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The Power of Art - Caravaggio (complete episode)

  • 0:00 - 0:04
  • 50:46 - 50:51
    -[narrator] It's a self-portrait
    unlike any painted before.
  • 50:51 - 50:53
    Usually when artists
    looked in the mirror,
  • 50:53 - 50:55
    they liked
    what they saw,
  • 50:55 - 50:58
    and what they saw were men,
    young or old,
  • 50:58 - 51:01
    whose features were
    ennobled by their calling
  • 51:01 - 51:05
    to bring virtue, beauty,
    and grace into the world.
  • 51:05 - 51:07
    Now, look at Caravaggio.
  • 51:10 - 51:17
    A decapitated head is Goliath,
    bloody, grotesque, a monster.
  • 51:19 - 51:24
    In The Beheading of John the Baptist,
    evil was done by other people.
  • 51:24 - 51:30
    Here it's Caravaggio who's
    the embodiment of wickedness.
  • 51:30 - 51:32
    In this victory
    of virtue over evil,
  • 51:32 - 51:35
    David is supposed to be
    the center of attention,
  • 51:35 - 51:39
    but have you ever seen
    a less jubilant victor?
  • 51:39 - 51:44
    On his sword is inscribed
    humilitas occidit superbiam,
  • 51:44 - 51:46
    "humility conquers pride,"
  • 51:46 - 51:50
    a battle that's been fought out
    inside Caravaggio's head
  • 51:50 - 51:54
    between the two sides of
    the painter portrayed here.
  • 51:56 - 51:59
    There's the devout,
    courageous David Caravaggio,
  • 51:59 - 52:04
    and then there's the criminal sinner,
    Goliath Caravaggio.
  • 52:04 - 52:07
    "I know who I've been,"
    says a pathetic head,
  • 52:07 - 52:11
    unable to look us in the eyes.
    "I know what I've done."
  • 52:11 - 52:16
    It's a desolate vision,
    offered to us in utter blackness.
  • 52:16 - 52:18
    No virtue,
    no grace,
  • 52:18 - 52:22
    just the dark truth in the
    inside of Caravaggio's head,
  • 52:22 - 52:25
    flooded with tragic
  • 52:25 - 52:27
    [♪ pensive music ♪]
  • 52:45 - 52:48
    For me, the power of his art
    is the power of truth,
  • 52:48 - 52:51
    not least about ourselves.
  • 52:51 - 52:54
    For if we're ever to have
    a chance of redemption,
  • 52:54 - 52:58
    it must begin with an act
    of recognition that in all of us,
  • 52:58 - 53:01
    the Goliath competes
    with the David.
  • 53:05 - 53:09
    In July 1610, Caravaggio
    rolled up his paintings
  • 53:09 - 53:13
    and set sail for Naples,
    finally heading home.
  • 53:13 - 53:18
    [♪ hopeful music ♪ ]
  • 53:18 - 53:22
    Sailing north, his boat stopped
    at the tiny harbor of Palo,
  • 53:22 - 53:24
    on the coast
    just west of Rome.
  • 53:25 - 53:26
    [door clangs shut]
  • 53:29 - 53:33
    Here the local captain of the guard
    either hadn't heard about his pardon,
  • 53:33 - 53:36
    or mistook him
    for some other fugitive.
  • 53:36 - 53:39
    Either way,
    he's thrown in jail.
  • 53:39 - 53:42
    By the time he's managed
    to pay his way out,
  • 53:42 - 53:46
    his boat has sailed off
    along with his paintings,
  • 53:46 - 53:48
    his offering to Borghese.
  • 53:48 - 53:50
    [♪ somber chorus ♪]
  • 53:55 - 53:59
    Desperate to catch up with his ship
    with its precious cargo,
  • 53:59 - 54:03
    Caravaggio sets off north
    towards Porto Ercole,
  • 54:03 - 54:06
    a hundred kilometers
    through the malarial
  • 54:06 - 54:08
    infested swamp country,
    the Maremma.
  • 54:08 - 54:10
    [♪ grim music ♪]
  • 54:36 - 54:40
    Here, the final disaster awaited.
  • 54:40 - 54:42
    In a pathetic attempt
    to hail a ship,
  • 54:42 - 54:45
    Caravaggio starts
    running along the beach
  • 54:45 - 54:50
    under the broiling July sun
    before collapsing in the sand.
  • 54:50 - 54:53
    By now he's suffering
    from a raging fever,
  • 54:53 - 54:56
    and is taken to a local
    monastic hospital.
  • 54:56 - 55:00
    There, according to a
    contemporary report,
  • 55:00 - 55:06
    without the aid of God or man,
    he died, as miserably as he'd lived.
  • 55:06 - 55:08
    [♪ grim music ♪]
  • 55:41 - 55:44
    [no spoken audio]
  • 55:53 - 55:55
  • 55:57 - 56:01
    -It's sometime later that the
    Pope's nephew, Scipione Borghese,
  • 56:01 - 56:08
    finally receives the paintings with which
    Caravaggio had hoped to win his pardon.
  • 56:08 - 56:11
    The Cardinal finds himself
    face to face with the picture
  • 56:11 - 56:15
    of the painter
    as the slain Goliath.
  • 56:15 - 56:17
    The Cardinal
    isn't used to this.
  • 56:17 - 56:20
    Artists have been
    given their gift by God
  • 56:20 - 56:22
    to bring beauty
    into the world,
  • 56:22 - 56:26
    to put mortal creatures in touch
    with their higher selves.
  • 56:26 - 56:28
    That's the way
    it was supposed to be,
  • 56:28 - 56:33
    but Caravaggio never did anything
    the way it was supposed to be.
  • 56:33 - 56:37
    "Here I am," says this dead face,
    which seems still alive.
  • 56:37 - 56:41
    "They said whoever delivers
    my head will get a reward.
  • 56:41 - 56:45
    "Well, I'm turning myself in.
    Will that do?
  • 56:45 - 56:50
    "Can I have my reward?
    Can I have my pardon?"
  • 56:50 - 56:54
    "Sorry," says the Cardinal.
    "So sorry-- you're too late."
  • 56:55 - 56:58
    [♪ pensive music ♪]
The Power of Art - Caravaggio (complete episode)

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Video Language:

English subtitles
