How was that?
  • 77:40 - 77:43
    That was awesome;
    that's crazy amazing.
  • 77:44 - 77:46
    Try to imagine that
    here in the middle of the street.
  • 77:46 - 77:50
    That's awesome, thank you.
    Thank you so much.
  • 77:50 - 77:53
    You go and tell others
    now about this.
  • 77:53 - 77:55
    I have always felt that if there
    are two camps;
  • 77:56 - 77:59
    if you go to one camp they only
    talk about miracles, miracles.
  • 78:00 - 78:02
    That didn't seem to make
    a lot of sense to me
  • 78:02 - 78:05
    for the simple reason that
    if Jesus only wanted
  • 78:05 - 78:07
    to help us with miracles
    and healing my physical body,
  • 78:08 - 78:09
    and that's all he wanted to do,
  • 78:09 - 78:12
    then it kind of contradicts
    this whole aspect of
  • 78:12 - 78:15
    God promising to give us believers
    a new body one day.
  • 78:15 - 78:18
    But at the same time, if I go
    to the other side of the camp
  • 78:18 - 78:23
    and I say miracles are not for
    today, it's only the Word of God,
  • 78:23 - 78:24
    then it contradicts Scripture
  • 78:24 - 78:27
    because the Scripture says that
    the Word will come with power
  • 78:27 - 78:29
    and He'll confirm it with power.
  • 78:29 - 78:31
    So where is that middle road?
  • 78:31 - 78:33
    And the middle road is found
    in the Word of God,
  • 78:34 - 78:36
    where there is
    a balance of both;
  • 78:36 - 78:38
    where we want the Word of God
  • 78:38 - 78:41
    to come together
    with the power of God
  • 78:41 - 78:44
    and actually make a
    transformation in people's lives,
  • 78:44 - 78:48
    where people will truly be
    convicted by the Holy Spirit,
  • 78:48 - 78:51
    experience a new life,
    repent, turn from sin,
  • 78:51 - 78:55
    not just confess sin,
    but forsake sin,
  • 78:55 - 78:57
    receive the power of God,
  • 78:57 - 78:59
    be baptized in water,
    speak in tongues,
  • 78:59 - 79:02
    and operate on a
    day-to-day basis
  • 79:02 - 79:05
    with the power of God in you
  • 79:05 - 79:07
    or rather, in the temple,
    which is us.
  • 79:07 - 79:10
    For years, I just goofed
    around with religion.
  • 79:11 - 79:12
    Then I moved away
    from it completely,
  • 79:12 - 79:15
    and then there was this hunger
    to come back to it.
  • 79:15 - 79:18
    And as I came back, I realized
    there were areas in my life
  • 79:18 - 79:20
    where I was shut down
    in unbelief.
  • 79:20 - 79:23
    That doesn't happen for today;
    that was only in Jesus' time,
  • 79:23 - 79:25
    or that's only meant for a few people.
  • 79:25 - 79:27
    Then I read the Bible
    and it says,
  • 79:27 - 79:29
    "These signs will follow
    those who believe."
  • 79:29 - 79:33
    And I'm saying," I am a believer,
    why is it not happening?"
  • 79:33 - 79:36
    And what we need is
    to stir each other's faith.
  • 79:37 - 79:39
    If I have a team of people
    and all doing the same thing,
  • 79:39 - 79:41
    I get encouraged in my faith.
  • 79:41 - 79:42
    The same with you now.
  • 79:42 - 79:44
    Today you have a
    gift of a language.
  • 79:44 - 79:47
    If you don't use that gift,
    guess what will happen?
  • 79:47 - 79:48
    It will fall away.
  • 79:48 - 79:50
    What will happen if you
    have this in you now
  • 79:50 - 79:53
    and you are not going
    to read your Bible?
  • 79:53 - 79:55
    You will throw it all away.
  • 79:55 - 79:57
    Cultivate it;
    make it your lifestyle.
  • 79:57 - 79:59
    Make God the center of your life
  • 79:59 - 80:02
    and do what we are doing
    to your friends.
  • 80:02 - 80:04
    Think of anyone you know,
    any one of your friends.
  • 80:04 - 80:06
    Call them and tell them
    what happened.
  • 80:06 - 80:09
    Share your testimony
    and then you pray for them.
  • 80:09 - 80:11
    Believe that when you put your
    hand to pray,
  • 80:11 - 80:14
    I am talking with confidence. Guess
    how long have I been doing this?
  • 80:14 - 80:16
    Since yesterday.
    - Today.
  • 80:16 - 80:18
    Today is my first day healing people.
  • 80:18 - 80:20
    I am praying for healing today.
  • 80:20 - 80:23
    Now just imagine,
    all that church junk we learned,
  • 80:23 - 80:25
    and I could never do anything.
  • 80:25 - 80:27
    And now with the power
    of God in us,
  • 80:27 - 80:29
    you can do it right now,
    and actually
  • 80:29 - 80:32
    look for somebody, pray for them
    and you will have a healing.
  • 80:32 - 80:35
    That's the power of Jesus Christ.
    He is amazing!
  • 80:35 - 80:37
    Come on, all come together.
    Watch what's happening.
  • 80:37 - 80:39
    You will see what
    God is going to do.
  • 80:39 - 80:40
    Is that awesome?
    - Yeah.
  • 80:41 - 80:43
    Who wants to come first,
    who has got a problem?
  • 80:43 - 80:46
    No, no, really.
    - You have got blisters, right now.
  • 80:46 - 80:48
    - You have got pain in the ankle?
  • 80:49 - 80:51
    No, on my foot,
    I have got blisters everywhere.
  • 80:51 - 80:54
    Be healed, in Jesus' name.
  • 80:55 - 80:57
    How do you feel?
    Move your leg.
  • 80:58 - 80:59
    Oh, my God.
  • 80:59 - 81:02
    No, I don't feel anything.
    - Really?
  • 81:02 - 81:05
    On a scale of one to ten,
    do you feel any pain?
  • 81:05 - 81:08
    Only two.
    - Okay, let's pray again.
  • 81:08 - 81:13
    Bones, come into alignment.
    Be healed, in Jesus' name.
  • 81:14 - 81:17
    I don't feel anything.
    That's crazy.
  • 81:17 - 81:19
    It is!
    Isn't Jesus awesome?
  • 81:20 - 81:23
    He is amazing, isn't He?
    - I love Him.
  • 81:23 - 81:25
    Thank you so much.
    - Are you sure?
  • 81:25 - 81:28
    You are not just saying this to please me?
    - No, I am being legit.
  • 81:28 - 81:32
    I can actually walk.
    - Fantastic. Walk and show me. Come on.
  • 81:32 - 81:34
    No pain at all?
  • 81:34 - 81:37
    Praise Jesus, praise Him.
    Who is the next?
  • 81:39 - 81:41
    I have joint pains in my knee.
  • 81:41 - 81:43
    - Yeah.
  • 81:44 - 81:46
    How long have you had it for?
  • 81:46 - 81:51
    It started about the middle of
    last year and it comes and goes.
  • 81:51 - 81:53
    What would you say
    is the pain level now?
  • 81:53 - 81:54
    Can you feel any pain?
  • 81:55 - 81:57
    When I put pressure on it.
  • 81:57 - 81:59
    Okay, let's pray.
  • 81:59 - 82:02
    Knees, joints be healed,
    in Jesus' name.
  • 82:02 - 82:05
    Move it now
    and see how you feel.
  • 82:05 - 82:06
    Just move it around.
  • 82:06 - 82:09
    That's a bit funny.
  • 82:10 - 82:13
    It was there two seconds ago
    and now it doesn't hurt.
  • 82:13 - 82:15
    At all? Completely?
  • 82:15 - 82:16
    At all. I'm putting
    pressure on it.
  • 82:16 - 82:20
    If I put pressure on it
    normally I feel like...
  • 82:20 - 82:22
    Is it completely gone?
    - Yeah.
  • 82:22 - 82:23
    Praise God for that.
  • 82:23 - 82:26
    You know how this
    healing happened?
  • 82:26 - 82:28
    By the power of Jesus.
  • 82:28 - 82:30
    It's Jesus that does it, not me.
  • 82:30 - 82:33
    I am not any special person;
    I am just a messenger.
  • 82:33 - 82:36
    Anyone else has got anything?
    Come on.
  • 82:36 - 82:38
    I recently recovered
    from a sprained ankle
  • 82:38 - 82:40
    and still get pain
    every now and again.
  • 82:40 - 82:42
    Do you have it right now?
    - A little bit.
  • 82:42 - 82:45
    Move it around and see
    what kind of pain you have.
  • 82:45 - 82:46
    Yeah, I have got pain.
    - Okay.
  • 82:47 - 82:51
    Ankles, be healed,
    in the name of Jesus.
  • 82:51 - 82:54
    Move your ankle.
    - That feels weird.
  • 82:55 - 82:56
    Come on, walk a little bit.
  • 83:00 - 83:03
    That's so...
    - Isn't He amazing?
  • 83:03 - 83:05
    I am as amazed as you,
    because you know what?
  • 83:05 - 83:09
    I am a new Christian.
    I have just been baptized in water.
  • 83:09 - 83:12
    I have just received
    the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • 83:12 - 83:16
    I spoke in a foreign language,
    just like the Bible says.
  • 83:16 - 83:18
    Then the Bible says,
    go out and heal people.
  • 83:18 - 83:21
    Don't listen to the religious
    denominations of Christianity.
  • 83:21 - 83:24
    That's all rubbish.
    That's all religion.
  • 83:24 - 83:27
    True followers of Christ
    do what Jesus tells us to do,
  • 83:27 - 83:28
    and that's what we do.
  • 83:29 - 83:30
    We are simple, ordinary people,
  • 83:30 - 83:33
    just going out and
    listening to what Jesus says.
  • 83:42 - 83:44
    How much do you know
    about the Holy Spirit?
  • 83:44 - 83:47
    And baptism with the Holy Spirit?
    - He intercedes for me.
  • 83:47 - 83:49
    Have you heard about speaking in tongues?
  • 83:50 - 83:54
    I have; I have seen it
    when I was younger
  • 83:54 - 83:58
    but I got really scared,
    so I wasn't sure what it was,
  • 83:58 - 84:00
    with very little understanding
    about the Bible
  • 84:00 - 84:02
    and how the Holy Spirit works.
  • 84:03 - 84:05
    It was kind of hard for me
    to understand, but
  • 84:05 - 84:10
    in the church that I go to
    I have not seen it happening yet.
  • 84:11 - 84:13
    In the Book of Acts, chapter 19,
    you read about Paul,
  • 84:13 - 84:16
    how he came to Ephesus,
    where he met some believers.
  • 84:17 - 84:21
    He did not ask them
    which church they attended,
  • 84:21 - 84:23
    because this is not important.
  • 84:23 - 84:24
    He asked them,
  • 84:24 - 84:29
    "Did you receive the Holy Spirit
    when you believed?"
  • 84:29 - 84:32
    And those believers had not yet
  • 84:32 - 84:35
    got baptized in water
    in the name of Jesus Christ
  • 84:35 - 84:39
    and they had not yet
    received the Holy Spirit.
  • 84:39 - 84:43
    So Paul, there baptized
    them to Jesus Christ
  • 84:43 - 84:46
    and when he then laid
    the hands on them,
  • 84:46 - 84:51
    they all received the Holy Spirit
    and started speaking in tongues.
  • 84:54 - 84:55
    Freedom. Freedom. More.
  • 84:56 - 84:57
    More freedom. Freedom, right now.
  • 84:58 - 85:01
    God, we thank you for your love.
    We thank you for your freedom.
  • 85:01 - 85:04
    Thank you Holy Spirit that you are
    filling her up. You are filling her up.
  • 85:04 - 85:12
    Never the same, never the same.
  • 85:15 - 85:16
    How are you?
  • 85:20 - 85:22
    You felt that... God...
  • 85:28 - 85:29
    You have never experienced that?
  • 85:29 - 85:30
    I will never be the same.
  • 85:31 - 85:34
    And there in that mall,
    I laid the hands on her
  • 85:34 - 85:37
    and the Holy Spirit
    came over her.
  • 85:37 - 85:40
    She had never experienced
    that before.
  • 85:40 - 85:42
    She was so touched
    by the Holy Spirit,
  • 85:43 - 85:47
    so we decided to go outside
    to talk and pray a little more.
  • 85:47 - 85:52
    Outside, when I prayed for her,
    a demon started to manifest.
  • 85:52 - 85:54
    I command this spirit,
    go right now!
  • 85:54 - 85:55
    I command this,
    leave her, right now!
  • 85:56 - 85:58
    There is freedom.
    There is freedom.
  • 85:59 - 86:00
    Come out! Go!
  • 86:00 - 86:02
    Freedom, right now.
    Freedom, right now.
  • 86:02 - 86:04
    Go, I command this spirit, go!
  • 86:04 - 86:06
    Go! Go! Right now! Go!
  • 86:06 - 86:10
    Leave her! Leave her!
    Right now! Leave her!
  • 86:10 - 86:15
    In the beginning, I did not know
    exactly what I was praying for,
  • 86:15 - 86:18
    but then God revealed it to me.
  • 86:18 - 86:23
    He showed me a sin in her life
    that she had done.
  • 86:23 - 86:28
    When I told her that,
    she broke down crying
  • 86:28 - 86:31
    and said, "How did you know,
    how did you know this?
  • 86:31 - 86:33
    Can God forgive me?"
  • 86:33 - 86:39
    There, outside that mall
    that young girl met God.
  • 86:39 - 86:42
    It was so strong.
    So at one point,
  • 86:42 - 86:45
    there came three guards
    running out and she said,
  • 86:45 - 86:47
    "Go away, go away,
    I want to talk with them.
  • 86:48 - 86:49
    I want to talk with them."
  • 86:49 - 86:53
    And that day, that girl met God.
  • 86:53 - 86:56
    Later in the afternoon, she came
    and we prayed for her
  • 86:57 - 87:01
    and she got baptized with the
    Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
  • 87:04 - 87:09
    It was very emotional.
    And when he was praying for me,
  • 87:09 - 87:12
    I have never mentioned it
    to him before
  • 87:12 - 87:16
    but he did tell me
    that I reminded him of
  • 87:16 - 87:21
    someone who was going
    through the same thing.
  • 87:22 - 87:24
    And that's when I knew that God
  • 87:24 - 87:27
    wanted to tell me that day
    that He has forgiven me.
  • 87:30 - 87:33
    Even though, I didn't want
    to forgive myself
  • 87:33 - 87:37
    because I thought there is
    no forgiveness for such thing.
  • 87:37 - 87:44
    But that day, God used Torben
    to let me know that
  • 87:44 - 87:48
    He loves me and He forgave me
    from what I have done.
  • 87:50 - 87:53
    And He has allowed me
    to experience that.
  • 87:54 - 87:58
    I will never forget it and
    I will never be the same again.
  • 88:03 - 88:04
    Can you tell about yesterday
  • 88:04 - 88:07
    and then what happened today?
    - Yeah.
  • 88:15 - 88:19
    Sorry, I'm just really happy.
    I thought about it yesterday.
  • 88:19 - 88:22
    It really is His way
    of telling me.
  • 88:22 - 88:27
    Because I was tired
    of looking for answers
  • 88:27 - 88:29
    and I could not
    find it anywhere.
  • 88:30 - 88:32
    There was always
    something inside me.
  • 88:32 - 88:38
    Yesterday it was finalized for me
    and I am just really happy for it.
  • 88:43 - 88:45
    So today I got baptized.
  • 88:50 - 88:53
    I felt really great after.
  • 88:53 - 88:58
    It's something that I have been
    thinking of doing before
  • 88:58 - 89:04
    but I thought that there are
    things I have to do first
  • 89:04 - 89:09
    before I can do it.
    I have to talk to a pastor,
  • 89:09 - 89:12
    have a couple of seminars
    or something like that,
  • 89:12 - 89:16
    So, on your own faith
    we baptize you to Jesus Christ.
  • 89:18 - 89:20
    Die with Christ.
    Up with Christ.
  • 89:25 - 89:26
    God, we thank you for Maria.
  • 89:26 - 89:28
    We thank you for everything
    you have done, God.
  • 89:29 - 89:32
    Thank you for what
    you did yesterday and today.
  • 89:32 - 89:35
    Thank you for what you
    are going to do in the future, God.
  • 89:35 - 89:38
    It's so amazing, how God
    really answers prayers
  • 89:38 - 89:44
    and how He can give you,
    in His perfect time,
  • 89:44 - 89:45
    the things that you
    need to learn
  • 89:46 - 89:49
    and the things you need
    to know about His love.
  • 89:51 - 89:54
    I was actually praying
    the night before I met Torben.
  • 89:54 - 89:58
    I was praying that night on the
    highway while I was driving.
  • 89:58 - 90:05
    I was praying that I would have
    this desire in my heart
  • 90:05 - 90:10
    to know Him and to reach out
    and just give everything to Him,
  • 90:11 - 90:13
    but I didn't know
    where to start.
  • 90:13 - 90:22
    I felt like I've ran away so far
    that... He's not there anymore.
  • 90:22 - 90:25
    But yesterday He
    answered my prayer
  • 90:25 - 90:29
    and He made me realize
    that He was there the entire time.
  • 90:30 - 90:35
    He was right there, when I
    was grieving, when I was depressed.
  • 90:35 - 90:39
    Depression got me big.
  • 90:39 - 90:45
    But I'm still here and I'm
    a representation of His love.
  • 90:47 - 90:51
    I really think that when
    the church comes back
  • 90:51 - 90:55
    to a true baptism,
    the true gospel:
  • 90:55 - 90:58
    Repent, turn to Christ.
  • 90:58 - 91:01
    Be baptized for the
    remission of your sins.
  • 91:01 - 91:03
    Die with Christ
    and rise with Christ
  • 91:03 - 91:04
    and be filled
    with the Holy Spirit.
  • 91:05 - 91:07
    That would change this world.
  • 91:07 - 91:10
    What we see in the Book of Acts
  • 91:10 - 91:16
    is an organic, dynamic
    life with God
  • 91:16 - 91:19
    that is not based on hierarchy.
  • 91:19 - 91:23
    It's not based on programs
    or projects.
  • 91:23 - 91:27
    It's people
    who are following Jesus.
  • 91:27 - 91:29
    As we are living the
    Book of Acts,
  • 91:29 - 91:32
    we are now seeing
    how that plays out in life.
  • 91:32 - 91:36
    And now, when we look into
    that perfect mirror of God's Word,
  • 91:36 - 91:38
    where it says,
    "The Word became flesh."
  • 91:38 - 91:40
    It's happening in our own lives.
  • 91:40 - 91:43
    So it's like, we are now looking at
    ourselves when we read Scripture.
  • 91:43 - 91:45
    I see people
    who are fed up with structure.
  • 91:46 - 91:48
    I see people
    who are fed up with traditions.
  • 91:48 - 91:50
    I see people who will not
    accept anything but the truth.
  • 91:51 - 91:53
    Almost every Christian in the world
    wants to see a revival.
  • 91:54 - 91:56
    But my picture
    of revival was like,
  • 91:56 - 92:00
    some angels from heaven will come,
    or a light, and everyone gets started
  • 92:00 - 92:03
    and just wake up,
    and then we have the revival.
  • 92:03 - 92:08
    But, what we see today is that
    when all Christians on this planet
  • 92:09 - 92:12
    get activated, start doing
    the things the Bible says
  • 92:12 - 92:14
    we are going to do:
    go out, heal the sick,
  • 92:14 - 92:17
    preach the gospel, lead people
    to Christ; then we have the revival.
  • 92:17 - 92:21
    I believe that the revival has been here
    since Jesus came 2000 years ago.
  • 92:21 - 92:24
    I truly believe
    this is the last reformation,
  • 92:24 - 92:26
    the last reformation
    of the church.
  • 92:26 - 92:30
    This stuff is real. It's real.
    You can do it.
  • 92:30 - 92:32
    It's just a case
    of going out there
  • 92:32 - 92:35
    and start working on the street.
  • 92:35 - 92:37
    We hide a lot of stuff
    in the church
  • 92:37 - 92:39
    and there is a lot of
    bondage in the church,
  • 92:39 - 92:42
    but we need to get out there
    and be doing it, on the edge.
  • 92:43 - 92:47
    God is real and He called us to
    be His disciples, Jesus' disciples,
  • 92:47 - 92:49
    to go out and show
    the world He is real.
  • 92:49 - 92:50
    This is real.
  • 92:52 - 92:54
    It is real. I tell you, it is real.
  • 92:54 - 92:58
    It's real!
    It's really real!
  • 92:58 - 92:59
    It's really real, y'all!
  • 92:59 - 93:01
    This is real!
  • 93:01 - 93:04
    If this is real in the Bible,
    what about the rest?
  • 93:04 - 93:07
    Every word is real,
    from the beginning to the end.
  • 93:08 - 93:11
  • 93:12 - 93:15
    This is real.
    We are living in the last days,
  • 93:15 - 93:20
    where God is bringing His church
    back to the truth,
  • 93:20 - 93:23
    back to the real life
    we have been longing for.
  • 93:23 - 93:26
    The real life we have been
    reading about in the Book of Acts,
  • 93:27 - 93:29
    where the Holy Spirit is leading.
  • 93:29 - 93:32
    This is happening, and it's
    happening all over the world.
  • 93:32 - 93:37
    So let us keep the focus,
    let us continue making disciples
  • 93:37 - 93:40
    and let Jesus build His church.
  • 93:41 - 93:44
    I believe it's
    the last reformation
  • 93:44 - 93:47
    and this is just the beginning.
  • 94:18 - 94:25
    Do you still remember the word
    I spoke to you?
  • 94:25 - 94:32
    Do you still remember the dream
    I gave to you?
  • 94:33 - 94:39
    Time passes and the calendar's
    filled up.
  • 94:40 - 94:47
    But one is necessary,
    spend time with me.
  • 94:47 - 94:54
    Wake up, my people.
  • 94:54 - 95:01
    Soon, I'm coming back.
  • 95:01 - 95:06
    One is necessary.
  • 95:07 - 95:10
    Spend time with me.
  • 95:10 - 95:14
    I'm guiding you.
  • 95:15 - 95:20
    If you want to be my disciple,
  • 95:21 - 95:28
    you must deny yourself
    and lay your own dreams down.
  • 95:29 - 95:35
    Follow me, no matter
    what the cost is.
  • 95:36 - 95:43
    Then you will get eternal life.
  • 95:43 - 95:49
    Wake up, my people.
  • 95:49 - 95:56
    Soon, I'm coming back.
  • 95:56 - 96:02
    One is necessary.
  • 96:02 - 96:06
    Spend time with me.
  • 96:06 - 96:09
    I'm guiding you.
  • 96:09 - 96:13
    Do you have time for me?
  • 96:13 - 96:16
    To seek my Kingdom,
  • 96:17 - 96:19
    to seek my face.
  • 96:19 - 96:21
    I want to speak to you.
  • 96:22 - 96:25
    I want to lead you step by step.
  • 96:27 - 96:30
    I'm calling you.
  • 96:30 - 96:36
    Will you follow me
    no matter what the cost is?
  • 96:36 - 96:50
    I'm calling you. I'm calling you.
  • 96:51 - 96:59
    Subtitles by: Mark Sheats, Robbert Dam,
    Therese Visconti & Lourens Akkerman.
The Last Reformation - The Beginning (2016) - FULL MOVIE

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Video Language:

English subtitles
