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The Sikh New Year | Chet | The Barah Maha Series - #1

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    Congratulations to everyone
    on celebrating the Sikh new year.
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    The Sikh new year falls on
    the Sangrand of Chet.
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    The first day of the first month
    in the Sikh calendar
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    which is Chet.
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    In this video we are going to be
    looking at the Pauree
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    of the Chet month
    in the Bani of Barah Maha
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    by Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
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    Guru Arjan Dev Ji is going to guide us
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    and give us teachings
    for this month of Chet.
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    At the end of this video
    I will be sharing three things
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    that we need to do in this month.
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    Guru Arjan Dev Ji starts off the Pauree by saying
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    Everybody in the world seeks peace,
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    Anand, the state of bliss, of Sukh.
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    Even in the English calendar inthe month of January when the new year comes
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    we all have our new yer resolution
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    and one of that is always seeking for happiness.
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    Guru Arjan Dev Ji says that for us to for that Sukh,
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    that Anand, that permenant Sukh
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    is through Araadhana, is through Naam Simran,
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    meditation on Parmatama.
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    We might ask this question that
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    Sache Paatshah, where can we get that inspiration and guidance
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    or directions to do Naam Simran?
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    Also to ensure continuity when we do it?
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    Guru Sahib continues in the next Pankti,
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    They say,
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    It is through the sangat of the Saints,
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    the Mahapurakhs, the Gurmukhs
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    that we are inspired to do Naam Simran,
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    We are blessed and guided to do Naam Simran.
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    Sangat ji, especially walking on the path of Sikhi
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    as e new person, it is very important to get that inspiration and that guidance.
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    Just like someone in this world who seekd to become a doctor
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    or a businessman or a business woman, what do we do?
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    We read the life stories, the biography, we watch videos of the person
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    who is a successful doctor or a successful business person.
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    Then being inspired by them we also try to walk on the same path as them as well.
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    It is the same thing here as well sangat ji.
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    Seeking for that inspiration and guidance from the saints.
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    Raja Shiv Nabh During the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
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    he was a king of Sangladeep which is now modern Sri Lanka.
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    Raja Shiv Nabh got inspiration to do Naam Simran from Bhai Mansukh Ji
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    who has done the Sangat of Guru Nanak Dev Ji,
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    who has learned so much from Guru Nanak Dev Ji
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    and was doing Bhagti from the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
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    Raja Shi Nabh listened to the Sakiyan of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
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    was so inspired that he too started doing Naam Simran
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    he too started remembering Guru Nanak Dev Ji
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    and one day the time came when through that rememberance,
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    through that Araadhana Guru Sahib Themselves
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    came to Sangladepp to bless Raja Shiv Nabh with Their darshan.
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    Guru Ji says in the next Pankti,
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    That those who have found Parmatama
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    those saints, those Gurmukhs who have through Naam Simran
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    found Parmatama, their coming into this world
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    is fortunate, is fruitful.
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    Guru Sahib says that too can be our situation as well.
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    Where through Naam Simran, through meditation,
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    Bhagti we can also find Parmatama
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    and our coming into this world will also become fruitful.
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    Remember what Guru Sahib says
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    That we have come here to gain a profit.
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    Profit of what?
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    Through Naam Simran, union with Vaheguru.
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    Inthe next two Panktiaan Guru Sahib is giving us advice
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    on after getting inspiration and guidance to do Naam Simran
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    how should we be doing Naam Simran.
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    That even for a moment
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    Khin here means the moment taken for a blink ofan eye
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    It is so instant
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    Guru Sahib says even for an instant if we forget Parmatama,
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    we do not remember Vaheguru Ji
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    then that moment, that breath that we have taken
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    has become useless, our life has become uselss infact.
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    Then we ask this question again to Sache Paatshah
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    that Vaheguru Ji, Sache Paatshah, Guru Sahib,
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    You have guided us, You have told us
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    to do Kirat Kamaaee,
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    to live in a Griht Jeevan
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    and in this world we have our family to take care,
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    we have to earn money, we have to provide education
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    we have to go to work.
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    There are so many things that w have to do.
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    How is it that through all of this we can still do Your Naam Simran?
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    Guru Sahib says in the next Pankti,
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    They say,
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    Understand this, know this and realise this
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    that Parmatama, Akaal Purakh is where?
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    Is not just somewhere in a space or in Heven that we have to
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    the world has nmade such.
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    Guru Sahib is saying that Parmatama
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    is in the Jal, in the watr,
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    in the Thal - Earth,
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    inthe space - Sky
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    is even in the jungle, in the blade of grass that we see.
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    Parmatama is basically in every core in every single atom, cell
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    * that we can see and we cannot see in this world as well.
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    Sangat Ji, to be able to come this state
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    where we can remember Parmatama throught everything we see
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    with our physical eyes
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    it really requires us to be concious
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    to be in the present moment.
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    think about it.
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    The Araadhana, the Simran of Akaal
The Sikh New Year | Chet | The Barah Maha Series - #1

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Barah Maha Series

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