The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace
Not SyncedFrom True Lies to American Sniper, from 24 to Call
Not Syncedof Duty: Modern Warfare, Western media is full of
Not Syncedimages of evil brown people who need to be wiped
Not Syncedfrom the earth by noble, righteous white men
Not Syncedheroically fighting for freedom and justice. And
Not Syncedsure, it’s so commonplace by this point that maybe
Not Syncedyou don’t even bat an eye at old-fashioned American
Not SyncedIslamophobia in our media.
Not SyncedWhoa! Even Back to the Future? that beloved comedy
Not Syncedclassic, takes a moment to toss in a few scary
Not Syncedbrown men to menace and terrorize our white heroes!
Not SyncedUnfortunately, we can’t hop in Doc Brown’s DeLorean
Not Syncedand undo all the harmful representations of
Not SyncedMuslims, Arabs and Middle-Easterners that have
Not Syncedhaunted our stories since...well, basically the
Not SyncedCrusades. But we can try to make sure history
Not Synceddoesn’t keep repeating itself.
Not SyncedOkay, maybe that’s not entirely fair. In some ways,
Not Syncedthings have changed. Once upon a time, non-white
Not Syncedactors could hardly get any work in Hollywood at
Not Synced
Not Syncedall. These days, shows like Homeland and movies
Not Syncedlike Executive Decision are providing some brown
Not Syncedactors with ample opportunity to portray scary
Not Syncedterrorists who get gunned down while screaming
Not Syncedsomething absurd like “Death to America”. It
Not Synceddoesn’t even matter if you’re not actually of
Not SyncedMiddle-Eastern descent! If you’re vaguely brown,
Not Syncedyou can stick around (to play bad guys).
Not Synced
Not SyncedNow, sure, not every Middle-Eastern character in
Not Synced
Not Syncedfilms is a villain. In the 1921 box-office smash
Not Synced
Not SyncedThe Sheik, the dashing hero gets the girl in the
Not Synced
Not Syncedend. But the Arab world of the film is presented as
Not Syncedexotic and dangerous, and the sheik himself, the
Not Syncedone good, heroic Arab, is played by Italian-
Not Synced
Not SyncedAmerican heartthrob Rudolph Valentino! You see,
Not Synced
Not Syncedsince he’s not really Arab, he’s allowed to get the
Not Synced
Not Syncedgirl in the end.
Not Synced
Not SyncedIf you think this kind of racist coding to signify
Not Synced
Not Syncedthe difference between “good Arabs” and “bad Arabs”
Not Synced
Not Syncedwent away with the advent of talkies, think again.
Not SyncedHave you ever noticed how, in Disney’s Aladdin, the
Not Syncedgood guy might as well be a tanned American surfer
Not Synceddude...
Not Synced...but the bad guys look and sound a little
Not Syncedmore…”Arab”?
Not SyncedWhile Hollywood historically has sometimes given
Not Synced“good Arab” roles to non-Arab actors, it has also
Not Syncedsometimes given not-so-good Arab and South Asian
Not Syncedroles to white actors, too, denying brown people
Not Syncedwork and decent on-screen representation in one
Not Syncedfell swoop. It’s the world’s worst Catch 22! For
Not Syncedexample, take “Mr. Habib,” the scheming Middle-
Not SyncedEastern villain in Father of the Bride Part 2 who
Not Syncedis played by Eugene Levy.
Not SyncedThose aren’t even real words he says to his wife!
Not SyncedIt’s just vaguely Middle-Eastern sounding
Not Syncedgibberish! [PAUSE-RESET] And the written equivalent
Not Syncedof this is very common as well: video games and TV
Not Syncedshows constantly just toss up some squiggly text
Not Syncedand try to pass it off as actual Arabic!
Not SyncedWell, this one is Arabic, but it sure doesn’t say
Not Syncedwhat the Homeland producers wanted it to!
Not SyncedAs insidious as it is to flatten entire cultures
Not Syncedand populations into The Land of Squiggly Writing,
Not Syncedthere is nothing so pervasive and damaging as
Not SyncedHollywood’s tendency to constantly portray vaguely
Not SyncedMiddle-Eastern people as generic terrorists. It’s
Not Syncedso common that on screen, brown skin has
Not Syncedpractically become synonymous with bad guys who
Not Syncedhave little or no character development beyond
Not Syncedhating America and freedom fries. One of the
Not Syncedbiggest problems with this is that it erases the
Not Syncedactual lives and cultures of Middle-Eastern people,
Not Syncedand leads many Western viewers to lump all of them
Not Syncedinto the same group.
Not SyncedSo let’s start by clarifying a few terms whose
Not Syncedmeaning has been obscured by media that paints the
Not Syncedentire Middle East with the same broad, shallow,
Not Syncedignorant brush.
Not SyncedFirst of all, we’ve done a lot of research on this
Not Syncedand as it turns out, words actually have meanings!
Not SyncedWeird, right? You can’t just lump Arabs and Muslims
Not Syncedtogether because they are not the same thing! Arabs
Not Syncedare a specific ethnic group, united by culture and
Not Syncedlanguage, and who primarily originate from middle
Not Syncedeastern countries. Arab is not, repeat NOT, a
Not Syncedracial category. Got that? You can be white, black,
Not Syncedbrown and still be Arab. But not all people from
Not Syncedthe Middle East are Arab and vice versa -- like,
Not Syncedoh say, ethnic Persians in Iran.
Not SyncedA Muslim is someone who practices Islam, a religion
Not Syncedwith over 1.7 billion members spanning a vast
Not Syncednumber of ethnic and cultural identities. The
Not Synced“Muslim world” actually comprises a multitude of
Not Syncedgroups that folks often forget, including:
Not SyncedIranians, South Asians, North Africans,
Not SyncedIndonesians, black Americans. Islam is not confined
Not Syncedto the Middle East, to olive-skinned people, or
Not Syncedjust people who speak Arabic.
Not SyncedBut despite the fact that Islam is a religion, not
Not Synceda race, it’s vital for us to understand that
Not Synced
Not SyncedIslamophobia is racism. [SHIFT] If you’ve been
Not Syncedpaying attention thus far, then you might be asking
Not Syncedyourself, “If Islam isn’t a race, then how can
Not SyncedIslamophobia be racism?” The answer lies in another
Not Synced“-ism,” one many Westerners aren’t particularly
Not Syncedfamiliar with: Orientalism.
Not SyncedIn short, the term Orientalism refers to how, for
Not Syncedhundreds of years, Western artistic and academic
Not Syncedhistory has perpetuated an ignorant and prejudiced
Not Syncedview of the East. A view rooted in the idea of
Not SyncedWestern culture as inherently more advanced and
Not Syncedenlightened, and Eastern culture as inherently more
Not Syncedignorant, irrational, primitive, and often, highly-
Not Syncedsexualized. Again, Muslims come from many different
Not Syncedraces and span a myriad of cultural identities. In
Not Syncedfact, the former president of the Islamic Society
Not Syncedof North America is a white woman, Dr. Ingrid
Not SyncedMattson. But let’s be real: nobody who spreads the
Not Syncedhate of Islam is talking about white ladies.
Not SyncedWestern media has contributed to a level of
Not Syncedignorance so great that for many people it has
Not Syncedresulted in equating Islam with scary brown people,
Not Syncedparticularly scary brown men, from the Middle East.
Not SyncedIt’s been so effective that most of you probably
Not Synceddidn’t even know that this man isn’t Muslim, he’s
Not SyncedSikh!
Not SyncedSikhism and Islam are two completely different
Not Syncedreligions! The fact that Sikhs are so often the
Not Syncedtargets of anti-Muslim hate crimes makes it crystal
Not Syncedclear that Islamophobia is all about race. The only
Not Syncedreason some Sikhs--those with brown skin--are
Not Syncedsometimes the targets of Islamophobic violence is
Not Syncedthat they are also perceived as Middle-Eastern, and
Not SyncedMiddle-Eastern is perceived as Muslim, and Muslim
Not Syncedis perceived as scary!
Not SyncedWhew! Thanks, Jack Bauer, what would we do without
Not Syncedyou It isn’t just film and television that
Not Syncedperpetuates this kind of ignorance. Here’s comedian
Not SyncedKumail Nanjiani on how video games often don’t put
Not Syncedin even the absolute bare minimum of effort or
Not Syncedresearch when representing the Middle East.
Not SyncedModern films, TV shows and games definitely
Not Syncedperpetuate Islamophobia, but it’s no exaggeration
Not Syncedto say that ignorant representations of people from
Not Syncedthe Middle-East in Western media date back for
Not Syncedcenturies. Orientalist paintings of the 1800s were
Not Syncedoften characterized by overly sexualized depictions
Not Syncedof daily life, and Romantic Orientalist literature
Not Syncedof the late 1700s and early 1800s served to justify
Not SyncedEuropean imperialism by presenting Middle-Eastern
Not Syncedpeople and cultures as inherently exotic and
Not Syncedstrange.
Not SyncedSo there’s a conflation of Arab with Muslim, and
Not Syncedbecause our ideas about Islam are so deeply linked
Not Syncedto stereotypes about terrorism and violence, both
Not Syncedof those categories are associated with masculinity
Not Syncedand men. While many male Muslim actors in Hollywood
Not Syncedcan only find work playing bit parts as evil
Not Syncedterrorists, [SAD] Muslim women are often erased
Not Syncedaltogether. The very real advances that Arab women
Not Synced
Not Syncedhave made in many parts of the world are ignored
Not Syncedbecause depicting them would complicate the
Not Syncedsimplistic racist narrative about Arabs and
Not SyncedMuslims, that Hollywood continues trying to cash in
Not Syncedon. [SARCASM] It’s *almost as if* we don’t know how
Not Syncedto contend with women as real people.
Not SyncedFilmmakers and TV producers know how to objectify
Not Syncedwomen, how to prize them for their physical
Not Syncedattributes and their appearance. The stories we
Not Syncedallow ourselves to tell about the Middle East, with
Not Syncedits different cultural mores, don’t allow for the
Not Syncedsame kind of easy objectification of these brown
Not Syncedwomen’s bodies -- and so we resist including them
Not Syncedat all.
Not SyncedAnd when Arab or Muslim women do appear, they’re
Not Syncedeither offered as mysterious, sexually wanton
Not Syncedcreatures who offer temptations for white male
Not Syncedheroes -- think belly dancing seductresses if the
Not Syncedstory is set in the past -- or niqab-clad secret
Not Syncedpurveyors of violence, if the story is set in the
Not Syncedpresent.
Not Synced
Not SyncedAt least we can thank 24 again for casting the
Not Syncedgreat Iranian actor Shohreh Aghdashloo show-RAY ag-
Not SyncedDASH-loo in season four as a Muslim terrorist who
Not Syncedis also a wife and mother! [PAUSE] But there are
Not Syncedartists, critics, and writers who are out there
Not Syncedspeaking about what it means to be the target of
Not Syncedall-this anti-brown racism, and a lot of the most
Not Syncedinteresting critiques are coming from Muslim women
Not Syncedthemselves. Oh crap, I think we just missed a call
Not Syncedfrom Muslim comedian, Zahra Noorbakhsh … let’s see
Not Syncedif she left a message, cause I know she has
Not Syncedfeelings about all this.
Not SyncedOh crap, I think we missed a call, I wonder who it
Not Syncedcould be. To the feminist answering machine.
Not SyncedThere’s tremendous harm in centuries of images that
Not Syncedreduce entire nations, cultures and religions to
Not Syncedthe status of subhuman savages. As Jack Shaheen,
Not Syncedthe author of Reel Bad Arabs, has said,
Not SyncedIn the wake of the September 11th attacks [PAUSE]
Not Syncedformer “Worst President Ever” George W. Bush used
Not Syncedthe term “axis of evil” to describe nations
Not Syncedincluding Iran and Iraq, in an effort to drum up
Not Syncedsupport for the “War on Terror”. And it worked.
Not SyncedMore recently, during the 2016 presidential
Not Syncedcampaign Republican candidates tossed around the
Not Syncedphrase “radical Islamic terrorism” as if it were
Not Syncedsome kind of magic spell they could use to make
Not Syncedvotes appear out of thin air.
Not SyncedAnd again, it worked! The only reason tactics like
Not Syncedthese have any effect is that, to so many
Not SyncedAmericans, people in the Middle East have never
Not Syncedbeen established as human beings, with real lives,
Not Syncedhopes, dreams, and struggles. [SERIOUS] When almost
Not Syncedevery story you’ve ever seen about a particular
Not Syncedpart of the world paints the people who live there
Not SyncedAS monolithic, evil, and scary, you’re a lot more
Not Syncedlikely to believe that it’s actually true.
Not SyncedWhen people believe it's true, they aren't just
Not Syncedmore likely to support politicians or policies that
Not Syncedappeal to fear and ignorance about the Middle East.
Not SyncedThey're also more likely to act on that fear and
Not Syncedignorance themselves. The Southern Poverty Law
Not SyncedCenter notes that the number of anti-Muslim hate
Not Syncedgroups tripled in the United States in 2016. The
Not SyncedAmerican-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee noted
Not Syncedthe same increase after the release of patriotic
Not Syncedfever dream, American Sniper. 2016 also saw a 67%
Not Syncedincrease in anti-Muslim hate crimes, and there's no
Not Syncedquestion that Trump's racist, fear-mongering
Not Syncedrhetoric has played a part in this surge of
Not Syncedxenophobia and violence. Of course, Trump doesn’t
Not Syncedstop with rhetoric himself. Within the first 100
Not Synceddays of his presidency:
Not SyncedHe has repeatedly tried to push through bans
Not Syncedpreventing the citizens of several Muslim-majority
Not Syncedcountries from entering the United States.
Not SyncedHe dropped the US military’s most powerful non-
Not Syncednuclear bomb on Afghanistan.
Not SyncedAnd he fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at, I don’t know,
Not Syncedsome Middle-Eastern country while eating the most
Not Syncedbeautiful piece of chocolate cake!
Not SyncedIraq, Syria, what’s the difference?! It was one of
Not Syncedthose countries the evil, scary brown people live
Not Syncedin.
Not SyncedNow, I can already hear the army of Richard
Not SyncedDawkins-parroting, anti-feminist Twitter users typing
Not Syncedup their responses about how Islam is a religion
Not Synceddedicated to oppressing women. It’s amazing how
Not Syncedsuddenly everybody’s a feminist when it lets them
Not Syncedperpetuate hate against brown people or dismiss
Not Syncedconcerns about how women are oppressed in their own
Not Syncedculture. So let’s be clear, misogyny is not a
Not Syncedproblem with Islam; misogyny is a problem that some
cultures which happen to be Muslim use the religion -
Not Syncedto perpetuate and justify. Christianity has been
Not Syncedused as a tool to oppress women around the world
Not Syncedfor millennia! It’s specifically because our media
perpetually equates Islam -- a religion followed by -
Not Syncednearly ¼ of the world’s population -- with evil,
Not Syncedterrorism, and oppression, that so many people
Not Syncedbelieve that’s what Islam actually is.
Not SyncedAnd make no mistake: Islamophobia is big business –
Not Synced- and not just for Hollywood. Hundreds of millions
Not Syncedof dollars each year go into feeding what activist
Not SyncedTaz Ahmed calls “the fear industrial
Not Syncedcomplex that perpetuates racism.” Devious Russian
Not Syncedgenerals and Nazi scientists from the Cold War
Not Syncedwon’t prop up our defense industry anymore, so we
Not Syncedneeded some new bad guys. Come on it’s not like
Not Syncedwe’re just going to stop making bombs, right?
Not SyncedOur entertainment media's insistence on constantly
Not Syncedportraying people from the Middle East as scheming
Not Syncedoil sheiks, slavers, snake charmers and suicide
Not Syncedbombers--but never as real people--has real
Not Syncedconsequences. Muslims here in the U.S., and
Not Syncedeveryone who is or looks like they could be Middle
Not SyncedEastern, constantly face ignorance and racism. They
Not Syncedlive in fear of the very real possibility of being
Not Syncedaccosted or attacked because someone takes a look
Not Syncedat them and associates them with everything they've
Not Syncedseen in the movies and everything the president has
Not Syncedsaid about people from the Middle East. What we
Not Syncedneed now are more stories that dispel the deeply
Not Syncedharmful stereotypes and encourage us to see people
Not Syncedfrom the Middle East--whether they're Arab or
Not SyncedMuslim or neither or both--as what they REALLY are:
Not Syncedhuman beings.
Not Synced
Not Synced
Not Synced
- Title:
- The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace
- Description:
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This is the third episode of Feminist Frequency’s new series, The FREQ Show! With The FREQ Show, we’re answering the question, “What do representations of race, gender and sexuality in pop culture have to do with our current social and political climate?”
In “Manufacturing a Muslim Menace,” we analyze the ways in which the ubiquitous, deeply harmful stereotypical representations of Muslims and Arabs as terrorists and savages in so much popular media contribute directly to Islamophobia in our culture. More than that, they cultivate a political space in which our president can ride Islamophobic sentiment straight into the Oval Office, and then pursue policies rooted in the very Islamophobia that Hollywood has done so much to cultivate.
Help make the media more feminist:
Tumblr: - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- Feminist Frequency
- Duration:
- 16:35
Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace | ||
Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace | ||
Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace | ||
Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.03 Manufacturing a Muslim Menace |