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  • 0:03 - 0:17
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    Heavenly greetings in Jesus mighty name
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    yes the Lord be with your spirit thank
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    you so much for joining me here for this
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    Divine lecture here on the University of
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    God I want to speak to your heart
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    today why your heart because your heart
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    is where you hear from God whatever's
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    going on in Your Heart Right Now
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    whatever kind of day you've had whatever
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    you're thinking whatever's disturb in
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    your mind take a moment to ask the Holy
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    Spirit to come into your heart and make
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    your heart a hearing heart for his voice
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    let's pray together Lord Jesus Christ
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    enter my heart give me a hearing heart
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    contact my heart with your spirit in
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    name what are you demanding for today is
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    it good health is it peace of
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    mind is it resolution reconciliation in
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    your family is it a breakthrough in your
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    career your job whatever you're
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    demanding for it's in the word of God
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    but that word of God needs to come into
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    your heart by the spirit of God in order
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    for for you to achieve what you're
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  • 1:33 - 1:36
    for do you know why so many times we as
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    human beings we want to see an Evidence
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    proof before we believe before we commit
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    something well we're not alone from the
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    beginning of human history it's been
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    like that that's been the story and even
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    if we say we believe many of us in our
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    heart of hearts we still doubt we still
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    struggle with questions we still
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    struggle with questions in our heart is
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    it really
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    true is it really
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    true are you asking that question today
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    have you asked that question before
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    you're not alone maybe we've never
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    really truly believed because every
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    answered prayer every Miracle every new
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    Breath of Life each morning never seems
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    to be enough to grasp the certainty of
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    God why because Faith rests on what is
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    seen that is what faith is about so many
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    of us prefer to remain in our negative
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    thoughts governed by our senses what we
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    can see what we can feel what we can
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    touch because that is what we're
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    familiar with that is what we're
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    comfortable with that is what we can
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    perceive with our
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    senses today I want you to step out of
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    the unbelieving generation to step out
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    of that doubt in your heart and grab on
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    to what God God has for you because yes
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    God has a plan for your life and that
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    plan is personal to you he wants you to
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    discover yourself in his plan for
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    creation if you're asking that question
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    is it really true then you're not alone
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    even those that walked with Jesus during
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    his Earthly Ministry that saw his
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    miracles that heard his words when Jesus
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    taught when Jesus changed the
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    world many of them asked for a sign just
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    just another sign from Heaven just
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    another proof just another answered
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    prayer can you do this and I'll
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    believe let's open our Bible to the Book
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    of Matthew and let's see the question
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    that was asked
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    Jesus Matthew 16 verse1 then the
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    Pharisees and Sadducees came and testing
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    him asked that he would show them a sign
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    from Heaven he answered and said to them
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    when it is evening you say it will be
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    fair weather for the sky is R and in the
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    morning it will be foul weather today
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    for the sky is red and threatening
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    Hypocrites you know how to discern the
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    face of the sky but you cannot discern
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    the signs of the times a wicked and
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    adulterous generation seeks after a sign
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    and no sign shall be given to it except
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    the sign of the prophet Jonah and he
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    left them and
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    departed now when I read this I began to
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    meditate over it in my heart because my
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    heart was asking the question why did
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    Jesus respond like that because in my
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    heart maybe I identified with those who
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    were asking the question not because I
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    was testing Jesus or wanted to test
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    Jesus but
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    because part of me I believe part of you
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    I believe part of everyone still asks
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    for another sign another prophecy
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    another miracle another answered prayer
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    to truly believe that God is who he says
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    he is to truly believe that God's plan
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    is true for my life for your
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    life you see Jesus walked away from that
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    question why because he knew it was not
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    born of Faith throughout his Earthly
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    Ministry Jesus hid himself in the
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    mystery of Parables why and even today
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    he hides himself to the senses so that
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    we have to seek Him by
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    faith Jesus walked away from that
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    question let's look at the answer Jesus
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    gave them
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    well let's take it one by one Jesus said
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    you know how to discern the appearance
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    of the sky that means we can see it
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    that's why we know how to interpret it
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    we know how to interpret when we're
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    rejected when we're accepted when we're
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    loved when we're hated when we're lied
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    against when we're accused
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    falsely when we're
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    appreciated we know how to interpret all
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    of this because it's things we can feel
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    with our senses
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    but Jesus said you don't know how to
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    interpret the signs of the times wow
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    what are the signs of the
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    times let's go back to John the
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    Baptist remember John the Baptist when
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    he came John the Baptist interpreted the
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    signs of the times he knew that the
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    signs of the times from the beginning
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    till now till the last generation when
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    Jesus comes is calling us to just one
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    thing repentance by faith in Jesus yes
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    the signs are the times all around you
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    in the world that we're living in today
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    if your eyes are open to the holy spirit
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    in your heart if your voice is tuned to
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    the holy spirit in your heart you will
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    know that the signs of the times are
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    calling us to just one thing
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    repentance repentance has been watered
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    down today so many of you might say I've
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    I've repented from my sin I've received
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    Jesus in my heart now I'm a Believer now
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    I'm a Christian I don't need to repent
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    again let me tell you the closer you get
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    to Jesus the more undeserving you're
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    aware you are of his
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    grace repentance is in every moment
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    assignment when you know that you don't
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    deserve anything from God you'll be
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    grateful for every single
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    thing remember the case of Simon Peter
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    when he saw the Great great miracle that
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    Jesus wrought at the
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    seashore when the fish was so big they
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    couldn't they couldn't even lift the
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    Nets what did he do he fell to his knees
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    and said Lord depart from me I'm a
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    sinful man he was conscious of his sin
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    he was conscious of his need for God
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    today that Consciousness is so often far
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    from us our spiritual eyes are
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    asleep our conscience is dead John the
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    Baptist preached repentance those that
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    interpreted the signs of The Times They
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    heeded that call they were baptized and
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    they repented to receive the kingdom of
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    God but many they said we don't need to
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    be baptized we don't need to repent
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    we're descendants of Abraham we don't
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    need to be freed from anything remember
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    what Jesus said in John
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    8:31 whom the Son of God sets free is
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    free indeed many answered him and said
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    we're not slaves why do we need to be
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    set free we're descendants of Abraham
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    Jesus said whoever is a slave to sin
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    whoever commits sin is a slave to sin
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    you see this is why Jesus came to bring
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    Liberation from sin Liberation deep
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    inside our soul that is the freedom that
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    you need today that is the freedom that
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  • 8:47 - 8:51
    need so yes the signs of the times are
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    calling you and me to
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    repent repentance is our only hope of
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    receiving God's mercy repentance is our
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    only hope of connecting with God we
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    can't communicate with god without
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    repentance have you experienced the joy
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    of repentance in your heart have you
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    experienced the Saving Grace of Jesus in
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    your heart it's only through repentance
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    that we can relate with
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    God I want to take you to Noah remember
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    Noah in the Old Testament remember him
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    he interpreted the signs of the times
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    when everyone was partying and reving in
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    sin around him he heard the voice of God
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    in his heart and he began to build the
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    ark when there was no rain when
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    everything seemed dry yet he listened to
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    the voice of God and
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    obeyed the people that mocked him what
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    happened to them they drowned under the
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    water of Destruction when judgment came
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    but Noah and his whole family were saved
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    because they interpreted the signs of
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  • 9:57 - 10:00
    times I want to use myself as a an
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    example yes I want to make this message
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    personal because I'm speaking from my
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    heart 18 years ago when I was just 22
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    years old and I
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    graduated with a first class honors in
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    Spanish and Latin American studies the
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    world was in front of me I could have
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    gone so many
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    places so many continents were open to
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    me but I went through an experience
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    where I knew that I needed
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    God and at 22 years old I interpreted
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    the signs of the
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    times I was awake to the need that I
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    needed salvation in my heart i' wanted
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    Jesus to come to my heart and I followed
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    the call of God to go to Lagos Nigeria
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    and become a disciple of Jesus Christ
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    under the ministry of prophet Tibi
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    Joshua I didn't understand everything I
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    didn't really know what that meant but I
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    knew in my heart that I had to follow
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    the call of God in my heart something I
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    didn't really understand but I knew that
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    there was a spiritual call in my heart
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    not to miss
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    salvation I interpreted the signs of the
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    times if ID waited if I thought no it
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    doesn't make sense naturally maybe later
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    maybe more convenient time I would not
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    be here today speaking to you I knew
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    that that was an opportunity of a
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    prophet of Our
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    Generation to learn at his
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    feet to learn how to walk with God to
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    talk with God to serve God with my
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    life let's go back to the words of
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    Jesus Jesus said a wicked generation an
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    adulterous generation an unbelieving
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    generation keeps looking for a sign no
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    sign will be given to it except the sign
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    of the prophet
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    Jonah what does that mean remember Jonah
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    Jonah was given an assignment by God to
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    go and preach repentance to the people
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    of Nineveh a people that were drowning
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    in their sin the Bible says they didn't
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    even know their right from their left
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    hand does it sound like our generation
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    today God was a god of mercy and God is
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    a god of Mercy because God doesn't want
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    anyone to come to death he wants
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    everyone to be saved through repentance
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    but Jonah ran away from
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    God he went in the opposite direction
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    and what
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    happened the boat was in a storm a Great
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    and Mighty
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    storm the people came to wake Jonah wake
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    up do you want to die pray to your God
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    so the storm will stop Jonah said my God
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    I'm running away from my God my God is
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    the reason this storm is here if you
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    throw me overboard the wind and the
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    waves will
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    Cal he offered himself to be thrown
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    overboard because he knew that he was
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    running away from
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    God it was then that he was swallowed by
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    a huge whale he left the ship on the
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    outside and entered the fish on the
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    inside it was then that he began to pray
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    it was then that he began to have faith
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    it it was then that the fish after three
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    days and three nights vomited him on the
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    shore of Nineveh which is where God
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    wanted him to go what is the lesson for
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    today with faith you can reach
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    unreachable places when you submit
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    yourself to the will of God God will
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    take you maybe to where you don't want
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    to go but where he wants you to go and
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    that truly is an unreachable place for
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    you without God God knows best because
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    God has a plan for your life but when we
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    try and avoid that plan when we try and
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    Dodge that plan
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    H we shouldn't forget that at the end of
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    every life there's an appointment with
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    our creator are you ready for
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    that if Jesus were to come today if
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    today were the day is your heart ready
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    have you
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    repented why did Jesus talk about the
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    sign of prophet Jonah it was a prophecy
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    about himself you see Jonah spent three
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    days and three nights in the belly of a
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    fish Jesus spent three days and three
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    nights in the depths of the
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    earth during that time the world Stood
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    Still and yet on the third day what
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    happened he rose again in
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    glory and conquered death for your sake
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    and conquered pain for your sake and
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    conquered Satan for your sake you see by
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    his resurrection Jesus has demonstrated
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    that he's worthy of being the object of
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    your faith of my faith of our faith
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    it's all about the resurrection you see
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    Jesus appeared to a select few and their
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    word their testimony B faith that is why
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    the first Christians were called the
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    Sons and Daughters of
  • 14:44 - 14:46
    Resurrection what does Jesus
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    resurrection mean to you that is where
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    our faith lies you see anyone can
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    believe in baby Jesus historical
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    Jesus Jesus of History Jesus of story
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    but it takes Faith to believe in Jesus
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    who died and rose
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    again and prays for you and
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    me have you known that Jesus in the
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    power of the holy
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    spirit because that is what the sign of
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    Jonah is all about it's about dying to
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    our pride dying to our sense knowledge
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    dying to what we think we
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    know surrendering ourselves to the will
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    of God you see humility
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    can understand a sign but Pride
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    can't and the cross was the biggest
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    sign what was the cross a sign for the
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    cross was the sign to life the cross is
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    empty it's a passage to life the cross
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    is where you laid down your
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    past that past of unfaithfulness that
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    past of
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    Disobedience and you enter into a new
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    life in Christ that new life is
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    available for you and you can receive
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    that cleansing power every moment
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    because of repentance in jesus'
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    name I want to take you to the book of
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    Ephesians 5 this is Apostle
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    Paul Apostle Paul speaking Apostle Paul
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    knew the signs of the times he
  • 16:11 - 16:14
    interpreted the signs of the times
  • 16:14 - 16:15
  • 16:15 - 16:20
    5 let's take it from verse
  • 16:20 - 16:23
    14 now look at the one who was writing
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    here do you remember the lie that was
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    given about the resurrection of Jesus
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    the lie was that the disciples stole the
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    body and that was a lie that Saul
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    believed until Jesus appeared to him on
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    the road to Damascus by Revelation and
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    his eyes were open to the truth of who
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    Jesus was you see we can only know Jesus
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    by revelation we cannot know Jesus in
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    the natural that is the mistake that so
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    many made and still
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    make we want to try and figure Jesus out
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    with our natural mind that is why the
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    doubt in our heart keeps leading us to
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    belief that is why when Jesus addressed
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    the Pharisees the Sadducees he's
  • 17:04 - 17:07
    addressing the cynical mind the critical
  • 17:07 - 17:10
    mind the unrenewed mind in all of us
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    because the unrenewed mind keeps Waging
  • 17:12 - 17:14
    War against unbelief the unrenewed Mind
  • 17:14 - 17:16
    stops US keeps asking for just another
  • 17:16 - 17:19
    sign just another miracle just another
  • 17:19 - 17:21
    prophecy if this man of God can pray for
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    me if this woman of God can pray for me
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    if I can receive this word of knowledge
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    if I can receive this personal word for
  • 17:27 - 17:31
    my life then I'll believe
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    the greatest sign has been given to you
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    that is the sign the only sign every
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    single generation Jesus has answered
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    every heart when he said no sign will be
  • 17:40 - 17:42
    given except the sign of Jonah he was
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    talking about himself so let's read what
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    Apostle Paul said that book of Ephesians
  • 17:47 - 17:52
    5 from verse 14 therefore he says awake
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    you who sleep arise from the dead and
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    Christ will give you light see then that
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    you walk circumspectly not as fools but
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    as wise Redeeming the time because the
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    days are evil therefore do not be unwise
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    but understand what the will of the Lord
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    is and do not be drunk with wine in
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    which is dissipation but be filled with
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    the spirit speaking to one another in
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    Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
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    singing and making melody in your heart
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    to the Lord
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    H this is a call to wake up
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    up is a call to wake up
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    spiritually you see when Jesus said that
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    we should be in the world but not part
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    of it he said that because in the world
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    people are sleeping spiritually they're
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    sleeping but we who believe in Jesus are
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    awake is your spirit
  • 18:48 - 18:50
    sleeping are you interpreting the signs
  • 18:50 - 18:53
    of the times is your spirit sleeping or
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    is your spirit awake it's time for us to
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    wake up because the days are evil yes
  • 19:00 - 19:01
    the days are evil it's time for us to
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    wake up and interpret the signs of the
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    times don't miss the visitation of Jesus
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    in your life don't keep looking for
  • 19:08 - 19:09
  • 19:09 - 19:13
    sign you see Jesus told us in Matthew 24
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    from verse 36 to
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    51 Jesus already gives us direct Clues
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    to future events the sign of the hour of
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    his second coming so let us not wait for
  • 19:25 - 19:28
    another sign from Heaven to convince us
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    of the Paramount importance of making
  • 19:30 - 19:33
    the most out of life today because only
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    today is ours tomorrow is
  • 19:35 - 19:38
    not remember the case of Lazarus in the
  • 19:38 - 19:40
    Bible I mean Lazarus the leper who
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    suffered greatly in this earth and yet
  • 19:44 - 19:45
    he was
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    released by death to sit at the feet of
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    Jesus and the rich man the rich man who
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    was wicked to him during his lifetime
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    when he was in torment in hell he called
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    out to go and said please send Lazarus
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    to go and warn my loved ones so they
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    will do good so they'll repent and
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    they'll not end up like me in the fire
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    of Torment what was the
  • 20:08 - 20:11
    answer if they did not listen to the
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    prophets will they listen to the
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    dead this is what Jesus is telling us
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    are you asking for another sign are you
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    asking for another reason to believe you
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    see if someone could reason you into
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    Christianity someone else can reason you
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    out of it it's not about reasoning it's
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    a belief in your heart and it's only
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    with your heart you
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    believe faith is natural anything that
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    comes by force is not Faith so it's time
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    to lay aside lay aside our reasoning lay
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    aside our mental asent lay aside our
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    doubt and accept the call to Salvation
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    the call in our heart which is calling
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    us to get back to God there are signs
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    all around us calling us to get back to
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    God and those signs only become
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    important important because of the
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    attention that we give them you see
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    Jesus will not speak to you unless you
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    pay attention to him are you pay
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    attention to God because God is speaking
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    to you right now he's knocking on the
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    door of your heart right now he's
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    knocking on the door of your heart right
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    now he's answered your doubt he's
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    answered your question when he said the
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    sign of
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    Jonah the sign of the
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    cross what are you going through right
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    now in your life
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    do you feel like Jesus is far from you
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    he's not moved he's not changed you are
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    the one that's moved and changed has
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    your heart become hardened because of
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    sin has your heart become hardened
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    because of Pride Jesus said in Matthew
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    5:8 only the pure in heart will see
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    God are you ready for your heart to be
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    purified right now through repentance
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    because your sin cannot be covered by
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    your tears your sin cannot be removed by
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    your tears even by your prayer sin can
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    only be removed by
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    repentance so are you ready today to
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    pray with me a prayer of repentance from
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    your heart now you might say I've
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  • 22:09 - 22:11
    repented right now Jesus wants to visit
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    your heart and he can only do that when
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    you repent truly so let's pray
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    together Lord Jesus
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    Christ forgive me any way that I've
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    sinned in word and thought and deed
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    knowingly or Unknowing
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    knowingly the things I've done and also
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    the things I failed to
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    do cleanse me by your precious blood
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    raise me to a new life in Christ Jesus
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    heal me by your
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    spirit thank you for dying for me thank
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    you for Rising again for me thank you
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    for praying for me and reigning and
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    power for me in Jesus name amen
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    I believe if you've prayed this prayer
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    with your heart then you've said goodbye
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    to your past your past is just one
  • 23:07 - 23:11
    minute ago one second ago and the future
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    is ahead of you
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    yes that is what the sign of Jonah means
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    for you and me
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    today it's time to stop running away
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    from God and it's time to submit
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    yourself to the will of God the will of
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    God might take you to where you're not
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    comfortable with going but the will of
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    God knows best for you he will take you
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    to where he wants you to be and there's
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    no state of being as rewarding as living
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    in shune with God so it's time to say no
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    to unfaithfulness no to
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    Disobedience and start obeying the will
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    of God for your life that is what the
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    sign of Jonah is all about the sign of
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  • 23:50 - 23:52
    cross dying to sin and living to
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    righteousness it's possible to live a
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    life it's possible to live a life in
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    tune with God living in righteousness
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    day by day so let's continue to walk
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    this journey together with Jesus leading
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    us hand in hand wake up and interpret
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    the signs of the times thank you so much
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    for joining me in this message this
  • 24:15 - 24:17
    Divine lecture today all about the signs
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    of the times I pray that this message
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    will reach the depth of your heart
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    because all of you every one of us needs
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    to interpret the signs of the times
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    Jesus is not knocking at the door of
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    your heart he's answered your question
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    he's answered your
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    doubt he said I was in the Earth 3 days
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    and I rose again and I live in power for
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    you so that you can come to the
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    knowledge of Saving Grace that is the
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    sign of Jonah so don't wait for another
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    sign another proof another miracle
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    before you believe that Jesus is who he
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    says he is he has what he says he has
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    and he can do what he says he can do I
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    believe the Bible is true because of the
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    life of Jesus
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    Christ he lived the scriptures he quoted
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    them as being absolute words of God he
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    walked by them he fulfilled them he made
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    them work make this Bible the standard
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    for your life led by the spirit of God
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    in your heart you too can have a
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    relationship with Jesus Through the holy
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    spirit that is the greatest that is the
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    greatest gift don't feel that you've too
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    that you're too far gone in sin there's
  • 25:28 - 25:29
    nothing that you've done that Jesus
  • 25:29 - 25:31
    cannot forgive you and you cannot start
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    again that is why the gospel is called
  • 25:33 - 25:37
    good news so say goodbye to your past
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    your past could be one second ago and
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    get ready to start walking with Jesus
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    right now hand in
  • 25:43 - 25:46
    hand God bless you if you have a
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    question about this message you can
  • 25:47 - 25:49
    write in the comment section below or
  • 25:49 - 25:51
    you can send us an email we'd love to
  • 25:51 - 25:54
    hear from you we want you to become
  • 25:54 - 25:56
    spiritually alive so you can interpret
  • 25:56 - 26:00
    the signs of the times because truly if
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    Jesus were to come today are you ready
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  • 26:10 - 26:11
  • 26:11 - 26:24

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The University of God

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