Even though I still received that job offer,
I still sought God.
Because I understood He had given me a dream about the earlier company, Company A.
And now this opportunity with
Company B had come about.
So at that time I sought God’s face.
Yes, people of God, right now,
I speak to every area of your life
where you have been experiencing stress.
Right now, receive Heavenly rest
in the name of Jesus Christ!
Rest in your career! Rest in your business! Rest in your marriage! Rest in your family!
Receive rest from above today!
My name is Dumisani from Zambia.
My testimony is concerning a job breakthrough this year, 2024.
It all started in 2022 when I had finished school, and by that time I had been looking for a job.
I had graduated from China. I had been studying abroad for more than four years.
And I received my bachelor's degree
by the end of the year 2022.
So I had come back to Zambia,
and around that time,
it was after my degree that I had
to start seeking for a job.
And in that case, it was not easy at all because of how competitive the job market was.
We have a lot of graduates who are capable of actually getting any job.
But in my case, I was also really trying to compete in that same job market.
I studied electrical and electronic engineering in China.
I had to take that step forward to find a job in line with my field of study
and in this case, it was really hard.
By that time, I had no idea what job I could even apply to - whether internships or attachments.
Because during my stay in China,
which was the time of COVID,
it was very difficult for me to have
any sort of job attachment
or gain any experience during my studies which could be used in applying for a job more easily.
First of all, I have to say that
God has really helped me a lot.
During that time I had prayed and sought God on what job I can apply for.
What can I do? What kind of job opportunity should I look for?
And in that case, God really guided me,
and with that conviction, it helped me to start looking at the position of a graduate trainee.
And at that time, it really hit my
heart and convicted me.
I had shared that thought with my mum,
and that’s how I started doing more research.
I prayed to God and sought His guidance because of that same conviction -
to know what to do next.
So, at that time, I tried applying to a certain mining company in my country.
I had no idea how to even write a CV.
I had no idea how to highlight the experience I had in China and many times,
people would tell me I needed an attachment or some sort of work experience
for you to easily secure a job.
So it really felt discouraging and seemed like there was little hope for me.
But I just got encouraged by that conviction to pursue graduate training.
At that time, my mum had encouraged me to try applying to different places.
I said I would give it a try although
I was feeling a bit discouraged.
I had been following Brother Chris
since early in 2022.
Because at that time, he had appeared
on my newsfeed on Facebook.
And then I got encouraged by his words in a certain sermon I watched.
I got encouraged to start following him and listening to his sermons.
And by God's grace, I started following through with the messages
and short clips of encouragement
here and there.
So during that time, as I was applying,
my mother actually had a dream
where she was given the name ‘Energy’.
I said, ‘Energy. What do you mean?’
She said, ‘Dumisani, I have dreamt about this, and you are the only one in our family
who I know has done something related to engineering, so it should be yours.’
I thought, ‘Okay, energy. What company
is related to energy?’ And I looked it up.
So I had the conviction to research
more about this company.
I had sought God’s opinion because if it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t even be able
to know what to do, how to write the curriculum vitae or anything like that.
During research, I found out that they were actually having a training program for graduates.
To give a bit more context, as soon as I started thinking more about graduate training,
there was also an opportunity that
came up at another company.
So in this case, I have to describe
these two companies
as Company A and Company B,
just for the sake of clarity.
So Company A was the one that
my mum had told me about,
then Company B was this later opportunity that had come about.
So by that time I said, ‘Hey, I'm just
going to give it a try and push in.’
And by God's grace, I got called for the interviews which I attended.
I thought, ‘Let me just put myself out there and go for these interviews.’
I didn't really think that I did well
in the interview with Company B.
But by God's grace, I got interviewed
and called with a job offer.
So even though I still received that job offer, I still sought God.
Because I understood He had given me a dream about Company A.
And now this opportunity with
Company B had come about.
So at that time I sought God’s face.
And by God's grace, He had given a dream to my mum once more.
She had seen me in her dream
signing two contracts.
So there was a smaller paper and then there was a bigger paper.
The smaller paper represented the job offer I had gotten first, which she saw me signing.
After she had woken up from that dream, she encouraged me,
‘You are going to get this job with Company B - go for it.
But at a later time, you will join Company A - the same company I told you about earlier.’
So, by God's grace, I started
working at Company B
but I was still seeking guidance and clarity for Company A, knowing God’s time is the best.
So, earlier this year actually, there was an opportunity that came up with Company A
under the same position of graduate trainee, and I was a bit hesitant
because of those same dreams and I didn’t want to disobey God in any way.
So during February 2024, Brother Chris was having an Interactive Prayer Service.
By that time, I was watching it on
YouTube and I prayed with him.
And with the conviction that came
in my heart during the prayer,
I decided to put in a request
for the job at Company A.
The applications were open in January,
but I only received the opportunity
to conduct an aptitude test in May.
By that time, a lot of people had also applied, trying to get that opportunity as well.
But by God's grace, in the month of
August 2024, I received a call
to say I should attend interviews.
By that time, I had prayed. And between the months of February and August,
I had still been praying with Brother Chris about my conviction and this opportunity.
And with that conviction, I heard God’s voice in my heart - it is well!
I knew I just needed to keep trusting in Him, knowing God’s time is the best.
So August came and I had
attended that interview.
I need to address that it
wasn't a smooth time
because by that time, I was being discouraged as well.
People were saying, ‘No, this company is very difficult to get in.
Maybe you need to know someone
for you to actually have an opportunity there to get the job.’
And people were also making complaints.
But with the messages from Brother Chris,
I got encouraged to keep up my faith
and trust in God, knowing that
He had given a dream and guidance that
I was going to go to this company,
and that at His own time, I would go there.
So even though moments of discouragement had come, God's Word was encouraging me
and also the messages and Interactive Prayer Services with Brother Chris.
They were really encouraging
me in all sorts of ways.
So after the interview in August,
I waited up to October
and by God's grace, I received the call that I had received a job offer at Company A,
the company that I'm currently working at.
And how are you finding the
work there at that new role?
It's absolutely exciting.
I really enjoy the work.
Because it’s something that
I had always wanted to do.
By God's grace, if I do well,
a promotion is on the table.
My word of advice that I can give anyone,
be it a youth or anyone who's still in school and maybe looking forward to get work,
is that we should always seek God first.
We should start with Him
and finish with Him.
He’s the Author and Finisher of our faith.
And He’s there taking care of us
in each and every area.
We start our lives with Him and we should end our lives with Him.
During that time, we shouldn't be discouraged, especially by the voices that are out there.
And also we should keep our hearts
in tune with God's Word.
Just as it says in the Book of Jeremiah 29:11 about His wonderful plans for us,
to prosper us, for us to succeed,
and not to destroy us.
In the same vein, we should also keep our hearts in tune with that Word,
and also with the vast words of wisdom that are there in the Bible,
so that we don't lose our focus and get carried away by fleeting desires -
‘No, I just need money, this and that...’
Because above all, we should seek to glorify God in everything that we do,
including the work or the jobs
that we apply for or get into.
So I advise you to not give up, to keep applying but to trust God in every way,
rather than getting into disobedience.