I speak to that demonic force troubling your emotions. Come out right now!
That spirit behind anxiety, worry, depression - come out, in the name of Jesus Christ!
People of God, what situation
surrounds you today?
Is your heart bruised or broken
due to the issues life has dealt you or wrong choices have led to?
I am here today to tell you this truth.
There is healing and wholeness
available for you in Jesus Christ.
I may not know what is distressing
your soul at this moment
as you are connected to this service,
but one thing I do know -
there is rest available in
Christ Jesus for you.
But take note of this.
Only the Owner of your soul can
settle the issues of your soul.
Only the Maker of your heart can
mend the issues of your heart.
Seeking relief in the flesh, just on the surface, will only lead to more distress.
It will leave you even more stressed.
Only the Owner of your soul can
settle the issues of your soul.
And that is why I say unto
you today congratulations
because you have taken the right choice.
You have chosen to seek God's intervention.
That is why you are here at this moment, connected to this service.
So the question right now is this.
What is the state of your heart as
we are about to pray together?
Is your heart open for the Holy Spirit?
Is your spirit free?
Or is your spirit still locked up?
Locked up with pain of the past, bitterness, unforgiveness or resentment?
Because what is locking your spirit
may be blocking your blessings.
It is time right now for you to
let go of all pain of the past.
Let go of that unforgiveness.
Let go of that bitterness and invite the
Holy Spirit to enter your heart right now.
Welcome the Holy Spirit into your heart.
Welcome the Holy Spirit into your midst.
Welcome the Holy Spirit into your home.
Welcome Him right now.
Oh Holy Spirit, we ask that You open the floodgates of Heaven to us today.
As we open our hearts to You, open the floodgates to us in the name of Jesus Christ.
Right now, whatever seed of bitterness
that has taken root in your heart -
I say, be uprooted in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ!
As you release forgiveness,
receive forgiveness!
As you release forgiveness,
be set apart for God’s attention!
Be set apart for God’s mercy!
Be set apart for God’s favour today!
Every stain of sin - be washed away!
Be washed away by the
Blood of Jesus Christ!
Holy Spirit, let Your floodgates of deliverance open right now.
Let Your power of deliverance
descend right now!
Receive your deliverance!
Receive it, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Every weapon of darkness that is
causing distress in your soul,
I say right now - be removed!
Be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Be dismantled right now!
I speak to that demonic force troubling your emotions. Come out right now!
That spirit behind anxiety, worry, depression - come out, in the name of Jesus Christ!
You unclean spirit causing hurt and hatred - hear the Word of God. Come out right now!
Be cast out!
Be cast out, in Jesus’ mighty name!
Every unclean spirit behind those bad habits, that force behind your bad habits -
enough is enough!
I command you unclean spirit
to come out right now!
That spirit behind sexual immorality -
get out in Jesus’ mighty name!
People of God, deliverance is taking place.
The power of the Holy Spirit is separating you from any powers of darkness.
If you are there with family members,
I want to pray for the families right now for deliverance from generational curses.
Hold your family members right now.
Let us pray together.
Every spirit of poverty holding your family hostage - enough is enough!
By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ,
I command you to come out
of that prison of poverty!
Come out of that prison of poverty!
Come out of that prison in your family!
Right now, be released from
that cage in your family!
That cage of limitation, stagnation, setback - be released from that cage!
Be released from that cage!
If your family members are not physically with you but you have their picture,
you can hold it up by faith.
You can hold up their pictures by faith.
The Spirit of God is at work.
Right now, break that curse in your family!
Break free from that curse!
That generational curse of hardship in your family - be broken right now!
That generational curse of sickness, disease, pain in your family -
be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ!
In this atmosphere of faith, place your hand anywhere you are having pain.
The Holy Spirit right now is releasing
His power of healing.
Place your hand there right now.
The floodgates of Heaven are opening and releasing healing unto your life today.
I speak directly to that unclean spirit inflicting you with pain, sickness, disease.
Hear the Word of God.
Come out right now!
Be healed, in Jesus’ name!
Be healed, in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ!
Every source of sickness in your system - be flushed out today!
Be flushed out right now!
Vomit it out, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Wherever that sickness is hiding,
wherever that disease is lurking -
come out of your system!
Out of your organs!
Be released right now!
Every foreign object in your body -
be flushed out right now!
Be flushed out by the
Blood of Jesus Christ!
I speak to that strange infection in your blood, in your muscles, in your bones.
That infection, right now -
come out of their system!
Be cleansed in Jesus’ name!
In your blood - be cleansed right now!
In your bones - be cleansed right now!
In your faculties - be cleansed!
That obstruction affecting your breathing, hindering your heart, limiting your lungs,
I say to that obstruction -
be removed right now!
Receive new life in your lungs, heart, faculties, blood, bones!
Receive it in Jesus’ name!
That strange spirit disturbing your sleep,
causing restless nights,
affecting your ability to sleep,
I say to that spirit - get out today!
Get out, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Receive that receive in your spirit,
soul and body right now!
That internal wound - be healed right now!
That internal injury - be healed right now!
Be healed, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Right now, whatever the devil has tampered with in your career
that has caused delay, limitation, stagnation - today is your day of restoration.
Be restored right now!
Be restored in your career!
Be restored in your finances!
Be restored in your business!
Be restored!
What is causing that ‘burn out’
in your career?
Are you suffering under the weight of pressure and tension in your workplace?
It is time to retake control of your heart
and recapture that territory taken by the enemy, stolen by the enemy.
Retake it right now and receive strength!
Receive strength to keep striving -
to strive for excellence,
to strive for greatness, to strive for success.
Receive that strength!
Receive that strength in the
midst of your struggle!
I say unto you by faith - your struggles
will make you stronger!
Your struggles will make you stronger!
Your struggles will make
your business stronger.
Your struggles will make
your marriage stronger.
Your struggles will make
your finances stronger.
Your struggles will make you stronger. Receive it today!
The problem many of us have today is that we find ourselves easily confused,
and confusion has influenced us
to take reckless decisions
that make our situations even worse.
I command that spirit of confusion
to leave you today!
Leave your business today!
Leave your finances today!
Leave your family today,
in the name of Jesus Christ!
I know there are many of us
connecting right now
who are looking for a job,
looking for employment.
I say unto you, today is your day!
By the authority in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ,
let your job application receive divine favour!
Let your CV attract divine favour,
in the name of Jesus Christ!
After this Interactive Prayer Service,
submit your job application and
receive your destined job!
Receive your destined promotion,
in the name of Jesus Christ!
People of God, I want you
to take note of something.
Not every failure, disappointment in your business, finances is due to spiritual attack.
No! On many occasions, we are the architect of our own downfall
because of the way we
mismanage our resources.
Today, I pray for you.
Receive the wisdom of
financial management.
Receive the wisdom of
business management.
Receive the wisdom of people management, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Right now, people of God, I want you to pray for the nations of the world.
If you have the flag of your nation,
hold it up as a point of contact.
We are connected to this service from all over the world right now.
We are not just here for ourselves.
We are here to stand in the gap
for the nations.
Remember right now those nations
that are dealing
with the aftermath of natural disasters.
Remember those nations and ask
for divine intervention right now.
Ask for divine intervention.
Remember those nations that are dealing with ongoing conflict and unrest.
Remember those nations.
Ask for divine intervention.
Pray for divine intervention today.
Remember your own nation
in prayer right now.
Mention the name of your nation.
Commit your nation, commit your leaders into the hands of God
and ask for divine intervention
in the affairs of your nation.
Every veil darkening your heart,
hindering your heart from receiving revelation from above,
I say to that veil - be torn down today!
Let the eyes of your faith be opened,
in Jesus’ mighty name.
The eyes of your faith - be opened right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Begin to see life clearly.
See yourself clearly.
See others clearly.
Discover yourself.
Get God's opinion of yourself and others,
in the name of Jesus Christ!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray.
People of God, the Scripture says
in the book of Psalm 142:7
that God releases our soul from prison
that we may praise His holy name.
I say right now, today, by the authority
in the name of Jesus Christ,
your soul has been released
from that prison of bondage.
Your family has been released from the prison of generational curses.
Your business has been released from the prison of stagnation.
Your health has been released from the prison of affliction.
Your life has been released today.
Rejoice in your release!
Yes, rejoice in your release and praise
His name for your healing.
Praise His name for your deliverance.
Praise His name for your freedom.
Praise His name for that new job.
Praise His name for that promotion.
Praise His name for that fruitfulness.
Praise His name for that reconciliation.
Praise His name!
Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord!
And take note of this - when you seek God in the midst of your situation,
you will see God in the
midst of your situation.
But your desire to receive
from Jesus Christ
must be accompanied by commitment to follow Jesus Christ.
Is there any area of your lifestyle,
your daily life,
that you know you need to adjust in order to maintain your relationship with God?
The genuineness of your willingness
to follow Jesus
is reflected by the seriousness with
which you answer this question -
not merely with your lips but with your life.
Take note, people of God.
Of course, everyone makes mistakes.
And yes, we all wrestle
with our weaknesses.
But the key is for you to
run to God in repentance.
When you run to God in repentance,
you will find the strength to overcome
and the grace to move on.