It's a real pleasure to be here
and to present the work I've been doing
over the last five years or so since my PhD.
Genuinely, I want you to try and understand
as much as you can
So it's not the easiest material,
And especially when you don't have a background in neuroscience.
It's not always that easy to get a handle on these processes.
But I'm going to do my absolute best
to try and help you understand, and
I'll provide some metaphors to try and
break things down to make things more accessible.
Also it would be useful to keep
some pens out because there will be
some references, so if you genuinely you do
want to understand how these drugs
work in the brain, then it does require
a bit of work on your parts as well, unfortunately.
So you'd have to go away and look up
some of these references and do some
background reading.
So I just want to start by saying
that this work is part of the
Beckley-Imperial psychedelic research programme,
which is an initiative between David Kotts
and Amanda Fielding of the Beckley Foundation.
Amanda is a key collaborative partner in this work,
and David Nutts, the principal investigator on it.
So we'll start with the science.
We know that psilocybin is an ingredient
in magic mushrooms.
Now, psilocybin is the [pro-drug] of psilocin,
which is remarkably similar in its molecular structure
to the endogenous neurotransmitter
which is found throughout the brain, serotonin.
So it is really quite striking how similar
it is in its molecular structure.
Just a subtle change in its structure
confers such profound effects of consciousness.
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So this already
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is a matter of great intrigue
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about how these drugs work in the brain.
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So what was found in the mid-1980s
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was a strong positive correlation
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between a psychedelic drug's affinity
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for the serotonin 2A receptor,
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a particular subtype of the serotonin receptor,
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and the drug's potency.
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So a good example to help illustrate
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it's principle is, LSD has a very high affinity
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for the serotonin 2A receptor --
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it's very sticky, and it's also incredibly potent.
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So that helps you understand.
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Also, Franz Vollenweider did an excellent study
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blocking the serotinin 2A receptor
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with ketanserin, a relatively selective
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serotonin 2A receptor blocker,
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and he found that pre-treatment
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with this drug blocked the psychedelic effects
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of psilocybin. So there's good evidence
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that these drugs trigger their effects
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on consciousness by initial effect on
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the serotonin 2A receptor.
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So already we have an important
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fundamental relationship that's been discovered
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between the serotonin system and how these drugs work
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in the brain.
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So where is the serotonin 2A receptor in the brain?
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Well, this is the largest serotonin 2A binding study
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that's been done by a colleague of ours,
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David Erritzoe.
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He used a radioactive tracer, or ligand,
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that sticks to serotonin 2A receptors in the brain.
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And then you can detect the signal
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where the ligand is stuck
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And so doing this, he found that
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the serotonin 2A receptor is
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very much a cortical receptor.
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So the outer layer of the brain, the cortex,
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(it's referred to as kind of like the bark of a tree)
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so this outer layer of the brain, that's where you find
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the serotonin 2A receptor.
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And it's especially prevalent,
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especially densely expressed,
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in high-level cortical regions.
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So these are regions that
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don't have a specific sensory function, like,
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for instance, the visual cortex, which is concerned
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with visual processing.
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The heteromodal regions so they have a more
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kind of divergent, and high-level, function
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and so the serotonin 2A receptor
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is especially densely expressed
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in these high-level cortical regions,
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such as the posterior cingulate cortex.
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You will hear this term referred to again
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throughout my talk
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because it's a key region of the brain,
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a very high-level region of the brain,
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and it seems to be especially implicated in
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the mechanistic action of these drugs,
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how they work in the brain.
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We also know that the serotonin 2A receptor
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is especially densely expressed
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in the particular layer of the cortex.
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So the cortex is organized in a kind of laminar
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way, and there's some large,
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what are referred to as pyramidal neurons
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in layer 5 of the cortex.
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That is... (pause)
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This is layer 5 here.
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So there's some large neurons there,
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and these are the principal output layer
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of the cortex,
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and there's also something else,
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which is especially important about
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this cellular group,
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in terms of how this drug works in the brain.
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So we know the serotonin 2A receptor is very important,
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We know where it is,
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in terms of its spatial distribution in the brain
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and also within the cortex itself,
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within its laminae organization. It's dense in the
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deep pyramidal cells in layer 5.
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We also know that if you stimulate
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the serotonin 2A receptor,
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you have an excitatory effect on the host cells.
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So the cell that expresses the receptor,
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if you stimulate it, then you're gonna make that cell
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more excitable.
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So these are all important principles that we know.
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These are kind of the bedrock findings so far
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about how psychedelics work in the brain.
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But these are all quite low level;
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my brain imaging work has been looking at
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a higher level,
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what's referred to as a macroscopic level.
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So, the level you can look at and see
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on a large scale in terms of
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brain networks, for instance,
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and regional brain activity.
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So let's start with our first study,
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our first fMRI study with psilocybin.
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This used the modality referred to as
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arterial spin labelling, which is
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a method which measures changes
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in blood flow in the brain.
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And generally there's quite a reliable relationship
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between blood flow in the brain and brain activity.
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So if blood flow increases,
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we generally infer
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that brain activity has increased.
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So this study had fifteen healthy volunteers,
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mean age of 34,
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the scans were 18 minutes in duration,
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there was a six-minute baseline,
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and then we looked at changes in blood flow
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after that baseline.
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There were two scans:
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a placebo scan followed by a drug scan.
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And volunteers just lay in the scanner.
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They were presented with a fixation cross:
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just a simple green cross that they looked at
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on a screen, and they just relaxed
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and were instructed really just to let their minds wander.
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And then we looked at how
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the drug affected blood flow
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during these conditions.
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We gave a dose of 2 mg of psilocybin--
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that compares to about 50 mg when given orally.
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We gave the drug intravenously,
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so 2 mg is equivalent to about 50 mg orally,
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so it's a moderate dose.
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Here's the design. Here's our 6-minute baseline.
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Infusion was given over 60 seconds.
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So it's a relatively rapid infusion.
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And then the onset of the effects is also rapid,
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so when the drug is given intravenously,
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really there is very little delay between
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delivery of the drug and the onset
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of the subjective effects.
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So the subjective effects actually begin,
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really, before the end of the 60-second adminstration,
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so the drug seems to really get in the brain
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very quickly and to change consciousness
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profoundly very quickly.
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So what was the first observation?
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Well, the first thing that we get
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before we analyze the results are people's
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descriptions of their experiences.
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So here's one of them:
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This volunteer said that "there was a definite
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sense of lubrication,
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of freedom,
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of the cogs being loosened and firing off
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in all sorts of unexpected directions."
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Now these subjective reports are really useful
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because they give you a sense of the
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mechanics that are going on in the brain,
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and the changes in the mechanics,
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which confer the subjective effect --
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what's going on in the brain on a mechanical level
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to produce the profound changes in consciousness.
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This volunteer said, "Everything became
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fragmented; things were all in bits
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and it was very hard to hold it all together
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in a coherent stream."
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So it's like I said, this stuff is really useful
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for understanding what is going on
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on a systems-level in the brain
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to produce these subjective effects.
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Now, the default mode network
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you've heard quite a lot about
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over the last two days.
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It is an incredibly important
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system that's been discovered in the brain.
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And one of its properties is that
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it has very dense connectivity,
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so if you look at the white matter
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tracks in the brain,
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so these are the fibers that connect
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different brain regions,
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then you'll find that there's a very dense
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coming together of connections within
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the default mode notwork.
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So there seems to be
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an incredibly important transit hub,
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a place where different regions
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can connect via,
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and information can be projected from,
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and also a very important integration center.
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So, to integrate brain function,
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information comes together at this common
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convergence zone, and then
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that gives a coherence to cognition, essentially.
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That's how it's understood so far.
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What else about the default mode network?
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So here's a metaphor to help you try and understand
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what people are thinking about its function.
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So a metaphor that could be used to explain
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what it does is a capital city in a country.
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It's a place where people come together,
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things come together,
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business gets done.
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And it's an incredibly important hub,
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and if ever
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God forbid, something were to happen to
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London, then, the country as a whole
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would be seriously effected,
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and not just Britain.
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So it's incredibly important
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integration hub, the default mode network.
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What else do we know about
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the default mode network?
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There's some evidences here.
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The default mode network undergoes
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significant ontogenetic development
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from infancy to adulthood.
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It undergoes maturation as cognition matures.
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It has also undergone significant
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evolutionary expansion
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so these regions have increased
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more than other regions
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from primates to humans.
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It's more metabolically active
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than elsewhere in the brain,
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so the posterior cingulate cortex,
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which is the region which is circled there,
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it actually accounts for 40% more
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blood flow than anywhere else
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in the brain.
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So it is a very metabolically hungry system
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and these regions that are part of it
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are incredibly metabolically hungry.
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It's doing something important.
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Now, a matter of intrigue in neuroscience
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is that people don't have a really good handle
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on what the default mode is
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and what it does,
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but of course, they enjoy speculating,
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and the researcher who really discovered
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the default mode network has referred
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to its very high energy levels
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as being like the brain's dark energy.
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So similar to dark energy in cosmology
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it is something that we know is there
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but we don't really know what it does.
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Really, we make inferences about it,
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based on its relative decrease in activity.
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So when you engage in a task,
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you see a decrease in activity
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in the default mode network,
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whereas otherwise
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it is incredibly active.
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So it's a mater of intrigue.
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What's going on here?
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What's all this energy for, and why
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is it consuming so much?
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We know that the default mode network
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is engaged during self-reflection,
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so that is a very staple finding.
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We also know that during
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complex mental imagery, such as
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spatial navigation or imagination,
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fantasy in one's mind eye,
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you'll also see increased activity
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in the default mode network.
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Mental time travel -- so that's being
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outside of the moment and
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daydreaming about future events
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or past biographical experiences.
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So whenever you come out of the moment
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and you daydream in this way,
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you see increased activity and connectivity
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in the default mode network.
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Also, theory of mind -- which is
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putting someone oneself
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in somebody else's shoes.
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You will also see increased activity
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in the default mode network during that function.
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And metacognition -- which thinking about thinking,
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that's also linked with
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default mode network activity.
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So Raichle, who I said is the guy who
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really discovered this network
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has also referred to it as
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the orchestrator of the self.
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So all these things
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led me to start thinking
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having a background in psychoanalysis
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and being interested in
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especially Freudian metapsychology
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instead of the more mechanistic
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ideas of Freud. There is remarkable overlap
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between his descriptions of the ego
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and the relationship between the ego
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and the unconscious mind, or the id,
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and what we're discovering in
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the default mode network.
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So in this paper, with Carhart-Harris & Friston,
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I submitted the idea that
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the default mode network is essentially
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the neural substrate source of the ego,
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which is an idea to be shot down
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if people find otherwise.
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But that's science. That's how we work.
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So what else is there about
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the default mode network?
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Well, what's it's relationship to depression?
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There's a very interesting relationship
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between default mode network parameters
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and depressive symptomatology.
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So we know that connectivity between
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the medial pre-frontal cortex
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of the default mode network
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and the posterior cingulate cortex
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which are
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the front bits and the back bits.
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So when connectivity between these regions
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is high,
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then scores in patients with depression
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on rumination (so these are scores in rumination.
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They are thinking over problems
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and ruminating on negative things),
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when this is high, connectivity
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betwen these regions is especially
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high. And we think this system,
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this overconnectivity, is really causing people to
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have a kind of stereotype style of thinking.
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So they are stuck in this system,
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they are stuck in their own heads,
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they are stuck on their sense of self.
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They are usually thinking very critically
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about themselves, and going over and over
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about how terrible they are.
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So this is a relationship we seem to be discovering
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about the default mode network
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and depressive symptomatology.
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This provides a useful background
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for what we're finding in terms of how
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psilocybin is affecting
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brain networks and brain systems.
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So in our ASL study, we found
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it was really quite surprising findings for us,
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given descriptions of consciousness
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being expanded by psychedelic drugs.
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We are given some previous work,
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for instance, by Franz Vollenweider,
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we were thinking we were going to be seeing
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increases in brain activity or brain blood flow
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with psilocybin.
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And despite dropping the threshold
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and a number of different things,
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we really didn't see this.
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All we were really seeing was
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the same pattern again and again,
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which was decreased blood flow
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in certain regions of the brain.
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What was intriguing was that
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the decreases that we were seeing were
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in these very same important hub strutures
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of the brain.
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So, for instance, the posterior cingulate cortex,
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this bit at the back,
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the thalamus,
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and the medial pre-frontal cortex --
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so these very reliably
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were coming up as being
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decreased under psilocybin.
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Here's just showing you again,
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the default mode network is this kind of
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hub, this connectivity hub, in the brain.
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We also found that
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there was a relationship between
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the magnitude of the decrease in blood flow
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and ratings of the intensity of the experience.
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So, the larger the decrease in blood flow,
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particularly in the anterior cingulate cortex,
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the more intense people were describing
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their experiences.
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So whenever you find these relationships
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it kind of reinforces your inferences, really,
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and provides some consolidation
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for what you are finding
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and supports its functional meaning.
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So since our ASL study
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we did a [bold] study.
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This is kind of the classic [signal]
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of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
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We really repeated the same protocol:
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15 healthy volunteers,
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infused with a drug over 60 seconds at 2 mg,
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and we found exactly the same thing.
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So this was really nice reinforcement
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for the initial finding that we had found
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with ASL.
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And these regions where there was a common
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overlap between the decreases in blood flow
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with ASL and the decreases in,
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essentially venous oxygenation,
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or oxygenated blood with the BOLD signal
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of fMRI.
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So one of the merits of BOLD fMRI is
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that it allows you to do these
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functional connectivity analyses.
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So just to give you a feel for what that is,
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here is an image which shows
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the default mode network in orange
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and let's concentrate on the default
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mode network for a moment.
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So you can see that there are two regions in it,
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and there is one that has has yellow text,
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the PCC? and then you can see there is this
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time series underneath.
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So the PCC time series is in yellow
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and you can see that it overlaps with
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anothertime series, and that is
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the medial prefontal cortex.
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So it is by looking at correlations between
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fluctuations in the BOLD signal
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that we identify functionally coherent
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brain networks. We know these regions
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work together as a common network
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doing a common function.