1 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 From True Lies to American Sniper, from 24 to Call 2 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of Duty: Modern Warfare, Western media is full of 3 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 images of evil brown people who need to be wiped 4 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 from the earth by noble, righteous white men 5 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 heroically fighting for freedom and justice. And 6 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 sure, it’s so commonplace by this point that maybe 7 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you don’t even bat an eye at old-fashioned American 8 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Islamophobia in our media. 9 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Whoa! Even Back to the Future? that beloved comedy 10 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 classic, takes a moment to toss in a few scary 11 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 brown men to menace and terrorize our white heroes! 12 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Unfortunately, we can’t hop in Doc Brown’s DeLorean 13 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and undo all the harmful representations of 14 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Muslims, Arabs and Middle-Easterners that have 15 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 haunted our stories since...well, basically the 16 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Crusades. But we can try to make sure history 17 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 doesn’t keep repeating itself. 18 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Okay, maybe that’s not entirely fair. In some ways, 19 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 things have changed. Once upon a time, non-white 20 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 actors could hardly get any work in Hollywood at 21 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 22 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 all. These days, shows like Homeland and movies 23 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 like Executive Decision are providing some brown 24 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 actors with ample opportunity to portray scary 25 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 terrorists who get gunned down while screaming 26 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 something absurd like “Death to America”. It 27 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 doesn’t even matter if you’re not actually of 28 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Middle-Eastern descent! If you’re vaguely brown, 29 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you can stick around (to play bad guys). 30 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 31 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Now, sure, not every Middle-Eastern character in 32 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 33 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 films is a villain. In the 1921 box-office smash 34 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 35 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The Sheik, the dashing hero gets the girl in the 36 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 37 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 end. But the Arab world of the film is presented as 38 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 exotic and dangerous, and the sheik himself, the 39 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 one good, heroic Arab, is played by Italian- 40 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 41 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 American heartthrob Rudolph Valentino! You see, 42 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 43 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 since he’s not really Arab, he’s allowed to get the 44 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 45 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 girl in the end. 46 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 47 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you think this kind of racist coding to signify 48 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 49 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the difference between “good Arabs” and “bad Arabs” 50 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 51 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 went away with the advent of talkies, think again. 52 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Have you ever noticed how, in Disney’s Aladdin, the 53 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 good guy might as well be a tanned American surfer 54 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 dude... 55 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 ...but the bad guys look and sound a little 56 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 more…”Arab”? 57 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 While Hollywood historically has sometimes given 58 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 “good Arab” roles to non-Arab actors, it has also 59 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 sometimes given not-so-good Arab and South Asian 60 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 roles to white actors, too, denying brown people 61 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 work and decent on-screen representation in one 62 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 fell swoop. It’s the world’s worst Catch 22! For 63 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 example, take “Mr. Habib,” the scheming Middle- 64 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Eastern villain in Father of the Bride Part 2 who 65 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is played by Eugene Levy. 66 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Those aren’t even real words he says to his wife! 67 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It’s just vaguely Middle-Eastern sounding 68 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 gibberish! [PAUSE-RESET] And the written equivalent 69 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of this is very common as well: video games and TV 70 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 shows constantly just toss up some squiggly text 71 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and try to pass it off as actual Arabic! 72 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, this one is Arabic, but it sure doesn’t say 73 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 what the Homeland producers wanted it to! 74 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 As insidious as it is to flatten entire cultures 75 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and populations into The Land of Squiggly Writing, 76 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 there is nothing so pervasive and damaging as 77 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Hollywood’s tendency to constantly portray vaguely 78 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Middle-Eastern people as generic terrorists. It’s 79 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so common that on screen, brown skin has 80 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 practically become synonymous with bad guys who 81 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 have little or no character development beyond 82 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 hating America and freedom fries. One of the 83 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 biggest problems with this is that it erases the 84 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 actual lives and cultures of Middle-Eastern people, 85 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and leads many Western viewers to lump all of them 86 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into the same group. 87 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So let’s start by clarifying a few terms whose 88 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 meaning has been obscured by media that paints the 89 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 entire Middle East with the same broad, shallow, 90 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 ignorant brush. 91 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 First of all, we’ve done a lot of research on this 92 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and as it turns out, words actually have meanings! 93 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Weird, right? You can’t just lump Arabs and Muslims 94 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 together because they are not the same thing! Arabs 95 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are a specific ethnic group, united by culture and 96 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 language, and who primarily originate from middle 97 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 eastern countries. Arab is not, repeat NOT, a 98 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 racial category. Got that? You can be white, black, 99 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 brown and still be Arab. But not all people from 100 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the Middle East are Arab and vice versa -- like, 101 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 oh say, ethnic Persians in Iran. 102 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 A Muslim is someone who practices Islam, a religion 103 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 with over 1.7 billion members spanning a vast 104 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 number of ethnic and cultural identities. The 105 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 “Muslim world” actually comprises a multitude of 106 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 groups that folks often forget, including: 107 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Iranians, South Asians, North Africans, 108 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Indonesians, black Americans. Islam is not confined 109 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to the Middle East, to olive-skinned people, or 110 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 just people who speak Arabic. 111 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But despite the fact that Islam is a religion, not 112 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 a race, it’s vital for us to understand that 113 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 114 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Islamophobia is racism. [SHIFT] If you’ve been 115 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 paying attention thus far, then you might be asking 116 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 yourself, “If Islam isn’t a race, then how can 117 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Islamophobia be racism?” The answer lies in another 118 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 “-ism,” one many Westerners aren’t particularly 119 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 familiar with: Orientalism. 120 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In short, the term Orientalism refers to how, for 121 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 hundreds of years, Western artistic and academic 122 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 history has perpetuated an ignorant and prejudiced 123 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 view of the East. A view rooted in the idea of 124 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Western culture as inherently more advanced and 125 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 enlightened, and Eastern culture as inherently more 126 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 ignorant, irrational, primitive, and often, highly- 127 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 sexualized. Again, Muslims come from many different 128 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 races and span a myriad of cultural identities. In 129 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 fact, the former president of the Islamic Society 130 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of North America is a white woman, Dr. Ingrid 131 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Mattson. But let’s be real: nobody who spreads the 132 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 hate of Islam is talking about white ladies. 133 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Western media has contributed to a level of 134 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 ignorance so great that for many people it has 135 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 resulted in equating Islam with scary brown people, 136 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 particularly scary brown men, from the Middle East. 137 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It’s been so effective that most of you probably 138 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 didn’t even know that this man isn’t Muslim, he’s 139 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Sikh! 140 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Sikhism and Islam are two completely different 141 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 religions! The fact that Sikhs are so often the 142 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 targets of anti-Muslim hate crimes makes it crystal 143 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 clear that Islamophobia is all about race. The only 144 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 reason some Sikhs--those with brown skin--are 145 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 sometimes the targets of Islamophobic violence is 146 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that they are also perceived as Middle-Eastern, and 147 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Middle-Eastern is perceived as Muslim, and Muslim 148 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is perceived as scary! 149 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Whew! Thanks, Jack Bauer, what would we do without 150 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you It isn’t just film and television that 151 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 perpetuates this kind of ignorance. Here’s comedian 152 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Kumail Nanjiani on how video games often don’t put 153 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in even the absolute bare minimum of effort or 154 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 research when representing the Middle East. 155 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Modern films, TV shows and games definitely 156 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 perpetuate Islamophobia, but it’s no exaggeration 157 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to say that ignorant representations of people from 158 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the Middle-East in Western media date back for 159 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 centuries. Orientalist paintings of the 1800s were 160 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 often characterized by overly sexualized depictions 161 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of daily life, and Romantic Orientalist literature 162 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of the late 1700s and early 1800s served to justify 163 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 European imperialism by presenting Middle-Eastern 164 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 people and cultures as inherently exotic and 165 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 strange. 166 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So there’s a conflation of Arab with Muslim, and 167 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because our ideas about Islam are so deeply linked 168 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to stereotypes about terrorism and violence, both 169 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of those categories are associated with masculinity 170 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and men. While many male Muslim actors in Hollywood 171 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 can only find work playing bit parts as evil 172 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 terrorists, [SAD] Muslim women are often erased 173 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 altogether. The very real advances that Arab women 174 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 175 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 have made in many parts of the world are ignored 176 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because depicting them would complicate the 177 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 simplistic racist narrative about Arabs and 178 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Muslims, that Hollywood continues trying to cash in 179 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 on. [SARCASM] It’s *almost as if* we don’t know how 180 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to contend with women as real people. 181 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Filmmakers and TV producers know how to objectify 182 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 women, how to prize them for their physical 183 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 attributes and their appearance. The stories we 184 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 allow ourselves to tell about the Middle East, with 185 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 its different cultural mores, don’t allow for the 186 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 same kind of easy objectification of these brown 187 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 women’s bodies -- and so we resist including them 188 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at all. 189 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And when Arab or Muslim women do appear, they’re 190 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 either offered as mysterious, sexually wanton 191 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 creatures who offer temptations for white male 192 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 heroes -- think belly dancing seductresses if the 193 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 story is set in the past -- or niqab-clad secret 194 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 purveyors of violence, if the story is set in the 195 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 present. 196 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 197 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 At least we can thank 24 again for casting the 198 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 great Iranian actor Shohreh Aghdashloo show-RAY ag- 199 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 DASH-loo in season four as a Muslim terrorist who 200 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is also a wife and mother! [PAUSE] But there are 201 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 artists, critics, and writers who are out there 202 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 speaking about what it means to be the target of 203 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 all-this anti-brown racism, and a lot of the most 204 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 interesting critiques are coming from Muslim women 205 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 themselves. Oh crap, I think we just missed a call 206 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 from Muslim comedian, Zahra Noorbakhsh … let’s see 207 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if she left a message, cause I know she has 208 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 feelings about all this. 209 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Oh crap, I think we missed a call, I wonder who it 210 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 could be. To the feminist answering machine. 211 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There’s tremendous harm in centuries of images that 212 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 reduce entire nations, cultures and religions to 213 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the status of subhuman savages. As Jack Shaheen, 214 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the author of Reel Bad Arabs, has said, 215 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In the wake of the September 11th attacks [PAUSE] 216 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 former “Worst President Ever” George W. Bush used 217 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the term “axis of evil” to describe nations 218 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 including Iran and Iraq, in an effort to drum up 219 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 support for the “War on Terror”. And it worked. 220 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 More recently, during the 2016 presidential 221 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 campaign Republican candidates tossed around the 222 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” as if it were 223 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 some kind of magic spell they could use to make 224 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 votes appear out of thin air. 225 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And again, it worked! The only reason tactics like 226 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 these have any effect is that, to so many 227 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Americans, people in the Middle East have never 228 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 been established as human beings, with real lives, 229 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 hopes, dreams, and struggles. [SERIOUS] When almost 230 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 every story you’ve ever seen about a particular 231 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 part of the world paints the people who live there 232 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 AS monolithic, evil, and scary, you’re a lot more 233 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 likely to believe that it’s actually true. 234 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When people believe it's true, they aren't just 235 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 more likely to support politicians or policies that 236 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 appeal to fear and ignorance about the Middle East. 237 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 They're also more likely to act on that fear and 238 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 ignorance themselves. The Southern Poverty Law 239 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Center notes that the number of anti-Muslim hate 240 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 groups tripled in the United States in 2016. The 241 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee noted 242 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the same increase after the release of patriotic 243 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 fever dream, American Sniper. 2016 also saw a 67% 244 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes, and there's no 245 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 question that Trump's racist, fear-mongering 246 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 rhetoric has played a part in this surge of 247 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 xenophobia and violence. Of course, Trump doesn’t 248 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 stop with rhetoric himself. Within the first 100 249 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 days of his presidency: 250 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He has repeatedly tried to push through bans 251 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 preventing the citizens of several Muslim-majority 252 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 countries from entering the United States. 253 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He dropped the US military’s most powerful non- 254 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 nuclear bomb on Afghanistan. 255 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at, I don’t know, 256 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 some Middle-Eastern country while eating the most 257 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 beautiful piece of chocolate cake! 258 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Iraq, Syria, what’s the difference?! It was one of 259 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 those countries the evil, scary brown people live 260 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in. 261 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Now, I can already hear the army of Richard 262 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Dawkins-parroting, anti-feminist Twitter users typing 263 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 up their responses about how Islam is a religion 264 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 dedicated to oppressing women. It’s amazing how 265 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 suddenly everybody’s a feminist when it lets them 266 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 perpetuate hate against brown people or dismiss 267 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 concerns about how women are oppressed in their own 268 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 culture. So let’s be clear, misogyny is not a 269 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 problem with Islam; misogyny is a problem that some cultures which happen to be Muslim use the religion 270 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to perpetuate and justify. Christianity has been 271 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 used as a tool to oppress women around the world 272 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for millennia! It’s specifically because our media perpetually equates Islam -- a religion followed by 273 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 nearly ¼ of the world’s population -- with evil, 274 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 terrorism, and oppression, that so many people 275 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 believe that’s what Islam actually is. 276 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And make no mistake: Islamophobia is big business – 277 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 - and not just for Hollywood. Hundreds of millions 278 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of dollars each year go into feeding what activist 279 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Taz Ahmed calls “the fear industrial 280 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 complex that perpetuates racism.” Devious Russian 281 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 generals and Nazi scientists from the Cold War 282 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 won’t prop up our defense industry anymore, so we 283 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 needed some new bad guys. Come on it’s not like 284 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we’re just going to stop making bombs, right? 285 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Our entertainment media's insistence on constantly 286 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 portraying people from the Middle East as scheming 287 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 oil sheiks, slavers, snake charmers and suicide 288 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 bombers--but never as real people--has real 289 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 consequences. Muslims here in the U.S., and 290 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 everyone who is or looks like they could be Middle 291 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Eastern, constantly face ignorance and racism. They 292 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 live in fear of the very real possibility of being 293 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 accosted or attacked because someone takes a look 294 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at them and associates them with everything they've 295 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 seen in the movies and everything the president has 296 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 said about people from the Middle East. What we 297 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 need now are more stories that dispel the deeply 298 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 harmful stereotypes and encourage us to see people 299 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 from the Middle East--whether they're Arab or 300 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Muslim or neither or both--as what they REALLY are: 301 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 human beings. 302 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 303 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 304 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999