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Why is ketchup so hard to pour? - George Zaidan

  • 0:06 - 0:09
    French fries are delicious.
  • 0:09 - 0:12
    French fries with ketchup are a little slice of heaven.
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    The problem is it's basically impossible
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    to pour the exactly right amount.
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    We're so used to pouring ketchup that we don't realize
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    how weird its behavior is.
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    Imagine a ketchup bottle filled with a straight up solid like steel.
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    No amount of shaking would ever get the steel out.
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    Now imagine that same bottle full of a liquid like water.
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    That would pour like a dream.
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    Ketchup, though, can't seem to make up its mind.
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    Is it is a solid? Or a liquid?
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    The answer is, it depends.
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    The world's most common liquids like water, oils and alcohols
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    respond to force linearly.
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    If you push on them twice as hard, they move twice as fast.
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    Sir Isaac Newton, of apple fame, first proposed this relationship,
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    and so those fluids are called Newtonian fluids.
  • 0:58 - 1:01
    Ketchup, though, is part of a merry band of linear rule breakers
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    called Non-Newtonian fluids.
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    Mayonnaise, toothpaste, blood, pain, peanut butter
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    and lots of other fluids respond to force non-linearly.
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    That is, their apparent thickness changes
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    depending on how hard you push, or how long, or how fast.
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    And ketchup is actually Non-Newtonian in two different ways.
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    Way number one: the harder you push, the thinner ketchup seems to get.
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    Below a certain pushing force,
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    ketchup basically behaves like a solid.
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    But once you pass that breaking point,
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    it switches gears and becomes a thousand times thinner than it was before.
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    Sound familiar right?
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    Way number two: if you push with a force below the threshold force
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    eventually, the ketchup will start to flow.
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    In this case, time, not force, is they key to releasing ketchup
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    from its glassy prison.
  • 1:47 - 1:49
    Alright, so, why does ketchup act all weird?
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    Well, it's made from tomatoes, pulverized, smashed, thrashed
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    utterly destroyed tomatoes.
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    See these tiny particles?
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    This is what remains of tomatoes cells
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    after they go through the ketchup treatment.
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    And the liquid around those particles?
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    That's mostly water and some vinegar, sugar, and spices.
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    When ketchup is just sitting around,
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    the tomato particles are evenly and randomly distributed.
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    Now, let's say you apply a week force very quickly.
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    The particles bump into each other,
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    but can't get out of each other's way,
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    so the ketchup doesn't flow.
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    Now, let's say you apply a strong force very quickly.
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    That extra force is enough to squish the tomato particles,
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    so maybe instead of little spheres,
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    they get smushed into little ellipses, and boom!
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    Now you have enough space for one group of particles
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    to get passed others and the ketchup flows.
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    Now let's say you apply a very weak force but for a very long time.
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    Turns out, we're not exactly sure what happens in this scenario.
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    One possibility is that the tomato particles near the walls of the container
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    slowly get bumped towards the middle,
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    leaving the soup they were dissolved in,
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    which remember is basically water,
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    near the edges.
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    That water serves as a lubricant betwen the glass bottle
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    and the center plug of ketchup,
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    and so the ketchup flows.
  • 2:59 - 3:02
    Another possibility is that the particles slowly rearrange themselves
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    into lots of small groups, which then flow past each other.
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    Scientists who study fluid flows are still actively researching
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    how ketchup and its merry friends work.
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    Ketchup basically gets thinner the harder you push,
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    but other substances like oobleck or some natural peanut butters
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    actually get thicker the harder you push.
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    Others can climb up rotating rods,
  • 3:22 - 3:24
    or continue to pour themselves out of a beeker,
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    once you get them started.
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    From a physics perspective, though,
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    ketchup is one of the more complicated mixtures out there.
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    And as if that weren't enough, the balance of ingredients
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    and the presence of natural thickeners like xanthan gum,
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    which is also found in many fruit drinks and milkshakes,
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    can mean that two different ketchups
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    can behave completely differently.
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    But most will show two telltale properties:
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    sudden thinning at a threshold force,
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    and more gradual thinning after a small force
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    is applied for a long time.
  • 3:51 - 3:53
    And that means you could get ketchup out of the bottle in two ways.
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    Either give it a series of long, slow languid shakes
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    making sure you don't ever stop applying force,
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    or you could hit the bottle once very, very hard.
  • 4:02 - 4:05
    What the real pros do is keep the lid on,
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    give the bottle a few short, sharp shakes
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    to wake up all those tomato particles,
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    and then take the lid off
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    and do a nice controlled pour onto their heavenly fries.
  • 4:21 - 4:25
Why is ketchup so hard to pour? - George Zaidan
George Zaidan

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  • a typo / mistake in the below line
    3:22 - 3:24
    or continue to pour themselves out of a BEAKER

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