Our wonderful audience online and mashAllah always
commenting, always sharing, always putting out
the good word, the videos, supporting. Take the
charity items, share them on social media. You
go to every product, you click on the box with
the arrow and share it, share it. Alhamdulillah
we got a zawiyah (spiritual school of Sufism) in
Los Angeles for men and inshaAllah as soon as we
take possession of that, the tenant has to leave
and find a home for themselves then that'll open
up and we should be able to have at least 10
men at a time at that zawiyah. So alhamdulillah
things are opening and we're trying to establish
what needs to be established. Take the articles,
share them. All of these different opportunities
that Allah (AJ) opens. We came up with some
nice shirts and t-shirts for the ta'weez
(prayer for protection). So the concept
of the shirts I don't know if you watched in
Ertugrul that they were warriors that would
put on ta’weezes as a shirt and they would
wear it under their armour for protection.
So these t-shirts you can order them to be a
little bit tighter because they go under your
clothing and as a result of wearing that ta’weez,
you don't have to wear the chain anymore. So
people who are saying, ‘Oh I can't wear the chain
all the time,’ then you wear the shirt that has a
ta’weez and again it has a disclaimer, ‘don't wear
these into the washroom, into the facilities.’
That you wear those as a protection for night
and for sleeping at night or you wear it under
all your sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ). You don't know in life what's coming and where
you'll be, at least you as a spiritual warrior
must arm yourself appropriately with the heavenly
lights and heavenly grace. And that's why we teach
good character because bad character Allah (AJ) is
going to send men whom have no mercy. But those
whom exhibit good character in the face of bad
actions, Allah's (AJ) rahmah and mercy inshaAllah
to be upon these types of people and their kholoq
(character). “Addabani Rabbi fa ahsana ta'dib.”
Is that Prophet’s ﷺ reminder to all of us,
‘I didn't come you know to make everybody hafiz
ul Qur'an (one who memorized Qur’an) but I came
to perfect your character and your adab.’ Your
reading of Qur'an should have made you to have
good character, your understanding of Hadith
should have made you to have good character,
your fasting should have made you to have good
character. Those were the means to the end. The
end was supposed to be good character.
“Addabani Rabbi fa ahsana ta'dib.” And
they have the perfection of character but…
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
Thank you for watching
the video that you’re watching.
InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content
and happy with these programs please support
the button below. The programs that we have for
our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the
gift of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5
vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan
and many programs that reach thousands of people
and rescue foods and give those supplies to people
in need. Your support is greatly appreciated. Also
be so kind as to leave a loving comments and
please share the stream. Every bit counts.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
you only did the action and you didn't get to the
goal, something was not done right, inshaAllah.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
Sayyidi since we are reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas
so many times, would you please expand for
us the reality of Surah Ikhlas? I
tried to read it on the website.
There's a couple of very deep
articles on the website. So that,
that I can't speak to that level on the broadcast.
So Google on Nurmuhammad [website] the ikhlas
(sincerity), Surat Al-Ikhlas and I think there's
three articles or four articles on the immensity
of the reality of Surat Al-Ikhlas but these types
of deep questions they can't be answered in
a half an hour talk. So Surat Al-Ikhlas has
its own reality of the ocean of Hu, the ocean of
sincerity and the… these three different levels
of tawheed (oneness) and realities of that. But
know that it's a powerful surah (chapter) and that
to study its realities and the immensity of its
oceans, inshaAllah. And all the secrets are within
the Hu and this is the Hu of Allah (AJ) reflecting
to the Hu of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, inshaAllah.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
There's always this danger of leaving
the way of Prophet ﷺ because of our ego
and shaitan. Is this the reason why we should
never compromise with our nafs (ego) otherwise
we will eventually leave the way?
Compromise with your nafs? Yeah,
you shouldn't give in to your nafs at all. If
Prophet ﷺ was describing that, ‘Don't leave
me for a blink of an eye,’ means that don't
underestimate the attack of a nafs. Right?
But the shaykhs their guidance is they know whose
nafs and how it's going to try to kill the shaykh.
Because we've described many times - the
shaykh is like a lion tamer. Not the people
but the nafs of people. And at any moment the
nafses are all trying to attack and to eat him
and he knows that and that's why he took
the preparations and put different people
in power and different people to
train. He knows who's coming and
who's going and how long they're going
to stay. There's nothing by surprise
but they don't know. So that's their problem.
The problem is people don't know themselves
but Allah (AJ) give isharat (signs) and a guidance
to the shaykhs that which nafs is potentially very
dangerous and what that nafs given its ability
would try to do. So that's a problem is that when
you teach people to meditate and contemplate
is try to know yourself. If you can identify
that danger and the danger of your nafs inside
of you then you will take appropriate action.
But when you underestimate who your nafs is,
you know it's like giving a weapon to a child.
If that weapon enters into the hand of the
child, that child becomes very dangerous
because they weaponize their nafs. That's
why the shaykh then takes certain actions
and understanding and deals with everybody
accordingly. Outside people may not know
why did this person shift to this and this person
shift to that. It's not their business. They only
have to worry about themselves but the shaykh
knows and his understanding is to teach people
to know themselves, know what you're capable of
and the danger that you have within your character
and that's what's dangerous. People
don't understand how bad they can be
and if they give themself to that ability
then they go and they can do horrific things
and bad things and things they would have never
thought they can do and they do it in the stealth
where they try to hide it from other
people. But that's the again the role of
tariqah (spiritual path) is that you're dealing
you know with a very wild lion from people and
their lions are all about how to destroy the
shaykh, how to come after the shaykh because
the shaykh is the one whom is taking their
nafs down to put their soul on the chair.
So that's the dangers of tariqah when people
don't try to clean themself, they don't try to
fight themselves and they find themself giving
in to themselves and that's you know that's the
danger especially in the last days when it becomes
a Bird Box when the frequencies are too strong,
the energies are too strong, the shaitans
(satans) have entered into the realm too high,
too many. This is why the pandemics where
these marada (malevolent jinn) which are
the very dirty ones, very very bad ones, they
entered in too close to people and people were
dying for the proximity. Then they tried to
inoculate people so maybe they could resist.
The only ones who could be inoculated are the
ones whom have a strong spiritual practice
to push away these energies. They tried to
do it by a false means of injecting people
so that they could tolerate the sickness,
the badness and the evilness of that so that
those could become possessed and those people
could be sort of acquired by these energies.
So this is all about a spiritual energy,
spiritual fighting and spiritual protection
but at any time somebody underestimates their
nafs then they've already entered into a very
dangerous reality until it destroys them,
their family and everything that they've
sort of built for their dunya (material world)
preparedness for their akhirah (hereafter),
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
starting to be more aware of
the waswas (whispering) one
of the early stages of opening the hearing?
Sure, anyone who sits and meditates becomes
conscious of the waswas then is a good sign.
That they see that there's something whispering
to them, they hear the talking and the voice
coming to them saying negative things then at that
time they have to catch it, make their salawats
(praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), go make their
wudu (ablution), keep making your meditation to
be stronger. If it's coming in too close and too
much means something's wrong in your energy field.
Every time you do sinful things, they come
closer because they pierced your energy field.
So you have to keep the sins at a minimum,
keep what you eat to be pure and keep making
your salawats, make your istighfar (seeking
forgiveness), keep your awrad (daily practices)
and your practices and don't make light of them.
Don't say, ‘I didn't do it, I don't pray that
often’. Don't pray, you've entered into disbelief.
You don't pray then you will become possessed.
These are the practices that Prophet ﷺ brought
for us and described, ‘The one whom leaves their
prayers, they left their faith’. It's not
something small where you become like other
nations, ‘Oh I have a relationship with God in my
heart.’ Oh, no you don't have a relationship with
anything but a devil. This relationship requires
calisthenics - requires you to get up and down
and move to show it. Not something you put in like
a poetry that it's in your heart. You got to get
up and move and prove it to your nafs that, ‘No,
no I'm worshiping Allah (AJ), not you’. So there
must be an immense secret in that salah (daily
prayer). Right? So that every time you stand up,
the angel of alif is dressing you. As soon
as you go into ruku’ (bowing), this angel
of ha and the oceans of al-Hayat
(The Ever-Living) are dressing you.
Every time you go into sujood (prostration),
what, who's dressing you? The angel of meem
and all this reality is based on that reality of
meem. What's the difference between Ahad and Ahmad
is a meem. So it means the great barrier
between the Divinely Presence and creation
is this ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.
So anyone from his nation goes into sujood,
that angel dresses them with the qudra
(power) and the realities of meem,
each time, each time they're in sujood. So what
are those realities? And as soon as they go into
attahiyat (sitting on knees during prayer),
the angel of daal is dressing them and daal
is from Dalail ul Khairat (book of praising on
Prophet ﷺ), the best of guides whom will grant
him a guidance because in attahiyat when
you sit on your knees and you're giving
your shahadah (testimony) the presence of
Prophet ﷺ, “Assalamu alayk ayyhan Nabi”.
So the presence of Prophet ﷺ is in the presence
and face to face with the one in attahiyat
and what… which presence is the Dalail -
the best of guides. Dalail ul Khairat - the
best of the guide who guides you to
the best of what Allah (AJ) wants.
So there must be immense realities in the
salah. Now you don't feel it, who cares,
it doesn't matter. It wasn't about you have to
feel everything. You just had to do everything.
So you do it, you do it, you do it, you're being
dressed by it. Maybe right now they don't want
people to feel everything because they go crazy
if you feel. You feel everything if you feel.
You feel all the things attacking you and
eating you and trying to get all around you
because it's a ocean of immense darkness. If they
don't want people to feel it then Allah (AJ) has
a hikmah (wisdom). If they do feel it, they have
to have high tolerance to pain and to difficulties
because it's just everywhere, everywhere,
everywhere. There's no peace from these
bad energies. So you do what you have to do
because Allah (AJ) is dressing the servant
and obedient servants they do what they have
to do. Now the knowledge then gives to us that
there's an immense power in these realities is
being stored. You know the best… we said before
this is a... what's this system where they collect
the energy of the sunlight? Solar. Said that
before that the real use of
solar power was in the battery.
When they perfected the ability to collect
the storage of the power, it was beneficial.
Otherwise, just collecting the solar but you have
no battery to store the power in was of no value.
So it means that our actions are deeper than this
solar understandings. Every action we're doing is
collecting energies and Allah’s (AJ) perfected
battery is the heart. So everything we do we're
putting up a dish, Allah (AJ) is sending tanzil
ur Rahmah (descending mercy), tanzil and tajallis
(manifestations) upon. And these tajallis are
being stored and safeguarded in the heart.
When Allah (AJ) turns the key and the time is
activated, good God imagine then all the power
of the salah that comes out, every power of
zikr (Divine remembrance) that comes out. The
ones whom recite what type of power they'll
have in their voice and in their recitation?
Those you think these voices are just for
entertainment and beauty? But no, the reciters are
their own class of warriors in which their sounds
that will come from their mouth will shatter and
kill beings because of the power that emanate
from them. And their emanation and their ability
to recite now shatters beings and they don't
even see it. So imagine when Allah (AJ) turns
the key for all of these. When we just described
that Prophet ﷺ, Allah (AJ) is describing, ‘He's
a messenger in the presence of a mighty throne’.
Like you don't understand the power of Prophet ﷺ.
When Prophet ﷺ decides that battle will begin upon
Earth means he's in military armament and every
general will begin to appear from the heavens and
they're not going to be given water guns. They'll
be given the weapons of the heavens to fight every
fight upon this Earth and every corruption and
every devil and shaitan and marida (malevolent
jinn) will all be brought down and destroyed.
With what? A weapon? They don't need a weapon.
All they need is Allah (AJ) on their side.
So it means their voice, their eyes, their
heart is enough to destroy and bring down every
shayateen (devils). So it means that's the power
of the nation of Islam, the realities of Islam
that to safeguard people and humanity and
to be fiercely against shayateen and demons.
So with their actions, with their prayers, with
the lights being given into their hearts when
Allah (AJ) activate their lights, imagine the
lights that come from their eyes, the lights
that come from their tongues, the light that
come just from their hand and from their souls.
So these are the things that people have
to prepare. These are the actions why they
have to prepare. But people are petty
and they want something right now. Say,
‘I don't feel it, I'm not going to do it’. Well
you work hard for one day getting a paycheck.
You don't get that paycheck in day one. You
have to work hard. They teach you to go for
12 years to school and to get good grades
so that one day you can go to a college
and go another seven years into college
so one day you can have a good career.
But people want to come to realities in the
heavens and say like day one, ‘I want everything’.
Doesn't work that way. You got to put your time
and your effort in and Allah (AJ) begin to store
those realities within the heart and the soul
and the heart of insan (human being). So what the
shaitans were doing? They were trying to eat the
hearts of people to take that energy away. Yeah,
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
In relation to this talk on prophetic way
of giving back salaams (greetings) when it
is given to you. How about when the person
giving the salaams is a known evil satanic
giving salaams to Prophet ﷺ? Then I would imagine
that that causes him a great deal of harm.
It's not something they can do. That's why that
the Wahhabis they don't allow salawats and if you
do do too many salawats, they start to burn,
they get angered and unbelievable reactions.
They'll call security, they’ll do everything to
stop that. Because they know that the demonic
energy that may be around somebody cannot
tolerate the light of Prophet ﷺ come to them.
So those are the same groups they say, ‘Oh
no, zikr's not allowed and especially this
sali alan Nabi ﷺ' (praising upon Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ). Why? Because it burns them. But they'll recite
Surah Fatiha and they'll do everything other than
that. So there's a certain amount of energy that
they can tolerate and there's a another amount of
energy that actually straight out will burn them.
But we're not here to judge if the person
should or shouldn't be making their salawats.
That as much as they can make salawats, it
will clean them and if they can fight through
that and keep making their salawat then every
oppressor and bad character can be burned down.
And they make their salawats, make their
connection and that too fight against the
nafs and fight against the shaitan, inshaAllah.
That's why the talk on who's sitting on the chair
and that we have to struggle. Our
life is to struggle in the way
so that we're continuously making
our salawats, continuously doing
these actions and good deeds that perfect
and purify the character, inshaAllah.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
If the concept of magnetism is if you hit
a magnet with an iron rod hard enough it
changes its charge. What does good character
do to your charge when hit hard by life?
I don't think that's the philosophy.
That good character hit hard by...
the good character by testing
increases your magnetism.
So that's the difference is that as long as
you stay positive, Allah (AJ) is increasing
your juzba - your magnetic attraction. So that
the shaykhs they attract a lot of negativity
but because of their good character, Allah (AJ)
open for them how to process. So then the sins
of people become the fuel in which their heart
is burning. You know the sun is eating elements.
It's luminous but it has a process of its
gravitational pull is actually pulling
elements into its fire and eating it and producing
immense lights. So similar the shaykhs can eat the
sins of people. The bad charge and bad energies of
people their soul will bring it in and process it.
So that's the way of staying with a magnanimous
character. But that which you're attracted to,
so when you're attracted to Prophet ﷺ
shaitan is going to hit you with an iron rod.
So that's to take the correct understanding. So
your magnetic correction, your magnetic connection
is drawing to Prophet ﷺ. A test comes in your life
and he's trying to hit you with an iron. So what?
To reverse your polarity so that you do something
now bad against Prophet ﷺ and then what happens
is now your charge is now not drawing close, your
polarity is shifting and you're being repelled.
That's what we called in those talks of magnetism
your actions are ‘Repulsive’ to Prophet ﷺ.
So if you go and attack his family, it's repulsive
to Prophet ﷺ, that was Karbala. So imagine if you
were at that time and you decided, ‘Well you know
Imam al-Hussain (as) we don't agree with him,
we're going to slaughter him in the fields
of Karbala,’ do you think that your magnetic
connection to Prophet ﷺ remained high? No. So
shaitan knows that anything you're attracted to,
if he hits you with a test and you begin to
exhibit bad character, your polarity changed.
With your durood (praising on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ),
your salawats and your good action Allah (AJ) will
reverse your polarity back. You make istighfar and
again your magnet will draw close. Shaitan knows
that. So then when your family fighting too much
and in your home is just yelling and screaming,
shaitan's hitting the magnet. So when people used
to be attracted to each other, they now flip their
polarity because shaitan is now in there hitting
their magnets. They're what? They ‘Repulse’ each
other. They can’t stand even to look or talk to
each other. Why? Because their magnet flipped.
You hit it so many times, there's
no more attraction in the magnet.
You can't force the magnet to be in the
same vicinity. It reversed its polarity.
Have you ever tried to keep two
magnets together, it shoots off
and that's all shaitan wants. So Allah’s (AJ)
rahmah (mercy) is one time, two times He keeps
changing it back. Make istighfar, go back. Make
it better, make it better but when the person
continuously is giving themself to shaitan and
yelling, screaming, fighting, the polarities of
that family have changed and the magnet now
repels. There's no way to keep it together.
So in everyday life, everyone has a magnet and
someone they're attracted to. When their bad
actions and a test comes and they do continuously
bad things, they're now being repelled from that.
So same with the shaykh. A test comes, the people
don't act correctly in their test, they have very
incorrect understandings and actions and all sorts
of different things, immediately they're repelled
and they'll be pushed away and they
think it's their cleverness but it's
Allah (AJ) reversed and did not reverse the
charge and now that magnet's been pushed.
So once it's pushed and it's pushed away from
the Muhammadan reality, so the person has to
make istighfar and keep making their salawats
and beg Allah (AJ) to reverse the magnetic charge
and that's what the reality of magnetism was.
But when we have good character in the light of
testing, shaitan make you to become angry, stay
quiet. Shaitan make something of a bad action,
be good. Then what happens? You've been dressed
by Allah’s (AJ) rahmah by good character. Now your
juzba (attraction) became more powerful. Right?
So they threw rocks, the dog became powerful.
They threw rocks at the dog, the dog stayed
quiet, didn't act like a dog and attack them
and then Allah (AJ) gave the dog to talk
and the dog actually stood up and talked to
Ashab ul Kahf (Companions of the Cave) that, ‘No
matter what rock you throw at me, you find me to
be patient. I may serve a need by Allah (AJ)
to serve you in your service to Allah (AJ)’.
And the dog gained so much haybah (majestic power)
which is a Divine Majestic dress that anyone who
came near the cave was frightened just by the
image of the dog - Qitmir which not a regular dog.
It's something from very high realities of the
heavens. But the testing was is that stay quiet,
stay quiet. In whatever testing comes your
way, be patient and persevere and have good
manners and as a result Allah (AJ) make you
very powerful and luminous, inshaAllah.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
Sayyidi we watched your video about the
reciting of Surat Al-Fatiha over water.
Do we recite it once 40 times and then blow into
the water and drink it at once or shall we drink
it over several days or do you drink and add
more water for the coming days? I was quite not
clear about it. Thank you for your answer.
Yeah, recite 40 times and then drink it. It
doesn't have to be drunk at one time. Now
that water is a blessed water with the
secrets of Surah Fatiha that the angels that
encompass those elements, they have changed
everything to be extremely blessed. You
drink that water. As soon as it goes down,
sit down again with yourself or a group of people
and begin to recite Surah Fatiha on that water
and you continuously, continuously recite
and drink. Some people do all the time, they
have a pitcher in their refrigerator continuously
reciting and putting it back, continuously putting
more water, reciting, putting it back. Every time
there's a zikr and the broadcast is going on,
well imagine now we have a zikr with a hundred
people, 300 people are watching and look at
how many people watch the video then multiply
that by the time... number of times we recited
Fatiha in the khatm (zikr), you're in the
thousands. You put water out and listen to
the entire khatm and the zikr and the salawats,
all of that has been dressed upon that water.
There's no time for angels, it's not only relevant
when the shaykh is live. It's at any time. You
turn the khatm, put water and we used to put
nabat which are the sugar because that's also
for healing - the sugar candy, rock candy. That
or you can put anything that you want as a means
of healing and you put that where the zikr is and
that is the dressing the zikr, the zikr’s dressing
those elements from the angelic reality within
them. The angels are ‘Ameen, Ameen’ dressing it.
And that becomes Mushkil Gusha (Remover
of Difficulties). The concept of Mushkil
Gusha is that these become such blessed
items that they take away difficulties
but people have to have a faith in which they act
on that faith. So these are the whole realities of
tariqah. That anything you do in the way of Allah
(AJ) that you believe and you know that it has a
immense blessing and by means of these blessings,
every difficulty been taken away and every rahmah
becomes a dress and a blessing upon people.
The ones whom are generous in Allah's (AJ) way,
they never see a difficulty. The ones whom are
stingy in Allah's (AJ) way, always see difficulty
because it's a sign of lack of faith. In life when
you live your life like this [tight-fisted], what
Allah (AJ) can send to it? You're just looking to
punch somebody. Is your hand is tight-fisted all
the time. But in life when they taught you to be
like this [shaykh opens his hand] that whatever
came went, whatever came went, Allah (AJ) make you
then a custodian of His Heavens. That, ‘We sent to
them and they send it out. We send to him and he
sends it out’. So our life was always taught that
you know be generous in Allah's (AJ) way.
Nothing comes short. Allah (AJ) sends you more.
So this is the system of being of service. Allah
(AJ) says, ‘Look I sent to this guy,’ imagine if
they send you food and you decide you're not going
to call anyone. ‘I'm just going to eat it all.
I'm going to save it or maybe we're
all going to starve to death. Honey put
these all in the refrigerator’. Allah
(AJ) never send you again anything.
But if Allah (AJ) send and said, ‘Look he
can feed 50 people when We send him food,
he can feed 500 people’. Then all
your neighbourhood starts looking
your garage is filled with food. Right? The
grocery store coming every day dropping food
off at your garage. Instead of you going to the
grocery store and giving them few hundred dollars,
Allah (AJ) sends you thousands into your
garage. How is that possible? Before we
started this system if we would have described
that to you it would have never made sense.
Say, ‘Shaykh no, every month I have to spend
800 dollars on groceries and that's my life.’
But say is it possible a day will come
where Allah (AJ) will deliver ten thousand
dollars worth of groceries on your driveway, at
least once a week. And they call you and say,
‘Can we bring in another day’. You say, ‘No,
no, I don't have ability to give more away,
I have my garage is full. My driveway is full with
food.’ Now his house they're dropping off food in
his garage at least ten thousand dollars worth
of food if you tabbed the grocery bill for that.
How is that possible? And that now neighbours
are coming to get this food because they don't
have the ability to pay rent and eat at the same
time because the crazy real estate prices. Means
this is what we call the miracle. When we
say Allah (AJ) works in mysterious way,
Allah’s (AJ) miraculous way, tariqah
is living proof of that every day.
That we turned a situation in which all these
families now are getting food, given thousands of
dollars worth of food to be custodians and give
out to people who are in need. Alhamdulillah,
inshaAllah. This is not a
philosophy, it's very real.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
How can we manage drawing near to Sayyidina
Muhammad ﷺ while we are in a state of jihad ul
nafs (struggling with the ego)? One day we fail
and the other day we overcome our badness.
Yeah, don't give up we have it in the Qasida
Burdah (Poem of the Cloak) if you read in the
salawat book. Everyone should buy the salawat
book, it's on Amazon and then you have your own
book and you recite it as we're reciting it. Why?
Or look at the app and keep reading from the app.
In the Burdah it says, ‘Perhaps that when
we go to the presence of Prophet ﷺ he'll
give us from the kawthar (The Fountain
of Abundance) to the amount of our sins,’
because Prophet ﷺ is Rasulul Kareem (The Most
Generous Messenger). Means the one whom has
no sins, goes with and gets a good amount but
the ones whom come with heavy amounts of sins,
don't you think they will receive heavy
amounts of blessings to wash away those sins.
That's why the shaykhs don't go alone.
They don't sit in their homes and say,
‘I'm not going to do tariqah anymore. I'm just
going to sit and make my zikr and not deal with
all these problems of wild nafs of people’. Why
do they want to bring people? Well because they
want to say, ‘Ya Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem
we brought people with thousands of sins.
Please if you can load for us according to their
sins then perhaps we can get oceans filled of
blessings.’ Right? So that was the concept we
want to come with caravans of sinful people.
That's why they go out and they do their da’wah
(religious propagation). We're not looking for
righteous pious people who walk on water. Why?
What they're going to do? But we went and asked
for the people whom maybe they're out on the
fringes and whatever they're doing in life,
they're busy with shaitan attacking them in lives
and that's what the Burdah’s excellence and its
wordings are the amazing grace of it, the amazing
blessings of it. Is the shaykh’s responsibility
to bring all these people that that don't let
us to give up hope, don't let them to run away,
don't let difficulty to come upon them and
‘Rasulul Kareem.’ Why? It doesn't cost anything
for Prophet ﷺ. That, ‘Give from my oceans and
bounties’. And that was the reality of doing
da'wah. If that wasn't true, they wouldn't do
da’wah. If there was no blessings in da'wah, every
shaykh would sit at their home, achieve what they
got and never answer a phone call from anyone.
But it doesn't work that way. That they want
the recognition of Prophet ﷺ so they want to
make their da'wah strong, they want
to make their da'wah active and they
bring everybody to that presence and Prophet ﷺ
open for them oceans of, oceans of blessings.
And that's why that ni’mat and
blessing like we just described
when that food hits the driveway of a mureed’s
(devoted disciple’s) house, it's all filled with
blessings because the food of a generous servant
every bite of it has 300 angels. Now imagine a
hundred people in his neighbourhood are going to
eat that food, all with shifa (healing). It's not
regular food anymore. Even the food that
they gave you wouldn't eat but it has the
angels blessing it and dressing it because it
came through the hands of generous people and
those generous people became distributors in their
community of Allah’s (AJ) ni’mat and blessings.
Yeah, the blessings too much to even begin to
understand but people have to have eyes to see
and ears to really hear that how Allah’s (AJ)
rahmah and mercy is immense, inshaAllah.
As salaamu alaykum Sayyidi
Walaykum as salaam warahmatullah
Can asking for forgiveness in second ten days of
Ramadan grant us a salvation and a chance to the
nearness of Prophet ﷺ?
we have the Sayyid at-Tawbah. What's the...
Sayyidul Istighfar on the app. All the app
has all of the chief du’as (supplication),
the supreme du’as that over our 30 years of
Mawlana Shaykh (Q) was releasing. InshaAllah
the new apps are coming out which will have
much more in them. But Sayyidul Istighfar is
they say the King of Istighfars. “Tawbatan
'abdin zalimin li nafsihi, la yamliku li nafsihi
mawtaon wa la hayatan wa la nushura”, yeah.
Recite those in these 10 days. Recite
Du’a Mathur, recite whatever you can
of the du’as and the istighfars, Ummul Du’a
(Mother of Supplications) - all of these then
are you know from the Sultanul Awliya (King of
Saints) and these huge awliyaullah (saints).
These are the du’as that they left as an
inheritance for all of us to recite. These are the
10 days to recite, the charities are the 10 days
to get forgiveness. This is immense opening and
drawing near to the presence of Prophet ﷺ. “Jaooka
fastaghfaro Allaha wastaghfara lahumur Rasul”.
And then asking Prophet ﷺ, ‘I'm drawing near to
you and I'm begging for your forgiveness and that
you ask Allah (AJ) for my forgiveness’. Then do
deeds that are very pleasing to Prophet ﷺ. As he
was a yateem (orphan) and was sort of abandoned
within the rough areas of Arab culture and lost
his family at a early age, he has an immense love
and a nearness to orphans and that's why we chose
to support orphans and orphanages and people
whom are of a... in difficulty and weakness.
That they're weak against the wolves of humanity.
So support them, support people. Bring water,
food, whatever people can do to their
abilities. This draws near and draws us near
to the presence of Prophet ﷺ, inshaAllah.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon,
wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi
rabbil ‘aalameen. Ila sharifin Nabi (SallAllahu
'alayhi wa Sallam) wa aalihi wa
ashabil kiram, wa ila mashayikhina fit
tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil 'aaliyah wa sayiri
wa sadatina wa Siddiqin. Al Fatiha.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
Thank you for watching the
video that you’re watching.
InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content
and happy with these programs please support
the button below. The programs that we have for
our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the
gift of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5
vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan
and many programs that reach thousands of people
and rescue foods and give those supplies to people
in need. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments
and please share the stream. Every bit counts.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.