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Biohacking -- you can do it, too

  • 0:01 - 0:04
    It's a great time to be a molecular biologist. (Laughter)
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    Reading and writing DNA code is getting easier
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    and cheaper.
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    By the end of this year, we'll be able to sequence
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    the three million bits of information
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    in your genome in less than a day
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    and for less than 1,000 euros.
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    Biotech is probably the most powerful
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    and the fastest-growing technology sector.
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    It has the power, potentially,
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    to replace our fossil fuels,
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    to revolutionize medicine,
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    and to touch every aspect of our daily lives.
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    So who gets to do it?
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    I think we'd all be pretty comfortable with
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    this guy doing it.
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    But what about
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    that guy? (Laughter)
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    In 2009, I first heard about DIYbio.
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    It's a movement that -- it advocates making biotechnology
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    accessible to everyone,
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    not just scientists and people in government labs.
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    The idea is that if you open up the science
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    and you allow diverse groups to participate,
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    it could really stimulate innovation.
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    Putting technology in the hands of the end user
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    is usually a good idea because they've got the best idea
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    of what their needs are.
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    And here's this really sophisticated technology
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    coming down the road, all these associated
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    social, moral, ethical questions,
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    and we scientists are just lousy at explaining to the public
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    just exactly what it is we're doing in those labs.
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    So wouldn't it be nice
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    if there was a place in your local neighborhood
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    where you could go and learn about this stuff,
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    do it hands-on?
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    I thought so.
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    So, three years ago, I got together
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    with some friends of mine who had similar aspirations
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    and we founded Genspace.
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    It's a nonprofit, a community biotech lab
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    in Brooklyn, New York,
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    and the idea was people could come,
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    they could take classes and putter around in the lab
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    in a very open, friendly atmosphere.
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    None of my previous experience prepared me
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    for what came next. Can you guess?
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    The press started calling us.
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    And the more we talked about how great it was to increase
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    science literacy, the more they wanted to talk
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    about us creating the next Frankenstein,
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    and as a result, for the next six months,
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    when you Googled my name,
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    instead of getting my scientific papers, you got this.
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    ["Am I a biohazard?"]
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    It was pretty depressing.
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    The only thing that got us through that period
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    was that we knew that all over the world,
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    there were other people that were trying to do
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    the same thing that we were.
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    They were opening biohacker spaces, and some of them
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    were facing much greater challenges than we did,
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    more regulations, less resources.
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    But now, three years later, here's where we stand.
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    It's a vibrant, global community of hackerspaces,
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    and this is just the beginning.
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    These are some of the biggest ones,
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    and there are others opening every day.
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    There's one probably going to open up in Moscow,
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    one in South Korea,
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    and the cool thing is they each have their own
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    individual flavor
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    that grew out of the community they came out of.
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    Let me take you on a little tour.
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    Biohackers work alone.
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    We work in groups,
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    in big cities — (Laughter) —
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    and in small villages.
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    We reverse engineer lab equipment.
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    We genetically engineer bacteria.
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    We hack hardware,
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    and, of course, the code of life.
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    We like to build things.
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    Then we like to take things apart.
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    We make things grow.
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    We make things glow.
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    And we make cells dance.
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    The spirit of these labs, it's open, it's positive,
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    but, you know, sometimes when people think of us,
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    the first thing that comes to mind is bio-safety,
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    bio-security, all the dark side stuff.
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    I'm not going to minimize those concerns.
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    Any powerful technology is inherently dual use,
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    and, you know, you get something like
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    synthetic biology, nanobiotechnology,
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    it really compels you, you have to look at both
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    the amateur groups but also the professional groups,
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    because they have better infrastructure,
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    they have better facilities,
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    and they have access to pathogens.
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    So the United Nations did just that, and they recently
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    issued a report on this whole area,
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    and what they concluded was the power of this technology
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    for positive was much greater than the risk for negative,
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    and they even looked specifically at the DIYbio community,
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    and they noted, not surprisingly, that the press
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    had a tendency to consistently overestimate our capabilities
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    and underestimate our ethics.
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    As a matter of fact, DIY people from all over the world,
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    America, Europe, got together last year,
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    and we hammered out a common code of ethics.
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    That's a lot more than conventional science has done.
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    Now, we follow state and local regulations.
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    We dispose of our waste properly, we follow
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    safety procedures, we don't work with pathogens.
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    You know, if you're working with a pathogen,
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    you're not part of the biohacker community,
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    you're part of the bioterrorist community, I'm sorry.
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    And sometimes people ask me,
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    "Well, what about an accident?"
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    Well, working with the safe organisms that we normally
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    work with, the chance of an accident happening
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    with somebody accidentally creating, like,
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    some sort of superbug,
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    that's literally about as probable as a snowstorm
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    in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
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    Now, it could happen,
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    but I'm not going to plan my life around it.
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    I've actually chosen to take a different kind of risk.
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    I signed up for something called the Personal Genome Project.
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    It's a study at Harvard where, at the end of the study,
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    they're going to take my entire genomic sequence,
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    all of my medical information, and my identity,
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    and they're going to post it online for everyone to see.
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    There were a lot of risks involved that they talked about
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    during the informed consent portion.
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    The one I liked the best is,
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    someone could download my sequence, go back to the lab,
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    synthesize some fake Ellen DNA,
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    and plant it at a crime scene. (Laughter)
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    But like DIYbio, the positive outcomes and
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    the potential for good for a study like that
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    far outweighs the risk.
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    Now, you might be asking yourself,
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    "Well, you know, what would I do in a biolab?"
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    Well, it wasn't that long ago we were asking, "Well,
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    what would anyone do with a personal computer?"
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    So this stuff is just beginning.
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    We're only seeing just the tip of the DNA iceberg.
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    Let me show you what you could do right now.
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    A biohacker in Germany, a journalist, wanted to know
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    whose dog was leaving little presents on his street?
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    (Laughter) (Applause)
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    Yep, you guessed it. He threw tennis balls
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    to all the neighborhood dogs, analyzed the saliva,
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    identified the dog, and confronted the dog owner.
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    (Laughter) (Applause)
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    I discovered an invasive species in my own backyard.
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    Looked like a ladybug, right?
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    It actually is a Japanese beetle.
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    And the same kind of technology --
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    it's called DNA barcoding, it's really cool --
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    You can use it to check if your caviar is really beluga,
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    if that sushi is really tuna, or if that goat cheese
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    that you paid so much for is really goat's.
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    In a biohacker space, you can analyze your genome
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    for mutations.
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    You can analyze your breakfast cereal for GMO's,
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    and you can explore your ancestry.
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    You can send weather balloons up into the stratosphere,
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    collect microbes, see what's up there.
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    You can make a biocensor out of yeast
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    to detect pollutants in water.
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    You can make some sort of a biofuel cell.
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    You can do a lot of things.
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    You can also do an art science project. Some of these
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    are really spectacular, and they look at social,
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    ecological problems from a completely different perspective.
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    It's really cool.
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    Some people ask me, well, why am I involved?
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    I could have a perfectly good career in mainstream science.
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    The thing is, there's something in these labs
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    that they have to offer society that you can't find
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    anywhere else.
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    There's something sacred about a space where
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    you can work on a project, and you don't have to justify
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    to anyone that it's going to make a lot of money,
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    that it's going to save mankind, or even that it's feasible.
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    It just has to follow safety guidelines.
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    If you had spaces like this all over the world,
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    it could really change the perception
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    of who's allowed to do biotech.
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    It's spaces like these that spawned personal computing.
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    Why not personal biotech?
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    If everyone in this room got involved,
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    who knows what we could do?
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    This is such a new area, and as we say back in Brooklyn,
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    you ain't seen nothin' yet. (Laughter)
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Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Ellen Jorgensen

We have personal computing, why not personal biotech? That’s the question biologist Ellen Jorgensen and her colleagues asked themselves before opening Genspace, a nonprofit DIYbio lab in Brooklyn devoted to citizen science, where amateurs can go and tinker with biotechnology. Far from being a sinister Frankenstein's lab (as some imagined it), Genspace offers a long list of fun, creative and practical uses for DIYbio.

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Thu-Huong Ha edited English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Thu-Huong Ha approved English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Thu-Huong Ha edited English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Thu-Huong Ha edited English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Morton Bast accepted English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
Morton Bast edited English subtitles for Biohacking -- you can do it, too
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