(Amy Lee33) Congratulations!
You did it!
(Squid) Congratulations!
(Netty) You did it!
(Tomohawk) Congratulations!
(Amy Lee33) What a great day!
All the treasure hunting led us to build a
Minecraft conduit.
Nautilus shells, treasure chests, and I just
love the color of prismarine.
And we learned how to code
with loops and conditionals.
(Squid) Speaking of coding, there is one more
level to this quest.
Are you up for it, adventurers?
(Netty) It’s a free play level and you can
put your coding skills to use
and build something incredible.
(Tomohawk) Hmmm...a place to hide your treasure,
an underwater monument, a coral castle?
Ahhh...so many ideas.
Try using loops to create a repeat action,
and conditionals to prepare for all those
unpredictable scenarios.
(Amy Lee33) You've certainly proven yourself
an intrepid coder by now,
and I can’t wait to see what you build.
And hopefully your adventures
with code don't end here.
Bon Voyage!