The Story of Solutions
0:11 - 0:19The Story of Solutions (Why making real
change starts with changing the game) -
0:19 - 0:20with Annie Leonard
0:21 - 0:26Do you have one of these, of course
not this thing is five years old -
0:26 - 0:28now everyone's got on of these.
0:28 - 0:32Can you imagine how much genius and focus
it took to turn a music player into -
0:32 - 0:37a hand-held computer, phone, GPS, remote control
for everything in life in just five years. -
0:37 - 0:38Seriously
0:38 - 0:42The thousands of people who made this
thing had to solve thousands of problems -
0:42 - 0:45that literally could not have
been solved five years ago. -
0:45 - 0:49That's what people can do when they are
motivated to find solutions to problems. -
0:49 - 0:54But the problems we've been busy solving are
not the problems that most need solving. -
0:54 - 0:57So much focus has gone into
faster, cheaper, newer. -
0:57 - 1:02That we've actually lost ground on things
like safer, healthier and more fair. -
1:02 - 1:05It is as if we are getting better and
better at playing the wrong game. -
1:05 - 1:11And, in many ways this system is a lot
like a game, but with very high stakes. -
1:11 - 1:12Just like a game
1:12 - 1:17our economy was designed by people to
get everyone to play by certain rules -
1:17 - 1:21and, like a game, it comes with
instructions telling us what the goal is. -
1:21 - 1:24Think about the last time
you played a new game -
1:24 - 1:25Remember ?
1:25 - 1:28The first thing you did was
find out what it means to win -
1:28 - 1:31and that guides every decision
you make along the way. -
1:31 - 1:36So naturally the solutions most people are
working on pursue this games simple goal -
1:36 - 1:38and that goal is more.
1:38 - 1:42More money being spent, more roads being
built, more malls being opened, more stuff. -
1:42 - 1:45That's what economists
call growth. -
1:45 - 1:49So we take all the money spent
on stuff that makes life better -
1:49 - 1:52and all the money spent on
stuff that makes life worse -
1:52 - 1:54and we add it together
into one big number -
1:54 - 1:56called GDP.
1:56 - 2:00Were told that a bigger
GDP means we're winning -
2:00 - 2:04So it's the number that thousands of the
rules and laws are designed to increase. -
2:04 - 2:08But there's a big difference between more
kids in school or more kids in jail. -
2:08 - 2:11More windmills or
more coal-fired power plants. -
2:11 - 2:16More super-efficient public trains
or more gas wasted in traffic jams. -
2:16 - 2:17'duh!!'
2:17 - 2:21But in this game of more
they are counted same. -
2:21 - 2:25Now we can't change a game this dumb
one rule or one player at time. -
2:25 - 2:31The problem is the goal itself.
We need solutions that change that. -
2:31 - 2:36What if we built this game
around goal of better. -
2:43 - 2:46Better education, better health,
better stuff. -
2:46 - 2:49A better chance to
survive on this planet. -
2:49 - 2:50That's what we all want. right?
2:50 - 2:53So shouldn't that be
what winning means? -
2:53 - 2:57Changing the goal of the
entire economy is a huge task. -
2:57 - 2:59Of course we can't
do it all at once. -
2:59 - 3:02But when we focus on
game-changing solutions -
3:02 - 3:06we gradually make it possible
for a new game to be played. -
3:06 - 3:10To do that we have to be able to tell the
difference between a game-changing solution -
3:10 - 3:13or just a new way to play
that old game of more. -
3:13 - 3:14For example,
3:14 - 3:18let's look at two solutions to one
of the many problems we face today. -
3:18 - 3:23The scourge of plastic packaging that
everyone knows is a disaster for the planet. -
3:23 - 3:24Especially the oceans.
3:24 - 3:26And, here are two groups of people
3:26 - 3:30with very different ideas of
solutions to the plastics' problem. -
3:30 - 3:32These guys decide
that enough is enough -
3:32 - 3:37and they start by launching a citizen campaign
to ban the plastic bag in their community. -
3:37 - 3:40these guys have a
different solution. -
3:40 - 3:41They start a business
3:41 - 3:45that gives people's gift cards to buy
stuff if they recycle their plastic waste. -
3:45 - 3:47Both of these are
happening right now, -
3:47 - 3:51but only one if them
changes the game. -
3:51 - 3:55The gift card solution does keep some
plastic out of landfills and incinerators. -
3:55 - 3:59But it creates more plastic by
encouraging people to buy more stuff. -
3:59 - 4:01Even worse,
4:01 - 4:04it teaches that more consumption is the
right reward for being a good citizen. -
4:04 - 4:08Making it even harder to think
outside that old game box. -
4:08 - 4:11The 'ban the bag' solution
is harder to achieve, -
4:11 - 4:13but it's a game-changer.
4:13 - 4:14Why?
4:14 - 4:17Well, by volunteering their time,
these citizens are declaring that -
4:17 - 4:20there's something more important to them
than just earning and spending more. -
4:20 - 4:24To win this campaign, these citizens
are gonna have to team up with -
4:24 - 4:28forward-thinking businesses offering
alternatives to throw away plastic packaging. -
4:28 - 4:32They're gonna have to build power to fight
back against the American Chemistry Council. -
4:32 - 4:35Which is lobbies for the company’s
that make all that plastic junk. -
4:35 - 4:38And they're gonna have to get out and
talk to their neighbors and friends -
4:38 - 4:42inspiring yet more people to
begin to question the old game. -
4:42 - 4:46This is exactly what's happening in
towns and cities all across the world -
4:46 - 4:47and they're winning.
4:47 - 4:51But can banning a few million plastic
bags transform the goal of the game. -
4:51 - 4:53By itself no,
4:53 - 4:56but in combination with
millions of others working on -
4:56 - 4:58game-changing solutions
that they care about, -
4:58 - 4:59YES.
4:59 - 5:03Together these solutions are
beginning to turn the tide. -
5:03 - 5:05As people build power
to change the game -
5:05 - 5:07their citizen muscles grow.
5:07 - 5:11They work to ensure the local solutions
they create get copied and scaled up. -
5:11 - 5:16And when they see the solutions getting blocked
by corporations with way too much influence -
5:16 - 5:20they team up with other solutionaries
to fight for a real democracy -
5:20 - 5:23by the people, for the people.
5:23 - 5:25Gift cards will never do that
5:25 - 5:27but thousands off citizen
campaigns can. -
5:27 - 5:32Whenever I'm asked to join in a solution
I want to know if it's transformational -
5:32 - 5:34will it change the goal?
5:34 - 5:37To figure it out I
use the word GOAL -
5:37 - 5:41I want to know that it G-
gives people more power -
5:41 - 5:44taking power back from
corporations to build democracy. -
5:44 - 5:49O - opens people's eyes to the truth
that once basic needs are met -
5:49 - 5:51happiness and well-being don't
come from buying more stuff -
5:51 - 5:55but from our communities, our
health and a sense of purpose. -
5:55 - 5:59A - accounts for all
the cost it creates -
5:59 - 6:01including the toll it takes
on people and the planet -
6:01 - 6:06In other words it internalizes
costs instead of externalizing them -
6:06 - 6:08as most businesses do today.
6:08 - 6:14L - lessens the enormous wealth gap between
those who can't even meet the basic needs -
6:14 - 6:17and those who consume way
more than their fair share. -
6:17 - 6:21When I see solution that does all
that or can be redesigned to -
6:21 - 6:22I'm in.
6:22 - 6:24And they're popping
up everywhere. -
6:24 - 6:27Like the Evergreen
cooperatives in Cleveland. -
6:27 - 6:30Where worker owners are
running green businesses. -
6:30 - 6:34A laundry, a solar company and
a super productive urban farm -
6:34 - 6:36that are healthy and safe.
6:36 - 6:41They provide secure jobs to people
that the old game has left behind. -
6:41 - 6:44We all know we need to get
businesses out of our democracy. -
6:44 - 6:49But cooperatives go even further and bring
democracy into the businesses. -
6:49 - 6:51Sustainable,
democratic, equitable. -
6:51 - 6:53That's a game-changer.
6:53 - 6:58Or in Capennori, a town in Italy where local
citizens working with businesses and governments -
6:58 - 7:01are not just seeking
to manage waste better -
7:01 - 7:04but they're questioning the
very inevitability of waste. -
7:04 - 7:08They're promoting solutions to waste
not with expensive techno fixes -
7:08 - 7:13but by working together as a community
to reclaim compost for the soil, -
7:13 - 7:16to find reusable substitutes
for disposable products -
7:16 - 7:18and then to put discarded
material to good use. -
7:18 - 7:22They've already reduce some
waste streams by 82 percent -
7:22 - 7:25while creating jobs and
building social fabric. -
7:25 - 7:28And how about the new trend
of collaborative consumption -
7:28 - 7:30formerly known as 'sharing'.
7:30 - 7:33Sharing may sound like
the theme of Barney song -
7:33 - 7:36but think about it, it's a
huge challenge to the old game. -
7:36 - 7:39It gets as off the treadmill
of 'More-More-More', -
7:39 - 7:44conserves resources, gives people access
to stuff they otherwise couldn't afford -
7:44 - 7:45and builds communities.
7:45 - 7:47what does it look like?
7:47 - 7:49Bike share programs
in major cities, -
7:49 - 7:55online platforms that let us share everything
from our cars to our homes to camping gear. -
7:55 - 7:58In my town the public library
system lends out tools. -
7:58 - 8:01There's just no reason that every
house needs its own power drill, -
8:01 - 8:06crème brûlée torch, scanner, wheelbarrow,
a bike pump, when we can share. -
8:06 - 8:09As transformational solutions
like these gain traction -
8:09 - 8:14we will reach a tipping point. If we
keep focused on the new goal of better. -
8:14 - 8:18Without a new goal all the work we're
doing to build a better future will be -
8:18 - 8:23A) not enough and B) really hard.
8:23 - 8:27Too much genius and focus will continue to go
to solving problems like iPhone battery life -
8:27 - 8:31while the problems that threaten
human life spin out of control. -
8:31 - 8:34Five years ago when we
made the story of stuff -
8:34 - 8:40we started building a community of people who sensed
that something was really wrong with this old game. -
8:40 - 8:42We agreed there was a problem.
8:42 - 8:44Now it's time to
build the solutions. -
8:44 - 8:49Solutions that won't just change a few of
the rules but will change the entire game. -
8:49 - 8:50Wanna help?
8:50 - 8:51Come on let's do it.
8:56 - 8:57Subtitle by - Palash
- Title:
- The Story of Solutions
- Description:
The Story of Solutions explores how we can move our economy in a more sustainable and just direction, starting with orienting ourselves toward a new goal.
In the current 'Game of More', we're told to cheer a growing economy -- more roads, more malls, more Stuff! -- even though our health indicators are worsening, income inequality is growing and polar icecaps are melting.
But what if we changed the point of the game? What if the goal of our economy wasn't more, but better -- better health, better jobs and a better chance to survive on the planet?
Shouldn't that be what winning means?
- Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 09:07
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mooowiii edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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palash p edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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kwizrak edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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kwizrak edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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kwizrak edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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kwizrak edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions | |
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kwizrak edited English subtitles for The Story of Solutions |