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Newton's three-body problem explained - Fabio Pacucci

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    In 2009, two researchers ran a simple
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    They took everything we know about our
    solar system and calculated
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    where every planet would be up to 5
    billion years in the future.
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    To do so they ran over 2000 numerical
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    with the same exact initial conditions
    except for one difference:
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    the distance between Mercury and the Sun,
    modified by less than a millimeter
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    from one simulation to the next.
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    Shockingly, in about 1 percent of their
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    Mercury’s orbit changed so drastically
    that it could plunge into the Sun
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    or collide with Venus.
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    Worse yet,
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    in one simulation it destabilized
    the entire inner solar system.
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    This was no error; the astonishing variety
    in results
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    reveals the truth that our solar system
    may be much less stable than it seems.
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    Astrophysicists refer to this astonishing
    property of gravitational systems
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    as the n-body problem.
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    While we have equations that can
    completely predict the motions
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    of two gravitating masses,
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    our analytical tools fall short when
    faced with more populated systems.
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    It’s actually impossible to write down
    all the terms of a general formula
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    that can exactly describe the motion
    of three or more gravitating objects.
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    Why? The issue lies in how many unknown
    variables an n-body system contains.
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    Thanks to Isaac Newton, we can write
    a set of equations
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    to describe the gravitational force
    acting between bodies.
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    However, when trying to find a general
    solution for the unknown variables
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    in these equations,
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    we’re faced with a mathematical
    constraint: for each unknown,
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    there must be at least one equation
    that independently describes it.
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    Initially, a two-body system appears to
    have more unknown variables
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    for position and velocity than
    equations of motion.
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    However, there’s a trick:
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    consider the relative position and
    velocity of the two bodies
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    with respect to the center of
    gravity of the system.
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    This reduces the number of unknowns
    and leaves us with a solvable system.
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    With three or more orbiting objects in the
    picture, everything gets messier.
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    Even with the same mathematical trick
    of considering relative motions,
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    we’re left with more unknowns than
    equations describing them.
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    There are simply too many variables
    for this system of equations
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    to be untangled into a general solution.
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    But what does it actually look like for
    objects in our universe
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    to move according to analytically
    unsolvable equations of motion?
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    A system of three stars––
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    like Alpha Centauri could come crashing
    into one another or, more likely,
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    some might get flung out of orbit
    after a long time of apparent stability.
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    Other than a few highly improbable
    stable configurations,
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    almost every possible case is
    unpredictable on long timescales.
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    Each has an astronomically large range
    of potential outcomes,
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    dependent on the tiniest of differences
    in position and velocity.
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    This behaviour is known as chaotic
    by physicists,
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    and is an important characteristic
    of n-body systems.
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    Such a system is still deterministic—
    meaning there’s nothing random about it.
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    If multiple systems start from the exact
    same conditions,
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    they’ll always reach the same result.
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    But give one a little shove at the start,
    and all bets are off.
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    That’s clearly relevant for human space
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    when complicated orbits need to
    be calculated with great precision.
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    Thankfully, continuous advancements
    in computer simulations
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    offer a number of ways
    to avoid catastrophe.
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    By approximating the solutions with
    increasingly powerful processors,
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    we can more confidently predict the motion
    of n-body systems on long time-scales.
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    And if one body in a group of three is so
    light it exerts no significant force on the other two,
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    the system behaves, with very good
    approximation, as a two-body system.
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    This approach is known as the “restricted
    three-body problem.”
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    It proves extremely useful in describing,
    for example,
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    an asteroid in the Earth-Sun
    gravitational field,
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    or a small planet in the field of a
    black hole and a star.
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    As for our solar system, you’ll
    be happy to hear
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    that we can have reasonable confidence
    in its stability
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    for at least the next several
    hundred million years.
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    Though if another star, launched from
    across the galaxy, is on its way to us,
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    all bets are off.
Newton's three-body problem explained - Fabio Pacucci
Fabio Pacucci

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