Mindwalk (1990) [Leg. Esp.- Eng Captions]
1:18 - 1:20Hello?
1:20 - 1:22Hello... Tom?
1:22 - 1:28Jack? Jack, it's... What, is there a red alert on or something?
1:28 - 1:30Am I calling too late?
1:30 - 1:34No, no... It's just that the hours are too later here...
1:34 - 1:38Are you O.K.? Is everything all right?
1:38 - 1:41Not really.
1:41 - 1:44Hey Tom, I need some help.
1:44 - 1:49You think a speechwriter's going to fix it? Do you think that's the only problem?
1:49 - 1:54If I did, would I be calling you?
1:54 - 1:58I'm sorry I missed your presidential campaign. I just thought it was nuts.
1:58 - 2:02It looks like the voters agreed with you.
2:02 - 2:08Maybe it was crazy, anyway, Now, I'm supposed to be running again...
2:08 - 2:12for the re-election to the Senate, and people aren't giving any more.
2:12 - 2:16Now, they are giving, but maybe I just don't want the money.
2:16 - 2:20I don't have anything to say. I feel tapped out.
2:20 - 2:25Get away from there, it's a snake pit. It's a hall of mirrors for narcissists.
2:25 - 2:27Get a long way away.
2:27 - 2:30Oh, I wish, but it's impossible right now.
2:30 - 2:33No, come on. It's always like that. That's always part of the problem.
2:33 - 2:35Are you offering me a place?
2:35 - 2:39Yeah, sure. You could come over here. Come on over.
2:39 - 2:48It may not be the White House but, you know, at least here you're wanted.
2:48 - 2:50I'm so glad I came here.
2:50 - 2:58I should not invited him.
2:58 - 3:01Incredible!
3:01 - 3:07Look, there it is again.
3:07 - 3:15The Middle Ages got left behind on this rock. Time just moved on.
3:15 - 3:17There he goes again. That's him all right.
3:17 - 3:21Always enthused and always ready, with the right words for all occasions.
3:21 - 3:25As if everyone was still waiting for his opinion.
3:25 - 3:32As if life itself was one giant press conference.
3:32 - 3:37Maybe that's all there is, this public persona.
3:37 - 3:41Maybe I've been fooling myself these last 20 years...
3:41 - 3:45always looking for the real guy behind the facade.
3:45 - 3:50Maybe the facade is the real guy.
3:50 - 3:53This is amazing!
3:53 - 3:57Sure it is. Everything's always amazing to this guy.
3:57 - 3:59Why am I bitching all the time?
3:59 - 4:02Maybe it's a premonition that this trip's going to be a disaster.
4:02 - 4:04I can't say that I need Jack's company. This time of my life I'm residing quite...
4:04 - 4:12contentedly in my own midlife crises, thank you very much.
4:12 - 4:18This is as far away from Washington as I could possibly get.
4:18 - 4:22Thank you.
4:22 - 4:23There he goes.
4:23 - 4:26That's why he irritates me, and that's why I love him, too.
4:26 - 4:30Behind the innocence there may be a calculating politician...
4:30 - 4:33but behind the politician there's an innocent.
4:33 - 4:37He's still american enough. He doesn't lie well at all, he means it.
4:37 - 4:54You want to stop the car and get out? Take a look around?
4:54 - 4:57There it is. Mont-Saint-Michel.
4:57 - 4:59What do you think?
4:59 - 5:03Beautiful.
5:03 - 5:07You want to do something different? You want to walk over there?
5:07 - 5:10Walk across that swamp?
5:10 - 5:14Yeah, just like our ancestors did centuries and centuries ago.
5:14 - 5:20You're the one who wanted to do all the walking. Come on, let's go.
5:20 - 5:26Maybe you ancestors used to do this...
5:26 - 7:37but unless my mother lied to me, I don't...
7:37 - 7:48Thank you.
7:48 - 7:54- So, we're gonna do something today? - Thought I'd finish my book.
7:54 - 7:58You always have a book to read. I'm bored.
7:58 - 7:59Where's Roman?
7:59 - 8:06I don't care what Roman's doing. I wanted to do something with you.
8:06 - 8:10I should not come. I should've just done something with dad.
8:10 - 8:12Come on, Kit.
8:12 - 8:15You just stay cooped up in this medieval island, just reading your books.
8:15 - 8:19You're not even aware of what's going on around you.
8:19 - 8:22You could be anywhere, it wouldn't even make a difference.
8:22 - 8:24You should go out more. Meet some people.
8:24 - 8:26I will.
8:26 - 8:29I'm going.
8:29 - 8:45Bye.
8:45 - 8:47Are you moving to France permanently?
8:47 - 8:48What?
8:48 - 8:55I thought you couldn't live anywhere but in New York.
8:55 - 8:59What about the theater? Did you give that up for good?
8:59 - 9:02Oh, it may have given me up for good.
9:02 - 9:07I don't think I'm enough involved in real estate to live in Manhattan...
9:07 - 9:10or any other business. Some other hustle.
9:10 - 9:13I lived in New York when I was young inside. My friends and I were more interested...
9:13 - 9:15in our work than our investments.
9:15 - 9:19We weren't invidious. We were nurturing.
9:19 - 9:23And then, you know. Alimony, the IRS...
9:23 - 9:28being denied the right to parent my own child custody--
9:28 - 9:31They brought reality in, and hey, who needs it?
9:31 - 9:36When Nixon got on that chopper in 1972 I think the fight went out of all of us.
9:36 - 9:40The big business took over and set the agenda.
9:40 - 9:45Boy, when you buy into big business, when you buy into that, man...
9:45 - 9:48you got to emancipate yourself from your morals...
9:48 - 9:51or you live a life of squeamishness.
9:51 - 9:54Is this our same old argument? I lost my morals, did I?
9:54 - 9:59Automatically, by going to work and staying inside the system?
9:59 - 10:01You're taking me a little personally. I was talking about myself.
10:01 - 10:04I was saying that I got a little squeamish, you know?
10:04 - 10:09I know people that work a lot crasser jobs than you, and they're happy.
10:09 - 10:11They're happy, they're healthy, they're not depressed.
10:11 - 10:14They enjoy the material blessings. Me? I couldn't handle it.
10:14 - 10:16I couldn't stand it. I just couldn't...
10:16 - 10:22Confucius say "Of the 39 steps of escape the best one's flight." So I fled.
10:22 - 10:26Here I am in France where I can pull down my pants.
10:26 - 10:31I'm enough of a retarded romantic to believe France is still a place to go and think.
10:31 - 10:39So I'll stay, I guess... or I won't. We'll see.
10:39 - 10:44This place is like a fairy tale.
10:44 - 10:46How did we wind up here?
10:46 - 10:50I'll bet there's some secret plan of yours behind all this.
10:50 - 10:55I bet I could say the same thing about you. No, I just thought you'd like to come here.
10:55 - 11:01To discover that precious quality that the world so desperately lacks.
11:01 - 11:05Ah, yeah. Vision.
11:05 - 11:11Perspective. Perspective, Jack.
11:11 - 11:16This is where the dead are placed, in the middle of town among the houses.
11:16 - 11:21Death is a part of life, not separate from it.
11:21 - 11:27There aren't enough graves for all the generations of Mont-Saint-Michelains.
11:27 - 11:33So every decade or so, the bones are dug up so new bodies can be buried here.
11:33 - 11:37And since they believed you will need your bones again on Judgment day...
11:37 - 11:40they placed them nearby in the charnel house--
11:40 - 11:43- Ucch! That's disgusting. - I like cemeteries.
11:43 - 11:48And in the back there, in the church, there is a relic of a saint.
11:48 - 11:49What's a relic?
11:49 - 11:56Oh, maybe a shaving of the saint's fingernail, or a scrap of the saint's robe.
11:56 - 11:59Tell me Jack, how do you expect to govern these people?
11:59 - 12:01That's a good question.
12:01 - 12:05There was an italian premier once, just before Mussolini...
12:05 - 12:08somebody asked him if it was difficult to govern italians.
12:08 - 12:15He said: "Difficult to govern italians? No, not difficult. Only useless"
12:15 - 12:18They didn't say that on the 6:00 news.
12:18 - 12:25No, but I thought it night and day. Maybe that's why I lost.
12:25 - 12:29Anyway, did they really think that their bones would keep until judgment day?
12:29 - 12:32You got to remember for them Judgment day was...
12:32 - 12:35right around the corner. They expected it almost hourly.
12:35 - 12:36Just like us.
12:36 - 12:39I wouldn't say so. Judgment day, for us is different.
12:39 - 12:45It's an interruption, a violation, a break in our concept of time--
12:45 - 12:49The bomb, the big one. Judgment day for them was the ultimate day off.
12:49 - 12:51Not the ultimate off day.
12:51 - 12:57There wasn't mechanical time, time was season to season, Sabbath to saint day.
12:57 - 13:03And everything led toward Judgment day. That was the reason everybody was alive.
13:03 - 13:09It was the day of deliverance. Like sunday, when you get the Times delivered.
13:09 - 13:11Time was sacred.
13:11 - 13:14They'd ring a bell in the morning, they'd ring a bell in the evening...
13:14 - 13:17and those moments would change a little. But the...
13:17 - 13:20rhythm of their era was so different from ours...
13:20 - 13:32that I don't think we can even imagine it.
13:32 - 13:41I guess we're a little early.
13:41 - 13:43No saint stands alone.
13:43 - 13:46What?
13:46 - 13:51No saint stands alone.
13:51 - 13:55Every time I come here, these lines comes to me, God knows from where.
13:55 - 13:59Sometimes it takes me weeks, even years to figure out what they mean.
13:59 - 14:03Did you ever read any of the books I sent you?
14:03 - 14:09No, not since you stopped thinking about helping me with speeches.
14:09 - 14:12Did you ever read the speeches I sent you?
14:12 - 14:15I tried. I mean, the old attention span, isn't what it used to be.
14:15 - 14:19That's true. Mine neither.
14:19 - 14:23I don't have any attention anymore for anything that's not specific.
14:23 - 14:26Poetry just confuses me.
14:26 - 14:29Yeah, politics-- Politics confuses everybody.
14:29 - 14:33Including its practitioners.
14:33 - 14:36But I know what "No saint stands alone" means.
14:36 - 14:38Oh, yeah? What?
14:38 - 14:41It's the essence of my profession.
14:41 - 14:46Because between every politician and his own point of view...
14:46 - 14:51there's always three fat cats, two pac lobbyists, half dozen of microphones.
14:51 - 14:55"No man is an island entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent...
14:55 - 15:00part of the main, therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls...
15:00 - 15:13it tolls to thee."
15:13 - 15:16Can't you just feel the place watching you?
15:16 - 15:22- It makes you feel pretty small. - It was supposed to.
15:22 - 15:26The individual in the human body was supposed to feel small...
15:26 - 15:32dwarfed, denied all independent existence.
15:32 - 15:37We lost some of the sense of being all one, but we got our freedom.
15:37 - 15:40That's not a bad trade-off.
15:40 - 15:45I don't know. I still don't know if we haven't lost more than we've gained.
15:45 - 15:48All I ever hear anybody talk about today is themselves.
15:48 - 15:53I wrote a poem once. It's titled "The Stones Speak, I am Silent"
15:53 - 15:59At least you're free to think what you want and do what you can about it.
15:59 - 16:02Think of the guy who had to carry these stones up the hell to built this place.
16:02 - 16:07He didn't have any say in life, or try running for office some day.
16:07 - 16:11Someone else sets the agenda, someone else sets the schedule.
16:11 - 16:15Somebody else decides what you can say and what you better not say.
16:15 - 16:21Talk about losing yourself. People have been known to forget their own names.
16:21 - 16:23Maybe you're too smart to be president.
16:23 - 16:25A television correspondent told me that once.
16:25 - 16:27What did you say?
16:27 - 16:30I got a little steamed.
16:30 - 16:34I said american voters want their leaders to be dumber than they are.
16:34 - 16:40They figure they'll do less harm that way. That is an expensive form of cynicism.
16:40 - 16:43- You said that on TV? - Yup.
16:43 - 16:53Maybe you're not so smart after all.
16:53 - 16:58We go through here.
16:58 - 17:00What's up here?
17:00 - 17:17After you.
17:17 - 17:20Look at this. Look at this!
17:20 - 17:23This thing has been functioning for hundreds of years--
17:23 - 17:25since before the beginning of modern times.
17:25 - 17:28But this is different from the kind of time you were talking about before.
17:28 - 17:31Sunrise to Sunset, Sabbath to Sabbath, isn't it?
17:31 - 17:35This is... mechanical time.
17:35 - 17:37You bet, you bet it is.
17:37 - 17:40I sometimes think that this clock, this machine is what...
17:40 - 17:44...constitutes humanity's first real break from the world of nature.
17:44 - 17:47Wouldn't you say so? Hello?
17:47 - 17:51The clock did much more than that. It became the model of the cosmos.
17:51 - 17:54And then they mistook the model for the real thing.
17:54 - 17:58People got the idea that nature was just a giant clock.
17:58 - 18:02Not a living organism, but a machine.
18:02 - 18:06That's exactly what I've been trying to tell this lunkhead, exactly, word for word.
18:06 - 18:08- What? - Maybe you recognize him. Jack Edwards.
18:08 - 18:10And you are...?
18:10 - 18:15Sonia Hoffman. I think I've heard your name somewhere.
18:15 - 18:18Maybe in a couple of hundred news broadcasts.
18:18 - 18:21He was a candidate for the U.S. presidency in the primaries.
18:21 - 18:25I vaguely remember. See? I'm not a voter.
18:25 - 18:29Most americans don't vote either.
18:29 - 18:31I do know who you are.
18:31 - 18:33Me? You know who I am? I doubt it...
18:33 - 18:37You're Thomas Harriman, the poet.
18:37 - 18:40Yes I am. But wait a minute, let me get this straight.
18:40 - 18:44You recognize me, a poet whose latest work sold only 12,000 copies but you...
18:44 - 18:50do not recognize this gentleman, who was a presidential candidate in America?
18:50 - 18:53My god, woman. What's happened to your values? What do you do?
18:53 - 18:55I'm a scientist.
18:55 - 18:58And we do occasionally read poetry.
18:58 - 19:01As a matter of fact, I'm doing a lot of it these days.
19:01 - 19:03I'm on a sort of sabbatical.
19:03 - 19:07I'm an ex-physicist, an ex-american resident...
19:07 - 19:11- an ex-voter-- - Ex-wife?
19:11 - 19:17This is very upsetting. Why don't intelligent people like yourself bother to vote?
19:17 - 19:21Forgive me. You politicians make it so hard.
19:21 - 19:24The ideas expressed by most of you, right or left...
19:24 - 19:28seem to me as antique and mechanical as that old clock.
19:28 - 19:30What's that supposed to mean?
19:30 - 19:35If I was to explain that, I'd have to go all the way back to Descartes...
19:35 - 19:37if you remember him.
19:37 - 19:40- Yeah - "To be or not to be"
19:40 - 19:45- "I Think, therefore, I am." - Yeah, well. We both went to college.
19:45 - 19:51Descartes was the primary architect of the view that sees the world as a clock.
19:51 - 19:55A mechanistic view that still dominates most of the world today...
19:55 - 20:00and it seems to me specially you politicians.
20:00 - 20:05Mechanistic? Is that a real word?
20:05 - 20:10Mechanistic, mechanical, mechanics. Yeah, it's a good word.
20:10 - 20:14Mechanistic. As if Nature functioned like a clock.
20:14 - 20:20You take it a part, reduce it to a number of small, simple pieces, easy to understand...
20:20 - 20:23analyze them, put them all back together and then you understand the whole.
20:23 - 20:28Isn't that what's known as scientific thinking, Miss Hoffman?
20:28 - 20:31What you call the mechanistic view isn't that what the scientific method's all about?
20:31 - 20:33Is it?
20:33 - 20:38I don't think so. But I'd like to kind to hear from the physicist, Jack.
20:38 - 20:41All right, I'm sorry. Please continue.
20:41 - 20:45Well, you're right in a way, Mr...
20:45 - 20:47Jack, call me Jack.
20:47 - 20:49O.K., Jack. You're right in a sense.
20:49 - 20:54But it wasn't always so, not before Descartes.
20:54 - 20:56When he introduced such thinking...
20:56 - 21:00it amounted to a revolutionary break with the church.
21:00 - 21:04He said "I don't need the Pope to tell me how the world functions...
21:04 - 21:09I can find that out for myself, because to me the world is just a machine."
21:09 - 21:12And then he became fascinated with clockworks...
21:12 - 21:17and made the clock into his central metaphor.
21:17 - 21:23He said "I consider the human body as nothing but a machine...
21:23 - 21:30A healthy man is like a well-made clock. A sick man is like an ill-made clock."
21:30 - 21:35The metaphor seems a little clumsy now. But it worked, didn't it?
21:35 - 21:39Yes, so successfully, that scientists came to believe...
21:39 - 21:45that all living things, plants animals, us, are nothig but machines.
21:45 - 21:51And that's the fallacy. It carried over into everything, arts, politics...
21:51 - 21:53I don’t know, it seems to me that most people don't...
21:53 - 21:56even remember who Descartes was.
21:56 - 22:02- I'm sorry, I guess I just don't follow you. - But he'd like to.
22:02 - 22:06If you could break it down into 30-second media bites, that's what he's used to.
22:06 - 22:08Very funny.
22:08 - 22:14What is it that I don't recognize? What's so bad about Descartes?
22:14 - 22:19But there's nothing bad about Descartes. In fact, I think Descartes is wonderful.
22:19 - 22:25He was a godsend to the 17th century. But times have changed since then.
22:25 - 22:29We need a new way of understanding life.
22:29 - 22:37That pendulum for example, has long since been replaced by a tiny quartz crystal.
22:37 - 22:40And these magnificent hand-forged wheels...
22:40 - 22:45turned into microchip the size of my thumbnail.
22:45 - 22:53That's how far modern science has left mechanistic thinking behind.
22:53 - 23:10But you politicians seem to have that clockwork still ticking in your head.
23:10 - 23:13Keep on going, Sonia. Don't stop.
23:13 - 23:16Who knows? You may have that vital piece of information we pols...
23:16 - 23:19venal and stupid as we are have been missing out on all along.
23:19 - 23:22There you go, thinking in terms of pieces.
23:22 - 23:25Pieces are all we get of the picture, only fragments.
23:25 - 23:30Come on, give some examples.
23:30 - 23:35Well, let's take the population problem for example.
23:35 - 23:41You can't solve it by looking at different forms of birth control in isolation.
23:41 - 23:45Research has proven that the most effective form of birth control...
23:45 - 23:49is not a pill, it's economic and social gains...
23:49 - 23:52which will reduce the desire for large families.
23:52 - 23:53That's true.
23:53 - 24:01Did you know that in our world every day 40,000 children die...
24:01 - 24:06from malnutrition and preventable diseases?
24:06 - 24:08That's every other second.
24:08 - 24:10That's now...
24:10 - 24:14and now... and now...
24:14 - 24:20But the short lives of these children cannot be seen in isolation...
24:20 - 24:24they're part of the whole system, involving the economics...
24:24 - 24:27involving the environment, and more specifically...
24:27 - 24:31- involving high levels of third-world debt. - How's that?
24:31 - 24:35The burden of frenzied borrowing is not falling on those with foreign banks...
24:35 - 24:38...accounts, nor on those who created the imbalance.
24:38 - 24:42The burden's falling on the already deprived.
24:42 - 24:45Three years ago, president Nyerere asked the question:
24:45 - 24:50"Must we starve our children to pay our debts?"
24:50 - 24:52That question has been answered in practice...
24:52 - 24:54...and the answer has been YES...
24:54 - 24:57...because since he asked, hundreds and thousands of little children...
24:57 - 25:02...in the third world have given their lives to pay their country's debts.
25:02 - 25:12And millions more are still paying interest with their malnourished minds and bodies.
25:12 - 25:14Take Brazil.
25:14 - 25:19Do you know that they are destroying their Amazon rain forests...
25:19 - 25:21...at the rate of one football field a second?
25:21 - 25:24Now, now, now.
25:24 - 25:30Why? They're trying to pay their national debt with cattle and land speculation.
25:30 - 25:33They don't even have time to sell the timber...
25:33 - 25:35...so they're setting fire to the woods.
25:35 - 25:40And our barren forests are one of the main causes of the global warming...
25:40 - 25:42...the green house effect.
25:42 - 25:46And in the meantime, we are pouring our money into the arms race.
25:46 - 25:51You cannot look at one single of our global problems in isolation...
25:51 - 25:53...trying to understand it and solve it.
25:53 - 25:59You can fix a fragment of a piece, but it will deteriorate a second later...
25:59 - 26:02because what it was connected to has been ignored.
26:02 - 26:07We have to change everything together at the same time.
26:07 - 26:13- The ideals, the institutions, the values-- - All of this sounds kind of familiar.
26:13 - 26:17Do you two know each other? Is this a setup?
26:17 - 26:20Well, all right. What do I think about this?
26:20 - 26:24The problems are complex but you're looking at the dark side, because us...
26:24 - 26:29...are capacity to response, isn't it? Communications, databanks, technology--
26:29 - 26:32We already have the tools to deal with a lot of these problems...
26:32 - 26:37- ...even if they are more complex. - Candide himself, the eternal optimist.
26:37 - 26:40But don't you see? There are all these new technologies...
26:40 - 26:43...they're causing more problems that they solve.
26:43 - 26:47In medicine for example, there's been an overwhelming increase in technology...
26:47 - 26:50...but the costs have spiraled concurrently.
26:50 - 26:55It's become medicine for the rich and public health hasn't improved significantly...
26:55 - 26:58...although public health would improve dramatically if we...
26:58 - 27:01...just changed our eating habits, for example.
27:01 - 27:05But instead the experts are occupied with making artificial hearts.
27:05 - 27:11If our agribusiness had fed us better instead of chopping down the rain forests...
27:11 - 27:15...in order to make cattle ranches in order to produce more and more red meat...
27:15 - 27:18...which is one of the diary causes of heart attacks...
27:18 - 27:22...then maybe we would not to spend so much of our money on artificial hearts...
27:22 - 27:27...and so on, and so on. This is all examples of interconnectedness.
27:27 - 27:31But, Sonia... All right supposing that you're right...
27:31 - 27:34...and everything's connected to everything else as you say...
27:34 - 27:37...still you've got to start somewhere, don't you?
27:37 - 27:41That's the real political question here. Where do you start?
27:41 - 27:44By changing the way we're seeing the world.
27:44 - 27:48You're still searching for the right piece to fix first.
27:48 - 27:55You don't see that all the problems simply are fragments of one single crisis.
27:55 - 27:59- A crisis of perception. - Oh, good.
27:59 - 28:02The world's coming to an end and you say it's a crisis of perception.
28:02 - 28:04I'm sorry, that's a little abstract for me.
28:04 - 28:09And all this stuff about modern medicine, all your criticisms...
28:09 - 28:13I may be a doctor's son, but you have to admit that...
28:13 - 28:16...this mechanistic medicine has been pretty successful.
28:16 - 28:19Well... up to a point.
28:19 - 28:23But simply by blocking the mechanisms of a disease...
28:23 - 28:25...doesn't mean healing it.
28:25 - 28:29I mean, it's like in politics, it's just shifting the problem to another sphere.
28:29 - 28:34Are you going to leave me stranded out here in this argument by myself?
28:34 - 28:39I'm going to leave you stranded.
28:39 - 28:45O.K... A person goes to a doctor today with recurring...
28:45 - 28:49...attacks of gallstones and the doctor takes the gallbladder out.
28:49 - 28:50And low and behold the pain goes away.
28:50 - 28:55You could say the doctor's working from a poor perceptual model, that he just...
28:55 - 28:59...concentrated on a part of the clock that wasn't working and removed it.
28:59 - 29:02But the fact is the patient is out of his pain.
29:02 - 29:04He's feeling better and the clock is ticking again.
29:04 - 29:06His perceptual model worked.
29:06 - 29:10But is everything that works good for the system?
29:10 - 29:14That's disingenuous and not useful when applied to politics...
29:14 - 29:17...which is, after all, a system that is based on people.
29:17 - 29:20It's the art of bringing people to agree on a certain course of action.
29:20 - 29:24If that course of action succeeds, the people are satisfied...
29:24 - 29:26...if not, they're not.
29:26 - 29:28It's as simple as that. If it works, it's good.
29:28 - 29:32Isn't that what you said why politics doesn't work...
29:32 - 29:37...that politics needed to become the art of the impossible?
29:37 - 29:40Whose side are you on?
29:40 - 29:43Hers, obviously. She's intelligent, gracious...
29:43 - 29:45...and she's more attractive.
29:45 - 29:51Listen, Jack. I'd like to get back to the systems.
29:51 - 29:54-You know, you called me dishonest. -Oh, no, no, no...
29:54 - 29:56Let's talk about the gallbladder again.
29:56 - 29:59Let's say the gallbladder's out and the pain is gone...
29:59 - 30:03...but what about the stress that might have caused the illness?
30:03 - 30:07If that stress persists he's probably going to get sick again.
30:07 - 30:10Or let's say he had changed his nutrition...
30:10 - 30:13...much earlier, and done some exercise.
30:13 - 30:16He may never have developed the gallstones in the first place.
30:16 - 30:19A little health education might have been...
30:19 - 30:22...much cheaper that the operation, a lot less painful, too.
30:22 - 30:26But our system doesn't encourage prevention...
30:26 - 30:28...it encourages intervention.
30:28 - 30:31O.K. You're not disingenuous, but to blame all this on french philosopher...
30:31 - 30:34...who's been dead 300 years, isn't that a little out of proportion...
30:34 - 30:37...maybe even all a little eccentric?
30:37 - 30:40No. Not if I'm right.
30:40 - 30:44See, my point isn't to condemn Descartes' thinking.
30:44 - 30:48It's simply to recognize its limitations.
30:48 - 30:51It might have been extremely useful to perceive the world...
30:51 - 30:54...as a machine for 300 years but that perception today...
30:54 - 31:00...is not only inaccurate, it's actually harmful.
31:00 - 31:03We need a new vision of the world.
31:03 - 31:05What's that quotation?
31:05 - 31:11"It's foolish for a society to try to cling to its old ideas in new times...
31:11 - 31:14...just as it's foolish for a grown man to try to squeeze...
31:14 - 31:18...into the coat that fit him in his youth." Something like that...
31:18 - 31:21Thomas Jefferson.
31:21 - 31:29Maybe you're not crazy.
31:29 - 31:33I don't know, Sonia. This new vision of the world might just be...
31:33 - 31:38...some sort of millennium madness as we approach the year 2000.
31:38 - 31:40Oh, everybody's aware now.
31:40 - 31:43We can make ourselves extinct at the press of a button.
31:43 - 31:46We're soiling every square foot of land, sea and air.
31:46 - 31:50That water looks clean but it's not, is it?
31:50 - 31:52Nothing is.
31:52 - 31:56The English Channel is one of the most polluted bodies of water in the world...
31:56 - 31:59...and the oysters around here are famous.
31:59 - 32:01Soon they'll be unsafe to eat.
32:01 - 32:05Not only that. This water is radioactive...
32:05 - 32:09...contaminated by a nuclear plant a few miles from here.
32:09 - 32:11Yeah, I read about that too.
32:11 - 32:14Politicians can read. We know all about these things.
32:14 - 32:17Some of us think about them every day. I do.
32:17 - 32:19But we have to deal with a different set of constraints...
32:19 - 32:23...different kinds of interdependence that those you discuss.
32:23 - 32:28Let's say it turns out to be true, that what you say is true.
32:28 - 32:30Cattle are brutally treated, loaded with chemicals...
32:30 - 32:33...too much red meat is bad for you...
32:33 - 32:35...and the landscape's being wrecked by overgrazing.
32:35 - 32:37Let's say all that's turn to be true.
32:37 - 32:41So for health and a hundred other reasons, I help enact a tax...
32:41 - 32:45...on the consumption of red meat, the way we tax tobacco...
32:45 - 32:48...to making people think twice about that kind of consumption.
32:48 - 32:50What a wonderful idea!
32:50 - 32:54We could do cancer and heart research for the revenue.
32:54 - 32:57And I have 50 lobbyists pounding on my door...
32:57 - 32:59...while a hundred different meat producers political action...
32:59 - 33:02...committees poured money into my opponent's campaign...
33:02 - 33:06...and my switchboard was lit up all day with calls from senators...
33:06 - 33:09...and representatives and governors of all the meat-producing states.
33:09 - 33:13But O.K., Sonia, just for you, let's say I take all that on.
33:13 - 33:17As Sam Rayburn said "Every once in a while a man ought to do...
33:17 - 33:19...something just because it's right."
33:19 - 33:23But if on top of that, I come out against a few weapons programs...
33:23 - 33:26...and try to do something about acid rain and sponsor a bill supporting...
33:26 - 33:31...increased funding for solar energy, you know what?
33:31 - 33:34By the next election anybody who would run against me...
33:34 - 33:38...and I mean anybody, would have the combined funds of all those people...
33:38 - 33:40...to defeat me, and he would too.
33:40 - 33:43Because when you're that far ahead of public opinion...
33:43 - 33:46...that's the way they let you know.
33:46 - 33:51I do what everybody else does, from the lowliest congressman to the president...
33:51 - 33:56...I pick a few crucial issues that I think are crucial, a part of your whole...
33:56 - 34:02...and I persist until I get somewhere if I'm lucky.
34:02 - 34:04For the rest, I mark time, I wait.
34:04 - 34:10I go along, I... I trade off.
34:10 - 34:15This is why I don't vote. It's what we've been talking about.
34:15 - 34:18You get people to eat less red meat, and then you do something like...
34:18 - 34:23...paying off the farmers, buying up surplus butter and subsidizing its price.
34:23 - 34:27If we don't get a heart attack one way, you'll find another way.
34:27 - 34:30Well, I agree with you. We wouldn't contradict ourselves...
34:30 - 34:33...so much if we didn't do things piecemeal.
34:33 - 34:38But you know, there's something a little scary, maybe something...
34:38 - 34:42...even a little cruel about your theoretical exigency.
34:42 - 34:46I mean, are you going to be the one who tells everyone what's good for them?
34:46 - 34:49Are you gonna tell the farmer something's wrong with the goals his...
34:49 - 34:53...family has pursued for generations then just shut them down?
34:53 - 34:56Maybe we're beaten up all day by private interests...
34:56 - 35:00...but at least our government now stays close to what people...
35:00 - 35:03...perceive to be their needs.
35:03 - 35:07Look, the world changes faster than people's perception of it.
35:07 - 35:11Wouldn't be challenge for a great political leader to bridge...
35:11 - 35:17...the gap, to inform, to allow us to feel responsibility?
35:17 - 35:20Anyway, the people don't trust you politicians anymore.
35:20 - 35:24At your last election only 50% of them even bothered to vote.
35:24 - 35:28Getting them back would really require a politics of the impossible.
35:28 - 35:31What a great campaign slogan. Where were you when I needed you?
35:31 - 35:33I'd vote for it.
35:33 - 35:35Oh, good. I'd get the poet vote.
35:35 - 35:39Politics of the impossible. You might get my vote too.
35:39 - 35:43Oh, great! Add to that the support of all well-informed...
35:43 - 35:46...but nonparticipating-women living on medieval islands.
35:46 - 36:12That's no victory.
36:12 - 36:15Why does that make me angry?
36:15 - 36:18Probably because they don't want have anything to do with us.
36:18 - 36:20They don't believe in us.
36:20 - 36:24There isn't any reason they should, except their own eventual aging.
36:24 - 36:27They don't even notice where they are.
36:27 - 36:33They think this is the movies, but this room is absolutely contemporary.
36:33 - 36:38Everybody's got a torture chamber now. They don't even notice them.
36:38 - 36:48Are you going to say this is part of your crisis of perception, too?
36:48 - 36:54Maybe we're all led a little towards death, like wolves to the weak.
36:54 - 36:59Or maybe people are just shits, hmm?
36:59 - 37:02You'd like blame this on Descartes. I'd like blame it on anybody.
37:02 - 37:04But it's such a part of human history, I...
37:04 - 37:10Well, I don't know about Descartes, but I know Francis Bacon presided...
37:10 - 37:14...over the witch trials of king James I at a time when millions of women were...
37:14 - 37:18...tortured or burned for practicing folk medicine or worshiping...
37:18 - 37:22...pre-Christian goddesses or simply because they were unusual.
37:22 - 37:25I would probably have ended up on the stake myself.
37:25 - 37:29I don't believe it was a metaphor when Francis Bacon wrote...
37:29 - 37:33...that Nature had to be hounded in her wandering...
37:33 - 37:36...bound into service, made a slave.
37:36 - 37:41He even said that scientists with their new mechanical devices...
37:41 - 37:45...had to torture Nature's secrets out of her.
37:45 - 37:49Did you notice how he uses "her" when describing Mother Nature?
37:49 - 37:58As if Nature was nothing but a witch?
37:58 - 38:05Yes. It's actually fair to say that this room...
38:05 - 38:10...represents a crisis of perception.
38:10 - 38:16But this room was here for a long time before Descartes and Bacon.
38:16 - 38:19Violence goes on no matter how mankind understands the world, doesn't it?
38:19 - 38:25An exploitation... Of course, we'd all like to think it would be different...
38:25 - 38:27...if we saw things differently.
38:27 - 38:32But hasn't modern science, technology, business done exactly what...
38:32 - 38:36...Francis Bacon preached: tortured our planet?
38:36 - 38:43Didn't we just implement the old patriarchal idea about man dominating all?
38:43 - 38:46I don't know, Sonia. Let me be the devil's advocate for a minute.
38:46 - 38:49How much have we really tortured and hounded the planet?
38:49 - 38:51You could say not much...
38:51 - 38:54...compared to what the ice ages did to the world, for example.
38:54 - 38:58And who sais that nature can't cope?
38:58 - 39:01We're scared to death about the disappearing ozone layer...
39:01 - 39:06...but we only started studying ozone levels about 10 years ago.
39:06 - 39:10It could be that these so-called holes in the atmosphere...
39:10 - 39:13...have been appearing and the disappearing again...
39:13 - 39:15...since time's beginning. Couldn't it?
39:15 - 39:20It could be that Nature has a healing mechanism we don't even know about.
39:20 - 39:23It could be this hysteria about ultraviolet rays...
39:23 - 39:26...is nothing more than that, just hysteria.
39:26 - 39:31That's what they said about the German forests and look at them now.
39:31 - 39:34More than half the trees in the black forest are dying.
39:34 - 39:39We can't explain it anyway. We simply cannot take the risk.
39:39 - 39:44Right here around this island the tides are slowing down, maybe because of silt...
39:44 - 39:49...building up from garbage dumped in the bay or from the overuse of fertilizers.
39:49 - 39:53Lakes can die, entire oceans become polluted...
39:53 - 39:57...topsoil, forests, water, poisoned, dead.
39:57 - 40:01Things can change so fast at the hands of man.
40:01 - 40:06Nature becomes fragile, rain becomes acid.
40:06 - 40:10I agree with everything you said. But why this patriarchal fixation?
40:10 - 40:14Those women witches were betrayed by other women.
40:14 - 40:16Phyllis Schlafly, a woman, has written that God's...
40:16 - 40:19...greatest gift to mankind was the atom bomb.
40:19 - 40:21These are women. Why not just say what's patriarchal...
40:21 - 40:23...is what's evil in both men and women?
40:23 - 40:28There's plenty to go around unless you happen to believe...
40:28 - 40:31...these women were brainwashed by men, like Patty Hearst.
40:31 - 40:33Why are you so scornful?
40:33 - 40:36Look, there are two great principles functioning in this entire...
40:36 - 40:39...living world: the male principle, pick the adjective...
40:39 - 40:42...aggressive, dominating, whatever; and the female principle...
40:42 - 40:46...nurturing, caretaking, gentle, whatever...
40:46 - 40:50What I'm saying is that these 2 principles may have been in a rough balance.
40:50 - 40:53But now the men and yes, I do think IT IS the men...
40:53 - 40:56...have created the tools, the weapons both intellectually...
40:56 - 40:59...and physically to bring these two principles way out of balance.
40:59 - 41:05We've been placing mechanistic tools in the hands of power-oriented patriarchal people.
41:05 - 41:13I'm saying you men are out of control now and I, you, we... all we are the victims.
41:13 - 41:15So what's the risk?
41:15 - 41:21What's wrong with giving the female principle an opportunity?
41:21 - 41:24And I say let's get out of this room.
41:24 - 41:43It's having a torturous effect on our relationship.
41:43 - 41:46Look, Sonia. I'm sorry if I ruffled your feathers down there.
41:46 - 41:52I just, um... you know... I'm a failed husband.
41:52 - 41:54I'm a little too sensitive about all that stuff.
41:54 - 41:58I'm also a starving poet and a bad teacher...
41:58 - 42:02...and Jack's another midlife casualty, except his wife's...
42:02 - 42:05...still around. May be there's a connection in there somewhere for you.
42:05 - 42:10What do you do? What brings you to this remote place?
42:10 - 42:13Well, let's see...
42:13 - 42:19I'm a scientist still, even though I'm on a semi permanent sabbatical.
42:19 - 42:22How come?
42:22 - 42:25I got tired of seeing my work fed to the U. S. Defense Department.
42:25 - 42:29I'm a physicist, the only woman in my graduate department...
42:29 - 42:36...the first in Norway doing quantum field theory. My specialty was lasers.
42:36 - 42:40At that time, the challenge was to design lasers of ever-shorter wavelengths.
42:40 - 42:44The shorter the wavelength, the more powerful the laser.
42:44 - 42:48Our ultimate goal was to create an x-ray laser.
42:48 - 42:53One day I hit upon an unusual idea which, as it turned out...
42:53 - 42:56...led to a major advance in that x-ray laser.
42:56 - 43:01Well, when you do something like that, science treats you very well.
43:01 - 43:04I got many attractive offers...
43:04 - 43:08First from Paris and then from the States and I took them.
43:08 - 43:13Finally working quite happily in Boston until one day...
43:13 - 43:21I discovered, totally unexpectedly, that my work was being perverted.
43:21 - 43:27I had always looked at the medical applications of my work of using...
43:27 - 43:33...this laser to provide holographic images of cells or even molecules.
43:33 - 43:39It could have helped us solve so many puzzles, even the formation of cancer cells.
43:39 - 43:45But what really happened was that a more sophisticated version of my idea was...
43:45 - 43:50...being used in the star wars program, and it blew my mind.
43:50 - 43:58It... it made me re-evaluate my whole profession.
43:58 - 44:00Anyway, to cut it short...
44:00 - 44:06...in the midst of other events I just got up and left.
44:06 - 44:08What were the other events, if I may ask?
44:08 - 44:12Experiences not all that different from yours, I suppose.
44:12 - 44:17I left Boston and eventually I came here.
44:17 - 44:22I just came one day from Paris and the place took hold of me.
44:22 - 44:25I kept coming back.
44:25 - 44:29There were weeks when the storms chased the tourists away...
44:29 - 44:33...and I had this place all to myself.
44:33 - 44:38I started to look at how my special knowledge of subatomic physics...
44:38 - 44:41...relates to the way I perceive the world at large.
44:41 - 44:47I don't know, but I think that I'll have something to say after my time here.
44:47 - 44:51I don't know yet if it will fit into a coherent whole.
44:51 - 44:56But it's what I ponder when I take my morning walks, which...
44:56 - 44:58...today, for some reason, brought me to you two.
44:58 - 45:02See, every morning, I walk across the island regardless...
45:02 - 45:07...of the weather trying to understand its other language.
45:07 - 45:11The stones speak, and I'm silent.
45:11 - 45:16Something like that, yes. That's from a poem, isn't it?
45:16 - 45:21Well, maybe, I don't know. Do you ever write down any of your thoughts?
45:21 - 45:23Oh, yes, all the time.
45:23 - 45:25I'd like to combine my notes into a book and call it...
45:25 - 45:28...Ecological Thinking, as opposed to Cartesian Thinking.
45:28 - 45:31Cartesian?
45:31 - 45:35Yeah, Descartes wrote in latin. His latin name was Cartesius, hence Cartesian.
45:35 - 45:38Really? I thought it meant map-like, like a map.
45:38 - 45:42- You thought it meant like "a la carte". - Yes, like a menu.
45:42 - 45:47Then his name would have been Menusian.
45:47 - 45:53I'd like to offer this ecological way of thinking as a new way of looking at things.
45:53 - 45:57Help us overcome this crisis of perception.
45:57 - 46:01See, what I've found here is that to think in an ecological way...
46:01 - 46:03...simply makes more sense of everything.
46:03 - 46:09It gives me a much firmer grasp of reality. It gives me strength.
46:09 - 46:11Knowledge is power?
46:11 - 46:15Yes, but in the sense of personal empowerment.
46:15 - 46:19Not that old male urge for power over others.
46:19 - 46:22Descartes' evil empire again?
46:22 - 46:24Descartes had a dream.
46:24 - 46:27It was really Isaac Newton who made that dream come true.
46:27 - 46:32Who transformed it into scientific theory, into power.
46:32 - 46:36"May God us keep from single vision and Newton's sleep." William Blake.
46:36 - 46:40- I'm very impressed. - You two would have a lot in common.
46:40 - 46:44He was writing in poetry 200 years ago what you're saying today in prose.
46:44 - 46:47He hated Newton's concept of single vision.
46:47 - 46:51He dedicated his entire life to making art that denied single vision.
46:51 - 46:56Of course, the people of his time thought he was a crank.
46:56 - 46:59Whereas they revered Newton almost as a god.
46:59 - 47:05By reducing all physical phenomena to the motion of material particles...
47:05 - 47:09...a motion caused by the force of gravity, he was able to describe the exact...
47:09 - 47:14...effect of gravity on any object with precise mathematical equations.
47:14 - 47:17We call it Newton's laws of motion...
47:17 - 47:21...really, the great achievement of 17th century science.
47:21 - 47:26You mean all that stuff I slept through in high school, that square root of...
47:26 - 47:29...the hypotenuse divided by a pinch of magnesium?
47:29 - 47:33Well, in the right hands, or should I say, aroused minds...
47:33 - 47:45...these equations seems to work beautifully.
47:45 - 47:49I could use Newton's equations to calculate and explain...
47:49 - 47:54...every motion of that throw, from the ballistic curve to the ripples in the water.
47:54 - 47:57This was a feat so impressive for the time that Newton's...
47:57 - 48:00...mathematical system immediately established itself as...
48:00 - 48:04...The correct theory of reality, the ultimate laws of nature.
48:04 - 48:08Descartes' dream of the world as a perfect machine...
48:08 - 48:12...was now an established fact.
48:12 - 48:16It brought with it such a wealth of benefits for people.
48:16 - 48:19People could do things they never been able to do before.
48:19 - 48:22It was irresistible, and of course, the old notions of...
48:22 - 48:26...the world as a living organism was swept away.
48:26 - 48:29So, what's wrong with Newton?
48:29 - 48:31Kit.
48:31 - 48:35Well, this is my daughter Kit and her friend Roman.
48:35 - 48:37Kit, this is Thomas Harriman.
48:37 - 48:39- How you do? - And this is Jack, uh--
48:39 - 48:42- Jack Edwards. - Yeah, Jack Edwards. Hi.
48:42 - 48:45What do you think of this new ecological view of your mother's?
48:45 - 48:47It's O.K.
48:47 - 48:50Kit is utterly bored hearing me talk about it.
48:50 - 48:54Yeah, well... We're going to go. Nice to meet you.
48:54 - 48:56Yes, nice meeting you.
48:56 - 49:02- Have fun. - See you later.
49:02 - 49:04Well, so she's living here with you?
49:04 - 49:08No, she's in her first year in college, she's on a break.
49:08 - 49:14But right now, yes, I think she's utterly bored living here with me.
49:14 - 49:17I understand that. I have two of my own.
49:17 - 49:22Yeah, I had-- I mean I have one.
49:22 - 49:27You know, it's no accident that Turner painted light...
49:27 - 49:35...when he did or that light became the inspiration of the impressionists.
49:35 - 49:40The nature of light became an obsession with the physicists, too.
49:40 - 49:48See, none of them could visualize how the light of the sun reached the earth.
49:48 - 49:53Why? What is nature of light?
49:53 - 49:58To understand the nature of light, you have to know what matter is made of.
49:58 - 50:00I thought it was made of atoms.
50:00 - 50:07What's an atom? Newton thought it was small, solid particles.
50:07 - 50:11But that's not what scientists saw when they observed atoms for the first time.
50:11 - 50:15What they saw was totally unexpected and shocking.
50:15 - 50:19You mean, when they discovered atoms were made up of even smaller particles...
50:19 - 50:22...a nucleus with electrons whirling around it?
50:22 - 50:30Not only that. They were moving in relatively vast regions of empty space.
50:30 - 50:37That's what shook the scientists up. Atoms consist mainly of empty space.
50:37 - 50:41What's that mean, vast regions of empty space? Atoms are tiny.
50:41 - 50:44Yes, they are, this is what's so hard to visualize.
50:44 - 50:50See, the size of atoms is so far removed from our ordinary sense of scale and...
50:50 - 50:54...proportion that it's extremely hard to get a feeling for the relative...
50:54 - 50:58...sizes and distances of their particles.
50:58 - 51:02Ask yourself, how many atoms are there in an orange?
51:02 - 51:05To answer this, you'll have to blow up the orange to a size...
51:05 - 51:07...where you can actually see the atoms.
51:07 - 51:12You'll have to blow up the orange until it's reached the size of the earth.
51:12 - 51:18The atoms inside of it will then be the size of cherries.
51:18 - 51:25Myriads of cherries tightly packed into an orange the size of earth.
51:25 - 51:29Wow, what an image! I'm serious.
51:29 - 51:33I was trying to shrink the earth orange back to a real orange and...
51:33 - 51:37...imagine all those cherries whizzing around, it made me dizzy.
51:37 - 51:39This is a dangerous height to be dizzy at.
51:39 - 51:45But O.K. The atom’s the size of a cherry and in that cherry-atom...
51:45 - 51:47...there's all of this empty space. What about the nucleus?
51:47 - 51:51There's a nucleus, right? How big is that?
51:51 - 51:53"Invisible" is the answer.
51:53 - 51:56If we blow up the atom to the size of a football...
51:56 - 51:59...the nucleus would still be invisible.
51:59 - 52:03If we blow it up to the size of a sphere that fits...
52:03 - 52:07...in this room, the nucleus would still be invisible.
52:07 - 52:12What about the size of this island, the rock we're standing on?
52:12 - 52:14O.K.
52:14 - 52:23We would blow the atom, the cherry, up to the size of this island...
52:23 - 52:30...then the nucleus would be the size of a small pebble, something like that.
52:30 - 52:33And the electrons would be much smaller still.
52:33 - 52:37We would have to look for them all the way down there...
52:37 - 52:40...at the edge of the island.
52:40 - 52:44And whole space in between would be empty.
52:44 - 52:46- Wow, that's fantastic! - That's weird.
52:46 - 52:48That's even weirder than poetry.
52:48 - 52:53So, what you're saying is that if there were a sphere...
52:53 - 52:55...large enough to contain this whole island...
52:55 - 52:58...it would actually consist of a pebble and a few grains of sand?
52:58 - 53:01That's all this huge sphere contains?
53:01 - 53:05In other words, nothing? It's empty?
53:05 - 53:12But if this rock is made of spheres like that, then what makes it so solid?
53:12 - 53:13Why can't I pass my hand through it?
53:13 - 53:17-Why don't we fall through it? -Why don't we fall through everything?
53:17 - 53:31This is the obvious question that physicists had to ask.
53:31 - 53:36Now remember that all the newtonian concepts were based on things...
53:36 - 53:40...that could actually be seen or at least visualized...
53:40 - 53:46...but what they were now finding in this strange and unexpected world...
53:46 - 53:51...were concepts that could no longer be visualized.
53:51 - 53:55And when they went on battling with these absurd phenomena of...
53:55 - 53:57...atomic physics, they were forced to admit to themselves...
53:57 - 54:01...they didn't have a language, not even an adequate way of...
54:01 - 54:05...thinking to describe their new discoveries.
54:05 - 54:09They were forced to think in entirely new ways.
54:09 - 54:13In terms of radically new concepts.
54:13 - 54:22To understand why matter is so solid they had to question the conventional ideas...
54:22 - 54:28...about the very existence of matter, and after many frustrating years...
54:28 - 54:35...they were forced to admit that matter does not exist with certainty...
54:35 - 54:42...in definite places, but rather shows tendencies to exist.
54:42 - 54:44Tendency? What's that mean?
54:44 - 54:49Let's say we want to observe an electron out there.
54:49 - 54:54We cannot say it is in a definite place, we can rather say it...
54:54 - 54:58...has a tendency to be out there in the front, rather that in...
54:58 - 55:04...the back, or here to the left, rather that over there to the right.
55:04 - 55:09In scientific language we actually don't speak about tendencies...
55:09 - 55:12...we speak about probabilities.
55:12 - 55:16I seem to remember voting for a bill that gave some physicists a lot of money for...
55:16 - 55:20...a detector that they said would tell them exactly where an electron is.
55:20 - 55:23- Were we being gypped? - Not at all.
55:23 - 55:30The strange thing is that when you actually make a measurement of the electron...
55:30 - 55:36...it is in a definite place, but between measurements you can not say...
55:36 - 55:41...that it is in a definite place or that it has traveled...
55:41 - 55:46...a definite path from one place to another.
55:46 - 55:49You mean when you want to measure it, it just sort of shows up?
55:49 - 55:51Yeah.
55:51 - 55:55Like out-of-work actors or presidential candidates like Jack Edwards.
55:55 - 55:58What do you think? What do you think?
55:58 - 56:03- Hey tough guy. - Yeah.
56:03 - 56:05Oh, my knees hurt.
56:05 - 56:07O.K. Let me get this straight.
56:07 - 56:13You measure and the electron is there, it shows up, like Tom said.
56:13 - 56:18But in between measurements, you can't say for sure that it's...
56:18 - 56:21...in a definite place or even that it went on...
56:21 - 56:24...a definite path from one place to another.
56:24 - 56:28So how does it go from here to there? It moves, doesn't it?
56:28 - 56:31No.
56:31 - 56:35- You mean it stays in the same place? - No.
56:35 - 56:39Either the electron moves, or it doesn't move.
56:39 - 56:41Well, you can't say that.
56:41 - 56:46Well, are you getting a feeling now of what these physicists felt?
56:46 - 56:50You see, an electron doesn't move from place to place.
56:50 - 56:53And it doesn't stay in one place, either.
56:53 - 56:59It manifests itself as probability patterns spread out in space.
56:59 - 57:04And the shape of these probability patterns changes with time...
57:04 - 57:08...something which might seem like movement to human perception.
57:08 - 57:14Are you saying that the electron gets smeared out over a large...
57:14 - 57:17...region and then when you measure it with the measuring gun...
57:17 - 57:20...it collapses into a small point?
57:20 - 57:23You got it.
57:23 - 57:27All subatomic particles, electrons, protons, neutrons...
57:27 - 57:35...manifest this strange existence between potentiality and reality.
57:35 - 57:42So at the subatomic level, there are no solid objects.
57:42 - 57:45No, there are not.
57:45 - 57:48Well, if there are no solid objects at the subatomic level...
57:48 - 57:51...how are there solid objects at any level?
57:51 - 57:53That's the amazing thing.
57:53 - 57:58This simple question, what makes this rock so solid?
57:58 - 58:01...goes way beyond our power of imagination.
58:01 - 58:05I mean, I cannot explain this to you in visual terms.
58:05 - 58:08Of course I can do it in mathematical equations...
58:08 - 58:11...but there's no metaphor for it.
58:11 - 58:14How can you live in a world that's unmetaphorical?
58:14 - 58:18I mean, you have to perceive reality in some way.
58:18 - 58:21I mean, this is solid.
58:21 - 58:24O.K.
58:24 - 58:29Let's take an atom from within this granite...
58:29 - 58:32...the silicon atom with its 14 electrons.
58:32 - 58:40The probability patterns of these electrons arrange themselves...
58:40 - 58:46...like shells around the nucleus, each shell containing several electrons.
58:46 - 58:51Within the shells the electrons are every where at the same time...
58:51 - 58:56...so to speak, but the probability patterns that resemble shells...
58:56 - 59:02...are extremely stable and very hard to compress.
59:02 - 59:08Matter is solid because probability patterns are difficult to compress?
59:08 - 59:10That's as good as it gets.
59:10 - 59:14So I was right to sleep through Mr. Gides' physic class...
59:14 - 59:16...that model he made me out of tinker toys with sticks...
59:16 - 59:20- ...and balls that was wrong, right? - Right, wrong.
59:20 - 59:25Yeah, it's a lousy visualization, but then, no one did it any better.
59:25 - 59:28"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would...
59:28 - 59:56...appear as it is, infinite." William Blake.
59:56 - 60:02So, Sonia, life's a bunch of probability patterns running around.
60:02 - 60:07- Probability patterns of what? - Of interconnections.
60:07 - 60:10What?
60:10 - 60:15Well, what I'm trying to say is that this probabilities are not...
60:15 - 60:21...probabilities of things, but probabilities of interconnections.
60:21 - 60:23See, Jack. That's what she was trying to tell you.
60:23 - 60:28See, we tend to think of subatomic particles are some kind of small...
60:28 - 60:32...billiards balls or small grains of sand.
60:32 - 60:36But for physicists a particle has no independent existence.
60:36 - 60:43A particle is essentially a set of relations that reach...
60:43 - 60:47...outward to connect with other things.
60:47 - 60:48What are those other things, please?
60:48 - 60:52They're interconnections of yet other things which also...
60:52 - 60:55...turn out to be interconnections, and so on, and so on.
60:55 - 61:00In atomic physics we never end up with any things at all.
61:00 - 61:10The essential nature of matter lies not in objects, but in interconnections.
61:10 - 61:14Everybody knows the chord, it's a third, the most basic of harmonies.
61:14 - 61:16It carries with it a very distinctive feeling, no?
61:16 - 61:21And yet it's individual notes carry none of that feeling.
61:21 - 61:25Therefore, the essence of the chord lies in its--
61:25 - 61:28Lies in relationships.
61:28 - 61:33And then the relationship between time and pitch...
61:33 - 61:37- Makes melody. - Makes melody.
61:37 - 61:43- Relationships make music. - Relationships make matter.
61:43 - 61:46- Music of the spheres. - As Kepler said.
61:46 - 61:51- And Shakespeare before him. - And Pythagoras before him.
61:51 - 61:54Now, this vision of the universe arranged in harmonies of...
61:54 - 61:58...sounds and relations is no new discovery.
61:58 - 62:01Today, physicists are simply proving that what we call an object...
62:01 - 62:08...an atom, a molecule, a particle, is only an approximation, a metaphor.
62:08 - 62:13At the subatomic level, it dissolves into a series of...
62:13 - 62:18...interconnections like chords of music. It's beautiful.
62:18 - 62:20Yeah, but there are boundaries, aren't there?
62:20 - 62:25I mean, between you and me, for instance.
62:25 - 62:33We are two separate bodies, aren't we? That's not an illusion. Is it?
62:33 - 62:37Are you saying that there is a physical connection...
62:37 - 62:42...between you and me, and you and the wall behind you...
62:42 - 62:49- ...and the air and this bench? - Yes.
62:49 - 62:53At the subatomic level there is a continual exchange of...
62:53 - 62:58...matter and energy between my hand and this wood...
62:58 - 63:04...between the wood and the air, and even between you and me.
63:04 - 63:08I mean a real exchange of photons and electrons.
63:08 - 63:11Ultimately, whether we like it or not...
63:11 - 63:43...we're all part of one inseparable web of relationships.
63:43 - 63:50- How does all this explain light? - Yes, finally, light.
63:50 - 63:53Light doesn't need a medium because although it...
63:53 - 63:59...travels in waves, it also travels as particles.
63:59 - 64:01Light is both particles and waves?
64:01 - 64:06Yes, but the particles of light, which we call photons...
64:06 - 64:10...are of a very special kind.
64:10 - 64:13Unlike other particles, they never stands still.
64:13 - 64:15They never speed up, they never slow down.
64:15 - 64:19They always travel at the same speed. The speed of light.
64:19 - 64:24And the waves are not ordinary waves, like water waves.
64:24 - 64:29They're abstract patterns of probabilities traveling in the form...
64:29 - 64:32- ...of waves. -Patterns of relationships like everything else?
64:32 - 64:36- Exactly. - I get it...
64:36 - 64:42Well, I don't get it. But I... I get it.
64:42 - 64:44Let there be light.
64:44 - 64:49And like light, a great variety of other high-energy particles...
64:49 - 64:52...cosmic rays bombard the earth.
64:52 - 64:55All these particles colliding with the air creating...
64:55 - 64:59...more particles, interacting further, creating and...
64:59 - 65:03...destroying more particles, and we are in the middle of this cosmic...
65:03 - 65:08...dance of creation and destruction. All of us, all the time.
65:08 - 65:11- Shiva Nataraj. - I beg your pardon?
65:11 - 65:14Shiva Nataraj. The hindu god of dance.
65:14 - 65:18The hindus believe that Shiva's dance sustains the universe...
65:18 - 65:23...that Shiva's dance IS the universe. A ceaseless flow of energy going...
65:23 - 65:27...through a multiplicity of patterns dissolving into one another...
65:27 - 65:29- That's physics. - No, that's poetry.
65:29 - 65:34That's wonderful. No, really. That's great.
65:34 - 65:37But I hope it doesn't bother anybody.
65:37 - 65:41What do you do with this? What's it for?
65:41 - 65:43You don't do anything with it, I don't think.
65:43 - 65:45You just think about it, just contemplate it.
65:45 - 66:00You guys hungry? I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat.
66:00 - 66:05How can they do that here? I mean, how can they do that anywhere?
66:05 - 66:08- It's your fault. - What?!
66:08 - 66:10Well, O.K., it's not your fault.
66:10 - 66:12It's physicists' fault. They made the bomb.
66:12 - 66:16Well, you can't blame littering on the bomb.
66:16 - 66:19Why not? The bomb made the whole planet disposable.
66:19 - 66:22Littering is an expression of powerlessness.
66:22 - 66:24Like, "hey, what difference does more crap make?"
66:24 - 66:27It's all going anyway. Kaplooey!
66:27 - 66:34Maybe you're right.
66:34 - 66:39You know, I visited Hiroshima 10 years ago.
66:39 - 66:42I went to the museums.
66:42 - 66:46I saw the photographs of devastation.
66:46 - 66:50I went to the Peace Park.
66:50 - 66:55Looked at all the monuments... the statue of a mother with a baby...
66:55 - 67:00...the statue of a goddess enveloped in paper cranes...
67:00 - 67:05...Big Peace Bell.
67:05 - 67:10And then I saw a mound about 6 feet high covered with grass.
67:10 - 67:12It wasn't decorated in any way.
67:12 - 67:20It wasn't a symbol of anything, no monument.
67:20 - 67:26It simply contained the ashes of the atomic bomb victims.
67:26 - 67:31The actual remains of what was left of tens, maybe hundreds...
67:31 - 67:36...and thousands of men and women and children...
67:36 - 67:40...incinerated because of our knowledge.
67:40 - 67:48A flash of light that burned them and obliterated them and totally...
67:48 - 67:54...transformed the world.
67:54 - 68:00And as I stood in front of that mound of ashes I...
68:00 - 68:08...felt that I was face-to-face with the victims of--
68:08 - 68:11I can't say it. The victims of...
68:11 - 68:20...my work as a scientist, as a physicist.
68:20 - 68:28I cried.
68:28 - 68:31When I was little, up on the third floor with my brother...
68:31 - 68:34...we'd lay on our beds watching the heat lightning flashes...
68:34 - 68:36...and he'd say "What's that?"
68:36 - 68:41And I'd say "That's it, that's the big one, we're all going to die."
68:41 - 68:45You can't make yourself responsible for Hiroshima, Sonia...
68:45 - 68:47...just because you do physics.
68:47 - 68:50You didn't invent the bomb. And even if you had, somebody...
68:50 - 68:54...else decided to use it, a politician.
68:54 - 68:57Oppenheimer said he felt he had blood on his hands...
68:57 - 68:59...and he did invented it. President Truman's answer was...
68:59 - 69:01"Who the hell does he think he is?
69:01 - 69:03I'm the one who ordered them to drop the damn thing."
69:03 - 69:05Even Oppenheimer wasn't to blame.
69:05 - 69:09Scientists are supposed to figure things out, the rest of us figure...
69:09 - 69:11...out what to do about it.
69:11 - 69:14I'm sorry, Sonia. I was kidding.
69:14 - 69:18Maybe littering is more an expression of poor toilet training, hmm?
69:18 - 69:23I don't know, maybe we could change the subject.
69:23 - 69:28There's no accountability for scientists as there is for...
69:28 - 69:30...other professions.
69:30 - 69:32Why aren't we obliged, like medical doctors, to not...
69:32 - 69:35...use our knowledge destructively?
69:35 - 69:38It's not that simple. I don't think.
69:38 - 69:41Oppenheimer said he had blood in his hands.
69:41 - 69:44He had regrets after the fact.
69:44 - 69:48I have regrets because of my x-ray laser.
69:48 - 69:54See, I'm responsible for the consequences of my discovery.
69:54 - 69:59You know, we never talked about responsibility at the university...
69:59 - 70:03...not in my time. We never discussed ethics.
70:03 - 70:05We were never taught value thinking.
70:05 - 70:10No one induced upon us the wisdom of the american...
70:10 - 70:14...indian tribes who made all their...
70:14 - 70:19...important decisions with the seventh generation in mind.
70:19 - 70:23We were never taught to think about the future that way.
70:23 - 70:27We were taught in our closed rooms that we were doing pure science...
70:27 - 70:37...in pursuit of pure truth. The noble pursuit of pure truth.
70:37 - 70:40Well, that's what science is, Sonia. Don't be so hard on yourself.
70:40 - 70:46No, that's what science was maybe, but pure science hardly exists today.
70:46 - 70:49The scientist isn't sitting in his lab anymore choosing to work...
70:49 - 70:53...on what fascinates him most. Science is expensive.
70:53 - 70:58The Pentagon, who pays most of it, decides what is fascinating.
70:58 - 71:0570% of all science done in the United States today is paid by the military.
71:05 - 71:11We give our knowledge away without thinking about the values...
71:11 - 71:14...without thinking about who is responsible.
71:14 - 71:16But there is oversight.
71:16 - 71:19I've served on some of those oversight committees.
71:19 - 71:26Scientism is any rational belief in the truth of science.
71:26 - 71:29It's become a religion today.
71:29 - 71:33It's not a good religion, but it is a dominating religion.
71:33 - 71:38And people, of course, who see what miracles physicists...
71:38 - 71:42...are able to achieve, like going to outer space, splitting atoms...
71:42 - 71:46...or making bombs, believe that scientists who are so powerful...
71:46 - 71:51...also must be very wise, and so they don't question their...
71:51 - 71:55...work anymore and they leave their own responsibility in the...
71:55 - 72:03...hands of these people they envision to have this power of knowledge.
72:03 - 72:06And although they know that scientists are doing scary...
72:06 - 72:11...things in the shadows, they just hope that they will be careful.
72:11 - 72:15And then scientists hand over THEIR responsibility...
72:15 - 72:19...to those who are paying them.
72:19 - 72:23And I know what happens when you hand over your responsibility...
72:23 - 72:30...to those who pay you, like I did with my laser.
72:30 - 72:33It broke my heart.
72:33 - 72:36If you're worried about the possible dangers of genetic engineering...
72:36 - 72:38...you get advice from a scientist.
72:38 - 72:41He's the only one who understands.
72:41 - 72:43You pretty much have to take his word for it too...
72:43 - 72:50...because often you don't know even what questions to ask.
72:50 - 72:53Science should welcome your questions, because science...
72:53 - 72:56...itself should question everything.
72:56 - 73:00You know, this oversight committees hold hearings from time to time...
73:00 - 73:05...where the public is invited to comment, maybe you should be there.
73:05 - 73:11Personally, you might be able to do some good.
73:11 - 73:14He's still running. Only the Terminator can stop him.
73:14 - 73:17Should we get the check?
73:17 - 73:27- I'll pay. - Oh, no, no.
73:27 - 73:321968, Chicago. Democratic Convention.
73:32 - 73:35The cops are getting ready the charge the demonstrator and I'm standing...
73:35 - 73:38...next to this guy who I've never before seen, and I say to him...
73:38 - 73:43"Well, I'm going home". He says "Don't go home, go into politics"
73:43 - 73:45...and like a fool, I listened to him.
73:45 - 73:49That guy was Jack who is today a conservative democrat...
73:49 - 73:52...whatever the hell that is.
73:52 - 73:55I was working for a delegate, I wasn't even a demonstrator.
73:55 - 73:59I was just trying to get into the Hall. Then the cops charged the crowd.
73:59 - 74:05We all got tear-gassed, I broke my nose. We spent the night in Mayor Daley's jail.
74:05 - 74:08Whatever happened to all those people?
74:08 - 74:12Jesse Jackson got most of them. The rest went to sleep.
74:12 - 74:14I don't mean politically, Jack. The primaries are over.
74:14 - 74:18Personally... whatever happened to them? Where they live? What do they do?
74:18 - 74:20I don't know personally.
74:20 - 74:22But politically, the Green Party got them, at least in Europe.
74:22 - 74:26Peace activists, environmentalists, the feminists, the students left...
74:26 - 74:29...the Green Party got them all.
74:29 - 74:31What happened to them really?
74:31 - 74:34I think it proves that ecological thinking is getting stronger and stronger...
74:34 - 74:39...people who see the whole picture, who see that all these questions...
74:39 - 74:41...are related to each other.
74:41 - 74:45- She's back. - And Gorvachev?
74:45 - 74:52Gorvachev? Was he at the Chicago Demonstration?
74:52 - 74:55Mom. I thought you were with those men.
74:55 - 75:05- I am. They're out there. Hello, Roman. - Bonjour, Madame.
75:05 - 75:14We're going to the beach. I'm changing my shoes.
75:14 - 75:18- What's the trouble? - Nothing.
75:18 - 75:23- Did I do something wrong? - No, it's...
75:23 - 75:28...just I can't stand you talking about what's wrong with the world...
75:28 - 75:32...and your new vision of reality, when what I hear is that...
75:32 - 75:35...you're talking about your own problems.
75:35 - 75:43How your self feel disconnected, I mean, you can't even relate to me.
75:43 - 75:54- Are you coming with us this time? - Yeah. Come, Kit. Please.
75:54 - 75:58- Do you mind if I go? - No.
75:58 - 76:02I like Jack. Be real with him. Don't bore him to death.
76:02 - 76:20- Kit, he's a married man. - It could do you some good.
76:20 - 76:24In the 1968, Richard Nixon won the youth vote.
76:24 - 76:30In 1980 and 1984 Ronald Reagan did the same thing.
76:30 - 76:35Majority of americans are very conservative.
76:35 - 76:39I think we are dealing with a historical process that's so deep that...
76:39 - 76:42...even americans won't be able to resist it much longer.
76:42 - 76:46When I look around in the sciences, I see the same patterns emerging everywhere...
76:46 - 76:50...the same notions of holism, the same thinking in terms of processes...
76:50 - 76:55...instead of structures. It's happening in America too, because once something...
76:55 - 76:58...takes hold in the sciences, it will spread.
76:58 - 77:02It always has, whether we like it or not.
77:02 - 77:06I'm glad to hear you say that.
77:06 - 77:23I thought you'd given up on America.
77:23 - 77:26What's wrong with him?
77:26 - 77:30The color has probably caught him.
77:30 - 77:35He's a poet. He's got a license to be moody.
77:35 - 77:40It's taken him miles from his home, but it's kept him free.
77:40 - 77:46I sometimes think he can change his thoughts, his point of view...
77:46 - 77:48...about anything anytime he wants.
77:48 - 77:51When he meets someone like you who sees things in a...
77:51 - 77:54...completely new way, he's totally free to go along with it.
77:54 - 77:58And should you succeed in really changing his views and win him over.
77:58 - 78:03You can be sure, he'd put those new ideas into a play or...
78:03 - 78:08...a poem and people would admire him for his flexibility.
78:08 - 78:13And you... you feel constrained by your constituency.
78:13 - 78:17Yeah, kind of.
78:17 - 78:19They want me to be the good old conservative democrat...
78:19 - 78:23...they voted for and basically, that's what I am.
78:23 - 78:28Anyway, I'm supposed to represent them. It's not all up to me.
78:28 - 78:33It's supposed to be the will of the people that sets the course and the government...
78:33 - 78:37...that finds the means, the best way to give the folks what they want.
78:37 - 78:44Of course, it's all a mess right now. The problems are so complex.
78:44 - 78:48There's so much crossover from one problem to another.
78:48 - 78:55It's hard for people to even begin to think about them.
78:55 - 78:59But still... I think Thomas Jefferson was every bit as...
78:59 - 79:02...great a mind as Isaac Newton was.
79:02 - 79:05I doubt if there's been a better form of government...
79:05 - 79:08...anywhere in history ever and, of course, getting into...
79:08 - 79:12...politics is nothing to be ashamed of.
79:12 - 79:16To me it's still the biggest challenge there is.
79:16 - 79:21But things are changing faster and faster every day.
79:21 - 79:24A few years back, the greenhouse effect was just a theory...
79:24 - 79:27...and now... we're just not keeping up.
79:27 - 79:30But, Sonia, the question is, can you ideas change that?
79:30 - 79:32Hasn't a lot of what we've talked about been discussed...
79:32 - 79:37...and recognized already, recognized in all the environmental legislation?
79:37 - 79:42Clean water in '72. Clean air in '77. 12, 14 years ago.
79:42 - 79:43And we're still falling behind.
79:43 - 79:46So can your ideas make these things move faster?
79:46 - 79:49I mean, if you're going to wait for most of the...
79:49 - 79:52people to be ready to go along with you, before you move...
79:52 - 79:55which is what you have to do...
79:55 - 79:58I'm sure you're not a secret lover of dictatorships, but...
79:58 - 80:03...wouldn't it take some totalitarian regime to put ideas as comprehensive...
80:03 - 80:10...as yours into effect? So, how does all this translate into politics?
80:10 - 80:14Is this just going to be the best conversation I've had in months or is...
80:14 - 80:16...there still a chance you can get me elected president? That's what I...
80:16 - 80:22- ...want to know. - You're still asking me for a program.
80:22 - 80:27I'm trying to make you embrace a vision...
80:27 - 80:30...but you just want to know what the packaging is.
80:30 - 80:34I'm a practical man. I'm from Missouri.
80:34 - 80:41- I thought you were from the east coast. - That's an expression. It means: Show Me.
80:41 - 80:46Devising policies, that's your job.
80:46 - 80:50I do think that as long as you continue looking at things...
80:50 - 80:54...through that old patriarchal-cartesian-newtonian lens...
80:54 - 80:59...you're going to miss out on what the world really is.
80:59 - 81:05You, we, all of us, we need a new vision of the world and we need a more...
81:05 - 81:12...comprehensive, more inclusive science to support us.
81:12 - 81:16There is a new theory emerging now which places all the ecological...
81:16 - 81:22...concepts we've talking about into one coherent, scientific framework.
81:22 - 81:29We call it Systems Theory, the theory of living systems.
81:29 - 81:32Living systems?
81:32 - 81:39All living organisms as well as social systems and ecosystems.
81:39 - 81:42This theory would help us get a much firmer grasp on...
81:42 - 81:45...the sciences that deal with life.
81:45 - 81:49Are these all your own ideas, or do other people share them?
81:49 - 81:53Has these been applied in the sciences anywhere?
81:53 - 81:58Am I a crank? It's O.K., senator.
81:58 - 82:02This is real science, and many scientists, including some...
82:02 - 82:07...Nobel laureates, have been working on these ideas...
82:07 - 82:14Prigogine, Bateson, Maturana, just to mention a few.
82:14 - 82:20Yes, it is science, but of a new kind.
82:20 - 82:24Instead of concentrating on basic building blocks, the...
82:24 - 82:29...systems view concentrates on principles of organization.
82:29 - 82:33Instead of cutting things to pieces, it looks at the...
82:33 - 82:38...living system as a whole.
82:38 - 82:42How can you think usefully about things in this holistic way?
82:42 - 82:48You can contemplate them, you can look at them, as Thomas says...
82:48 - 82:52But if you want to do something, if you want to get into specifics...
82:52 - 82:55...by definition, don't you have to take things apart?
82:55 - 83:00How you can talk usefully about a tree without talking...
83:00 - 83:03...about its roots, or its leaves or its bark?
83:03 - 83:08Well, I could without even naming the parts you mention.
83:08 - 83:12A cartesian would look at the tree and conceptually take...
83:12 - 83:16...it to pieces, but then he would never really understand...
83:16 - 83:18...the nature of the tree.
83:18 - 83:22A systems thinker would look at the tree and see the...
83:22 - 83:27...seasonal exchange between tree and earth, earth and sky.
83:27 - 83:33Would see the annual cycle, which really is one big breath...
83:33 - 83:38...the earth takes through its forests, providing us with oxygen.
83:38 - 83:45A breath of life, linking the earth with the sky and us with the universe.
83:45 - 83:52A systems thinker would look at the tree and see the life of the tree...
83:52 - 83:57...only in relation to the life of the whole forest.
83:57 - 84:04Would see the tree as a habitat for birds, a home for insects.
84:04 - 84:10But if you look at the tree and try to understand it as something separate...
84:10 - 84:14...you will be bewildered by the millions of fruits it's producing...
84:14 - 84:21...in its lifetime because only one or two trees will grow from those fruits.
84:21 - 84:26Though if you look at the tree and see it as a member of a...
84:26 - 84:31...larger living system, that abundance of fruits will make...
84:31 - 84:36...sense, because hundreds upon hundreds of forest animals...
84:36 - 84:42...and birds will survive because of them... Interdependence.
84:42 - 84:46And the tree cannot survive on its own, either.
84:46 - 84:49To draw water from the ground it needs the fungus that...
84:49 - 84:53...grows at the tip of each root, and the fungus needs the...
84:53 - 84:56...root to survive, and the root needs the fungus.
84:56 - 84:59If one dies, the other dies.
84:59 - 85:03And there are millions of relationships like this in our world...
85:03 - 85:07...each depending on each other for life.
85:07 - 85:13The Systems Theory recognizes this web of relationships...
85:13 - 85:16...as the essence of all living things.
85:16 - 85:21Only the uninformed would call such a notion naive or romantic...
85:21 - 85:27...because this dependency we all share is a scientific fact.
85:27 - 85:29A web of relationships?
85:29 - 85:34Yes, but this time it is the web of life itself.
85:34 - 85:42The theory of living systems actually provides you with an outline...
85:42 - 85:51...of an answer to that eternal question: What is Life?
85:51 - 85:55O.K., Sonia. Let's hear it. What's life?
85:55 - 86:04In system language the answer would be... The Essence of Life is Self-Organization.
86:04 - 86:08- What's so funny? - That's great.
86:08 - 86:14What is life, ma'am? Is self-organizing, I mean, that's very nice.
86:14 - 86:16That's very, very, very, nice.
86:16 - 86:19That's very nice, ma'am. That's very, very nice.
86:19 - 86:24I don't know, it sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland.
86:24 - 86:30Maybe somebody down here speaks your language... Jabberwocky?
86:30 - 86:33You know, as Merlin once said to King Arthur...
86:33 - 86:36"Don't dishonor your feast by rejecting what's come to it"
86:36 - 86:40Well said. What is life?
86:40 - 86:45Life is self-organizing. Well, that's just extraordinary.
86:45 - 86:50Yes, it is. And it means something specific too.
86:50 - 86:57It means that a living system is self-maintaining, self-renewing...
86:57 - 87:02- ...self-transcending. - What does self-maintaining mean?
87:02 - 87:07Well, it means that a living system, although depending on...
87:07 - 87:11...its environment, is not determined by it.
87:11 - 87:14Take the yellow fields of rye around this island, with all...
87:14 - 87:18...the rain here those fields should be green all year round...
87:18 - 87:21...but every summer they turn yellow, why?
87:21 - 87:29Well, to use a metaphor, each plant "remembers" that it originated...
87:29 - 87:32...in the hot and dry climate of southern Asia, it remembers...
87:32 - 87:38...and not even a dramatically different climate can change its inner workings.
87:38 - 87:43- Self-maintaining, self-organizing. - I see.
87:43 - 87:46What about self-renewing? What does that mean?
87:46 - 87:52Take us. Like all living organisms, we are constantly replacing...
87:52 - 87:59...ourselves in continuous cycles, much faster than you can imagine.
87:59 - 88:02You pancreas, for example, do you know that it replaces most...
88:02 - 88:05...of its cells within 24 hours?
88:05 - 88:08That means that you wake up with a new pancreas each morning...
88:08 - 88:11...and a new stomach lining as well.
88:11 - 88:15And you skin, do you know that your skin falls off at the rate of...
88:15 - 88:19...100,000 cells a minute?
88:19 - 88:23Do you know that most of the dust in our homes consists of our...
88:23 - 88:25...own dead skin cells?
88:25 - 88:31That'll get into a poem. Our households are filled with dead skin.
88:31 - 88:35But at the same time, as all these dead cells are being shed...
88:35 - 88:40...just as many are dividing and producing new skin.
88:40 - 88:42That's self-renewing.
88:42 - 88:45As Heraclitus once said "A man can't step into the same river...
88:45 - 88:48...twice", Sonia says a man can't shake hands with the same man...
88:48 - 88:52- ...twice with the same hand, right? - Yes and no.
88:52 - 88:55Though most of our cells are being replaced, we do recognize...
88:55 - 89:00...each other because the pattern of our organization...
89:00 - 89:03...is still the same.
89:03 - 89:07That's one of the important characteristics of life...
89:07 - 89:13...continuous structural change, but stability in the pattern...
89:13 - 89:16- ...of the system's organization. - And that's all there is to life?
89:16 - 89:20No, there is self-transcending.
89:20 - 89:25Self-organization is not only the living systems...
89:25 - 89:31...maintaining themselves and continuously renewing themselves.
89:31 - 89:36It also means that they have an inherent tendency to...
89:36 - 89:45...transcend themselves, to reach out and create new forms.
89:45 - 89:50That is one of the most exciting parts to me that the basic dynamics...
89:50 - 89:55...of evolution it's not adaptation, it's creativity.
89:55 - 89:58You mean living systems will evolve just for the hell of it?
89:58 - 90:01They'll go exploring whether they need it for survive or not?
90:01 - 90:04I'm not so far out of step as I usually suppose?
90:04 - 90:10No, you're not. Creativity is a basic element of evolution.
90:10 - 90:15Every living organism has the potential for creativity...
90:15 - 90:18...for surprising and transcending itself.
90:18 - 90:23- Creating what, for instance, beauty? - Oh, yes, beauty too.
90:23 - 90:28Evolution is so much more than adaptation to the environment...
90:28 - 90:35...because what is the environment if not a living system wich evolves...
90:35 - 90:43...and creatively adapts itself? So, which adapts to which?
90:43 - 90:49Each to the other, they... co-evolve.
90:49 - 90:56Evolution is an ongoing dance, an ongoing conversation.
90:56 - 91:00We are systems, and the planet is a system.
91:00 - 91:06We don't evolve on the planet, we evolve with the planet.
91:06 - 91:11Wouldn't it be extraordinarily powerful if you could introduce...
91:11 - 91:14...just that one idea into the political dialogue?
91:14 - 91:17Yeah, Jack. There might be something in this for you to...
91:17 - 91:21...renew you candidacy, while as for Sonia and myself--
91:21 - 91:25I beg you're going to say it was my destiny to come here and...
91:25 - 91:32...meet Sonia and listen to these ideas. What am I going to do about this?
91:32 - 91:35I come from a country where they use 40% of the world's...
91:35 - 91:39...resources to support 6% of the world's population, which...
91:39 - 91:42...makes the population so happy and peaceful that we're...
91:42 - 91:44...the world's biggest drug market.
91:44 - 91:48Half our teenagers contemplate suicide, one in five girls has tried it.
91:48 - 91:52Would a system thinker give nuclear energy a second thought?
91:52 - 91:55We're up to our necks in all of its waste.
91:55 - 91:58And the most important issue of what you've just been saying...
91:58 - 92:03...is the obsessive pursuit of growth. That has to stop.
92:03 - 92:07I know, I know. I've been over this a hundred times...
92:07 - 92:10...obsessive growth, pathological growth, destructive growth...
92:10 - 92:13...but how are you going to get anybody to accept it?
92:13 - 92:16What am I going to do? Where do you start?
92:16 - 92:22We have to give importance to the next generation, and the next.
92:22 - 92:26It was only when we failed to include them in...
92:26 - 92:29...our scientific theories, and in our pursuit of growth...
92:29 - 92:33...that we placed all living systems in jeopardy.
92:33 - 92:40Just contemplate that horrifying fact that we are leaving to our...
92:40 - 92:46...children the most poisonous of wastes: plutonium.
92:46 - 92:49It's going to remain poisonous for the next generation...
92:49 - 92:51...and the next, and the next.
92:51 - 92:56In fact, it's going to remain poisonous for a half million years.
92:56 - 93:00We should never have accepted that theory "Knowledge is power".
93:00 - 93:03We should never have accepted the idea that what's good for...
93:03 - 93:09...General Motors is good for America. We need a sustainable society.
93:09 - 93:13One in which our needs are being satisfied without diminishing...
93:13 - 93:17...the possibilities of the next generation.
93:17 - 93:21You're asking me-- You're asking me what should you do?
93:21 - 93:24I don't know what you should do. You know what you should do.
93:24 - 93:29I know that what worked for me was to come here, be quiet...
93:29 - 93:34...and take one thing at a time, think one thought to its end.
93:34 - 93:41Now, that was my first real step... Telling you was my second.
93:41 - 93:44You can't pass the buck that easily.
93:44 - 93:47How about doing something direct about this?
93:47 - 93:52How about helping me? How about joining my staff?
93:52 - 93:55What-- What do you mean?
93:55 - 93:56I don't know...
93:56 - 94:00Finding a way to get these ideas of yours into the political mainstream.
94:00 - 94:04You say the ideas are practical, I'll give you a chance to prove it.
94:04 - 94:09It would be a frustrating work, you'd have to watch a lot of lying...
94:09 - 94:12...and wheeling and dealing and learns how to compromise, too.
94:12 - 94:17You'd have to get your hands dirty.
94:17 - 94:23I get them dirty the way I want here, in my Ivory Tower...
94:23 - 94:28...where I can sit and think.
94:28 - 94:32Jack, with his tenacious pursuit of the common good, not...
94:32 - 94:35...to mention his own career, just doesn't seem to understand...
94:35 - 94:38...how an individual could want to get away...
94:38 - 94:42...a long, long way away, thousands and thousands and...
94:42 - 94:44...thousands of miles away.
94:44 - 94:47So you can be a voice crying in the wilderness instead...
94:47 - 94:52...of being one of many voices trying to be heard over the clamor?
94:52 - 94:57Believe me, I can appreciate being here...
94:57 - 95:03I can understand why that would be nice...
95:03 - 95:08I see the pedestrian nature of political work, but...
95:08 - 95:28Look, if you're going to say no, don't say anything just think it over.
95:28 - 95:30What time does the tide actually come in?
95:30 - 95:35It will be soon now. It's going to reach its all-year high today.
95:35 - 95:42We can go closer. Come.
95:42 - 95:44Thomas must like you.
95:44 - 95:49He doesn't usually have this much time for other people's ideas. Do you?
95:49 - 95:56Not yours, maybe. No, that's not nice.
95:56 - 95:59Yes, I like her. I like you.
95:59 - 96:03You have a lot of guts to come here, isolate, stay put...
96:03 - 96:06...determine to figure things out until you had something...
96:06 - 96:11...to offer a couple of sods like you and I.
96:11 - 96:13A lot of people talk about doing thins like that.
96:13 - 96:16But how many people actually do it?
96:16 - 96:19You could have stayed as long, read as much, and decided...
96:19 - 96:21...you have nothing to offer.
96:21 - 96:25An isolation in and of itself is a very scaring thing, Jack.
96:25 - 96:28So, yeah, I like you. I like you, too.
96:28 - 96:33It was very brave of you to listen. I'd have been disappointed if you hadn't.
96:33 - 96:39But you know, Jack, I'm not so sure that strong-arming her...
96:39 - 96:43...into a washingtonian office is exactly where she needs to be right now.
96:43 - 96:46In fact, it may be exactly where she doesn't need to be.
96:46 - 96:49What's eating you?
96:49 - 96:57Yeah, you're right. What is this, group therapy?
96:57 - 97:01All this is covered in water when the tide comes in, isn't it?
97:01 - 97:03Oh, yes.
97:03 - 97:06Including the pastures, must take a special breed of sheep...
97:06 - 97:09...to be able grazing here around with all this salt.
97:09 - 97:13And how could the grass grow without the manure and the...
97:13 - 97:15...sheep grazing on it?
97:15 - 97:18I wouldn't be surprised if the people here have a taste for salty lambs...
97:18 - 97:28...so the people are in it too... the sea, the grass, the people, the sheep.
97:28 - 97:34«You asked me what the lobster is weaving down there with its golden feet?
97:34 - 97:39I tell you, the ocean knows this.
97:39 - 97:45You say, who is the ascidia waiting for in its transparent bell?
97:45 - 97:50I tell you, it's waiting for time, like you.
97:50 - 97:55You say, who does the Macrocystis algae hug in its arms?
97:55 - 98:01Study it, study it at a certain hour, in a certain sea I know.
98:01 - 98:05You question me about the wicked tusk of the narwhal...
98:05 - 98:08...and I respond by describing to you how the sea unicorn...
98:08 - 98:14...with a harpoon in it dies.
98:14 - 98:18You inquire about the kingfisher's feathers which tremble...
98:18 - 98:22...in the pure springs of the southern shores...
98:22 - 98:25I want to tell you that the ocean knows this...
98:25 - 98:31...that life in its jewel boxes is endless as the sand...
98:31 - 98:38...impossible to count, pure, and that time among the blood-colored grapes...
98:38 - 98:41...has made the petal hard and shiny, filled the...
98:41 - 98:45...jellyfish with light, untied its knot letting its musical threads...
98:45 - 98:50...fall from a horn of plenty made of infinite mother-of-pearl.
98:50 - 98:54I'm nothing but the empty net which has gone on ahead of human eyes...
98:54 - 98:57...dead in the darknesses, of fingers accustomed to the triangle...
98:57 - 99:01...longitudes on the timid globe of an orange.
99:01 - 99:07I walked around like you investigating the endless star.
99:07 - 99:12And in my net during the night I woke up naked.
99:12 - 99:24The only thing caught? A fish trapped inside the wind.»
99:24 - 99:29Pablo Neruda.
99:29 - 99:33Pablo Neruda!
99:33 - 99:36That remind you of anything?
99:36 - 99:40"Walked around investigating the endless star?"
99:40 - 99:43Isn't that what you do, Sonia?
99:43 - 99:46"And in my net during the night, I awoke naked--" Isn't that what you do?
99:46 - 99:50Don't you take your net and throw it into these far-out places...
99:50 - 99:53...of quantum physics and systems theory?
99:53 - 99:56And don't you find that the only thing you ever catch...
99:56 - 100:00...is your own self back again?
100:00 - 100:06Like a fish trapped inside the wind?
100:06 - 100:14Where are the other people in your system, Sonia... the ones you love?
100:14 - 100:18And what about this tourists here that we feel so superior to?
100:18 - 100:22Aren't they, too, like fish trapped inside the wind?
100:22 - 100:25And, I don't know, maybe even the feeling's more terrible for them...
100:25 - 100:30...because they don't have words to describe it.
100:30 - 100:35So, tell me Sonia, where are all of us in there...
100:35 - 100:43...the real people with their qualities, their longings, their weaknesses?
100:43 - 100:48Where are you inside there, Sonia? Where's Kit?
100:48 - 100:52You know, scientists can tell us what life's internal...
100:52 - 100:56...metaphors are, whether they're computer chips or clocks.
100:56 - 101:01Politician can tell us what forms our lives should take...
101:01 - 101:04But, uh...
101:04 - 101:10I feel just as reduced being called a system as I do being called a clock.
101:10 - 101:17Life's just... just not condensable.
101:17 - 101:21One group of people uses one set of words to change...
101:21 - 101:24...the world, then another set of people come along with a...
101:24 - 101:30...different set of words to change it. And I don't mind, you know?
101:30 - 101:34It's all the same to me. I don't mind a bit.
101:34 - 101:38It's like the seasons changing, and I like you.
101:38 - 101:41I like your timorous courage.
101:41 - 101:45I like the fact that you want to make the world a better place.
101:45 - 101:49And I like my silly friend Jack who's crazy enough to think...
101:49 - 101:53...that he wants to be the president of the United States.
101:53 - 101:58And as for me... don't mind me. I'm a... fool.
101:58 - 102:02But remember...
102:02 - 102:11Life feels itself. Life feels itself.
102:11 - 102:16Differently, perhaps, than all your words for how to manage it.
102:16 - 102:20And even with the best intentions in the world you'll go wrong if you forget...
102:20 - 102:23...that life-- life-- life--
102:23 - 102:29...life is infinitely more than yours or my obtuse theories about it.
102:29 - 102:37Healing the universe is an inside job, and you've helped me.
102:37 - 102:40And I love you.
102:40 - 102:48And I love you too. I love you both.
102:48 - 102:51Water!
102:51 - 103:53What a day! What a day!
103:53 - 103:58Well, if we're going to go, we better leave now.
103:58 - 104:00Why don't you just stay?
104:00 - 104:08I don't know. Why don't you just come? Anyway, thanks.
104:08 - 104:10Thank you.
104:10 - 104:16Don't thank me, I loved the day. I hate goodbyes.
104:16 - 104:21Maybe it's not goodbye. Please think about what I said.
104:21 - 104:26- Let us know how the water raises. - Does that matter?
104:26 - 104:31Of course it matters. Let it get all the way back the line.
104:31 - 104:35Let it renew itself. Right, Sonia? Maybe come to Paris to let me know.
104:35 - 105:18- Or Washington. - Or New York.
105:18 - 105:28Where are the other people in your system, Sonia... the ones you love?
105:28 - 105:35The real people with their qualities... their longings, their weaknesses.
105:35 - 105:37Mom, are you O.K.?
105:37 - 105:51Where are you inside there, Sonia? Where's Kit?
105:51 - 106:00What are you thinking?
106:00 - 106:23Shall we go home?
106:23 - 106:28I feel like my long weekend in France has just come to a close.
106:28 - 106:32Maybe I, too, am tired of being a stranger, of being outside...
106:32 - 106:38...a language environment which lived, which resonated inside me...
106:38 - 106:49...our emotional system, as she might say, needs a larger system to nurture it.
106:49 - 106:50Doesn't make any difference.
106:50 - 106:53You're locked in with the people you know, you need to belong somewhere.
106:53 - 106:57- He's right, of course, about damn near everything.
106:57 - 107:02Even the parts I didn't understand felt right.
107:02 - 107:09So... should I just go with it?
107:09 - 107:18Is this one of those turning points?
107:18 - 107:26«You the woman, I the man, this the world, and each is the work of all.
107:26 - 107:29It is the muffled step in the sand, the stranger, the crippled wren...
107:29 - 107:32...the nun, the dance of the angels, winging over the walkers in the village.
107:32 - 107:37And there are many beautiful arms around us and the things we know...»
107:37 - 107:52I don't know how the rest of that damn poem goes.
107:52 - 107:56Subtitles by: Colectivo Intuición del Espacio.
107:56 - 108:00Colaborators: Milton de Jesús Medellín Álvarez
108:00 - 108:04and Néstor Daniel Pérez Muñoz.
108:04 -Revision and ressync: http://www.youtube/ECOmantiqueira
- Title:
- Mindwalk (1990) [Leg. Esp.- Eng Captions]
- Description:
Baseado no livro "O Ponto de Mutação" de Fritjof Capra
Comentário do site:
É o início dos anos 90, o "consciente" coletivo do mundo ainda está fixado em produção em massa para alimentar o consumo em massa. Consciência ecológica ainda era coisa de poucos, vistos pelos demais como fanáticos.Neste "cenário" consciencial, três personagens se encontram: uma física afastada do trabalho, por conflitos éticos, vivida pela maravilhosa Liv Ullman; um candidato a presidência dos EUA derrotado nas eleições (Sam Waterston) e um poeta que acabou de viver uma decepção amorosa (John Heard).
Já o "cenário físico" é uma ilha na costa de França chamada Mont Saint Michel, com seu castelo medieval e campos que aparecem e desaparecem pelo movimento das marés, quase sempre encobertos por brumas.
No roteiro, nenhum grande romance, ação ou suspense, apenas conversas sobre ideias que se hoje em dia não são mais novidades, na época eram revolucionárias.
Baseado no livro homônimo de Fritjof Capra e brilhantemente traduzido para o cinema pelo diretor Bernt Capra (irmão do escritor).Assistimos uma cientista apresentando tanto ao político, quanto ao poeta, o pensamento holístico e o que ele poderia fazer pelo Mundo.
Para ver e rever, especialmente neste momento em que estamos começando a caminhar rumo a uma consciência ecológica cada vez maior.
Based on the book "The turning point" by Fritjof Capra.
It´s the beginning of the 90´s, the world collective consciousness is still focused in mass production to feed the mass consumption. Ecological consciousness was still for a few, seen by others as fanatics.In the middle of that consciousness scenario three characters meet: a physicist away from her job due to ethical conflicts, played by the wonderful Liv Ullman, a U.S. presidential candidate beaten in the last elections (Sam Waterson) and a poet, who has just gone through a love disappointment (John Heard).
Along the script no great romantic story, just conversations about ideas which are not new today, but at the time were quite revolutionary. Based on Fritjof Capra novel and brilliantly translated to a movie by director Bernt Capra (Fritjof's brother).
We watch a scientist presenting her holistic vision and what she could do for the world to both, the politician and the poet.
This is a film to watch again and again, specially in the present days, when we are moving into a more ecological consciousness.
Direção: Bernt Amadeus Capra
Escritores: Bernt Amadeus Capra (argumento), Floyd Byars e Fritjof Capra (roteiro)
Elenco: Liv Ullmann (Sonia Hoffman), Sam Waterston (Jack Edwards), John Heard (Thomas Harriman), Ione Skye (Kit Hoffman), Emmanuel Montes (Romain)
Produtores: Adrianna A. J. Cohen, Klaus Lintschinger, Robin Holding, Stephanie Moore
Musica original: Philip Glass
Versao em 14 partes com legenda embutida em português:
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=8D818A99B7B26341 - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 01:48:07
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Amara Bot added a translation | Mar 1, 2012, 8:29 PM |