Whether clothing, furniture, electronics,
vehicles, or buildings,
we surround ourselves with objects
that we use only for a limited time.
The resources which are extracted
from planet Earth to make these objects
are used once or twice and then dumped.
Yet, the resources on our planet
are non-renewable and finite,
except for rainfall, sunlight,
biomass, animals, and people.
And our global commons
have become waste dumps.
Within 60 years, we have filled the oceans
with millions of low-tech plastic objects
and space with thousands
of high-tech objects.
So, the present industrial economy
is not compatible
with the natural resources
and waste dumps available on planet Earth.
More of the same
is no business model for success.
We need to create
higher standards of living
from a more intelligent resource use.
More from less.
I have an idea how to do it.
♪ (dramatic music) ♪
It's great, you'll love it.
That is how nature works.
Water, biomass, CO2, seasons.
Nature works in cycles.