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The Bayeux Tapestry - Seven Ages of Britain - BBC One

  • 0:00 - 0:01
  • 0:14 - 0:17
    This is the Bayeux Tapestry.
  • 0:17 - 0:22
    It was commissioned to celebrate
    William's conquest of England.
  • 0:22 - 0:26
    And it begins with the
    events that led up to it.
  • 0:26 - 0:29
    The death of Edward the Confessor,
    King of England.
  • 0:29 - 0:34
    And the succession of a new king, Harold.
  • 0:38 - 0:43
    It's magical to be taken back a
    1,000 years in this dark chamber
  • 0:43 - 0:48
    to see history spelt out for you.
  • 0:48 - 0:52
    70 meters long right down to the end,
    right round to the back.
  • 0:52 - 0:55
    And the story very vividly told.
  • 0:55 - 0:58
    But at the same time,
    along the freezes,
  • 0:58 - 1:01
    top and bottom,
    wonderfully vivid pictures.
  • 1:01 - 1:03
    Some of them of Aesop's Fables,
  • 1:03 - 1:04
    some of little stories,
  • 1:04 - 1:06
    some little nobody knows what they are.
  • 1:06 - 1:09
    Little details of farming life here.
  • 1:09 - 1:14
    Plowing, sowing,
    and a man killing birds with a sling.
  • 1:14 - 1:18
    It's not strictly speaking a tapestry,
  • 1:18 - 1:24
    it's actually needle work,
    sown with wool onto linen.
  • 1:28 - 1:33
    I suppose the story that we know
    best begins with the death of
  • 1:33 - 1:38
    Edward the Confessor and his
    burial in Westminster Abbey.
  • 1:38 - 1:42
    Westminster Abbey here with
    the hand of God, blessing it.
  • 1:42 - 1:47
    And here, Harold receiving the crown,
  • 1:47 - 1:52
    with his orb and his scepter,
    people looking on.
  • 1:52 - 1:56
    And then spies come across and
    explain to William and Normandy
  • 1:56 - 2:00
    what's happened in England that
    Harold has seized the crown.
  • 2:00 - 2:03
    And here he orders ships
    to be built for an invasion.
  • 2:03 - 2:07
    So the first thing to cut down the trees,
    and start building the ships.
  • 2:11 - 2:16
    Putting aboard suits of chainmail,
    needing two men to carry them.
  • 2:17 - 2:26
    And spears, arrows, and the last stages to
    get the horses on board these long ships.
  • 2:26 - 2:27
    Very tricky.
  • 2:27 - 2:29
    And they didn't look particularly happy.
  • 2:29 - 2:32
    The boats set sail.
  • 2:32 - 2:34
    They cross over to Pevensey.
  • 2:35 - 2:40
    Land safely at Pevensey, go ashore.
    And then the real task begins.
  • 2:40 - 2:43
    But first, the army has to be fed.
  • 2:43 - 2:46
    There's a terrine there being boiled;
  • 2:46 - 2:49
    there's sort of chicken kabobs,
    they look like.
  • 2:49 - 2:52
    And here, William feasting with his men.
  • 2:52 - 2:55
    And then they're preparing for war.
  • 2:55 - 2:59
    They build a castle of wood at Hastings.
  • 2:59 - 3:03
    William's followers set light to
    some of the Anglo-Saxon houses.
  • 3:03 - 3:07
    A woman leading her child
    away from her burning house.
  • 3:07 - 3:09
    And then battle commences.
  • 3:09 - 3:14
    Quite slowly to start with, with the
    Calvary charging against Harold's forces.
  • 3:18 - 3:19
    Heads chopped off.
  • 3:19 - 3:21
    Hands chopped off.
  • 3:21 - 3:24
    And the battle rages all day long.
  • 3:33 - 3:38
    In the confusion of the battle,
    as swords and axes clang against shields,
  • 3:38 - 3:44
    a dangerous rumor sweeps
    William's army that he has been killed.
  • 3:44 - 3:45
    So what does he do?
  • 3:45 - 3:49
    He turns around in his saddle,
    lifts his helmet off,
  • 3:49 - 3:52
    and shows himself to his troops.
  • 3:52 - 3:54
    And the battle goes on.
  • 4:03 - 4:09
    And then we come to the famous design
    of Harold with the arrow in his eye.
  • 4:09 - 4:12
    Nobody quite knows whether
    that is what happened.
  • 4:12 - 4:15
    And here, slaughtered.
  • 4:20 - 4:21
    I've seen this many times.
  • 4:21 - 4:25
    Every time I see it,
    I have to say it just brings the
  • 4:25 - 4:29
    whole story of William's
    invasion of England alive.
  • 4:29 - 4:31
    You really feel here because
    this was done by people living
  • 4:31 - 4:33
    only a few years after the event.
  • 4:33 - 4:38
    You really feel the power and
    the passion that went into it.
  • 4:39 - 4:43
    It's a completely magical work of art.
  • 4:43 - 4:45
The Bayeux Tapestry - Seven Ages of Britain - BBC One

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Video Language:

English subtitles
