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LEGO Friends - LEGO & Genus Del 1

  • 0:00 - 0:06
    "LEGO är här! Kolla in det ungar, en helt ny värld för er att bygga."
  • 0:06 - 0:10
    LEGO är en av de mest fantastiska och kreativa leksaker som någonsin skapats.
  • 0:10 - 0:16
    Kolla bara in det här. Det är en Stegosauros i LEGO! Den har till och med lysande ögon! Grrr!
  • 0:16 - 0:20
    Forskning har konsekvent visat att LEGO främjar barns barns utveckling,
  • 0:20 - 0:28
    och ses som en inkörsport till matematisk, vetenskapliga och tekniska områden, som främjande för "rumsminnet", design och självklart för fantasin.
LEGO Friends - LEGO & Genus Del 1

For more information, links and a full transcripts visit http://www.FeministFrequency.com

LEGO announced that after 4 years of intensive research, they have finally come up with a LEGO product that fulfills the desires of "how girls naturally build and play." This new theme is called LEGO Friends and it's a pink and purple, gender segregated, suburban wasteland populated by Barbie/Bratz style dolls. Many parents, educators, feminists, and media critics have spoken out against LEGOs attempts to separate girls into their own stereotypical isolated enclave within the LEGO universe.

In part 1 of my two part LEGO and Gender series, I'll explore how LEGO went terribly wrong with LEGO Friends and provide a brief history of LEGO's ridiculous and slightly hilarious attempts to market to girls since the late 70's. In part 2 I'll delve into LEGO's intentional strategy to market almost exclusively to boys since the mid 80's by developing and marketing sets that are male identified and male centered. In conclusion, I'll offer LEGO a couple of suggestions that they can consider when creating and marketing new products.

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Feminist Frequency
por belmstedt edited Swedish subtitles for LEGO Friends - LEGO & Gender Part 1
Askar91 added a translation

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