They have made them pour congrete over them to unite. Is this the way a movie can end?
Look at the bravery game they 're playing. I 'm totally depressed about it
In my opinion they procrastinated it for too long. There was no other way they would have found together else
You 're cruel
Am I cruel? I 'm saying it about them
They aren 't even brave
The games they with each other
It made them distance from each other in fact
They 're even cowards in my opinion
If they were brave......
Then they wouldn 't have to die in order to be together
So do you think I 'm brave enough for you?
If you weren 't so brave.....
Then I wouldn 't know if it could love you as much as I do now
Because you gave us a chance
And that your parents are at a wedding today
Do you feel uncomfortable?
I can drop you home since the movie 's over too in case you 're bored
No dear!
And besides the movie was really heavy. I have to let it all sink at first
Do you want some tea?
Every time you 're in trouble it 's tea
Why would I be trouble?
I mean...
You 're with me
I feel at ease
You 're lying there I feel at ease ♥️
I look at you and I feel at ease ♥️
So, what then?
Then what?
Do you have courage for Love?
I 'm down for whatever. I would walk every road with you
Kemal, this 's so weird
It feels like they placed you inside me and you have been in there
I 'm in there ♥️
We will never leave each other ♥️
Never! ♥️
And this lion, my cotton candy, had to fight for his home one more time
But this time I was not possible to beat his enemy with his claws and teeth
Everyone told him give up but he didn 't give up
He asked himself
What can I do without my claws? He said "Am I a soward?"
He said "NO! I 'm not a coward. I 'm brave"
He said "Even without claws and teeth I 'm able to protect my loved ones"
Everybody told him that he won 't be able to do it
"I can do it if I 'm a lion
And said "I 'll prove it to you
And then he found a stone and...
Started to rub his claws on the stone
He rubbed it and rubbed it and rubbed it! He wanted to give up on everything that this person did to him
But he was really hurt of course
The one day the stone started talking
And told the lion
You can 't fight your nature
If you 'll give up things that makes you
You, then you would lose something actually
What 's up?
Don 't you like it cotton candy?
So your bravery tells you not to mess around with things you can 't dare to
Or else you 'll be the one who gets heart broken
Just like your mother 's all the time
You 're my fairy fale
If your mother 'll be brave enough one day, then you can tell your kids my tale
"You 're not my captivity. You 're my braveness"
What 's the matter, boss? You 're watching it like a movie. Are you looking how concrete 's being poured?
I 'm thinking about the concrete that was poured me, Zehir!
Nothing 'll happen to you, brother Kemal
What happened, happened in this place
This place!
It dried out together with the concrete
What 's the matter? You 're saddened again
Asu and me got an appointment
Congratulations brother, don 't know what to say
So, what 're we doing?
Are we keeping on talking or should I bring the guy?
Bring him
Kemal Abi....
Please don 't kill me
I 'll everything you want
I made a mistake
Let me be your slave but forgive me
Ozan Sezin received an envelope...
The day he died
And there were a couple of pictures inside the envelope
You 'll find out who sent them and for who they were
He was staying in the Maltepe prison
You know you 're a disgrace for the wards
Of course it doesn 't mean that everyone 's like that because you 're
The boss says...
If there 's an exception like you son of a bitch 're
Then only you can find it
Do you get it?
But will you let me go if I find it?
He understand fast
But I 'll need 2 or 3 days
You have 24 hours
And what now?
I 'm the reason why Ozan went to jail
But I 'm not the reason for his death, Zehir
And Nihan 'll understand it
What are we doing with this here?
This 's like we talked about, Zehir
When the survey report sees this shit tomorrow....
We 'll be the ones who forward it while he 's being hit with shock waves
What do you want?
I 'm sorry for today
I wish you would also help here
He took you from me...
He stole you againand again
Emir please!
-It was not enough and he got stuck in me
And that was still not enough....
-Emir, can you be silent
And that was still not enough, he left me a unforgettable mark in my life
He left his evidence when he stole you from me, as loud as a speaker announcement of the city
So don 't have the right to at least of spoliation?
This 's what I did today
I didn 't harm Deniz
I just told that man, who hurts me with every steps he takes, to go his way
He had to see this
Do you know how each single punishment you give over Deniz, makesme feel?
I still feel like I 'm confined to you
I don 't want to make you feel like you 're confined to me
Tell me another way and let 's walk this way
But this baby will not make you a family, but us
And I won 't stop until the whole world sees this
Emir! I said Emir!
Galip! Are you okay?
I 'm not good at all Vildan!
I feel I was treated as a fool
Emir! Where 're you?
The baby 's sleeping
You 're the one who put me to sleep actually
Could you leave me alone with my fahther
Though if he keeps on talkin in this tone, then you can listen to it easily from the next room
How dare you to share the shares of the company I brought to a whole different place in the last two generations with Nihan?
Whoever your spy 's, it is no right information
Because of who did you return from death?
Because of did I suffer so much pain?
Because of who, I wasn 't able to take my grandchild on my arms when she was born?
I cleared up you, mine and the company 's dirt
Since one year! Because of who?
Because of me!
Nihan, stay calm
It has nothing to do with you
You ruined my son 's life. And do you think you can be an artful dodger and take half of the shares?
Galip, please get yourself together
Did you think so? You know you! you!
I 'm Deniz 's mother
I 'm the mother of Emir 's child, who purshes for her heirom
I 'm the mother of your granddaughter
And despite me, your daughter in law, ripped the contract in pieceslooking into my eyes
There was only one single person, Galip.......
Who wanted this marriage and Nihan in his life for the rest of his life. Galip!
Be honest
We don 't need any soap opera wind now. Everyone has unterstood each other
We 'll watch the "fabricator dad bow his head and leave the house" scene now
How dare you talking to me like this?
The same way you dare talking to my wife
And let me tell you how the finale 's going to be like
NIhan Kozcuoglu 'll become the shares she deserves
I won 't allow it
I told you in case you want to watch it
Alright, then we 'll have a meeting of the board members tomorrow early in the morning
Great haste makes great waste!
Do you think I 'll allow you to fool the shareholders?
Such thing won 't happen despite me
I wouln 't like this to happen too
The board member shall meet tomorrow and if they vote against it, then we 'll close this chapter forever
I will go look
He 's rushing the votes on purpose, so that I can 't influence them
If 'll be whatever the shareholders want
Do you want also want us to fight with your dad?
Let us fight
Are you aware that this 's the first time you said "We"?
Just for this reason, those shares should be yours
It already was when you took a stand against your father beside me
Everything 's happening just like we planned. The board 's meeting tomorrow
Thank you so much
I 'm really happy
You should 've seen Galip at the company
My head 's confused about the shares actually. I always thought that you can 't transfer any shares before the board came together and makes a decision
Of course I 'm really happy about it. Nihan 's niece after all. I 'm really happy about it
But.. I would have liked to hear what the company thinks about it first hand
I didn 't get what you referring to Ms Leyla
What do you think I 'm referring to. I mean the shares Emir 's transferring to Nihan
Are you not informed about it?
I wonder what the heck 're the kids doing then
I 'm glad that everything went you wanted it to be
I won 't be happy until the vote turns out to my advantage
I 'll be the worst thing that 'll happen to the Kozcouglu Holding
And I 'm always with you
I 'm glad I have you
I 'm also glad I have you
Who 's there?
It 's me! Me!
What the hell 're you doing here?
Who gives you the right to walk in freely at this time of the night and....
Take this
For you to undertand how close to the wind your son 's sailing
You see the guy on the pic. The one he met? He 's the warden of the prison
And before he messed around with the director as you know
And then you confronted me and asked me strange questions like "Have you done it?"
And stuff like that "Have you killed him?"
Since he 's your son, then stop him in that case
Look at me! What 're you talking ab.....
Stop him!
Or else he 'll get hurt
Translated by Kara Sevda / Endless Love
If you take a look at the value of the Kozguoglu Holding share actually
Let 's get right to the voting
Come on, please
Come on, please
Hello, Mr Emir. It 's me Tarik!
I know you said I should wait for your call.........
But I am in a really difficuilt situation
I 'd be glad if you get back at me
Transferring the shares from EmirKozguoglu to Nihan Kozguoglu giving a NO vote?
Mr Mehmet!
Mrs Nulifer! What 's up?
Mr Galip, you voted already. We don 't want to call the demorcracy in question here
So there 'll be one more woman on the board who thinks like we do
Wouldn 't you like that our votes against the Kozguoglu men makes a real effect?
You were the one who complaint the most about the crises Emir xreated last year
But Nihan Kozguoglu 's inexperienced
That 's even better. We can direct her anyway we want
My niece 'll listen to me. And besides I am sure that Nihan 'll use her vote for the road project with a yes, the one Mr Emir denied
O course if she becomes a shareholder
The ones who give a "Yes" vote for the transfer of the shares
Did Emir buy you off?
Of course not
Please watch your accuastions
You 're making a big mistake! A big!
Don 't get man, Dad! Your blood pressure 'll shoot up
I guess I 'll break the draw
I 'm like the golden goal at the last minute
Thank you
Mrs Nihan, congratulations
From now you own 30% of the Kozcuholding shares
Thank you
When the power plant project stopped, we also thought the school project was stopped too
How could we stop it, headman. On top of it, we even build a student residence
Listen now, this school has to be finished
It has to be finished so that the student residence can do duty for it
And besides we have to think about the school and residence as one. That 's why we have to take common action
O course, you 're so right
I think you should call Mrs Nihan
Since I 'm already here, you should ask her to come here
Because she doesn 't like to not finish something she has begun
She 'll definitely take care of it
And besides I 'll be able to tell her my issues face to face
Look at it! Look carefully
Just the quality control of your jokes inside the company belong to me from now on
For example, this one was really bad
What 's going on, Nihan?
Are you hiding something from me?
Am I dying and you grant me my last peaceful days?
It 's for sure naive to think that I could give you peace
Mr Emir!
I learned from your rushed signal move I won 't hear anything good
Sir, the building audit company has rejected our concrete -That 's not possible
They have determined that we used concrete of poor quality
How 's this possible, Emir? How 's this possible?
The concrete is of good quality. There mst be something wrong with the report
What if there 's no misunderstanding?
If it 's not a mistake then we would accept that we made an irregularity and not lived up to our end of the bargain
If the tender 'll be canceled because of this incident then you, wife and husband, shouldn 't come to this company again
Bring me all the reports
Get me through to the audit company. Now!
Mrs Nihan I 'm Mehmet!
The headman of the village you wanted to build a graduate school of fine arts
Oh yes, go ahead
We have to meet because of the area that 'll be used to build the student residency behind the school
I wonder if you can come by during the day?
Of course, I 'll come
Where 're you brother? We have some business, I can 't reach you on your phone
And you 're not home either
Every time your attention goes somewhere else a breach 's happining in the company
Stay calm
What do you mean he 's not available and can 't meet me? Get me through to this man
Are you ok?
- I 'm not
Who owns this audit firm?
Mesut Calikhan, sir
Investigate deeper
I want to know if the audit firm has any reasons to work for our disadvantage
Stay with Ms Zehra today. Assist herself
Assist herself
Sweetheart, you brought good luck
I have to drive to the village for the graduate school of fine arts project we left half-finished. Are you coming?
Threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean
Sweetheart, I say it can ruin our family and you say having a good time on a swing
You 're going with Shafak
Look at me Look!
We 're doing this job for the state
I got excited for a second. I thought you 're going to tell me something new
Our security deposit 'll won 't wind any tender. And then we can lock the company and go home
There 's no one better than you in spreading fear
Have a little faith in me. I 'll handle it
We have to handle this without anything leaving out of this room or else we 're screwed. Do you understand it?
Do you understand it?
You 'll leak the fiasco the Kozguoglu Holding made to the press
Wow! So you mean right and left, brother Kemal
Bring me what I want., my brother
Find me the one who gave Ozan the envelope